Page 12 NORTHWEST 53Apartments for Rent UNION: Available immediate ly. Spacious 4 room apart. No waterbeds, includes stove, re trig., heat, gas, water, gar bage pick up, $325. sec. dep 815/923 4364. WOODSTOCK, I bdrm., $300/mo. + sec. dep. Water & sewer 8> refuge pickup ind 815/3387345. WOODSTOCK, 1 bdrm., near the Square, $225/mo. + utlls. Stove 8. refrig. incl. 3 mo. lease & sec. dep. req. 815/338 6200, Ext. 258, Mon. to Thurs., » am to 4:30 pm. Fri. 9 am to 6:30 pm. WOODSTOCK, turn, studio. Ideal for single. All utilities ind., $290, 815/338 0880 or 815/338 7442. WOODSTOCK, Ig. 3 bdrm. apt., stove, refrig., washer ft dryer. Avail, immed., $495, no pets, 814/338 0803. 54 Homes for Rent ALGONQUIN: Small 3 bdrm. cottage,some utilities, no pets. 312/658 7883 or 312/6587711 CRYSTAL LAKE/Coventry, c'lfean 4 bdrms., 2 baths, 2'/j car attached gar., all appli ances, $650./month, plus sec. deposit 8i credit check. No pets. 322/255 1523^ Crystal Lake immed.I occup., immaculate 3 bdrm. furbished home, lake front for school yr. $600 plus, no pets, 815/459 5446. C R Y S T A L L A K E LAKEFRONT 3 bdrm. ranch. Lease/option or short term lease. $80tf/mo Sec dep. 8i credit check req Ed or Pat, 815/455 2664. CRYSTAL LAKE, rent with option to buy, 3 to 4 bdrms., fam. rm., fireplace & att. ga rage, $685/ mo. 312/870 1800. LAKE IN THE HILLS, 6 rms. w/finished family room & gar., refs. req., $600/mo. plus sec., 312/588 7951 or 312/658- 5967, Iv. msg. McHenry, 2bdrm house, with stove, $450, no pets, security deposit & refs Call 815/385 3475 after 5pm and weekends. McHENRY: 4 bdrm. house available Sept. 15, 3807 Maple, $500. monthly, sec. deposit, no pets, refs. required, 815/338 7266 for appointment. MCHENRY AREA, sm. older home, 1 bdrm., avail. Oct 1, $335 per month, plus util., 815/385 4694 NEAR WOODSTOCK, 4 yr. old,.4 bdrm. home on 5 acres in quiet countryside. $550/mo. Occ neg., 815/338-7400. NICE, INEXPENSIVE 1 bdrm apt. in McHenry, avail. Oct 1, call Jean, 9 am 5 pm Monday Friday, 312/845-3000, ext 4777. Weekends, 815/385- 0845. WOODRUFF, Wis. lakeside vacation home, available through Spring by the week or weekends. Call 312/629-7712. C R Y S T A L L A K E : Rent/Option, 3 bdrms., study, frplce., wooded area, Burtons Bridge area, 1722 Rt. 176; 312/934 7597. McHENRY: 1 bdrm. apt. No pets. Ideal for mature adults. 815/385 6566. WOqDSTOCK: 3 bdrm., alumtnum sided, great condition home! 3 blocks td Square. Rent $550/with option to buy. $59,900. Boppart Real Estate 815/943-4777 WOODSTOCK: Georgeus 2800 sq. ft. custom home on 8 wooded acres. $164,900. Boppart Real Estate 815/943-4777 WOOOSTOCK, 3 bdrm., carpets, newly redecorated. Sec. dep. & lease required, avail., 9/15, $450, 815/338-3231. CARPE NTE RSVILLE, rent w/optlon to buy, 3 bdrm. ranch w/2 car gar., $600 month, 149 Golfview, call 312/766 6214. RICHMOND, could be used for antique shop, 5627 Broadway, $425 month, Avail. Oct. 1, 815/678 4042 eves. WOODSTOCK: 4 bdrm. Country Estate on 2 acres. Lovely landscaping. $700. a month plus sec. & refs., ERA Bauman R E., 815/568-5141. CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrms., living & dining rm., eat in kit., Ig. family rm., totally renovated, $550/mo. + sec. dep. Weekdays, 815/455-2611. Condos, Townhomes 55 for Rent COLONEY SQUARE -Avail able Oct. 1. 3 Bdrms, 2 baths, a/c, & kitchen appliances. Water, garbage disposal 8i outside maintenance included. Southern exposure for low utilities during the winter $600 per month plus security deposit. No pets, call 815/459 8066. CRYSTAL LAKE, Somerset Condo, 2 bdrm., 2 bath, avail. Nov. 1, 815/455-4605. Stores,Offices for Rent 56 RT 14 CRYSTAL LAKE, 2000 sq. ft. Ideal for offices or re tail. Call Dave Daniels, Re- Max Realtors, 312/658-3100. WOODSTOCK, 1,100 sq. ft., o f f i c e o r c o m m e r c i a l , $295/mo., 815/338-0743. PRESTIGE OFFICE Building on Cary Algonquin Rd. in Cary. Decorator furnished offices on beautiful wooded acreage. Lots of parking. 312/639-0055. McHENRY OFFICE BUILDINGS 2 , 2 6 0 s q . f t . A v a i l . I m m e d i a t e l y . N e w l y remodeled 6,700 sq. ft. Avail. Dec. 1st. Contact Juan E stela, Taylor Made Golf Co., 815/344 3230, 8:30 to 5. HERALD Section B Thursday, September 12,1985 Store, Offices for Rent CRYSTAL LAKE, individual o f f i c e s p a c e s . I m m e d . occupancy. Ideal for salesman, mfg's. reps, etc., Rt. 14., from S150/mo., Frank J. Smith & Assoc., 815/455-1440, 115/459 0606. 101 CORPORATE CORNER IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Crystal Lake's Prestige Office Suites 250 to 2,500 Square Feet Remodeled To Suit For Information Call •815/455-7382 • PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Location available In Crystal on Highway 14. 700 Sq. Ft. 1st. floor corner offi ce w/3 separate offices. Available on a sub lease basis at low current rates. For information, call 815/455-0580 or 800/423-4143. 