Page 18 -- NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Wednesday, September 18,1985 38 Myslcal Equipment WURLITZER PIANO 8. ORGAN sale. Save 40-50%. Bell Morford Piano & Organ Co., 72 Fountain Square Plata, Elgin. 312/741-0780. SPINET PIANO 1500 312/639-1093 GRAND PIANOS FINE QUALITY LIKE NEW BABY TO FULL SIZE FOSS PIANO SERVICES 312/365-6440 GRAND PIANO, Conover, (Cable Co.) mohogany finish, semi-concert size. $1,200. For appointment, call 815/678-7621. PIANOS FOR SALE i ft. Grand, $3,500. Console. $495. Upright, $395. All have been carefully worked over a tuned to A 440 pitch. These are being sold by professional Piano Tuner. 115/653 6554.---- 39 Office and Store Equipment OFFICE DESK, (2) L Shaped with chairs, $250 each, Office Partion, 4X5, $70; (3) 4 X 8 Bulletin Boards, $60 each; magazine rack, $35; Round Formica kitchen table & 3 chairs, $90. Call 815/459 6111. 40 Household Goods ANHTIQUE dk. walnut dining rm. set, table, 6 chairs, & hutch. $600, 815/344 3924, after 6 p.m. ANTIQUE DINING room Set, buffet, table i 6 chairs, $950. 815/459 7159. _ BABY CRIB 8i Dresser, excel lent condition! $250. firm. 815/338 4657 2 CORNER CABINETS, wood, $40. each or best offer. 815/344 5845. DINING ROOM SET, dark wood, octagon pedestal base table, w/6 gold fabric high backed chairs, beautifully carved, $400. 815/385 9603. DINING ROOM SET, wrought iron octagonal table & 4 chairs, $325; 8 piece living room set, Early American, l Sear old, eartn tones, $775. luality furniture very good cond Call 312/658 3985. DINING TABLE I chairs, white oak, good condition, best offer. 815/653 6911. FURNITURE: coral velvet lo veseat, sofa, wht., coralo, green, dining set, rediners, more, exc. cond. 815/459 3615 Living 8i complete bdrm set, dinette 8c ping pong (able, chi na cabinet, old fashion leg tub. 815/459-8861, after 4 p.m. MOVING: perfect condition beige 5 piece sofa group, $700., contemporary dining room table, 2 leaves 4 side chairs, 2 captain's chairs, 2 piece matching china cabinet, $950., cedar cnest, $100., cot fee table, $75., console stereo, $75., 2 chest of drawers & mirrored dresser, $100., small drop leaf kitchen table & 2 matching chairs, $100.. Call after 4:30 or weekends, 815/338 6530. 43 Garage Sale* 3 PC BEDROOM SET, $100; 2 table lamps, $5/each; pull out oak table, $25; 5 drawer chest, $5; oak end tables, $100/ both; 19 in. color fv. Call 312/639 0225. PINE DINING ROOM SET, Queen Anne style table with 2 leaves, 6 ladder back chairs, cane seats; Lg. 6 door hutch, exc. cond., $1500. 815/459 0424. SOFA, traditional print, $100; 2 fireside chairs, $75/pair; 2 Rembrandt lamps, $50/pair; Take all for $200. Call after 4 pm, 815/455-5808. WALNUT DINING room ta ble, 40 x 66, small buffet, 6 chairs, pads, 18" leaf, $200. 815/344-4262. WONDER LAKE ESTATE SALE ~ 4311 E. Lakeshore Drive Saturday I Sunday Only Sept. 21-22, 9 am 3 pm FIRST QUALITY furniture, misc. household items, drap eries, brlck-a brae, etc. BUY YOUR Mattress factory direct, save $50 to $100. Woodstock Mattress, 2720 Raf- fel Rd., 10 AM to 2 PM, or by appt. 815/338-6674 or 815/338- 3979. 41 Lawn,Garden and Landscaping CASE 10 Horse Tractor, 38 in. mower deck, hydrostatic drive, $1,750. 815/385-4193. II hp, 48 in. self propelled, comercial type mower.' With grass catcher. 815/459 7676 JOHN DEERE 36 in Com mercial walk behind mower, electric srart, like new. Best Offer. 815/923 2653 or 923-4W6, MOWER, WOODS RM 59, PTO Drive, 5' cut, 3 point hitch, exc. cond., $675/best. After 6 pm, 815/338 2387. TURF TIRES & Whls. for Yanmar 186D, front 8i rear; $350/best. After 6 pm, 815/338 2387. 4 2 ® M a c h i n e r y /Tools MACHINERY/TOOLS: 10" Craftsman table saw, $100 10" Makita mitre saw, $75 815/455 0175 evens ROCKWELL Radial Drill Press, $200.; DeWalt 10" Ra dial saw, 300.; Pattern mak ers bend/vise, $200. Call after 6 pm, 312/742 1378. 43 Garage Sales ALGONQUIN 1320 Zange Dr. Sept. 19 & 20; 9 6 Girls clothes, sz. 2 7, adult clothing, bicycle, much misc. ALGONQUIN MULTI FAMILY SALE! 50 Center St Sept. 20. 21; 9 5 Antiques, refrigerator, stove, freezer, rototiller, piano. & much more!. BULL VALLEY/Pine Ridge Ridge Rd. just off Bull Valley Rd. Watch for signs. Sept. 18, 19, 20; 9 4 5 FAMILIES. Much misc _ CARY 6320 Shannon Dr Saturday & Sunday Sept. 21 & 22; 8:30 to 5 Everything from A to Z for your house, car, & children. even you! Make ours first. CARY • • 301 East Sherwood Drive Sept. 19-20, 10 am-?? Chidlren's adult clothes, household items, much misc. CRYSTAL LAKE MOVING SALE 4407 Rt 176 1 blk. E. of 31 Sept. 19 & 20. 9 5 Furn., Tractor, tools, house hold items, much misc. CARY 127 Ann St . ( Sept. 20. 