Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Sep 1985, p. 19

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Garfield® OH N0/MV BLANKET'S NOT MERE/ MOW AM I GOING TO BE THE CAPEP AVENGER TOPAV ? J-rM PAvt6 MAVBE JON'S GOT SOMETHING By Jim Davis SOMEHOW I 0ONT THINK THE 'PAISLEV AVENGER" IS GOING TO CUT IT Ml NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Saturday. September 7,1983 Page 5 ASTRO GRAPH B y B e r n i c * B e d f 0 % o l , N f w i p a u e f F n t e » p r i s r A s s o c i a t i o n You're g6ing to be In forefront 1965 United Feature Syndicate inc Peanuts® HEV, CHUCK. I MEARP THEM "TALKING ABOUT YOU AT SCHOOL YE5TERPAY... THE COMPUTER 5AIP YOU WERE 5UPP05EP TO BE ON OUR ® SCHOOL 0U5.*.. » By Charles M. Schulz THAT'S RIPICULOUS! I PON'T EVEN 60 TO YOUR SCHOOL!! WHAT ARE YOU, CHUCK, SOME KINP OF ' TROUBLEMAKER? qfour 'Birthday rhe Born Loser® By Art Sanson? ISN'T n* TOP EARLHTDWEAfc »L0D6 OOMMS"? 0H#HEH-H6H# WOO MlbHT FIIOD A FBWFAIWTHEAR^ Sept. 7, 1985 " t' \ ' Circumstances in the year ahead may place you in the foreffont of an enter­ prise or progressive movement. Al­ though you might not see it. you will be ushered into a leadership role VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) If others think you areiOo self-serving today, they may attempt to do things to trip you up. Em­ phasize the "we," not the "me." Trying to patch up a romance? Th£ Matchmak­ er set can help you understand what it might take to make the relationship work. TO get yours, mail $2 to Astro- Graph, c/o this newspaper. Box 1846, Cincinnati, OH 45201. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Problems you might have to deal with today could be of your own making. Think your moves through carefully so that you do not run into blind alleys. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-NOV.22) A friend to whom you are obligated is anxious to have the matter resolved. Go to him to­ day to work things out. instead of him having to come to you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Sound suggestions should not be rejected to­ day just because they come from a per­ son you dislike A closed mind will hurt you.iinot him. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Be se­ lective today with your choice of co­ workers for critical tasks. If you choose one who would rather be boss than a willing helper, you'll have trouble on your hands. AOUARfllS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) To believe in others is a noble virtue. But today, don't place your faith in people who don't warrant it. See people for what they are. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) You and your mate might take opposing posi­ tions on an important issue today Con­ ditions could worsen unless (here's a compromise. ARICS (March 21-AprU 19) Someone whose help you may need later might re­ quest assistance from you today If you fail to comply, don't expect aid when you ask for it TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Strive to spend sensibly today. Keep your budget in mind at all times so you dorit go overboard. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Be extremely careful today how you treat people over whom you have authority. Once an­ gered. they might figure out sly ways to get even with you. CANCER (June 21-July 22) You re apt to have Ijtile tolerance today with friends who aren«it*^ccord with your views Try to be * open-minded instead of opinionated. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You can good time today without delving too deeply into your resources Money ear marked for essentials should not be wasted on frivolous whims. HEALTH Antacids do have differences B y D r . L a w r e n c e E . L a n i l ) . M . D . , N e w s p a p r r E n t e i p r i s c A s s o c i a t i o n Frank and Ernest® By Bob Thaves WHfcN I ffiM> You SHOULP HAVE A • rCAPY SHlELP, EfiNtg I •. OiMetvNCAHc V7 B. C . ® By Johnny Hart MO LIMIT, KIP, WHAT WOJLD faJ UK6 ? /ABSOLUTELY/ CREDIT CAFD6 ? THE AUGUSIA MATIOIAL r By Brant Parker & Johnny Hart Wizard of Id® mote YO) ft#- TH£ KIN6 W Mm WWHI£ ANP By Howie Schneider Eek and Meek HOLD IT.. TDDAV ITS OKJ r v THE- HOC&E. By Dave Graue Alley Oop WHACT KIKIDA \ SOME DRY \ SORRY, FRIEND.'