57 Industrial for Rent " CRYSTALLAKE 600 to 1,200 sq. ft. of quality space available in new office building in prime location. 815/455-4434. INDUSTRIAL PARK BAY 1000 sq. ft. Rt. 62, Algonquin. Ideal for small machine shop or warehouse. $325./month plus $100. Sec. dep. & refs. Call Week Real Estate week days 9 to noon. 312/658-5112. CRYSTAL LAKE, 1,100 sq. ft., 3 phase elec., compressed air, 815/459-9060. R I C H M O M D B u s i n e s s Property on Rt. 12, 1,000+ sq. ft., carpeted office area & 3 phase wiring, 1 yr. lease, $275 + utlls. Village Oaks Realty, 115/678-4505 NEW BUILDING Algonquin, north of Elgin. Units 5803 to 7583 sq. ft. Docks, sprinklered, air conditioned offices, flexible designs available. Bargain to first renters. 312/372-8692 WOODSTOCK, 1,350 sq. ft., office, 12' x 12' door, 200 amp 3 phase, 815/338 2595. McHENRY 15,500 sq. ft. building with loading dock. Ideal for manufacturing, warehouse, wholesale or retail use. Highly visible location, ample parking. Will divide and/ or remodel to suit. Call Vern or Tom • 815/385-5700* 59 Storage Space for Rent WOODSTOCK, 1 car garage for storage, $40. a month. Call after 9:30 pm, 815/338-5461. CHEAPER STORAGE Mini Warehouse Units 40 ft. x 8 ft. $60 Per Month NearRts.31 & 176 815/459-6270 ALGONQUIN Stop 8i Store, Inc. Self Storage Mini-Warehouse Units now renting. All sizes; Low rates! Monday through Saturday, 9-5, Sunday, 1-5; 312/658-3033 -Zd\ I k i.,* ,4 REAL ESTATE WantadtoBuy BuaincM Property for Sale . Industrial lor S*lc Open Homo Houaea lor Sate Condoa A Townhomca (or Sale Lou and Acreage Mobile Homaa for Sale Farma for Sale .71 . -73 . .73 65 Wanted to Buy v LAWYER-BROKER will pay all cash for 40 acres of vacant or acreage improved with a small brick bungalow In or contiguous to Woodtstock. Call or write John M. Fay, 312/827- 5980, Suite 202, Golf Mill Professional Building, Niles, II 60648. 66 Business Property for Sale IN WOODSTOCK, Rt. 47 Frontage, 1 acre lot w/10,000 sq. ft. all steel clear-span building. 815/728-0981. 68 Open House CRYSTAL LAKE Sunday, Sept. 15th Noon to 4 PM 9103 Arthur 3 bdrm. tri level, walking dis tance to beach, like new cond., call for directions or earlier apt. Ron Stadeiman Century 21 Sketch Book 312/639 6561 " 69 Houses for Sale My Wife & I are looking for a home with existing VA or FHA mortgage. 815/385-4389 REPOSSESSED HOMES OUR CUSTOMERS CAN'T BE WRONG! 10 Years Experience In Repo's! From $500 Down SUTTON REALTY 312/774-7000 We Buy Foreclosures, Too! WHERE ELSE can you get a new 3 bedrooom ranch with 2 car garage complete for $45,000 on your lot or ours? Call United Builders, 815/943-3167. McHENRY Country Club Estates. Close to park, Schools, golfing- 4 bedrooms, country kitchen, A/C, full finished basement, new carpeting, 2 ceramic baths, large deck, nice yard, $74,750. Call 815/344-2564 or 815/385-4985. WOODSTOCK: Investment property 2 story duplex, 4 yrs. old., occupied, all appli., 1150 sq. ft. each apt., w/att. gar., 815/338-4585, after 6. ONE PERSON OFFICES 180 Sq. Ft. Private Office in Crystal Lake's ne west office buildings. Includes Conference Room, Reception Area & Receptionist for your phones, On-Site Secretarial Service Available All for $385 per Month Call RON PRATHER 815/459-9470 TERRACOTTA PLACE 69 Houses for Sale ALGONQUIN: 8 rooms, 3 bdrm. ranch on large wooded lot. New carpeting, frplce., huge garage, just 2 blocks from the Fox River. $84,900 Call Bill at Remax, 312/639- 6600. , C A R P E N T E R S V I L L E , 3 bdrm. ranch, newer furnace, & roof, completely redecorat ed, new. carpeting, $49,900, 312/88( 2409. CARY: 3 bdrm. 1750 sq. ft. tri-level in a quiet river valley community. Fenced yard, A/C, frplce., river rights & more. $84,900. Call Bill at Re max, 312/639-6600. CONTRACTORS - 3 bdrm. fix- er-up on 1 acre ground. Make an offer. McHenry Realty. 815/653-2211 Mort. CRYSTAL LAKE, 1,800 sq. ft., 2 story older, 3 bdrm., 1 1/2 car, den, in-town location, low taxes, $73,500, 815/459 3783. CRYSTAL LAKE, By Owner, Coventry tri level, bsmt., cent, air, flpc., 2 car gar., patio. Lovely. 815/459-0951, af ter 6 p.m. CRYSTAL LAKE: newly re modeled, 2/3 bdrm. home on double lot, gar., appl., super clean, must see, $59,500, Mr. Boley, 815/455-3830, or 815/459- 0627. . CRYSTAL LAKE: Quality 4 bdrm. .ranch, C/A, l'/j baths, full bsmnt., 1 car garage,, close to schools 8i shopping, $74,900 815/455-1327, after 5:30 pm. FOUR COLONIES Estate heme,4 bdrms,sunken living room,loft,2'/2 baths,dining room, family room, decks, mature trees,premium lot; professionally landscaped. $116,900. Call for appointment 815/455-4342 IDEAL FAMILY HOME CRYSTAL LAKE, tri level, backs to park, beautifully landscaped, 9 rms., 4 bdrms., 2 baths, c/a, fpic., fenced yard, storage shed. Patio, 2 car gar. Quiet street, $84,900, 815/455-5417. Johnsburg/riverfront, By Owner. 