21, 8-4 toys/games, clothes, air cond.. never used carpet, win dow fan, misc hsehd., dresser CARY FIVE FAMILY Lagoon Drive (End of Three Oaks Rd.) Sept 20 Si 21; 9 ? Baby clothes, toys, bed spreads, much misc. CARY " Lake Killamey Sub. Corner of Silver Lk & Crystal Lk. Ave. 15th Annual Comm. Gar. Sale Sept. 19. 20, 21, 9 3 CRYSTAL LAKE 974 Hawthorn Dr. Sept 19, 20, 21; 8-4 12 x 12 dog run, portable washer, stroller, swag lamp & more 10 mile free delivery on lrfl- lt»ms. CRYSTAL LAKE 6109 Chestnut (I blck west of West Schl) Sept 18 St 19, 9 4 Schwinn bikes, tv, kids & adults clothes, toys, hshld. Items, turn., much misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 420 Everett Sept. 20, 21; 9-5 Pit group. Vox guitar, porta" ble dishwasher, de humidifier, air conditioner, jofa & chair, small appliancejL CRYSTAL LAKE 924 Abbington Sept +9, 9 3 Sept. 20, 9-1 Baby & childrens clothes, crib, dressers, tools, toys, more. CRYSTAL LAKE 988 COVENTRY LN Sept. 19, 20, 8:30 4:30 bikes, baseball cards, toys & many misc. CRYSTAL LAKE/4 Colonies MULTI FAMILY SALE 842 Glendale Drive September 19, 20 8> 21 Stereo, walnut coffee table, clothing, books, etc. CRYSTAL LAKE 5 Family Sale Walk Up Woods 6515 Field Ct. Sept. 19, 20, 9 6 Dishwasher, 2 yr.l old Roper gas stove, couch, mahogney drop leaf table, Magnavox console stereo, ping pong ta ble, playpen, John Deere mower tractor with snowplow. Choice clothing & much misc. Everything priced to sell. CRYSTAL LAKE 3507 Crystal Lake Ave (1 Ml. East of 3D- Sepf 19, 20, 21. 8-5 Furn., Lowrey Organ, misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 533 Cress Creek Ct. Sept. 19, 20, 9 5 sofa, loveseat, dining set, re- diners, chairs, pictures, lamps, spreads, misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 107 Columbine Sat 9/21, 9 5 Antiques, dishwasher, much misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 416 Lake Ave Sept. 20 8. 21, 8:30 5 Landscaper cleaning house: Toro riding mower, tools, oil drums, wood chests, antiques, bikes, guitars, more. CRYSTAL LAKE 333 Woodstock St. Sept. 19, 9-3 One Day Only family rm. furn., desk, dress er, lawn equip., & clothing CRYSTAL LAKE/Coventry MULTI FAMILY 230 Dartmoor Sept. 19, 20, 21; 9-4 Honda ATC, turn., kid's clothes, misc. CRYSTAL LAKE FALL RUMMAGE SALE First United Methodist Church 236 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Sept. 18; 9 am 6 pm Sept., 19; 9 am 2 pm $1.00 a bag, Thursday! crystalTake MOVING SALE 894 Aberdeen Sept. 18, 19, 20; 9 4 Stove, etc. CRYSTAL LK/COVENTRY 173 Dartmoor Sept. 19,20,21; 9 1 Baby feeding table, bike seat, toy box, tractor bike, kids & adults clothing, toys & more. GARDEN PRAIRIE BARN SALE! 9210 Woodstock Rd. 15 mi. W. of Woodstock off Bypass 14 on Klshwaukee Rd. Sept. 19 21, 9 am 6 pm Humidifier, marble top table, old clock, milk cans, old kero- sine lamps, round oak table (old), set of Jewel Tea dishes, sewing rocker, crocks, assort ment of dishes, old jewelry. HARVARD 2 Family Moving Sale 14910 Durkee Rd Sept. 19, 20. 21, 8-4 turn., tools, toys, baby furn. 8> items, clothes. & misc. McHENRY 2507 Olive St. Sept. 21; 9-6 Sept. 22; 9-5 Tractor, lawn mower, lawn cart, snowblower. Moving, ev erything goes! McHENRY 3710 Maple Ave Sept. 19, 20, 21; 9 4 Clothing, furn., housewares McHENRY 1614 N Richmond Rd. (Rt. 31, Across from St. Mary's Cemetary) HUGE MOVING SALE for FAMILY SERVICE Sept. 20 & 21; 9 5 Misc. children 8i adult clothes, office furn. 8i equip., toy^books, kit. items,. McHENRY 4905 Home Sept 19, 20, 21; 9 4 Furniture, misc. 8> clothes. McHENRY 317 Country Club Dr. Sept 20, 21, 22; 9 ? RAIN OR SHINE! '73 Delta 88 Olds w/new con vertible top, clothing 20t to $2.00 each, jewelry, lamps. Our junk may be your treasure! McHENRY 813 N Lillian St. Sept. 20, 21; 9 4 Cribs, beds, dinette, furniture, books, tools, ti misc McHENRY 1413 Torrey Trail Emberwood West Subdivision. Corner of Ringwood & Wilmot Rd. Sept. 20, 21; 9 5 Tools, camping & boating equip, life jackets, stereo speakers, linens, dishes, lug gage, cameras, & much more. McHENRY Griswold Lake 916 W Plum Sept 21, 22; 9 5 Come to our 8th semi annual garage sale 815/385 6584 43 Garag> Sal-- McHENRY/McCullon Lake 5111 Fountain Lane Sept. 19 8. 20. 8:30 4 Sept. 21, 8:30 to Noon Furn.. clothes, baby items. McHENRY (Thru McHenry Country Club) 3301 W. Crescent Ave Th. & Fr., Sept. 19, 20; 9-5 Good Clothes, lamps, furn, tools, water skis; 78 x 14, 78 x 15 tires. Much misc. SLIDING Glass patio door w/screen, $40. Girl's Brownie uniform, sz 10, $10; 815/455- 5142, after 4:00 pm Wonder Lk/ Wooded Shores„ 7807 Oakwood Dr. Sept 19. 20.21 9 3 NO EARLY BIRDS! WOODSTOCK 534 East Jackson Sept. 19 21, 8:30 am ?? Furn , carpet 1 much misc. WOODSTOCK 544 Lawndale Ave. Sept. 20 8i 21, 8 am 3 pm Maple double bed fra^t, din ing room table, couch, clothes, toys, books, & misc. WOODSTOCK 126 Schryver Ave. Sept 20, 21; 9 4 Furniture, clothes, much much more! WOODSTOCK HIDDEN LAKE ESTATES 47 north to Charles Rd, west on Charles 2 miles. 