Pagt f McHENRY PLAINDEALER StctlenA Wtdnteday, September 11, \9tS \ Nation Tougher sanctions depend on GOP Kennedy urges Republican senators to take stricter action By E. Michael Myers United Press International WASHINGTON - Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said Tuesday the Senate should approve tougher sanc tions against South Africa, and Re publicans, with their Senate major ity, must decide "whether they are the party of Lincoln or the party of apartheid." Kennedy criticized President Rea gan for imposing limited economic sanctions against South Africa in an executive order Monday. He said Congress must proceed with tougher action to protest South Africa's rigid policy of racial segregation. The Senate bill, already passed by the House, goes beyond the Reagan sanctions by providing for stiff fu ture action if South Africa does not make progress in ending its racial segregation policies within *12 months. Steps would include a chbice of banning new investment, revoking of the most-favored-na- tions trading status and prohibiting some imports. "Congress ought to speak to the issue. We should not abdicate our responsibilities," Kennedy said. "We should legislate through stat utes, not an executive order that can be changed any day of the week." Kennedy said he has "within one or two votes" the 60 necessary votes to force floor action on the sanctions legislation that the president opposes. "It really comes down to the Re publican Party," Kennedy said in an interview on the CBS "Morning News." "I really think the Republi can Party is at a crossroads on this issue. They have to decide whether they are the party of Lincoln or the party of apartheid." Another vote is expected Wednesday. The president, veering from his policy of "constructive engage ment," embraced portions of a com promise sanctions bill in the execu tive order in hopes of heading off action on Capitol Hill on harsher measures. Hours later, the Senate voted 53-34 to uphold Reagan by defeating a motion that would have brought the sanctions bill to the floor for a vote. Thirteen senators were absent -- six Democrats, who are expected to side with Kennedy, and seven Republicans. The Rev. Jerry Falwell, a close friend of Reagan and the South Afri can government, said the president had been "forced by a spineless Con gress and a biased media" into im posing "relatively painless and mild" sanctions. In Pretoria, South African Presi dent Pieter Botha said sanctions "cannot solve our problems" and could fuel racial violence. But th§ Rev. Jesse Jackson de nounced Reagan's order as "a des perate attempt to rescue a failed policy." The bill has been the fofcus of a growing battle between Reagan and Congress because he said sanctions would only hurt South Africa's 21 million blacks. Bu£Hhe increasing violence in South Africa, with nearly 700 deaths in the last year, and no apparent benefits from "constructive engage ment," or quiet diplomacy, led Con gress to come up with a sanctions bill. Administration aides feared Con gress would muster enough votes to override any Reagan veto. Last week, the president met with aides to formulate a new strategy to deal with South Africa -- and with Congress. Reagan's order includes a ban on importing South African gold krug- gerand coins and prohibiting the sale of computer and nuclear tech nology -- items that are in the sanc tions bill. That action apparently was enough for the Senate to stall the measure, which the House passed last month. In Tokyo, Japanese Foreign Min ister Shintaro Abe today said the United States had approached his government about Japan's joining the sanctions and Japan had agreed to discuss joining, but no date has been set for talks. The Issue is expected to be dis cussed when Abe meets with secre tary of State George Shultz later this month during the U.N. General As sembly meeting. The Kyodo news service quoted a Foreign Ministry source as saying Japan might ban the shipment of computers t6 South African security forces. ~~ * Japan is one of South Africa's leading trading partners, with $3.5 billion in two way trade in 1964. South Africa is a major supplier of Japan's high quality coal* and shipped seven million tons to Japan last year. "We lost the first vote," said Sen. Alan Cranston, D-C^lif. "We will keep this matter before the Senate.' They