1 bdrm., garage, boat hoist, $50,000, 815/385-0395 M c H E N R Y , 3 b d r m s . , 2 baths, 4 car att. gar., frplce.,. '/] acre, applies., Johnsburg school dist., $65,900. 815/385 1552 after 6 pm. McHENRY, 4 bdrm. home w/1 1/2 baths + a fam. rm. Walking distance to church, school & shopping. Asking $58,500. Fitzgeralds' Realty, 815/385-8700. M c H E N R Y : E x c . s t a r t e r , $1497 dn. $89./wk, 1 or 2 bdrms., 815/385-0169. MUST BE SOLD! 6 acre farmette with 47 x 21 ft. stable. Private pond & cir cular drive leading to 3 bdrm., 2 bath contemporary ranch with living room, dining room country kitchen/family room area with frplce. Also finished bsmnt. ft 2 car ga rage. Asking $159,000, but owner wants OFFERS. C & R Sales 312/669-3273 NEAR BRANSON, MO., cus tom home In retirement comm. on Table Rock Lake. Fin. bsmt., 3 bdrm., 2 bath. $69,900, 815/459-5323 or Rt 1, Box 605, Blue Eye, Mo. 65611. NORTH BARRINGTON area, by ownerm w/10% assum. mortg., Fox River across street, woods out back, pool w / d e c k s , f e n c e d y a r d . 4 bdrm., 2 bath, c/a, 2 1/2 car gar., fm. rm., Iv. rm., dn. rm. & oak floors, incls. applis. & window decor. After 6/ week- ends, $89,000, 312/639-5274. OLDER IS BETTER Especially when it has been completely remodeled 8, up dated. 3 bdrm. Colonial with refinished hardwood floors, new roof & wiring. Owner is willing to sell on contract. Come to see this old world charm $68,900. LENDING ITSELF Beautifully *o both entertain ing 8i comfortable family liv ing. This 3 to 4 bdrm. home is located in a small country town close to toll-way. Finan ceses are a breeze & immedi ate occupancy $71,200. COLONIAL CHARM Beautiful 2 story home awaits you. Enjoy the fireplace from the country kitchen or the family room. Your back yard will overlook the park. Too many extras to list....$99,900. PRIVATE BUYER Looking for home with exist ing assumable FHA/VA mort- gage.312/669-3425 WOODSTOCK, 3 bdrm. home with family room with dining area, full bsmnt., 2 car at tached gar., many extras, $115,000. 815/338-0983. WOODSTOCK, by owner, 3 bdrm. ranch, 1 1/2 car gar., fenced backyard. Covered pa tio. New roof 8> water heater. Newly remodeled bath 8i kit. Recent blacktop drive 8. ext. paint. Close to schools 8< churches. $62,000. 815/338-5104 after 5 pm. WOODSTOCK; Roomy com pletely remodeled 4 + bed rooms, 2V) baths, near ail schools, large lot, must see! Mid 70's, 815/338-3471. M c H E N R Y / E d g e b r o o k Heights. Quad- level, 1,900 sq. ft., 3-4 bedrooms, 2V] baths, formal dining room, country kitchen, 17 X 25 family room w/ frplce., 2'/a car att. garage & many extras, $89,000. Call 815/385-7843. F O X R I V E R G R O V E , expansive river view, beautiful secluded Vi acre In town, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, fireplace, 2,000 + sq. ft., 9 rms., indoor solar garden room, w/fountaln, $105,000, 312/639-3379. By Owner. CARY COUNTRYSIDE Spacious Brick and Stone Ranch. In cludes 4 bedrooms, 2 ft baths, 2 fire places. Separate in law arrangement. 2 acres, 2 blocks to riner. Full basement. MULLINS REAL ESTATE 312/381-1200 Houses for Sal* " BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? 100's of listings! No Real Estate Middle Man! For more info., call"Homes By Owner" Rep. 312/497-3426 BY BUILDER OAKWOOD HILLS 3 bdrm., 2 baths, family room with fireplace, full basement, garage, $76,500.312/426-2371. CARY: HILLSIDE ranch, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, Ig. fam. rm., 2 car att. garage, bsmt., C/A, Ig. porch, convenient location, MANY EXTRAS. $78,800. 312/639-6175 or 639-9352. CRYSTAL LAKE: By owner. Newer Colonial 2 story in e s t a b l i s h e d l a k e s i d e neighborhood. Great location! Near Main Beach & schools. 3 bdrms., 2Vi baths. Must sell, S96.500; 815/459 3548, or 815/678-6591. M c H E N R Y , 2 b e d r o o m s , fireplace,' large kitchen, 1 car gas heated garage, on Ig. lot, $41,900. Call 815/344-5523. WOODSTOCK, by owner. 3 to 4 bedroom bi- level, 2 baths, 2 car attached garage, 1;850 sq. ft., custom fireplace <i deck, large lot, $93,000. Call after 5 pm, 815/338-7074. •INVESTORS* Excellent in town investment. 4 unit apt. buildipg' fully rented, low 9.5% assumable. Great tax shelter, positive cash flow, 1119,500. Call BobW. Century 21 Lake Region • 815/455-1114 • CARY: By owner. Cape Cod on to acre across from park & Fox River, 3 bdrms., 1 bath, river rights, $69,900; 312/639-3804. ALGONQUIN- by owner. 2,250 sq. ft. custom raised ranch, 4 b d r m . , 2 b a t h s , i n - l a w a r r a n g e m e n t w / p r i v a t e entrance & drive. Large country kitchen with patio doors to 21 X 23 ff. deck w/ country kitchen with beautiful view. 23 X 16 ft. faiplly rm. w/ woodburnlng stove, custom bookshelves, ft separate bar room. 2 car garage, intercom, C/A. On nicely landscaped corner lot. $94,600. Call 312/658-5561. LAKE IN THE HILLS, by builder. New 3 bdrm. ranch with attached garage, washer, dryer fridge ft stove. $63,900. 