/ OH, HELP VNEED?/ CLOTHING.' / ALL WE'VE GOT THEY'LL IS WHAT WE'RE V DO WEARING i . . . N O W r A N O W W E L O O K A L I T T L E TAKE .( Y . . Y E S S I R ! ) M O R E L I K E W E B E L O N G EMOFFfV I N T H I S P L A C E ! Bugs Bunny By Warner Bros. Porir ASK WMV X 3oT^e&- For Better or Worse® Heuawer&crrol BHP KrTH EN JO. THIS is BKlflN BND DRUJN.. By i^ynn Johnston VbU KHJSTBBBLLy PPtTlfeRSOM.VOUR FRIEND CONNIE.T5LD ME SO> KNOW UiHRT SOOD . FWENOSyou \0ERE.rns GOING-To BE HRRO FOR you - SeeiNG- NBWPteOPLC. IN HER DEAR DR. LAMB: I would like to know what is the best antacid. I have heartburn and have been using Turns. My neighbor tells me that Turns don't cure heartburn and actually make it worse. She says you may feel better for a very short time and then you will be worse off than if you hadn't taken Turns at all. She claims I should use Rolaids. Who is right? I have also been wondering about taking Tagamet. I hear so many people say they are taking it. Would it help me? I have heartburn almost every day, and so far Turns have relieved it. 1 do have to keep taking it, but 1 pro­ bably need the calcium anyway. I would like to try the Tagamet but I hate to see a doctor and I know I can't get it without a prescription. DEAR READER: See your doctor and find out what Is wrong with you. It is not a good idea to take any antacid on a regular basis on your own. If you happen to have an ulcer you will need good management to heal it. If you don't get it you run the risk of com­ plications, such as bleeding. You may get relief of your symp­ toms, but you may not be curing an ulcer. It has been shown that you can control the symptoms from too much acidity, but may still have enough acid to prevent healing of an ulcer. The main ingredient in Turns \s calcium carbonate, and it is an effec­ tive antacid. But calcium does stimulate the stomach to produce more acid, so there is some truth to the state­ ment that you will have mtfre acidity later than you did before you took Turns. So you take another for relief, then another. Rolaids are an aluminum- containing antacid and they, too, are effective. But with either, unless you know what you are doing, you may relieve symptoms but notupbtaln heal­ ing of an ulcer, if you have one. I have discussed the antacids in The Health Letter Special Report 45, "Medicines for Acid Indigestion," which I am sending you. Others who want this issue can send 75 cents with a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope for it to me in care of this newspaper, P.O. Box 19622, Irvine, CA 92713. Tagamet and Zantac are both newer medicines and are effective. They do not neutralize acid, but prevent your stomach from producing so much acid. Often one of these medicines is used with an antacid to treat ulcers and acid Indigestion. I must add that there is more to ulcer treatment than Just an­ tacids and Tagamet or Zantac. CROSSWORD DEAR DR. LAMB: 1 am a 38-year old male in good health. I have been cursed with dark circles around my eyes. The right eye appears to have a darker circle than the left eye on occa­ sions. I was tested for diabetes, which pro­ ved negative. I have slight high blood pressure controlled now by medicine. My eye sight is 20/20 right and 20/15 left, corrected by glasses. The circles have fluctuated from dark to light for as long as I can remember. Please ad­ vise. DEAR READER: There are two fac­ tors that cause dark circles around the eyes. One Is a very thin skin with little, fat under it which allows the dark venous blood to show. But the more common cause is plain pigment, the same pigment that causes freckleR, tan skin, black skin or all shades in bet' ween. It Is not a sign of dissipation or ill health (unless you have weight loss with the thln-skjn problem), eye troubles, diabetes or excessive sexual activity. It's normal. Women can cover It up w cosmetics. 