4 GARAGE SALES 11 Families Fri.. Sept. 20; 8:30 5 Sat., Sep). 21; 8:30-3 Schwinn Bike, bi fold doors, hockey equipment, toys, clothes, Infant to adult, much misc. WOODSTOCK RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE The Rebekah Lodge Masonic Temple 730 North Seminary Ave. Sept. 20; 8-5 Sept. 21; 8-Noon 44 Misc. Merchandise ANTIQUE DINING room set, buffet, table 8i 6 chairs, $950.; white bedroom set, chest of drawers, dresser & desk, $75.; large dog house, $30.; cabinet stereo, $15., 815/459 7159. ATTENTION! We deliver sand, gravel, fill. If you have a need for our services before cold months set in. Call now! We install driveways, septic systems, ex cavation for footings, founda tions, land clearing, 8i grad ing for building. Also road work & road grading. Call us for prompt, courteous service. 815/344-5754, or 815/385 6976. BALLOONS Bloomin' Baloons 815/459 RAVE BELL & HOWELL 16 mm self winding movie projector, 4 yrs. old, w/extras. exc. cond.. S250/best_offeri 815/344 3903 BELL 8i HOWELL Super 8 & 8 sound movie camera & pro jector. Leather carrying case & screen included. $325. or best. 815/728 1795, evenings. 2 BLUE BUCKET SEATS, $15 each; lg. rust sofa 8i coffee table, $65; Barbie Townhouse, $12; child's fridge, stove 8i Sink set, $12. 815/338-7276. BUILDING SOLD, must ->«" i i -dryers, 1 color machine, 1 blk. leather chair & shampoo bowl, 3 hy draulic chairs, 2 blk. leather 8i chrome arm chairs, 2 satee, coffee table, 4 station & much much mores. 815/653 9739, af- ter 6 p.m. CANNON QL, 2 lenses, flash, 3X convertor, bag, $200. 815/455 4888. CANOPY BED. white wood single sz., $40. Truevalue Lawn mower 18", 3 hp., excel- lent cond. $30. 815/338 2721. DINING ROOM TABLE & chairs, $200; Car top carrier, $45.; Desk chair, $45. Call af- ter 3:30, 815/455 5129. FIREWOOD DELIVERED 100% Seasoned Oak, hickory 8i cherry: $140 Full Cord; $50 Face Cord. Semi Seasoned (needs 30 days): $120 Full Cord (No Junk) Satisfaction Guaran teed. Hartfield Firewood, 815/943 6990 FOOD DEHYDRATER SALE Five (5) tray model only $25. Three (3) tray model only $20. Doubles as a yogurt maker. Fantasy Festival Costume- /Magic Centre, 815/455-4910. HALLOWEEN'S COMING! Reserve your costume now. We have the largest mask col lection in Northern Illinois. Makeup & accessories. Fanta sy Festival Costume/Magic Centre. 815/455 4910. HERE WE ARE AGAIN! Dry Seasoned Firewood Oak, $55; Cherry, $60; Hicko ry or Walnut, $65 per face cord. 2 or more, $5 OFF each face. 815/6482337. KITCHEN CABINETS, sink, disposal, 8r dishwasher, $100. Laundry tub, $15., 815/455 0635. LADIES SCHWINN BIKE. 10 speed, $50; 3 Prom Dresses; shoes & assorted clothes (mostly size 9); misc. house hold goods & toys. By appoint ment 312/426-2179. LOVESEAT, contemporary style. $70, green sofa bed, $85, '74 Volvo, $700, 815/455 7208 lumber, 500 pes., 2 by 12 by 14', 2500 sq. ft. pecky syress 1500 sq. ft. cork t by 12 by 36" VW parts, never used, plus barn full of misc. 815/455 2344 MOVING SALE: bdrm set complete light wood, dining rm. set, complete, light wood, living rm., & many other items; Golden Pro dumb bell set, Pace CB model lOOOB, amplifier, Kingston model 30, 815/385 2344. MOVING SALE Living rm.,freezer, walnut desk, grill, outboard motor, lamps 8. tables, clothing. 591 Woodland Dr. 815/455-4591 NAME BRAND PAINT up to 75% of retail Call 312/639-1139 PIONEER SG9 equalizer, $100. Pioneer RG2 processor, $65; Pioneer SR 303 reverbar ator, $65, Alympus OM1 body, $100, 815/653-9482 POOL TABLE, AMF, 8', w/accessories. $350 815/385 5102 RECARPETING our 3 bdrm. home. Have available approx. 130 yds. used carpet. 100% ny Ion, blue/green color, popcorn texture. One buyer takes all. 815/459 2890 TABLE <i 4 OAK CHAIRS, wood rocking chair, band saw router, shaper drill presS. 815/338 4721. 44 Mlgc. Merchandise REMOTE CONTROL car, (The Sand Scortcher) w/2 chan. radio, $80 . 815/385 9239 RESALE STORE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Children's, Women's & Men's clothes selling out at Vj price! Irene's Resale Shop 109 E. Chicago St. Highway 62 Algonquin R & M F I R E W O O D SEASONED WOOD ••• 815/344-0515 ••• SEASONED oak firewood, satisfaction guaranteed, $50 face cord, $55 delivered. 815/338 8611, ask for Steve Schmieding SHOWCASES, (2) 8 ft long X 3 ft. higli, lighted, $140 each. Call 815/344 2260 days _ SLIGHT PAINT DAMAGE Fluffing arrow sign $269, Save $254! Lighted non arrow $247. Unlighted $199. Unbeliev able quality! Local. Factory: 1 800-423 0163, anytime SLIGHT PAINT DAMAGE Flashing arrow sign, $269. Save $254! Lighted non-arrow, $247. Unlighted. $199. Unbe lievable quality! Local. Fac tory: 1(800) 423-0163 TORO lawn mower, 21" runs good, $70; 48" paddle fan, $25; 7 ft. pooitable, $125, 815/653 4982 USED UPRIGHT VACUUMS Because of our Grand Open ing, we are over stocked Over twenty Hoover, Eureka, Kenmore. Oereck, Kirby, etc, reconditioned 8i guaranteed vacuums reduced to move quickly! Most priced $29.95 to $49.95 THIS WEEK ONLY at our Main St. Woodstock store. VOSS VACUUM & SEWING, 815/338-7370. WATER SOFTENER, Sears, with iron filter. Never used. New, $900. asking $400. or best offer. 