312/695-3015. CARY/Trout Valley, marina, stable, tennis, trout pond, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, custom brick ranch, 1 plus acre, A/C, family room w/frplce., laundry up, 2'/j car gar., bsmnt., like new, early possession, open Sunday 1 to 5,312/639-0969. MCHENRY, By Owner. 2400 sq. ft., raised ranch, 2 years new. 3 bdrm., 2'/j baths, 24 x 21 fam. rm., C/A, frplce., 2 car attached gar. $91,900. Call 312/540-3729 days or 815/385- 7464, or 312/991-8718 eves. 4 BDRM. raised ranch w/1850. sq. ft., 2 baths, frplce., deck, ft assumable 10% fixed rate mortgage ($685.65/mo. $62,100 balance) Can close in 2 weeks. $84,900. McHenry County Realty, Inc. 815/653-2061. REALTORS Why not keep all the marbles? J o i n o u r E R A 1 0 0 % Commission Team in Crystal L a k e . A l l I n q u i r i e s confidential. Call Bruce Kaplan, 815/455-4700. • CARPENTERSVILLE BY OWNER 2 story colonial, 1700 sq. ft. living space, 4 bdrms., 1 '/a baths, finished family room with slate pool table, new 30 x 10 wolmanized deck, no realtors please. $58,000. After 6, 312/428-7832. S L E E P Y H O L L O W , 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, rec- room w/wood stove, C/A, 2 car att. heated garage, wooded lot, $80,500. Must sell. Call 312/426- 8162. WOODSTOCK: Condo roomy 2 bdrm., gar., appliances, air. Asking $48,000,815/338-6451. CRYSTAL LAKE- beautiful ft clean 3 bedroom ranch, w/2 car att. garage, appliances, C/A, cedar siding. Enjoy country living w/year round recreation & lake rights. Assumable mortgage- $65,900. For appointment, call 815/459-7631. WOODSTOCK in town, 2 story, 2 bdrm., Ito car gar., cent air, fireplace, fenced yd., 347 S. Hayward, $54,500, 815/338-6894 after 6:30 p.m. NEW CONSTRUCTION 3 bdrm. ranch, full bsmnt., gas heat including lot 8i all utilities, $51,500. FHA & VA financing available March Builders Inc. 815/385-8180 WOODSTOCK, By Owner. 3 or 4 bdrm. raised ranch executive neighborhood, fenced back yd with county view, Ig. lot. Olson School, $84,000, 815/338-4662. WOODSTOCK, By Owner. 2 story Dutch Colonial, Walrose Estates. 4 bdrms., 2>/s baths, Ig. family rm w/fireplace, formal dining rm., finished bsmt., 2 car gar. nicely landscaped on Ig lot. $114, 900, 815/338-2200 or 815/338-3959. CRYSTAL LAKE: Beautiful large brick home on 4 wooded a c r e s , $ 1 1 9 , 5 0 0 . O w n e r financing. Boppart Real Estate 815/943-4777 McHENRY: 3 bdrm. beamed ceiling ranch, built-ins, lake rights, large lot, contract, $48,500, 312/825-3235. C A R P E N T E R S V I L L E b y owner 3 bdrm., 1 bth., car gar., close to schools 8r shopping. $65,000. No brokers! 312/428-3007 Houses far CRYSTAL LAKE, Four Colonies Colonial, By Owner. Houit overlooks lovely community park ft pond. 4 bdrm., Jto bath, spacious kit., paneled family rm w/natural fireplace, formal dining rm., ft 1st floor utility rm. Lower level warmly decorated w/sfained chair-rails, baseboards, 14 solid six panel doors. molding | Recently painted ft" papered! $118,900, 115/455-4653. No Brokers! GREAT LOCATION across from sandy beach, near boat docking area. 6 rooms, 4 bdrms., large fat in kitchen. Large brick ft paneled living room, sun room, full basement with drive in gara«e. Well insulated with attic exhaust. *S9,900. Call McHenry County Realty, 815/653-2061. Ask for IJohn Kronper. MCHENRY: small 1 bdrm. near river, $29,870. Low down pay, ft S74./W00k; 8H/3S5-0169. McHENRY, Country Club estates, 3 bdrm. ranch, 2 car detached garage, Ig. fenced yard, new ceramic bafh, hardwood floors, immaculate ft w e l l d e c o r a t e d . B y appointment- I15/3I5-M94. $42,000/firm. $50,400! ' WONDER LAKE: 4 BORM. Ranch, gar. Lasko Realty 312/428*2223 LAKE IN THE HILLS, by owner. 2+ bdrm. Cape Cod, fulf bsmt., 2 car garage, w/vacant lot, $65,000.312/658-6422. • C R Y S T A L L A K E / F o u r Colonies, By Owner. 2 story Contemporary, 4 bdrm. + loft w/skyilght, ft bookshelves, 2to baths, 2 car gar., stone frplc., cent, air, fin. bsmt., w/bar ft r e c e s s e d l i g h t i n g . P r o f , landscaped, 6 cedar fence, patio w/gas grill ft deck, $122,500,115/459-5362. Condos & Townhomes 70 for Sale CRYSTAL LAKE/ Somerset condo., 2 bdrm., 2 bath., applis., c/a, clubhouse ft pool, 1st floor, 312/897-8491. C R Y S T A L L A K E / F o u r Colonies twnhse., 3 bdrms., 2to baths, 2 car gar., bsmnt. playroom, deck, $95,000 or best offer. Owner; 815/45^-1460. McHENRY, condo, 2 bdrm., 2 baths, exc. shape, all neutral colors, a/c, stove ft refrig., kitchen ceiling fan, l car att. gar., $52,000,815/385-2445. see- $66ji500. Call 312/658- ALGONQUIN Townhouse: 3 bdrm., Ito baths, walk out bsmnt., garage, $64,500. CRYSTAL LAKE Condo: 3 large bdrms., Ito baths, garage, Ideal for family. $54,900 Red Carpet Multiple Realty Services Carl Kristensen, broker. 