McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Wednesdey, September II. 1*15 Pe®e 9 Community M k • k • • -| Three area residents charged with DUI Representatives of the cheerleading squad from St John the Baptist School in Johnsburg present Senior AngeUne Kieler, O.S.F., principal of St John's School, with the trophy they won from the Johnsburg Community Club for their first time entry in the Saufen Und Spiel parade. Beth Bouklen, Danielle Himpleman and Michelle Kennebeck along with 16 otter girls braved the 90 degree heat and humidity to build the float that took First Place, Best of Parade honors. Armed Services STASIAK • - - Airman Michael A. Stasiak, son of Thomas E. and Virginia M. Stasiak Of 1711 W. Beechnut Dr., McHenry, has been assigned to Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., after completing Air Forcde basic training Aug. 2. During the six weeks at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, Stasiak stud ied the Air Force Mission, organiza tion and customs and received spe cial training in human relations. In addition, airmen who complet ed basic training earn credits to ward an associate degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Stasiak is now receiving spe cial instruction in Defense Sasttel- lite Communications. He is a 1965 graduate of McHenry High East Campus. GANSKE Marine Pvt. Joseph F. Ganske, a 1964 graduate of McHenry High School, West Campus, has complet ed recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. During his basic training he par ticipated in active physical condi tioning and gained proficiency in a variety of military skills including first aid, rifle marksmanship and close order drill. Teamwork and self-discipline were emphasized throughout the training cycle. Ganske Joined the Marine Corps in March, 1964. Three area residents were charged Sunday with driving under the influence of alcohol. A patrolman noticed a vehicle on Wonder Woods Drive with its driver asleep and the motor running. James Hestrup, 30,4709 Hilltop Won der Lake was charged with DUI and driving while license is revoked. Obituary Albert O. Wertke Albert 0. Wertke, 87, 32550 N. Route 12, Ingleside, died Sunday, Sept. 15, 1965 in Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry. He was born Oct. 19, 1697, in Chicago, the son of Otto and Emma (Tiedt)* Wertke. A resident of western Lake County over 33 years, Mr. Wertke was an employee of National Tea Company of Chicago 27 years and Midland Pipe Company of Cicero, as a dis patcher, 10 years. Surviving are his wife Meta (Buchholz) whom he married 65 years ago on March 20,1920 in Chi cago; a son Russell (Elizabeth) of Volo; three grandchildren; three great-grandchildren and a sister Grace Wertke of Arlington Heights, 111. His brother Charles preceded him in death in 1961. Visitation will be held Thursday from 3 p.m. until the time of ser vices at 8 p.m. in the George R. Justen & Son Funeral Home, with the Rev. Terry DufUr of Grace Lu theran Church, Richmond, officiat ing. Interment will be private. Another man was arrested for DUI after he turned himself in to the McHenry Police Department. Ac cording to a county police report, Schools (continued from page 1) day and remain open at the end of the year one day longer. The tenta tive last day of school is June 4. Rob Gough, high school principal, will represent the school district at -an upcoming meeting on sludge dumping situation that has arisen with the school district. There have been questions raised by some dis trict residents regarding sludge from a Fox Lake Sewage Plant that is being dumped on a farm near the high school. A committee of concerned citi zens, representatives from the area municipatlities and the school dis trict and Sen. Jack Schaffer (R- Cary) will meet with Mayor William Dam of Fox Lake to discuss a solu tion to the situation. Results of the meeting will be announced in a joint press release. The