312/669-3751, after 6 pm. WINDOWS & PATIO Doors by hurd as featured in "This Old House". Superior to highly ad vertised brands at LOWER PRICES. Wood - Aluminum clad casements, double hungs, sliders, awning windows, bays 8i bows. Direct sets - alt shapes, roof windows, storm windows and deck rooms. Pa tio entry, atrium a storm doors. See our Factory show room. Contractors invited. Continental Products 903 Armstrong, Algonquin, II. 312/658-2800 COMPLETE CHECKUP 81 CLEANING On Your Water Softener ONLY $15.95 Angel Soft Water Company Call 312/358-6000 Today • HAPPY GRAMS • SINGING TELEGRAMS Male8i Female Belly Dancers • 312/888-3060 » MATTRESS SALE Twin set, $89.99. Full set, $99.99. Queen Set, $139.99. Delivery available. Weiler's Furniture, Rt. 176 near Rt. 31,815/459-3363 FALL GARAGE Door Sale. Replace that worn out door now & save! many styles to choose from; Call Herb Falk 312/658-4812 WHITE NURSING uniforms, sizes 18 to 22. Name brand. Good condition. 312/888-0793. LOOKING FOR Carpet, Lineoleum or Ceramic? Call Dennis in Huntley, 312/669- 3511 ' WE RENT WATER S O F T E N E R S Free Installation this month. Angel Soft Water Company Call 312/358-6000 Today • SEASONED OAK Firewood, $45/ face cord or $365 by truckload. 608/339-7717, 6 to 10 pm. RENTALS Wanted to Rent Rooms (or Rent Houae*. Apartment* To Share Apartment! (or Rent Homes for Rent Condos, Townhomes for Rent Store. Offices for Rent Industrial for Rent . Farm and Farmland for Rent Storage Space for Rent Misc for Rent 50 Wanted to Rent CARY AREA house or town house needed Oct. thru Jan. No pets or children. 312/639 2729. CRYSTAL LAKE, 1 or 2 bdrm. apt. or Condo. Widow, retired, no pets, occ. Nov,. 1st, 815/459 7515. 4th responsible woman to share 4 bdrm house in Wood stock. $150 -I- util. 815/338 8062 McHENRY FAMILY needs in terim housing while building home in McHenry area by Oct. 20.815/385-4497. 51 Rooms for Rent McHENRY DEPOT HOTEL, Rooms start at $50/ week Cable hook-up, kitchen, laundry. Call 815/385-8885 after 2 pm. McHENRY, clean sleeping rooms. Weekly rates. Call 815/385-8905 CARY/BRIGHT OAKS Female w/3 yr. old, has bed room for rent to female only. $275/mo. Kit. & laundry privi leges ^ah^^3W639-93n_ Clean, Safe, Furnished Rooms Call 8 am to 9 pm ••• 815/338 3040 ««» ROOM IN lovely lake home, prvlgs., non smoke/drink, ref., sec., $290, 815/459 0932 Houses, Apartments 52 To Share FOX RIVER GROVE. Busi- ness man wants to share cost of 5 room apart. 2 bdrms., newly decorated Including dishwasher. Call 312/639-0390. RESPONSIBLE single parent seeks same to share house in Crystal Lake area. Please call Laura, eves., 815/459-7420 WANTED: Female room mate. $300/mo. with util., 1 j mo deposit. Must like tats. Avail now. 312/639 51 IS. 53Apartments for Rent CRYSTAL LAKE. DeLuxe 2 bedroom apartments avail able November i. Close to downfowm, shools, & shop ping Call 815/385 3225. EAST DUNDEE. 2 bdrm apt. available Oct. 15, heat & wa ter furnished, garage. Call at- ter 7 pm 312/426 4651. EAST DUNDEE, 2 bdrm apt., stove, fridge, heat 8i wa ter furnished, $340/ mo. plus security. Avail. Oct. 1. Call after 5 pm, 312/428 2983. McHENRY 1 to 2 bdrm , apart, right in McHenry, w/gar„ stove 8i refrig., $395. Call 815/385 3490. McHENRY, 1 bdrm sublet, no pets, no waterbeds. 815/344 4873, or 312/7922477. McHENRY, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Available No vember 1. Call 815/385-3225. MC HENRY 1 to J bdrm apt. Right in McHenry, w/garage, stove 8^refigerator. $395 Call- 815/385 3490 . McHENRY>1 bdrm apt No pets Ideal for mature adults. 815/385 6566 MC HENRY AREA, 2 bdrm house w/ new roof. Handy man special, $28,500 or best offer.Call 815/385 3490 McHENRY AREA, large ele gant 2 bdrm., applies., a/C, 1 block to bus & church. $500. a mo. Util. ind. No pets. 815/728 0131 McHENRY, deluxe 2 bdrm apt., convenient location,,, 815/385 3225. McHENRY RIVERFRONT, 1 bdrm. studio, living rm., kit. w/major applis., carpeting. No pets, $350 includes elec- trlc. 815/344-3607. RICHMOND. I bdrm. apt., carpet, appl., gar. avail., ide- al for adults. 312/991 5869 RICHMOND, 1 bdrm., 1st floor, stove, refrig., heat, wa ter & garbage pickup ind., 1325 + sec. Call Weisz Man agement. 