312/65886^4 CRYSTAL LAKE/lst floor, 2 bdrm., 2 bath, cent, air, $54,000, 815/455-1673, evA. ALGONQUIN-/by owner. 3 bdrm., 1 1/2 Bath townhome, bsmt., att. gwage, deck, C/A, appllas., corper lot w/ trees. Must see- 6035. C R Y S T A / L A K E , C o v e n t r y Club,* 1st floor, 3 bdrm., 2 baths, dri. rm., eat-in kit., air, ?iar., club house ft pool. Walk o everything. 815/455-2477 eves. MCHENRY, 2 bdrm., w/appl., air, washer/dryer, ft pool. $35,900, 815/459-8999. M c H E N R Y C O N D O , 2 bdrms., 1 1/2 baths, all ap plies. incl. washer/ dryer, $39,900. 815/385-4279 eves. 71 Lots and Acreage ALGONQUIN, corner 1/2 acre, prime area, $30,000 ne gotiable. Will build to suit. 312/870-0567 or 312/827-2767. C A R Y . F o r s a l e b y o w n e r . 2 adjoining lots equal 1 acre. 312/639-7260. FOX RIVER GROVE city lot, water, sewer, mature trees, park view, will build to suit. CAII 312/553-0369 MUST SELL 1.5 acres, exclu sive subdivision, 15 minutes west of Woodstock. $13,500 or best offer. 815/943-3214 VIRGIN CANADIAN Property on Lake of the Woods, Ontar io. 2Vs acres. Approx. 100 yards of shore* line. Priced to sell- 815/459-0271. BONNIE LAKES ESTATES, adjacent to Turnberry. 3/4 acre lots w/all utlls., 10% down or bldg. financial help. 312/296- 4114. WOODSTOCK, city lot, 70 X 130, exc. location. 815/338-4585, after 6 pm. •GRANDOPENING!* Binnie Hills Subdivision Beautiful lots, lakes, oak trees, adjacent to forest preserve ft golf course. Area homes in upper bracket. 1 acre lots, starting at $27,500. Binnie Hill Rd. l Mile E. of Galligan Rd. •312/695-9206* WOODSTOCK, attractive % a c r e . Q u i e t r e s p e c t a b l e location. City convience with the peace of country living. 815/338-9465 CRYSTAL LAKE by owner 1.8 acre homesite on hill, oak trees, $27,000. 312/576-5995 days. M c H E N R Y S H O R E S , n e w section, lot 95 x 140, city water, $10,500/offer, 312/587-2324. CRYSTAL LAKE - vacant /multiple on Lake Ave., 2 lots, can be divided into 3 parcels for duplex. $59,900, ERA Byrnes Brothers, 815/459-5400. CONTEMPORARY MODEL HOME GLACIER RIDGE, McHENRY DECK HOUSE, INC. offers its 3,100 sq. ft. 3 bedroom 2% bath contemporary Model Home on 1.3 premier acres. Exposed beams, cedar and glass grace the inte rior while commanding a spectacular view of the coun tryside. AMENITIES INCLUDE Central air, central vacuum, custom wood cabinets w/Jenn Aire range i^ven, Kitchenaid dishwasher, ma ple butcher block counter tops. Separate wet bar adja cent to the kitchen. 2 brick fireplaces, 8 x 24 deck w/large patio beneath. Professionally landscaped. Large finished & insulated 2 car attached garage. A MUST TO SEE! Asking $209,900 815/344-0874 72 Mobile Homes for Sale CRYSTAL LAKE, Royal Oaks Mobile Home Comm. offers new ft used homes on site completely furn. or unfurn. starting at $16,900. No pets, adult community. Call Dale, •15/459-6033. jh 81 Bicycles BICYCLES, womans, 26", 3 spd., $45. Men's, 26", 3 spd.,$50. Both good cond. Both tor $90. 815/315-6529 after 3. DIRT BIKE, Team Murray X24, 24" frame, blue ft silver, 1 yr. old, exc. cond., track certified. 815/338-4656 after 6. Auto Parts >0 and Accessories FIRESTONE All Terrain Tires, on wide spoked wheels. 4, 11 x IS Lf. fit Blazer ft light trucks, $300., 815/459 5530 SLOTTfD CHEVY RIMS, (2) aluminum, 15 In., 5 lug. ISO/ both. Call IIS/344-0325. TRUCK CAP, fwtl size, $175. or boat offer. Call before 2 pm, er after | pm, IIS/315 Antigua Vehicles '67 BUICK WILDCAT Cowpe. 49M miles. Mint cond., orlg. owner. Best Offer H5/4)9-l4«7. '71 MERCEDES BENZ 250C Coupe, rare model. Electronic sunroof, a/c, am/fm stereo. $47M/be>t. 115/459-1467. '61VW CONV'T., Ghla, classic, MOO/best. Restorable, 815/338- •575. 92 Motorcycles '•2 YAMAHA. 650 maxium, adult driven, gar. kept, low miles, •15/455-1940. 77 HONDA ATC 90: Good condition, $500.; IIV344-3375. SCHWINN LeTOUR. 12 spd., 25" frame, like new. •15/459-7912. 12 Boats and Marine Service BOAT LIFT, large capacity, $650. or best offer. Call after 3 pm, 312/65»-2373. '79 LARSON, 16' V-Hull, 140 Merc. Cruiser, I/O, w/'IO E-Z Loader Trailer. Low hours, exc. cond., 16,500/best, 115/344-1086. RUNABOUT, 14' fiberglass, 40 hp Evinrude, elec., trailer, ex tras, $395/best, 815/455-2528. 14 ft. Jon Boat with trailer $275. Evenings call 312/426-9539 LARSON BOAT, 16' w/trailer. Johnson 140 hp, like new, $5,000/best, 312/639-3928. '73 CENTURY, 17 ft., good running cond., lift included, •15/385-6519. THOMPSON, IS ft. 165 HP I/O, E-Z loader trailer, camper top, like new condition, ]ust 80 hours. Must sell, $5,500; 312/683-9203, after 10am. 2 SAILBOATS, 1 Snark, 1 Tri- amoran, $250. a piece, 312/428- 2277. '67 DUO CRAFT. 15 ft. fiberglass, I/O, with trailer ft brand new convertible top. Runs excellent! $1, •15/385-4238. 7 HP Boat Motor, Wards, runs good, 2798 after 5pj THOMPSON SEA Lancer, 18 ft. with trailer, $350. or best offer; 815/385-8079. JOHNSON GREENCASE, 5'/> hp, $200 or best offer. Call 815/459-0279. 