1 doubt that is the solution you are looking for. But you can cover the area with a sun blocker (physical blocker) when you are out sunbathing to prevent the area from getting darker. BARBS ACROSS 1 Fit of anger 5 Poet Pound 9 Mist 12 Always 13 Booty 14 Macaw genus 15 Fierce 17 Bronze 18 Argentina *. dance 19 Assembly 21 More or less 23 Eighth month *, (abbr.) 24 555, Roman 27 Children 29 River in West Germany 32 Lodger 34 Clef 36 Unload 37 Lots 38 New York ball club 39 Stars 41 Superlative suf­ fix 42 Mountains (abbr.) 44 Hebrew letter 46 Master of music 49 Reddish dye 53 High in pitch 54 Kind of theater 56 German article • 57 Songstress Ad­ ams 58 Cleveland's waterfront 59 Hearing organ 60 Wash and -- 61 For fear that *• DOWN 1 Determine weight 2 Layer of eye BRIDGE 3 Lacy plant 4 Croaking animals 5 Inventor ' Whitney 6 Roared 7 Bounder 8 On the briny (2 wds.) 9 Prone to »_ exhaustion 10 Algerian port 11 Crew 16 Baked 20 Prepared instrument 22 Bogs down 24 Musical instrument 26 Sole 26 Electrician's tool 28 Building block 30 Beers Answer to Previous Puzzle T T b | r | e | w _l_ _c JE_ i A J3 O I1 _A M B _H _L_ z 1 n N • a "c M C T O E L E 8 s • aIsIkIaIrI • • • 1 T E • l l R | E | 1 _B _R _E_ T I I _H J5 | O H jA N AH JP E A] _0 _A L A A sfl _E_ L 3 E D U C A T- E | • i N K 3 1 R m P E| n • mm £ _L_ _o V E • _D R i In _K E 1 R1 M _l_ _D 1 _R 1 Ql _l_ CI A1 /V _V _E_ c O U C h| P T1 A| N _E_ s * • | o [ b | Thought for a summer day: How do you pin your name badge on when at- . tending a nudist colony convention? We call our office the country club because the boss lees off on someone at least once a day. J Some things never change The space shuttle, like the T-model Ford, is prone to valve trouble. Q & A 31 Get the advantage of 33 Poles 35 Lineup 40 Shangri-La 43 Spread abroad 45 Lodging house 46 Formulated 47 Others (Lat.) 48 Advise 50 Painful 51 Part of eye 52 Russian veto word 55 Poetic contraction 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 ' ' 10 11 12 13 " 1ft 16 I " 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 2a 29 >0 11 32 33 34 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 • 42 43 44 46 4a 47 46 49 60 61 62 63 • 66 66 I 68 69 60 61 1. As what la the ancient Greek Anti- phon moat noted? (a) a speechwriter (b) an orator (c) a satirist 2. What was the name of Napoleon's brother who was king of Spain? (a) Charles (b) Joseph (c) Alphonso t. What type of tide occurs at full and new moons? (a) diurnal (b) neap (c) spring AN8WERS Berry's World ( c ) 1 9 8 5 b y N E A . I n c O g q 19 I By Jim Berry !•••.«'» I • "SorryI Wr» only ooocmnH with our own comfort, toourlly and h*ppin--» " B y J a m e « J a r o b y E n t r r p n t e A « * o n a t i o n A dramatic defense m/BE. ̂ OT RS HRRD RStT ^ seemed ! V' English expert Jonathan Ca^tsino has won numerous significant bridge events in Great Britain His bridge strengths do not diminish when he has to play outside the country, as is dem onstrated by this startling defensive play execute^Nduring an exhibition match in Holland in 1970 The bidding by South, in their meth­ ods, indicated a two-suiter South did not have to mention his spades, since his cue-bid implied that he had five of them * Cansino recognized the possibility that spades might be trumped ir. dummy, hence the heart"Tead on the go Declarer played low from dummy and won the king with his ace Three rounds of spades were now played, Cansino discarding a low club A dia­ mond was led from dummy and Kast won the king Ea^t now cashed the spade queen, and West had to find a discard When you can see all four hands, the play is easy enough Do you see it9 CansTntt dis* arded the ace of clubs It $ras routine play now for East to cash the club king and continue with another This promoted a trump winger and the setting trick in West's t hand All this took place15 years ago, but bridge fans are still talking about this play in Holland • 6ft f l 7 « • 9 7 1 4 J • A 5 2 NORTH 1711 • K • V I I • W J t o s t • Q J M EAST 4 Q J » 2 V K J • AX • K 1 0 1 7 ) • S O U T H • A 10 41 7 4 V A Q 10 4 I 2 • 2 •« v Vulnerable East-West Dealer North Wnt Nor til East So«tb , Pa* 14 24 Paas 2# Paaa 2f Pass 2 NT Paaa 4* Paaa Pas* Paaa Opening lead ¥8

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