rage 12 NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Friday, September 13,1915 22 Help Wanted QUALIFIED SEMI DELIVERY DRIVERS Wanted Full time. Steady work. Benefits. Neville Brothers Elgin II. 312/742-9626 RECEPTIONIST FRONT DESK (Part Time) Must be available weekends. Apply In Person THE SUPREME COURTS 1 Virginia Road Crystal Lake, IL SELL AVi Johnsburg, eas. Full tij Earn up toil ,»M. \ W, McHenry, Wonder Lake ar ie or part time. 0%. Call, IIS/344 22 Help Wanted Retail ASSISTANT MANAGER Immediate opportunity with ladies' specialty chain in Spring Hill Mall tor qualitied individual. Excellent company benefits. Merchandise discount. Salary c o m m e n s u r a t e w i t h experience. Por Interview call, MRS. BUSCEMI 312/428-4366 E X P E R I E N C E D H A I R DRESSER, part/ full time. F.or interview, call •15/38S-79M. (McHenry Shop). THE COUNSELING CENTER -4-- Needs To Fill Evemng & Saturday SECRETARIAL Position with professional type person. Will work on many aspects of business. Includes micro-computer & word processing. 815/459-4083 AUTO DETAIL PERSON EXPERIENCED ONLY Contact Tom J. Mitchell Auto Body 815/385-9300 of net INTERNAL AUDITOR Plan and conduct financial, E DP, and procedure compliance audits. Work with independent accountants on annual audit. Qualifications include college degree, CPA certificate, 3 to 5 years experience with a National Public accounting firm and working knowledge of computer programming. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Design new programs in Cobol and Assembler for our IBM and.Honeywell Systems. Associate or bachelor's degree^flcofffputer science required. Ua/co Incorporated JAf&t County Line Rd. Barrington 312/381-7000 CONSUMER SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE Union National Bank of Elgin is seeking an expert enced Consumer Services Representative. Applicant must possess a high degree of interpersonal skills. Experience required in all phases of consultative banking and installment lending. Qualified appli cants may submit a resume stating recent experi ence and salary history to Jane Keith Union National Bank. of Elgin 1 Fountain Square Plaza Elgin, IL 60120 Equal Opportunity Employer MI F Automation EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES! Upcoming expansion opens new opportunities. NOW INTERVIEWING: • INSPECTION. IN PROCESS • SWISS SCREW MACHINE • INSPECTION, FINAL • JIG & FIXTURE MACHINE • INSPECTION, S.P.C. •SECONDARY SET UP •INSPECTION, TRAINEE • SHIPPING & RECEIVING If you are a skilled Journeyman in any of the above job descriptions, please phone us today! DAY SHIFT & NIGHT SHIFT CALL KEN 312/381-4405 KtectriciM NOW HIRING... ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN, IN HOUSE AFIELD SERVICE To troubleshoot. repair electric motor controls, esp. electronic drives. Successful applicant will have indust rial electronic repair and/or rebuilding experience, ma turity, work references, tools, mechanical Knowledge a plus. ENTRY LEVEL SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST Need Immediately for full time position. Job responsi bilities include routing of calls typing, filing and some bookkeeping. Courteous phone manner, 60 WPM typing, 10 key adder and figure aptitude esidtial. Must be flexible and able to pay attention to detail Good salary • Paid holidays • group insurance with dental • paid vacation 815-385-5530 McHENRY ELECTRIC CO. 4012 WestMain St. McHenry, IL 60050 Heip Wanted SALESPERSON WANTED For active Carpentersville Real Estate Office. License preferred. 312/428-2400 SALlS TRAINEE. No expert ence necessary. $200 to $400 per week guaranteed, subject to company program. Must have reliable auto. Manage m e n t o p p o r t u n i t y . C a l l >15/33160»0. SECRETARY Part time St. James Episcopal Church Dundee 312/426-56)2, or 312/426 6523 between 9 am & 12 pm. S E C R E T A R Y RECEPTIONIST 36nour week, downtown Mc Henry. Exciting new office environment, 1151/wit7 to' start. 115/315-7473 after 6 pm KENNEL HELP '. We peed animal loving in dividual to work Thur«day4hru Sunday (Live-in over weekend) to take care of show dogs. Must drive. If able to child sit also, pay Is additional. Island Lake location. 3)2/526-2027. Help Wantad SERVICE SYSTEMS CORP. Food service worker. Barring- ton schools. 