83 Snowmobiles YAMAHA 340 GPX/74, w/ cover, needs track; $350/ best. After 6-pm, 312/639-4782. TWIN Snowmobile Trailer parts, $125. or best offer, 815/459-4915, after 6 pm. 85 Campers/Trailers CANOPY ft SCREEN ROOM for Jayco Pop Up Camper, exc. cond., $50. 312/426-3996. '71 MINI home 21 ft. 35lFord engine, sleeps 6, air, exc. cond. fully self contained, low mileage, 312/832-3910. $7950. MINI MOTORHOM€, 1983 Jamboree Ralley, with gener ator, air conditioning, pod, ft ladder. Very clean. 47,00 miles. $21,500. Please phone, 815/338-1180 days, or 338-2690 ft 414/275-6642 evenings. '84 PROWLER: 31 ft., a/c. am/fm stereo cassette sys tem, 2 bathes, bunk beds, sleeps 9, 21 ft. awning. $11,500. 815/338-5415. '72 SLIDE IN TRUCK camp er, llVift, sleeps 6, queen sz. bed, fully self contained, $750 or best, 312/497-3226, after 6 p.m. weekdays. TRAVEL TRAILER, 31 ft,. $8,000. Call after 4:30 or week ends, 815/338-6086. VENTURE Pop-up camper. ' " ', 3-t 9« Condition. $1000. 815/459-0095. I Wl«b I Wf V Y • Sleeps 6. Sink, 3-burner stove, refrigerator ft canopy. Good '74 VW DELUXE Camper Van. low miles, rebuilt engine ft trans., recent brakes, clutch ft exhaust. Excellent inside & out. $2,500/offer. Must sell. 815/455-3820 PUMA Pop Up camper, stove, Ice box, sink, needs canvas, $200. Call 815/728-0131. '79MIDASRV, 31,000 mi., 110 V Generator, 2 air cond., many extras; 815/455-1922. 1972 Ford Motor Home, 20 ft. 51,000 miles, $5,000.; 728-0085. •Illlllhy AUTOMOTIVE Wanted to Buy M Automotive Servtlcet It Auto Parti and Acceaaorle* IB Antique Vehicle* SI Motorcyle* « Automobile* lor Sale tt Vehicles lor Rent M Tracton/TraUer* (6 Truck* M Van* ft 88 Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY Junk Autos - 7day Pickup 312/639-8159 90 Auto Parts & Accessories NEW WIRE WHEELS for 85 Thunderbird. Will fit any 14 in. wheel. Sell for $110 each, will sacrifice for $300/set of 4. Call 312/639-4924, after 5pm. '14 HONDA Astencade, back rest, CB, intercom, full cover, ft more. $6500 or best offer, •1S/4S5-6619. •5 KAWASAKI ATV 4 wheeler, must sell, used less than 3 wks., in exc. cond.. $1400 or best offer, 115/344-4946. 1971 HONDA 750 w/Vetter fairing, low miles, $1,200. Call •15/33T9442. ATC 110 Honda, 3 months oid, $850 FIRM. •15/315-0190. '•4 TRX 200, 4 wheeler, all options, like new, $1,150. •15/385-0724, days, 115/331- 5042, after 6. '12 YAMAHA 750 Maxim, b o u g h t n e w F e b . ' 1 4 . 81.600/best offer.815/338-6793 '82 YAMAHA VISION 550. fairing, fork brace, header, like new, must see, Scott, SIS/385-8771. 'II Sutzkl, GN 125, low miles, runs great, best offer, 115/459- 4199, ask for Bill. '10 YAMAHA 250 Exciter, passenger seat ft travel case included, very clean, low miles, owned by female, •15/459-4799. '79 DT ENDURO Yamaha, 125 c.c., good cond.,$275, 815/338- •236 after 5 pm. '79 HONDA CX 500 Custom, shaft drive, adult driven, 8,000 miles, perfect condition, $950. 815/459-5035. 77 SPORTSTER, $2,500 or best offer. Call after 4 pm, 815/385-4494 '75 KAWASAKI, Z1B900, new tires, chains, sprockets, ft battery, low miles, $1,000 or best offer. 815/455-1523 '73 HONDA 450, 12,000 original miles, make offer, 312/426- 3899, after 4 p.m. 1972 SPORTSTER Klck/elec- trie, lots of chrome, $1,100. 115/459-1198 1961 HARLEY Sportster Chop per, much chrome, asking $2,400. Call 815/728-0990. 93Automobiles for Sale 85 CHEVY ASTRO Conversion Van. Loaded), ps/pb,windows, locks,air, am/fm cass.,Very low mileage! Exc. cond. 815/459-6959, after 3pm. '85 FORD EXP, dark blue, 8,800 miles, am/fm cassette, 4 year extended warranty, $6,850. 815/455-1327. '84 CUTLASS CIERA, 4 cyl., ps/pb, cruise, stereo, exc. cond., $8,500/offer, 312/639- 9343 or 815/338-7343 after 5. '84 FORD TEMPO GLX, 4 door, 5 speed, sun roof, air, loaded! 26,000 miles, extended warranty, Ziebart. Good look ing car. Must sell. $8,650. 312/658-9358. 84 HORIZON excellent condi tion, like new, only 7,400 miles. 4 door, 4 spd, $4,800. Call 815/385-9664 '84 LINCOLN CONTINEN TAL, 4 dr.,w/carrlage top, all options, $15,000. 815/385-7555. '84, SUN BIRD, stereo, front wheel drive, ps, pb, runs good, $5;000, 815/385-5982 84 VW RABBIT GTI: white, a/c, Alpine stereo, exc. condi tion, $7500/best, 815/338-2700. 1983 BUICK SKYLARK LTD., air, am/fm stereo, full power, Crystal Lake driven, exc. cond., $5,500/ best. Call $15/459-8186 after 6 pm. '83 CAMARO Z28, red, T-tops, loaded, 30,000 miles, $9,950 or best, 312/639-9199, weekdays after 6 p.m. '83 CHEVY CAVALIER WGN, ac, ps/pb, am/fm, 5 spd., clean int, exc cond., $4900. 312/364-4544 DIVORCE SALE 1983 MUSTANG GLX, loaded, 21,000 miles, must sell, asking $6,400. Call 312/568-7716. '83 ESCORT, excellent condi tion, original owner, standard shift, radio, $3,800. 815/344- 5233, after 5 or weekends. '83 TOYOTA CELICA GT Coupe, cass. w/equalizer, 5 spd., a/c, ps/pb, alum, whls., $7,800, 312/658-4993 eves. '82 CAMARO: ps/pb, tilt wheel, air, am/fm stereo. Chapman alarm, mag wheels, mint condition, $6,900 . 