815/648-4078. UNION: Available immediate ly. Spacious 4 room apart. No waterbeds, includes stove, re frig., heat, gas, water, gar bage pick up, $325. sec. dep. 815/923-4364. WOODSTOCK, 1 bdrm., $300/mo. + sec. dep. Water 8i sewer 8i refuge pickup ind. 815/338 7345. WOODSTOCK: Efficiency, close to square, $320. includes heat, water, 815/923-4140. WOODSTOCK, lg. 3 bdrm. apt., stove, refrig., washer 8i dryer. Avail, immed., $495, no pets, 815/338-0807. WOODSTOCK, near Square, 1 bdrm. 1st. floor. Ref I sec. req. 8250/mo. 815/338-7597. GARDEN QUARTER Apart ments: Spacious 1 8. 2 bdrms. Residential area. No pets. Fur ther Information, call 815/385- 2181. HARVARD PARK APTS. SEPTEMBER SPECIAL ONE MONTH RENT F R E E ToQualifying Applicants «. On New 1 Year Lease Available Immediately: 2 Bedroom Fyrnished Unfurnished Apartments • individually Controlled Heat • Central Air • Wall to Wall Carpeting • Private Patio or Balcony • Generous Closet Space • Laundry Facilities •Cable TV Available • Swimming Pool & Sun Oeck Call For Additional Info. 815/338-2383 815/943-3500 Senior Citizens Discount LAKEWOOD APARTMENTS DELUXE STUDIO, 18.2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Available for Immediate Occupancy • Free Heat, Water & Cooking Gas • Wall to Wall Carpeting •Walk-in Closets • Laundry Facilities • Swimming Pool • Garages Call For Aditional Information •815/338-2383* Senior Citizens Discount RICHMOND APARTMENTS l&2Bdrms. Avail. Wall to wall carpeting, fully ap- plianced kitchens, individually controlled heat, laundry faciltiesSiplay area. Call 312/587-9277 ALGONQUIN 2 Bedrooms starting at $455. 1 Bedrooms, $365.8i $375. ARROWHEAD APARTMENTS 312/658-8463 ANNSTONIAN APTS. ' Lovely Elevator Building Quiet; Gracious Living in Woodstock at McHenry 8i Irving 1 bdrm., $325. 1 bdrm. 81 den, 365. 815/338-6255 54 Homes for Rent WOODRUFF, Wis- lakeside vacation home, available through Spring by the week or weekends. Call 312/629-7712. CRYSTAL LAKE: Rent/Op tion, 3 bdrms., study, frplce., wooded area, Burtons Bridge area, 1722 Rt. 176, 312/934-7597 McHENRY. l bdrm. apt. No pets. Ideal for mature adults. 815/385 ^66 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS, 6 year old 2 bdrm. home. Full bsmnt l car gar., stove, re frig., $500. per mo. 1 mo. sec. deposit. No pets. Johnsburg schools, available Oct. 1st '815/344-5794, after 5. ALDEN For rent, $750 with option to buy, $128,900. Fan tastic contemporary spacious home on 5 wooded acres with 2 frplces. Great room, 31 x 29, master bedroom suite with his 8i her bathrooms, all appli ances including micro 6> Jenn- Alr. Boppart Real Estate 815/943 4777 Homes for Rant ALGONQUIN, large home, hardwood floors, bsmt., gar., $750 312/6586050 CARPENTERSVILLE, 3 bdrm. ranch, applias. ind., 2 car garage, $600/ mo. 149 Golf view. Call 312/766-6214. CARY, newer 3 bdrm., 1 1/2 baths, 2 car gar., fm. rm.. bsmt., tri-level. exc. in town I PC., $650, 815/455 5515. CRYSTAL LAKE; Country 3 bdrm. ranch, 2 car gar., Crys tal Lake schools, $500./mo., 1st & last mo. 815/455-5310, after 6. CRYSTAL LAKE/Coventry, clean 4 bdrms., 2 baths, 2'i car attached gar., all appli ances. $650./month, plus sec. deposit a credit check. No pets 312/255 1523. C R Y S T A L L A K E LAKEFRONT 3 bdrm, ranch. Lease/option or short term lease. $800/mo. Sec. dep. A credit check req. Ed or Pat. 815/455 2664. CRYSTAL LAKE, rent with option to buy, 3 to 4 bdrms., fam. rm., fireplace 8i att. ga rage, $685/ mo. 312/870 1800. CRYSTAL LAKE, small 2 bdrm. home w/garage, securi ty, reference & lease/option, 8390/mo. 815/338-4678. CRYSTAL LAKE, 1 bedroom home with car garage, handy man preferred. $295 per month. 1 1/2 mo. security. No pets. Avail. Oct. 1. 815/459- 0727. R.E. Agent. McHENRY: 3 bdrm., 1 car garage, newly decorated, $475. a month plus sec. dep. No pets. Available 10/1/85. Call after 7 pm, 312/497 3630. McHENRY, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath ranch. Avail. Oct. 15, $600/ mo. plus 1'/] mo. securi ty. No pets. R.E. Agent, 815/459 0727. McHENRY: In town, 2 bdrms., full bsmnt., l car at tached gar. plus shed. $485. plus 1 mo. sec. deposit. 815/385-7954, after 3:30. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS, 8 yr. old ranch, 3 bdrms., 2 baths Oct. 1 occ., $475/mo. + sec., 815/385-3395. McHENRY: 1 a 2 rm. $99-8169. KCni 3932 Ma,n st- RICHMOND, in town, 3 bdrm., full bsmnf. ranch, re frig. a range, 3 blocks to schools, $385. a month plus utilities. Sec. dep. $300. For appointment, call 815/678-7621. SUNRISE RIDGE, deluxe large 2 bdrm., 1 1/2 bath, fm. room w/fplc., att. 2 car gar.,^ $550/mo. + sec. dep. Oct. 1 occ., 815/385-3395. WONDER LAKE; 2 bdrm. home. All appliances, double fenced lot, gar., $400. plus sec. deposit. No pets or wa terbeds. Refs. required. Call after 6. 