5 days per week, 3 hours per day, school days only. 312/3I)-)6I0, ask for Debtee. SHAMPOO PERSON (Part Time) Thursday, Friday, Saturday WAVE LENGTH Crystal Lake •15/459 00^ SMALL OEM JOB needs a permanent part-time person to help with a variety of jobs including assembly, packag-' ing, & light machining. Hours flexible to suit your needs. I d e a l f o r m o t h e r w i t h c h i l d r e n in school. Call Mr. Young, 312/421 7450. NURSESAIDES Fulltime v All Shifts Will train. Excellent starting salary & benefits. Differential applies. Apply In Person: Woodstock Residence 309 McHenry Ave. Woodstock 815/338-1700 PAPER CARRIER WANTED for the following area: Gladys Ave., Millard Ave., S. River Rd. in Fox River Grove. If you are interested, please call THE HERALD for more info. 459-4040 * CRIME PAYS Earn above average income. Up to $500 weekly. 6 sharp people needed immediately to work our local Crime Prevention Program. No experience necessary. Company training provided. Must have car and be a willing worker. 1 t CK (J*> CM*** 7 For interview call Mr. White, 815-385-7473 CLERK Full or Part Time Variety of duties; maintaining mi crofilmed land records, operating reader-printer & photocopying, Crystal Lake office. Call for Appointment 312/249-1200 312-249-1200 ALTERATIONS Flexible hours, full or part time. Excellent benefits available including merchandise discount. Contact Mrs. Clark for appointment 312/551-1500 Equal Opportunity Emptoyar M/F/V/H Kids Get your after school Job Now. Age 11 to 15 working evenings, 4 nights a week 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Earn cash, prizes and trips. Transportation provided. You will be working for the Daily Sentinel. If you're inter ested in being a crew worker, call the Circulation Department Today. 815-338-1600 ENERGY SALES REPRESENTATIVE Seeking aggressive individual with sales ex perience related to the energy industry. Res ponsibilities include calling on new & exist ing residential, commercial & industrial cus tomers for the purpose of increasing sales and servicing customers' accounts. Knowl edge in HVAC and other gas applications would be helpful. An Associate or. Bache lor's Degree is a plus. Send your resume, including salary history to: T.L. Easton NI-GAS 300 West Terra Cotta Ave. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 - Equal Opportunity>€mployer Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER/TYPIST Must take exc. shorthand and type minimum 60 WPM. N.W. suburban salts ottica. Salary commensurate w/experience. Only qualified persons,need apply. Reply to BOX 015, Northwest Newspapers, P.O. 250, Crystal Lake. IL 60014. STOCK WORK (Part Time) Must be neat, dependable i 21 yrs. old. Apply In Person TEDDY'S LIQUORS HE. Northwest Hwy Crystal lake SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS . Needed for Woodstock School District 200. Interested teach ers are invited to attend an informal meeting on Sept. 12 at 3:30 pm, at florthwoo<f Ele mentary School; or contact Board of Education office: 115/338 1200 SURFACE GRINDER Minimum of 3 years experi ence setting up & operating on a wide variety of parts. 1st or 2nd shift. Apply in person. Acme Industrial Co. 441 Maple Ave. Carpentersvllle Ah Equal Opportunity Em- ployer M/F TOOLMAKER •' Experienced on tool room ma chines & blueprints. Requires high precision and close toler ances. Exc. working condi tions. Good pay & insurance. L & R MACHINE CO. 4422 Hi-Point Rd. McHenry, IL 60050 815/315-5940 (Also, part time person for same. Ideal for retired person.) COOKS mln Person ONLY SIDE JOHNNY'S 110 North Main Crystal Lake, IL Help Wanted TYPISTS WANTED For 2nd i 3rd shifts. Black Dot., Inc. 6115 Official Rd. * Crystal Lake 815/459-8520 WAITRESS Apply In Person PAYSANO'S 446 Virginia St. Crystal Lake, IL WAITRESS Day or Night PIZZA MAKER 312/639 7800 WAITRESSES & COOKS Positions a ? open for full or part tima, day or evening shifts. Apply in person. Dundee Manor Restaruant Rt. 68 & 72 East Dundee WAITRESSES WANTED DAY OR NIGHT Cattleman's i. Restaurant Ask for Mary or Tony 312/428-6035 N WAITRESS ~ (Evenings) Good Hours Apply In Person After 4:30 PM Wednesdays or Thursdays ONLY TOUCH OF ITALY 3910 West Main St. McHenry, IL Waitress wanted For coffee shop, 7am - 2pm. Monday thru Friday. 