815/344- 2260, or 312/587-1358. 1982 CHEVETTE 4 door hatch back, exc. cond., 4 speed, ra dio, new tires, brakes, ex haust, 59,000 mi. Asking 2,700. 815/385-4875 after 6 pm '82 Grand Prix, mint cond., low miles. Former company car, well maintanied. 312/639- 7121, evenings, 312/732-8057 days. 1982 OLDS CUTLASS SU PREME, 6 cyl., 25 mip.g., p s / p b , a m / f m c a s s e t t e , cruise, rear defrost, new tires, shocks, battery, 59,000 miles, sharp, $5,495/ offer. 815/455-2704 eves ft weekends. TREVOR COURT CONDOS Construction Starting iAST CHANCE for PRE Construction Discount 2 bdrms, IV2 baths, kitchen, dining area, living room, appliances, GARAGE & more. FROM $48,900 LESS DISCOUNT $45f900 FOR INFORMATION: 81S/4S5-5829 93 Automobiles for Sale 77 BMW S30-I: Sun roof, leather interior, excellent condition! $6,500; 312/639-3329, after > pm. 1 9 7 1 L I N C O L N CONTINENTAL Mark V, blue w/whlte vinyl roof, exc. cond.. loaded. $5,300, •15/653-9413. 76 CHEVETTE: runs well, must sell. Asking $400.; •1S/72t-1355. 71 MERCEDES BENZ 2S0C Coupe, rare model. Electronic sunroof, a/c, am/fm stereo. $6700/best. 815/459-1467 PROFESSIONAL AUTO Body and paint work. Reasonable prices. Years of experience. 3I2/428-2047. 1912 MERCURY Grand M a r q u i s , l o a d e d , a m / f m cassette, sun roof, wire wheels, 67,000 miles, S6.S00. C*ll 312/639 1093. 79 VW RABBIT: 4 dr., auto, trans., am/fm radio, no rust, cond.! $2,000; IIS/33T 196t CAMARO 327 auto., beautifully restored, excellent condition, $3,300/ best. Call 312/639-66716-7 pm only. 77 CHEVY CAPRICE, ps/pb, p/w, air, am/fm, very clean California Car! $1,150; tlS^S- 5513. 7 9 C A D I L L A C S E D A N DeVILLE exc. cond., 57,000 miles, Florida car, loaded, must sell, $5500. •15/33T9177. '•1 FORD ESCORT Hatchback, blue w/blue Inf., ps/pb. auto.. air, clean, $2,195, evenings 312/65<-52U. '10 PONTIAC SUNBIRD, 4 spd., am/fm cassette stereo, new brakes ft muffler system, sun roof, 41,000 mi., ps/pb, runs exc., $3,too/best, 815-338-3364. '•2 CHEVY CAMARO. red sport coupe, V6, 4 spd., air, ps/pb, rear defog, inter wipers, am/fm cassette, cloth int., $5,600. •15/459-5477 or 312/991- 1142 'II DODGE OMNI: 2.2 liter engine, auto trans., air, 4 door, Cloth seats, $3,000; 115/344-3375. '•3 BUICK REGAL Lfd., am/fm stereo, ait, excellent condition, $6,200. or best offer; •15/455 1638. 78 OMNI, 4 dr., hatchback, 4 spd., a/c, radio, ps/pb, rustproofed, 30 mpg, 815/459- 1154. 1913 VW RABBIT GTI. S speed, air, 31,000 miles, new tires. New- was $9,575; Asking $6,000 w/ bank financing available. $179.73 per month. Call 9 am-5 pm, H5/67«-2491, ask for bennis. '•1 FORD ESCORT L. 63.000 mi., $2,450/best offer, #15/459- 1945. '77 MUSTANG II, 4 speed manual, 55,000 mi., good condition, $1,100 or best offer, 312/639-706», after 5 pm. 79 AUDI 5000 S, 4 door, 5 speed, sun roof, air, stereo, velour Interior, Excellent condition, $3,300; 115/305-6929. 1971 MONZA 305 V4. 4 speed, posi, tach ft guages, sport suspension, 39,000 miles, $2,600. Callll5/72»-0014. '73 VW SUPER BEETLE, runs good, $M0 FIRM. •15/33«-a575. • >>!'» ".•< .'J' '•2 PONTIAC Bonneville, ps/pb, p/w, p/seat, am/fm stereo cassette, wire wheels, like new. $4.500; »15/3»5 345». 77 CHEVY MALIBU. a/c, am/fm cassette, $500. Call days, »15/3>5-7167. 1979 FORD FIESTA $1,000 Or Best Offer » 815/455-1043 » '73 CAMARO LTRS $1,300 >15/653-9070 1977 BUICK REGAL, auto., blue 2 door coupe, air, am/fm radio, tilt, ps/pb, $1,850/ best. After 6 pm, 815/459 1726. '75 PLYMOUTH Valiant, 4 dr.. $550. 815/455-5887. 1980 TOYOTA Corolla, 5 speed 2 door lift back, ps/pb, am/fm cassette, good cond., $3,100/ best. 312/658-8123. '77 OLDS DELTA: 2 door. Clean! $2200., Pfaff Auto Sales. Huntley, 312/669-3381. '76 FORD PINTO: Good runner! $600., Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley, 312/669-3381. 74 AMC HORNET, 2 dr. hatchback, 6 cyl.. auto.,* nice car, $600/offer, 312/639-1389. '80 CHEVY CITATION: auto, air, $3,000, Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley, 312/669-3381. '80 CHEVY MONZA: 6 cyl. air, one owner like new, $3,200, Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley, 312/669-3381. '73 DODGE DART Sport 340, V- 8 auto., ps, power disc brakes, sun rdof, rear de-fogger, fold • auto., ps, power disc brakes, down rear seats, rally wheels, Goodyear radials, 70,000 miles, asking $950.; »15/33«-1404. '83 CHEVY Cavalier Type 10. 