cannot filibuster forever." Senate Republican leader Robert Dole of Kansas said a second votfe will be closer and asked for time to allow Reagan's sanctions to show effect. Any continuing effort "is not pun ishing South Africa," Dole said. "Somebody is trying to punish Ron ald Reagan." Ban on "exports to agencies involved in entoroeme«< of aparthMMd." Computers are used Jo track some 24 million blacks from the age Of 13: Japan can IW the void with compatible equipment. Muctear Goods * Bans transfer of nuclear technology-except if to carry out International Atomic Energy if South Africa signs non- treaty. f -U * ' Ban on loans to government, except to "improve economic opportunities" or for facilities accessible lo all races U.& banks hold about $35 btitiOn of ;• the country's roughly $12 biHion in short-term debt. £ 't S • L. Consult with U% trading partners on banning , South African gold Gotoslvid consider minting, a US. substitute The krugerrand produced $60 million in revenue lor South Africa in 1964. •"V _ .r Standards in tion. expanded tor non-whites, salary unions. Sals Prices Effective thru October 6,1985 at McHenry, IL ALCO Store Only COUPON Donut Dealiri Days $l.i9For 6 Donuts $2.09 For 12 Donuts $2j69 For 18 Donuts Limit: 1 offer per coupon Offer Good: thru 9-19-85 turn It's worth the trip. One coupon per customer. Available at participating Dunkin' Donuts shops. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Open 24 Hours 7 Days A Week 4504 W. Elm St. McHepry 335 S. Eastwood IRl. 17 A Country Club Rd.l Woodstock DISCOUNT STORE Now A First! Canon Copiers a Discount Price. AS SEEN ION TVil REG. 697.99 The PC-10 is simplicity itself. Convenient, personal and so simple, there's not even a copy start switch. Just feed in the paper of your choice and out comes a beautiful copy in seconds. 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Said sale shall be subject to 1984 s assessments or special taxes I 0 1984 general taxes and to any special 1 levied against said real estate. Upon the sale being made the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a deed on a specified date unless the property is redeemed according to law. Said property is described as follows, to-wlt: Lot 18 In Otto Hasse's Addition to the Village of Spring Grove, a subdivision of part of the N.W. V* of S. 30, T. 46 N., R. 9, E. of the 3rd P.M., according to the plat thereof recorded 9-2-01 as Doc. #11954 in Book 2 of Plats page 25, In McHenry County, IL. cka 1816 Main Street, Spring Grove, IL Dated this 23rd day of August, 1985. Ill Alan S. Ganz Special Commissioner of the United States District Court Northern District of Illinois FISHER81 FISHER Attorneys for Plaintiff 30 North LaSalie Street Chicago, IL 60602 312-372-4784 (Published In McHenry Plaindealer Aug. 28, Sept. 4,11, & 18.1985) 3581 PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) ss COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS • NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that, on October 15,1985, I will file my petition in said court praying for the change of my name from JESSICA IRENE MILLER to that of JESSICA IRENE BALACEK, pursuant to the statute in such case may be provided. | Dated at McHenry, Illinois, August 22,1985. JESSICA IRENE MILLER, a minor fly : NANCY KAY BALACEK, her mother and next friend (Published in the McHenry Plaindealer Aug. 28, Sept. 4,11,1985) 3580 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on September 11, 1985, a sale will be held at Johnson County Livestock Pavilion, Franklin, Indiana at 1 o'clock p.m. to sell the following horses to enforce a lien existing under the laws of the State of Illinois against such horses currently owned by JOHN F. STAREN for labor, services, skill, board and material expenses upon said horses at the request of the following designated person, unless such horses are redeem ed within ten (10) days of receipt of this Notice. (s) Richard True* ( P u b l i s h e d I n M c H e n r y Plaindealer Sept. 9,10, li, 1985) PLENTY of MORTGAGE MONEY i AVAILABLE AT MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS Now is the time to buy the home of your dreams ADJUSTABLE LOAN PROGRAMS Adjustment Period Min. Down Payment I MM. Term Initial Interest Rate Min. Floor Mai. Ceiling Mai. 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