312/639- 5479 r\ [CUTIVE SECRE- 1 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Immediate opening for an EXPERIENCED EXECUTIVE SECRE TARY. Back|round in the personnel field and some marketing experience preferred. Excellent salary ind benefits for qual ified person. Please forward your resume and salary history to: Personnel Department TELEDYNE BIG BEAM \ P.O. Box 518 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 « Equal Opportunity Employtr M/F GENERAL TRUCK MECHANICS 5 years minimum experience. Need own tools (air tools) Call Rob or Dennis 312/669-5146 JOIN THE SUCCESS * EXCITEMENT OF FAMOUSVOOTW#***** * . Near Spring Hi Fashion Corner Location NOW HIRING... RETAIL SALES II you ire outgoing, highly motivated and would enjoy fashion shoe sales, Famous Footwear has excellent part time opportunities cur rently available. Schedules include day. evening and weekend hours. Apply in person Monday 9/9 thru Sat. 9/14 from 10 a. m. to 1 p.m. FAMOUS FOOTWEAR Spring Hill Fashion Corner 890 W. Main, West Dundee, IL. Help Wanted WANTEO COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Must have experience in the basic language. Basic IV Business Basic most benefi cial. Applications are now be ing taken at Fox Valley Sys tems Inc., 640 lodwstrial DrJve, Cary, IL 60013, M o n d a y thru Friday, I to 4:30 pm, or call Mr. McGrath at: , 312/639-5656. WATER SOFTENER INSTALLER Must Be Experienced . Call ltS/344-2662 YARD PERSON Young person witling to learn building materials A deal w i t „ h the public. Must be prompt, alert, & have own transporta tion. Taking applications Sept. 12th A 13th between 7:30 am A 9:30 am only at 670 S. McLean Blvd., South Elgin. SALESCLERK PART TIME CADIEUX'SBAKERY ^ 126 W.Main St. Barrington Apply in person at our Barr ington or Crystal Lake stores. CARPENTERSVILLE JANITOR Needed for large apartment complex. $4.00 per to styt. Full benefits. Applications accepted Mon.- Fri., 9 to 12 at Fox View Apartments, 3 Oxford Rd. Apt. U. 312/4287771 DENTAL HYGIENIST Fridays I to 2, Mondays, 9:30 to 2:30, 1 or 2 Saturdays per month. 815/315-1360 MOLD DESIGNER Mold design house has open ings for experienced mold designers. Top pay with over time A all benefits including C.A.D. training. R.K.Mold Design 312/888-2422 NURSESAIDES Certified Nurses Aides • Needed for Nursing Home Staff Relief. Top Pay. COMMUNITY NURSING, \nc 312/888-4550 . RESUMES Job Placement Diane's Business Service 115/455-6665 Help Wanted •COOK • DIETARY HELPER • DISHWASHER Full A Part Time Competitive Wages For More Information Apply In Person CRYSTAL PINES HEALTHCARE 335 North Illinois St. Crystal Lake DENTAL ASSISTANT We are a rapidly expanding dental office looking for the right person to join our super team. Excellent benefits. If you are hard-working, energetic, quick learning, flexible, friend ly, neat, punctual, reliable, mature, gentle, dexterous A in luftlve....please call for an In terview, 115/459-2460. DENTAL ASSISTANT Full or Part Time Experience Preferred ^ 312/426-3402 SALES/MARKETING director for Crystal Lake office of sat- telite TV company. Must be ex-, parienced. Please call for ap- polntment, 312/942-1171. EARN WHAT YOU ARE WORTH! We are interviewing both licensed and non-licensed in dividuals for. a profitable career in Real Estate. Exten sive training available. Classes start soon. Call today! ERA WOLF A ASSOC. 115/455-0660 ' •SETUPPERSON* Must have experience with pro gressive dies. Excellent work ing conditions. Good company benefits. Contact BRUNKTOOL & DIE COMPANY P.O, Box 312 Lake Geneva, Wi. 53147 » 414/248-8873* CASHIER Part-Time 6am-2pm, 2pm-10pm Apply in Person Bits & Pieces Mini-Mart (Mobile) 400 N.W. Highway Fox River Grove DENTAL ASSISTANT 34 hours per week. Paid vaca tion. Certification & experience desired, but not required. Per sonable A congeniel. Send Resume to Box AVO, C/O Nor thwest Newspapers, OPO Box 250, Crystal lake, 1160014. Help Wanted R.N.