County Road Commisioner has informed the school board that a new speed limit will be established in front of the high school on Ring- wood Road. The new limit will be 45 mph, but no sign will be posted for another month or two. School board officials requested the reduced speed. ' Wilson T. Munoz, 33, 2603 W. Fair- oaks Lane, McHenry, reported he allegedly drove through his garage. The third alcohol related Incident occurred when a vehicle driven by Kenneth C. Then 56, was spotted by Sheriff's Police traveling south on Chapel Hilt Roart crossing the center line. Police reported Then's vehicle was observed with its brake lights lit while attempting to avoid an acci dent at the Chapel Hill and Lincoln Roads intersection. "Hien was arrested for DUI and bribery. £lECTR0tySIS...THE SMART CHOICE THE SMART CHOICE IS TO BE POSITIVE. LOOK YOUR BEST WITH ELECTROLYSIS, THE ONLY MEDICALLY APPROVED METHOD OF PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL. FREE MINI TREATMENT ZUc&uUfAU Hi NtMUr PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL .A. MKMMft 4302 W. Crystal Lake Rd.. Suite C Whispering Point • McHenry, It. (815)344 3640 or (312)658-3696 ^ - For Your Information""™""1-- Dear Frtenit, For most pereone, there Is no mere difficult experience than the death ef • loved ene and the separation that felewa. This la tree la degrees far relatlvaa, Meade, and members ef the com* maalty. The funeral allows the larger group te |ehi la eharlag grief, and lovlag anecdotes ahoat the Ufa ef the deceaeed. It la helpful te famly and commualty morale aad la net accempNehed hy 'gottlag tillage ever with aa quickly aa possible.' RoepecttuNy, PETER WJISTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME m s in is quKmy n poiiwN «i«tNa<r UINOH AT FANTASTIC SAM'S ASeSiTiCWOf TWE wOSTnwcS" MICHEAL A. STASIAK (USPS 335 200) Founded 1175 JII2«TAT Elm $*•* MCHCMJ. IMMMMOM MTFHMT: SIS 3154170; flnilrtll I1SMS4I71 OMa Ntm • »mj p m Mm* «few* frit* P«MtM Mutf* Hue** fn4* oca* tow V«rt On. Uwwry Pp. nutmrtmct On. I«» Of TM»ni»i«| Of VA OH«lm« P» ty tomwmt Huin»n fatat K Stow. tot* Mtf P«W*tor. TtoMtC MM*. Auocutt OmU I. Lpat. Iwmu Mm«• mfUikr. i (Mm ia McHtoiy CftMtf Bf caniar. M CMtl i wmk; 1 yw. by nail, SIS.00. (Mm canto aaaOMa Mctoan 0--Q: I yaat. h mH. 127.00. Audit Bwaw CirolMiM Sacaad clan paMata paid al CtyMal Lakt. I>. 00014. ctoafNtattoCortaiUfcaHafitd. 7001 PpH Road. P.O. Oat 2M 7 A.M. NOPAPERYSTTSORRYI V CALL CIS4MI7» FOR DELIVERY MVS!*?' c SENIOR CITIZENS DAY NO APPTS. NECESSARY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HOURS: Mon., Wed.4 Fri.9-6 ADCII inivc Tues.4Thurs.9-0 Sat.»-5, Sun. iw PER WEEK EACH SALON INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED ^av«¥ 1 EVERYWEDNESDAY 20% OFF ALL SERVICES JCWEUOSCO M McHENRY (•18) 344-2226 HM original bally halrcuttmr 0Iw\Uistic THB ORIGINAL FAMILY HAIRCUTTCRS. THOMPSON'S wSiiinivsidc m- l o o i l s 4216 NORTH WILMOT ROAD • MCHENRY, IL 600S0 OPIN 7 DATS 7AM-I0PM 015-305-0097 * Meats * Deli • Llqvor *us" VHS VIDEO TAPE • RENTALS * SALES • CLUB MEMBERSHIPS "YOUR SERVICE STORE" • LOTTO • INSTANT LOTTERY •TRAVU1N'BALLOONS USA * MONEY ORDERS • FILM PROCESSING • COMM. ED. ML PAYMENT A BULB CENTER • YEAR ROUND PACKAGE SHIPPING UPS/BAX •POSTAGE STAMPS • C0PIESMADEifr'S%"iir • PARTY TRAYS ©THE VILLAGE MARKET© • Groceries • Meals • Liquor ^ EAST MS E. WONDER LAKERD. 453-95091AM-10PM A 2 LOCATIONS IN WONDER LAKE MIOTHOMPSONRD. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK *5342621AM-9PM WE SELL TICKETS VHS VIDEO TAPE SALES & RENTAL AT BOTH LOCATIONS! WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UNIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMftMOM SALE DATES SEPT. 18-SEPT. 22 ' MANUFACTURERS COUPONS A FOdO STAMP* WELCOMED SALE BEER NOfTcgT HERSHEY ASSORTED - JC- AA CANDY BARS 4/*l00 CYCLE 1,2,3,4 DOG FOOD.... .2/79 GRAVY TRAIN BEEF & CHEESE OR REG. 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