815/338-3633. Condos, Townhomes 55 for Rent FL. CONDO, Siesta Key, Sar asota; 2 bdrm/2 bath, tennis, 2 pools, saunas, exer. rm., near beach, $170/$250 per wk., 2 wk. min. 815/455-6231 MARATHON FLORIDA, by 7 mile bridge, 1 wk. Nov. 30th thru Dec. 7th, 1 bdrm. condo, sleeps 4, $400 wk., 815/338 3628. Stores,Offices for Rent 56 CARY DOWNTOWN, store, $400/mo +• sec. dep., Essex Costello R.E., 312/639 5561. DOWNTOWN McHENRY: 2 Adjoining Store Fronts. 900 sq. ft. total. Rent 1 ($150. 8i $350. per mo.) or both ($450. per mo.) Utilities included. 815/385-7071. FOR LEASE Old Volo Village Shop in Volo, Illinois. 1000 sq. ft. of prime space In our unique mall next to the famous, classic Auto Museum 6i our newest Coun try Galleries featuring 6 inte rior designers. Existing shops in the same building Include Arts 8i Crafts Shops, Jewelry Shop, Doll Shop, Art Gallery. Set up now for comming up holidays. Rent very reason able, good year-round high- traffic area. Be a part of our unique Country Village a en joy a profit from traffic that our other shops attract. Old Volo Village, Volo, Illinois, 815/385-3896 - by appointment, Bill G., 10 am to 5 pm. 101 NORTH MAIN St. in Crys tal Lake, Small a medium size offices. Crystal Lake R.E., 815/459-1000. ONLY TWO Decorator Fur nished 8. 1 unfurnished office left in prestige bldg. on Cary Algonquin Rd. Many unusual amenities. 312/639-0055. RT. 14 CRYSTAL LAKE, 2000 sq. ft. Ideal for offices or re tail. Call Dave Daniels, Re- Max Realtors, 312/658-3100. WOODSTOCK, 1,100 sq. ft., of fice or commercial, $295/mo., 815/338-0743. CRYSTAL LAKE, individual office spaces. Immed. occupan cy. Ideal for salesman, mfg's. reps, etc., Rt. 14., from $150/mo., Frank J. Smith 8i Assoc., 815/455-1440, 815/459- 0606. 101 C0RPQRAIEXQRN6JK IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Crystal Lake's Prestige Office Suites 250 to 2,500 Square Feet Remodeled To Suit For Information Call • 815/455-7382 • McHENRY OFFICE BUILDINGS 2,260 sq. ft. Avail. Immediate ly. Newly remodeled. 6,700 sq. ft. Avail. Dec. 1st. Contact Juan Estela, Taylor Made Golf Co., 815/344-3230, 8:30 to5. CRYSTAL LAKE 600 to 1,200 sq. ft. of quality space available in new office building in prime location. 815/455-4434. 54 Stores,Offices for Rant 57 Industrial for Rant McHENRY, 2,400 sq ft. build Ing, overhead garage door, bathroom, office, heated. Call 815/4598111 or 344-2957. CRYSTAL LAKE, 1.100 sq. ft., 3-phase elec., compressed air, 815/459-9060. RICHMOMD Business Proper ty on Rt. 12, 1,000+ sq. ft., carpeted office area & 3 phase wiring, 1 yr. lease, $275 + utils. Village Oaks Realty, 815/678- 4505 NEW BUILDING Algonquin, north of Elgin. Units 5803 to 7583 sq. ft. Docks, sprlnklered, air conditioned of flces, flexible designs available. Bargain to first renters. 312/372-8692 McHENRY 15,500 sq. ft. building with loading dock. Ideal for manufacturing, warehouse, wholesale or retail use. Highly visible location, ample park ing. Will divide and/ or remodel to suit. Call Vern or Tom « 815/385-5700* Storage Space 59 for Rant ALGONQUIN Stop & Store, Inc. Self Storage Mini-Warehouse Units now renting. All sizes; Low rates! Monday through Saturday, 9-5, Sunday, 1-5; 312/658-3033 INSIDE STORAGE, avail, now, RV's, boats, cars, etc. 815/338-1755 or 815/653-5666. WOODSTOCK, I car garage for storage, $40. a month. Call after 9:30 pm, 815/338 5461. REAL ESTATE Wanted to Buy ££TpTty Industrial tor S«i« OpenHouMB Haunt lor Salt Coodo* 4> for Sale U*a and Acreage MoMIe Homos for Sale Farina rar Sale 65 Wanted to Buy HAVE BUYER for country estate in McHenry County. Desire historic stone or brick home on 10 to 15 scenic acres, ideally w/pond and/or stream. Participation invited from Brokers and private par ties. Scott K. Summers, Bro ker, Box 430, Harvard, IL 60033. PRIVATE INVESTOR wants to buy Income property, will look at all, any condition. 312/870-0457. 69 Houses for Sale My Wife 8> I are looking for a home with existing VA or FHA mortgage. 815/385-4389 WHERE ELSE can you get a new 3 bedrooom ranch with 2 car garage complete for $45,000 on your lot or ours? Call United Builders, 815/943-3167. McHENRY, 2 bedrooms, fireplace, large kitchen, 1 car gas heated garage, on lg. lot, $48,900. Call 815/344-5523. WOODSTOCK, by owner. 3 to 4 bedroom bi- level, 2 baths, 2 car attached garage, 1,850 sq. ft., custom fireplace 8i deck, large lot, $93,000. Call after 5 pm, 815/338-7074. ALGONQUIN- by owner. 2,250 sq. ft. custom raised ranch, 4 bdrm., 2 baths, in-law arrange ment w/prlvate entrance 8i drive. Large country kitchen with patio doors to 21 X 23 ft. deck w/ beautiful view. 23 X 16 ft. family rm. w/ woodburning stove, custom bookshelves, 8i separate bar room. 2 car garage, Intercom, C/A. On nicely landscaped corner lot. $94,600. Call 312/658-5561. CARY/Trout Valley, marina, stable, tennis, trout pond, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, custom brick ranch, 1 plus acre, A/C, family room w/frplce., laundry up, V/t car gar., bsmnt., like new, ear ly possession, open Sunday 1 to 5,312/639-0969. 