-L.P.N. (Part Time) 11 PM to 7 AM or 3 PM to 11 PM Every other weekend A 1 shift per week. 70 bed ambulatory health care facility. No uniforms. Contact Ms. Valek. SHELTERING OAK INC. Island Lake. IL 312/526-3636 ^ TV TECHNICIAN Part or Wn Time BfstTV, 312*658-9588 * SILK SCREENER WANTED Some U. Z. Ink experience preferred. Good starting salary. Medical A dental in surance. Call for an appoint ment. "7 815/344-4420 AVON IS BETTER Than Ever! Venture into the world of sue cess! For a limited time only- S5 to start. Call 815/338-6349. LIMITEDTlMEONLY! Start your Avon Business for as little as $5.00! 815/459-5757. HAIRDRESSER WANTED Full time. Guaranteed salary A commission. Liberal benefits. Vacation, store discount. Call Pam: 312/426-9100 Ext.283 LOCAL DISTRUBUTOR of construction equipment has an opening for a person to control inventory, do pricing, collect delinquent accounts A make some deliveries. Typing a plus. Send resume to: LEE JENSEN SALES 6170 Factory Road Crystal Lake, }L >0014 "MANAGEMENT Need 2 people to assi manager in focal' applia store. Opportunity for $300. week. Call for appointment. 312/741-7131 SELL BUSINESSES National company seeks gressive self-starters wifh sales and/or business perience, to evaluate, packaje A market local businesses sale. Call Mr. Kaplan, 815/41 5582, DENTAL HYGIENIST Part time evenings A Satif days in McHenry office. Phoj for an interview 815/344-0453 SECRETARY/ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Self starter, experienced in accounts payable. Accuracy a must. Other duties to include phone sales & typing. Computer experience desireable, but will train. Benefits include: * Good Starting salary * Paid vacation * 6 paid holidays * 10,000 life insurance * Company Paid Medical Insurance Apply in person or senf tj I WArlC CAMPBELL DETACHABLE CAftCORP. 120 W. Kent, Wauconda, IL 60084 312/526-7300 Seeks organized respoi sible person to kee books for busy restai rant. Bookkeeping ei perience necessary alon with light typing. Goo full time opportunit hard working ind ^nluatt Call Joy a 312/382-1400 to ai range for aa interview. i CHECKING N.0.W, DEPT. CLERK Light typing, filing, customer contact, statement reconciliation, previous banking experience desirable. ^ CONTACT SUE FLETCHER I McHENRY d SAVINGS BANK McHENRY RICHMOND HUNTLEY McHENRY SAVINGS BANK 1209 N.GREEN, McHENRY 385-3000 f Crystal Lake Heral Monday-Saturday \ Family Restaurants FULL-TIME GRILL PERSONS Now hiring full and part time days and evenings. Comprehensive benefits and excellent starting wage. APPLY IN PERSON 3-6, Monday-Friday CRYSTAL POINT PLAZA 6000 NORTHWEST HIGHWAY (Previously occupied by Golden Bear) CUSTOMER SERVICE PERSONS WANTED We are now accepting applications for dependable part time em ployees. Must have good driving re cord and good running vehicle. McHenry - early morning hours, alsopm hours available. Crystal Lake - early morning hours, alsopm hours available. Approximately 20 hours per week. Good part time income & mileage. Apply in person at: The McHenry Plaindealer . 3182 W. Elm St. or TheCryltal Lake Herald ~ 7803 Pyott Rd. NOPHONECALLSPLEASE } " 1 VI j I fM! ... Carriers Wanted Routes Available Paper Carrier Wanted for the following area: Ada Ln., Wolff St., W. Main St. If you are interested, please call The Herald for more info, 459-4940 C R Y S T A L L A K E H E R A L D Paper Carrier Wanted for the following area: College St., Rosedale Ave.,* S. McHenry, South St., University St. If you are Interested, please call The Herald for more info, 4M-4Q4Q Carrier Wanted Route #168 Abendroth Dr., Field Ct., North Ct„ Tile Line Rd.,W. Hillside Rd.. Walkup Ln., Wild Cherry Rd. 45-50 Papers Call 815/459-4040 C R Y S T A L L A K E H E R A L D Carrier Wanted Route #22-Cary Alma Ter., Silver Lake Rd., Wagner Dr., Weber Ct. 70-75 Papers Call 815/459-4040 Carrier Wanted Route #175 Cowlin St., Manor Rd., Shales St., State St. 50-55 Papers Cell 815/459-4040 Paper Carrier Wanted for the following area: Ash St., Maple St., Pomeroy Ave., S. McHenry Ave. If you are interested, please call The Herald for more info, 459-4040 C R Y S T A L L A K E H E R A L O Carrier Wanted Route #112 L i n coln Pkwy., Maplewood Ln., W. Terra Cotta Apts. 46-50 Papers Cell 815/459-4040 C R Y S T A L L A K E H E R A L D Paper Carrier Wanted for the following areai Broadway St., Country Club Rd., Essex Ln., Lakeside Ave. Riverside Dr If you are interested, please call The Herald for more info,- -- 459-4040 Call: 459-4040 Crystal Lake Herald 7803 Pyott Rd. Crystal Lake, IL QRTHWEST REWSPAPERS X --A-