c 4 Pag* • NORTHWEST HERALD S«ctionC Friday, S«pt«mb«r 6,1W5 Wheels Jeep Comanche has own personality SOUTHFIELD, Mich. -- Although bearing a strong family resemblance to the Jeep Cherokee and Wagoneer, the 1966 the same time that the C h e r o k e e a n d Wagonee r were introduced," Castaing recalled. "That gave us two lull years to J eep Comanche make su re t ha t t he compact pickup truck Comanche would be a has been designed and engineered to present a personality all its own. Nothing was taken for granted in its development, despite the fact the Comanche will share many of the established product features built into thesetwo popular Jeep sports utility vehicles. "The pickup truck derivative was part of the original design concept for Cherokee and Wagoneer," said Francois A. Castaing, American Motors' v i ce -p re s iden t o f product engineering and development. "Engineering the Comanche basically > focused on the rear half of the vehicle. From the cab forward, these vehicles have a l a rge deg ree o f commona l i t y , " he added Still! this did not d i s s u a d e J e e p e n g i n e e r s f r o m utilizing nearly 100 p r e - p r o d u c t i o n vehicles to prove the i n t eg r i t y o f t he Comanche's driveline and body structure. More than 500,000 miles of controlled testing was conducted over a two-year period at AMC test facilities i n B u r l i n g t o n , Wisconsin, and Yuma, Arizona. In addition, upward of 100,000 miles were accumulated under no rma l h ighway conditions by AMC's quality and product Integrity group. These tests simulated the types o f d r iv ing conditions the average motorist "We vehicle testing of the Comanche almost at s o l i d , r e l i a b l e competitor in the light truck market." The, primary body s t ruc tu re o f t he Comanche -- both two- wheel-drive and four- wheel-drive versions -- is unique to the compac t p i ckup market in that it is based' on a uniframe construction with two side beams welded directly to the cab f loo r pan , wh i l e p rov id ing fo r a conventional bolt-on cargo box. ^ Hie ultimate design of that sub-structure was the result of finite e l emen t ana lys i s . Originally employed in t h e a e r o s p a c e i n d u s t r y , f i n i t e element analysis was used by AMC's French partner, Renault, to deve lop t he body s t ruc tu re o f t he Alliance passenger c a r . I t is a computerized method of designing a body structure to an optimal level of efficiency. In the case of Comanche, the goal was to achieve a high level of torsional r i g id i ty . F in i t e "element analysis told AMC engineers this could be accomplished by the r ea r s tub frame. Ano the r u ,n ique Comanche feature is a load-variable brake proportioning valve on all 2WD and 4WD models. This sensor mechanism provides a h ighe r deg ree o f balance between front and r ea r b rakes , depend ing on t he vehicle's load factor. It will be the only 2WD the U.S. with this important assist. 1984 F1S0 Loaded, A/C *8995 19S2 THUNDCRBIRD Loaded, Clean •5849 1983 THUNDER BIRD A/C •7049 1983 NISSAN PICK-UP >3995 1984 TOYOTA SRS 4x4 Loaded, X-Cab, A/C '9995 1983 SUBURBAN SUVfRADO Sharp *11,950 1983 CHEVY CHEVETTE Auto *3540 1984 CAMAR0Z28 Loaded '10,595 1981 OLDS CUTLASS WAGON 6 Cyl., A/C *5595 1982 FORD ESCORT Best Buy At *2995 1985 MUSTANG LX Cruise,jLocks, P/S, P/B *6948 1982 HONDA ACCORD HATCHBACK 5 Spd. '5995 1983 NISSAN. SENTRA Auto '4950 1983 FORD EXP. Auto, Sunroof *5350 The body structure of the Jeep Comanche -- both two- since it is based on a uniframe construction with two and four-wheel-drive versions -- is unique to pickups side beams welded directly to the cab floor plan. Passengers wearing seat belts are in for a safer journey: Saab report ORANGE, Conn . -- The lives of hundreds of front-seat occupants would be saved if rear- seat passengers wore sea^ belts. hat is the message rom Robert J. Sinclair, president