4 BDRM. raised ranch w/1850. sq. ft., 2 baths, frplce., deck, 8i assumable 10% fixed rate mor tgage ($685.65/mo. $62,100 balance) Can close in 2 weeks. $84,900. McHenry County Real- ty, Inc. 815/653-2061. • REALTORS Why not keep all the marbles? Join our ERA 100% Commis sion Team in Crystal Lake. All inquiries confidential. Call Bruce Kaplan, 815/455-4700. • CARPENTERSVILLE BY OWNER 2 story colonial, 1700 sq. ft. liv ing space, 4 bdrms., IV2 baths, finished family room with slate pool table, new 30 x 10 wolmanized deck, no realtors please. $58,000. After 6,312/428- 7832. SLEEPY HOLLOW, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, rec- room w/wood stove, C/A, 2 car att. heated garage, wooded lot, $80,500. Must sell. Call 312/426- 8162. MUST BE SOLD! 6 acre farmette with 47 x 21 ft. stable. Private pond K cir cular drive leading to 3 bdrm., 2 bath contemporary ranch with living room, dining room country kitchen/family room area with frplce. Also finished bsmnt. 81 2 car ga rage. Askina $159,000, but owner wants OFFERS. C & R Sales 312/669-3273 CRYSTAL LAKE NEW I bdrm. duplex, full bsmt., 815/459-1000. Other homes available. ONE PERSON OFFICES 180 Sq. Ft. Private Office in Crystal Lake's ne west office buildings. Includes Conference Room, Reception Area & Receptionist for your phones. 0n-Site Secretarial Service Available All for $385 per Month Call RON PRATHER 815/459-9470 TERRACOTTA PLACE 69 Houses for Sale CONTRACTORS 3 bdrm. fix er-up on 1 acre ground. Make an offer. McHenry Realty, 815/653 2211 • Mort CRYSTAL LAKE, 1,800 sq. ft., 2 story older, 3 bdrm., 1 1/2 car, den, in-town location, low 1qxes, $73,500, 815/459 3783. CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 colonies, spilt level, 4 bdrms., 2Vi baths. C/A, exc. dose in loca •ion. Walk to schools, $114,900, 815459 6959, after 3 p.m. CRYSTAL LAKE. Beautiful large brick home on 4 wooded acres. $1 19,500. Owner financing. Boppart Real Estate 815/943-4777 CRYSTAL LAKE: By owner Beautiful all brick ranch, 3 bdrms., 2Vi baths, large living room with frplce.. family -room/kitchen with built-in oriil in brick win. On the 18th fairway of the Crystal Lake Country Club. 815/459 2632. CRYSTAL LAKE Contemp. 2 story, 4 bdrm., 21: baths, bsmt., a/c, large patio, neutral colors, close to schools. Ct^anl $113,900 815/459-3147. CRYSTAL LAKE/Coventry Activity model, ^bedrooms, 2 baths, C/A, all new decor (in S out), new carpeting & kitch en cabinets, custom window coverings, fenced yard, close to schools, Vn car attached garage. By Owner - $83,500 Call 815/455-3078 CRYSTAL LAKE/ Lakewood. 3 bdrms. 1 1/2 baths, 1 1/2 car att. garage, bsmt., frplce., greenhouse, lake rights, sun porch, $99,000. 815/455 6233. CRYSTAL LAKE: newly re modeled, 2/3 bdrm. home on double lot, gar., appl., super clean, must see, $59,500, Mr. Boley, 815/455 3830, or 815/459- 0627. CRYSTAL LAKE: Quality 4 bdrm. ranch, C/A, Vh baths, full bsmnt., 1 car garage, close to schools 81 shopping, $74,900. 815/455 1327, after 5:30 pm.. GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repair). Also de linquent tax property. Call (805)687-6000, ext.GH-4920 for information. HEBRON FARMETTE: Newer ranch on 5 acres. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, 2 car gar., $89,900. Ask for Betty Amato. 312/381-6464. IDEAL FAMILY HOME CRYSTAL LAKE, tri-level, backs to park, beautifully landscaped, 9 rms., 4 bdrms., 2 baths, c/a, fplc., fenced yard, storage shed. Patio, 2 car gar. Quiet street, $84,900, 815/455-5417. Johnsburg/riverfront, By Owner. 1 bdrm., garage, boat hoist, $50,000, 815/385-0395 MARENGO-$50,850 4 bdrms., 2 baths, 2 frplces., 2 car gar., Lasko Realty 312/428 2223 McHENRY, 4 bdrm. home w/1 1/2 baths + a fam. rm. Walking distance to church, school 81 shopping. Asking $58,500. Fitzgeralds' Realty, 815/385-8700. MCHENRY. 9Vi% -assignable, 2/3 bdrm. ranch on lg. wood ed lot, 2 car att. gar., $529 P.I.T.I., 815/344-2298 or 385- 6392. McHENRY: By owner. 2,400 sq. ft. raised ranch, 2 yrs. new. 3 bdrms, 2'/2 ba., 24 x 21 fam. rm., C/A, frplce., 2 car gar., $91,900. Call 312/540-3729 days or 815/385-7464, or 312/991-8718 eves. McHENRY (Johnsburg School District), by owner, 3 or 4 bdrm. ranch, full bsmt., wood burning fplc. Open rail stair way to lower level. Complete ly remodeled. All new carpet. Asking $65,000. 312/497-3975. MC HENRY, Older home, in town, near park, 4 bdrm, din ing room, garage, basement, enclosed porch, large yard. $49,500. CAII 815/344-0815. No Realators or Brokers. McHENRY, small 1 bdrm. near river. $29,870. $1,497 dn. 8, $89/wk. 815/385-0169. CARPENTERSVILLE by owner 3 bdrm., 1 bth., 2'/a car gar., close to schools 81 shopp ing. $65,000. No brokers! 