2 door hatchback, air, auto trans, am/fm, excelleht condition, $6,500; 312/658-5156. '83 CHEVY 9-Pass. Wagon, 30,000 mi., air, ps/pb, stereo, luggage rack, cruise, etc., $9,500,312/658-2005. '84 CAVALIER, dk. brown wagon, exc. cond., 39,000 miles, air, stereo, cruise, ps, auto, ft much more. $6895.815/338-9148. '•4 FICRO air, sun roof, am/fm cassette, well kept, low mileage, U700, 312/658-5245, evenings, or before 11 a.m. '82 TOYOTA TERCELL, 5 spd., 2 dr., 52,000 + mi., new brakes, no rust, $3,200; 815/455-6233. '83 PONTIAC Parissian station wagon, $7,000 or best offer, 815/344-0219, after 7 p.m. 1978 El DORADO, loaded, front wheel drive, white on-white landau, $2,500.312/497-3710. ' 8 0 T O Y O T A C O R O L A , hatchback, 5 spd., sun roof, very low miles, am/fm, very good cond., runs exc., $3,600 or best offer, 815/338-8191. 99 Automobllesfor Sale '•> CADILLAC COUPE, leeded, 39,000 ml., mint. Asking $10,500; atS/4SS-994l. 76 DATSUN, 710, rusty body but runs good, $250, 115/455 0S43. 1979 MERCURY CAPRI RS, 4 speed, hatchback, am/fm stereo, sun roof, hwy. miles, good cond., $2,700.312/6S> 210S. 1979 PINTO. 2 door hatchback, 4 spaed, good commuter car, St,S00/best.312/65M20«. 1977 VOLKSWAGON Rabbit, automatic, 2 door, good condition, $1,700.312/6STM34. '•4 PONTIAC FIERO SE, red/gray, p/w, tilt, am/fm, exc. cond., $$,<9S. 312/669-3036. '79 CUTLASS: silver, exc. cond., air, am/fm, 81,000 miles, S3,995./best, 312/669-3036. '71 CORVETTE, leather i n t e r i o r , p / w , t i l t / t e l e . , white/black, $1,495, 312/669- 3036. 76 DATSUN B210. $895. 73 Datsun 1200, 45,000 ml., $450, •15/459-1711. 71 FORD FIESTA, good cond., $150. II5/315-9439 71 FORD LTD II, 1 owner, 2 dr., am/fm tape, air, ps/pb, SI,M0/best, •15/45S-2243. ' 7 7 M E R C U R Y C o u g a r p.s./p.b., add air., factory new engine, clean, $2050.. 312/421- 1007 '14 FORD EXP, silver, 5 spd.. sun roof, 12,000 miles, mint cond., 312/659-2147. '73 TRIUMPH TR6, exc. shape. Must sell. $2,M0 or best offer, •IS/675-6370. '79 Z2I, ALum. wheels, euto., ps, pb, air, stereo, crusle, exc. cond., $5900,11S/459-54M or 459 1600. '72 MERCURY MONTEREY) good runner, good cond., S500/best offer. 115/344-3562 after 5 pm. USED CAR FACTORY '•2 Mercedes Bern 240D $14,500 '•1 Chevrolet Chevette 2,195 '79 Toyota CellcaGT 2,595 '79 Olds Starflre 1,693 '79 Ford LTD Landau 1,195 '79 Mercury Zepher 1,955 1,49$ 77Mallbu Wagon '72 VW Super Beetle '77 Ford Thunderbird 1,295 IN 76 Pontlac Bonneville 995 '75 Plymouth Fury 995 4700 Rt. 176 Crystal Lake 815/455-2870 WE BUY USED CARS! FOR A GOOD- Pre-Drlven Auto- Call JOE KENNEDY USED CAR FACTORY •15/455-2170 7> MUSTANG II, 4 cyl., auto., •1,300/best. 815/338-8845 74 MONTE CARLO, no rust; ps/pb, air, flit, am/fm, runs good, $1,500 FIRM, 312/428- 0415. '80 BUICK SKYLARK, 4 dr., V6, ps, pb, air, must sell, $2,000 or best offer. Located In Union. 815/877-3451 eves. '73 PLYMOUTH Duster, slant 6, 3 spd., manual trans., exc. winter starter, exc. runner, $500, l!5/344-3«50. 19t3 MUSTNG GL Fastback, exc. cond., a/c, ps/pb, am/fm, $5,500,115/455-5631 after « pm '71 OLDS Custom Cruiser 9 Pass. Wagon, 1 owner, $2,650, 115/455-3544. '•2 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 28 mpg, air, stereo, tuto., $3,800, 815/653 9221. ) '82 RENAULT Le Car, White, 4 door, sun roof, low miles, e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , c a l l 815/459-4799. '81 BUICK CENTURY, Load ed! 4 door sedan, low mile age, mint cond?, $5,400, 815/455-3599. '81 FORD ESCORT, 50,000 miles, auto.. $3200, 815/455- 2932. '81 MAZDA, GLC, custom L, 5 spd., sunroof,/am/fm cassette, $3300, 312/497-3729, after 5 p.m. '81 MONTE CARLO, V-8, LOADED, 47,000 mi., mint , must see! $6,900, 815/459-7669. '81 T-BIRD, white/red, ps/pb, air, stereo, 6 cyl., auto., low miles, exc. cond., $5,250. Call days 815/455-2112. '80 DODGE ASPEN SE, ps/pb, air, am/fm stereo, 49,000 mi. Clean. Asking $4,000, 815/385-9634. '80 FORD GRANADA, 4 door, air, ps/pb, am/fm. Runs good, $2,000/offer. 312/639- 5401. '80 HONDA ACCORD: 4 door, 5 speed, 26,000 miles, one owner, $4,000 or best offer, 312/639-5864, after 6 pm. '80 Pontlac Phoenix, loaded, excellent condition, $3000. 815/338-5663. 1979 BUICK REGAL Sport Coupe, turbo V-6, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond. Need mon ey for school- $3,600/ best. CAII 815/385-5003. 79 Capri i^S, 4 cyl., auto., air, >s, pb, stereo, 55,000 miles, ias piston slap, book value, $ 3 5 0 0 , f i r s t $ 1 5 0 0 t a k e s . 815/385-3789. 79 CHEVETTE, 4 dr, hatch back, auto trans., new ex haust, Ziebart. $l600/best of fer. 815/455-3008, days 8-1. '79 CHEVY BLAZER, 4x4, ps, pb, air, radio, trailer hitch, 350 V8, body has slight rust, asking $4255, 815/344-1511 1979 FORD FAIRMONT Fu tura, auto., ps/pb, am/fm ra dio, air, exc. cond.,'$2,650. Af ter 6 pm- 312/658-7447. 79 FORD MUSTANG, very good cond., $2,200, call after 6 pm, 312/658-3511. '79 OLDSMOBILE WAGON: a/c, ps, pb, auto tran, tinted glass, body ft door modeling, am radio, devided front seat, new battery, trailer hitch, good gas mileage, bargain priced $3300. 815/459-2132. VILLAGE OF ALGONQUIN 2 S. MAIN VEHICLES FOR SALE • 1974 Ford Maverick • 1974 Chevy Impala •1982 Ford LTD • 1967 International 2 Ton Dump Truck For further information 312/658-4322 i i