of Saab-Scania of America, the company that distributes the Swedish Saab car. According to Sinclair, research con ducted in England shows that front-seat passengers share the benefits of encourag ing » rear-seat passengers to buckle up. Belts prevent peo p le in t he back f rom being thrown against front-seat occupants, forcing them against the steering wheel or windshield in spite of their own seat belts. "In a collision at 35 miles per hour, a 150- pound back-seat passenger becomes an 8,000-pound missile," Sinclair said. The result of this law of physics is severe in jury or death to front- seat occupants who would have survived unhurt -- if belted themselves. "This is added in centive for rear passengers to buckle up," Sinclair said. "For in addition to their own protection, they should consider the safety of front-seat occupants." » The point made by Saab's American president was highlighted by a member of the British Parliament, Austin Mitchell. Campaign ing last year for man datory installation of rear seat belts in all new cars sold in England (a similar law is already in effect in the United States), he claimed that if peo ple used them, back seat belts would save 300 lives per year -- in cluding those of 120 front-seat passengers. Confirmation of these estimates comes from - Dr. Murray Mackay, head of the B i r m i n g h a m (England) University Accident Research Unit. Commenting on the surprising prediction that belting rear-seat passengers would save the lives of 120 people riding up front, Mackay sa id t he f ron t - seat occupants would otherwise have been "wiped out by people th rown in to t hem f rom behind." He added: "It is the unrestrained flying granny that worries me." But according to Saab's Sinclair, a granny is not the most •likely rear-seat passenger. "Four in every 10 users of rear seats are children," he said. "It is a sad fact that 28 percent of rear-seat passengers who receive injuries are children aged 13 or under," Sinclair said. "The seat belts are in the cars, ready,to save lives -- if they are us ed." if ̂ ft * MMarquardtBulckinBarrtngton We'i with onaU '85'sl E X A M P L E V GET 7.7 BRAND NEW PARK AVENUE 4 DR. 15505 digital a/c, wire wheels,elec.pass. ^ ^ , rediner, cassette tape, f4 r [Iff fix power antenna. Luxury • I • will IV features galore! Was 117,897 NOW GMAC FINANCING ON THE FOLLOWING MODELS PLUS GREAT DISCOUNTS! BRAND NEW CENTURY 4 DR. IJR1521 a/c, tilt, pulse wipers, stereo and much more. Wastll,601. BRAND NEW REGAL 2 DR. 15520 A/C, stereo, sport mirrors, tilt, tinted glass. WasJ11,734. 'FREIGHT A DEALER PREP. INCLUDED. ONLY TAX « LICENSE ARE EXTRA! A-PLUS USED CARS '83 BUICK RIV. LOADED CAR! Forrest green, metallic. Was $9995 '82 MERCURY GRAND MARQUISE Power seat, door jocks, windows, Landau roof, V-8, 32,000 miles. Was $8495. SMS '81 OLDS OMEGA Auto, power steering, power brakes, clean car! Was$3295. Silt m . '80 PLYMOUTH V0LARE Midnight blue, with only 37,000 miles! Was$3295 Marquardl 142 1 S. B i t i :M j ; to r> Road Barr inston 381-2100 • „ , Sa les Hours R U I C K Compet i t ive Pr ic ing and Monday Thursday 9 9 F r . 9 6 SV OUIV^rV Cour teous Sa les Peon le . THE COVENTRY MOTORS DIFFERENCE! 1 2 3 DM you know that "Coventry Conditioned Speclalei" Are fully reconditioned to Insure a good engine, transmission, electrical system and brakes. 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' Louvers $ I $10,995 *10,250 82 DODGE MAX I VAN V8, Auto, P/S, P/B Was . t $6295 1 82 V.W. RABBIT 4 DR. 4 Cyl . . 4Spd A i r . AM/FAA $52 (5 $5295 S3960 81 DODGE MAXI VAN Semi Converted $5295 *4980 83 NISSAN SENTRA WAGON 4 Cyl . , Auto . A . r , UAAA P/S, Casset te $5995 >4990 . IOMQUAUTYI soviet nuns 79 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 Cyl., Auto, P/S, in 4 7 A p/e, Radio . $3395 Ml\) 908 N. Front St. (S. Rte. 31) t McHENRY, IL (815)385-2100 Mon.-Thuri. 8-S,Fri. 8-6, Sit. S-S