312/428-3007 NORTH BARRINGTON area,' by ownerm w/10% assum. mortg.. Fox River across street, woods out back, pool w./decks, fenced yard. 4 bdrm., 2 bath, c/a, 2 1/2 car gar., fm. rm., Iv. rm., dn. rm. & oak floors, incls. applis. & window decor. After 6/ week- ends, $89,000, 312/639-5274. SELLING YOUR HOME? Let Homes By Owner adver tize for you. 250,000 circula tion every 3 to 4 weeks. Buy ers looking this area! For more Info, call area rep. at 312/497 3426. MARILYN MONROE SLEPT HERE Housas for Sale WOODSTOCK: Condo roomy 2 bdrm., gar., appliances, air. Asking $48.000,815/338-6451. NEW CONSTRUCTION ' 3 bdrm. ranch, full bsmnt., gas heat including lot & all utilitM, $51,500. FHA & VA financing available March Builders Inc. 815/385-8180 CRYSTAL LAKE, Four Col onies Colonial, By Owner. House overlooks lovely com munity park & pond. 4 bdrm., 2Vj bath, spacious kit., paneied family rm w/natural fireplace, formal dining rm.. & 1st floor utility rm. Lower level warmly decorated w/stained chair- rails, baseboards, molding'& solid six panel doors. Recently painted & papered. $118,900. 815/455-4653. No Brokers! GREAT LOCATION across from sandy beach, near boat docking area. 6 rooms, 4 bdrms., large eat in kitchen. Large brick & paneled living room, sun room, full basement with drive in garage. Well in sulated with attic exhaust. $59,900. Call McHenry County Realty, 815/653-2061. Ask for John Krenger McHENRY, Country Club estates, 3 bdrm. ranch, 2 cat1 detached garage, lg. fenced yard, new ceramic bath, hard, wood floors, immaculate & well decorated. By appointment* 815/385-8694. $62,000/ firm. WOODSTOCK, 3 bdrm. home with family room with dining area, full bsmnt., 2 car at tached gar., many extras, $115,000. 815/338-0983. WOODSTOCK, by owner, j bdrm. ranch, 1 1/2 car gar., fenced backyard. Covered pa tio. New roof & water heater Newly remodeled bath & k(ti Recent blacktop drive & ext. paint. Close to schools & churches. $62,000. 815/338 5104 after 5 pm. WOODSTOCK, by owner, at tractive brick & vinyl Cape Cod. 4 bdrms., 2 baths, fplc., full bsmt., 2 car gar., deck, patio, large lot, many extras. Convenient South Side loca tlon. $82,500, 815/338-3264. WOODSTOCK: Georgeous 2,800 sq. ft. custom home on 4 wooded acres. $164,900. Boppart Real Estate ^ 815/943-4777 ^ Condos & Townhomes 70 for Sale, CARY: By owner, 2 iarge bdrms., I'/j baths, A/C,. frplce., near pool, $52,900. Call 312/639-3676. „ CRYSTAL LAKE, Colour Square, 1st. floor, 2 bdrm., bath, full bsmt., dining rn»r,* cent, air, fully carpeted, & a<C appl., $58,900. 312/736 7827 Or. 815/455-2744. CRYSTAL LAKE, CoventrV Club, 1st floor, 3 bdrm., baths, dn. rm., eat-In kit., air, gar., club house & pool. Walk to everything. 815/455-2477 eves. CRYSTAL LAKE/Four Cole nies Townhome, 3 bdrms., 1/2 baths, bsmt., deck, 2 car. gar., extras, assum. 12% VA~, $95,000, owner, 815/455 1460. MCHENRY, 2 bdrm., w/appl., air, washer/dryer, & pool. $35,900, 815/459 8999 M c H E N R Y C O N D O , 2 bdrms., 1 1/2 baths, all ap plias. ind. washer/ dryer, $39,900. 815/385-4279 eves. 71 Lots and Acreage 7.7 ACRES, 265 ft. frontage, 1 mile south of McHenry on- Route 31. Will consider high est written offer. Call 312/925- 7340. ALGONQUIN, corner 1/2' acre, prime area, $30,000 ne gofiable. Will build to suit. 312/870-0567 or 312/827-2767. BARRINGTON AREAf By owner. Vi acre, small quiet country like subdivision. Closi to shopping, hospital. 312/639. 6450. BEAUTIFUL Home Sites, 3 to 5 acres each. Horses allowed, , large fishing ponds, natural' gas 81 more features. Fail sale prices, $12,000 to $25,000 per lot. Alden area. Leo Heinz Real Estate, 815/648 2654. BONNIE LAKES ESTATES, adj. to Turnberry % a. lots w/all utils. 10% down or bldg. financial help. 312/296-4114. CARY. For sale by owner. 2 adjoining lots equal 1 acre. 312/639 7260. EAST DUNDEE, Bonnie Dun dee Terrace. Duplex, corner lot, prime area. $34,000. Call after 5:30, 312/426 4517. EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS McHenry. By owner. 2 beauti ful extra large lots. Wooded, sewer 8i water. Approx. 74 x 256, $19,500. 312/253 5300. FOX RIVER GROVE city lot, water, sewer, mature trees, park view, will build to suitr* CAII 312/553 0369 Well, she probably didn't, but this 2100 square foot, FOUR BEDROOM beauty could house a lot of very important people. A 22' family room with a fireplace to cuddle & drink champagne by. Exclusive country club area of McHenry. Priced for a quick sale - owner desperate: $79,900 Ventura Associates, Ltd. 312-669-5255 JUST REDUCED Best Buy for ONLY $55,000 4 Bedroom Raised Ranch. 1 Vi baths, lake rights to Griswold Lake and Fox River. 2Vi car garage. BOARDWALK REALTY 312/526-5300 4