p«9« 4 McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Wednesday, S«pt«mb«r IS. 1985 Community McH. Co. Defenders set recycling day Sept. 21 The McHenry County Defenders will be joined by the Lake in the Hills United Methodist Church as sponsors for the recycling drive to be held Saturday, Sept. 21, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parking lot of McHenry Community High School West Campus, 4724 W. Crystal Lake Ed., McHenry. the Lake in the Hills church chooses recycling as one way to earn money because of its commit ment to being active in the solution of environmental and social prob lems, according to Tom Monroe, Stewardship Chairman of the church. He also added that the Methodist church at large is playing a leading role in food gathering and distribu tion in Ethiopia. All food sent by them to Ethiopia is distributed by their own workers to guarantee that it will reach the needy. Each local church is committed to bearing its shire of the cost of this effort. Things that can be brought to the recycling drive include newspapers with no magazines Or junk mail, glass containers with all plastic and metal removed, "tin" cans rinsed and flattened, used motor oil, alumi num scrap of all kinds, and brown paper bags and cardboard in man ageable bundles. The Defenders will also purchase 100 percent aluminum cans at the current market price. To receive the best price for the cans, they must be crushed for the two cents per fxgind bonus. For further information about re cycling or how one's organization can sponsor a future drive, contact a Defender representative at 385-8512. Community Calendar Spread Ymr Message in Ike Classifieds o V > NUTRI/SYSTEM DOES IT A6AIN! Says Sally Iwert i cHenry who lost 30 lbs. bally says, "After the birth of my son I was terrified to think of myself in a bathing suit this summer. Nutri/System helped me to lose the pounds. It's such fun to be back in my old clothes and buy new ones. P.S. the people at N/Sare terrific!" • No strenuous exercise. • No diet pills. • No calorie counting. • Professionally supervised. • Exclusive Nu SystemiM Cuisine entrees which include many gourmet delicacies. • Exclusive WeightminderiM evaluation. Nutri/System special 15 lbs. $99 PrtM-al thin ru.po. il thr |>trliripali.|[ \«lri/S\*l«M V right I.OM Mrdical O.trr and trrrhri IS Ik. Program fur juM t99! Similar dUrount* atailtblr (or largrr wrighl IO»M-«. (Kfrr talid fur art Hirst* onl>. Oar rowpoa prr ruMomrr. Kipirra Srpl. M. 1*5. • Sprrlal d»r» .ol i.rl.dr < u»l u(rirlurtivr \ulri/S>-!rra foods and pbyaital rianination. SiMitar di>munt« available fur largrr Kriffht Ions program*. College Hill Professional Bldg. 4911S. Rt. 31, Suite B Crystal Lake I1S/45H060-9AM TO 7 PM At pcoplt vary, to doet I IndividmTi loss* Wonder Lake: Fishing good and getting better I SEPTEMBER 18 Day of Recollection-Sponsor, St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-Parish Hall 9 a.m. Family Serv. It Comm. Mental Health Ctr. For McH. Co.-Bd. of Directors Mtg. 7 p.m.-McH. Office-4302-G W. Crystal Lk. Rd.-Open To Public. SEPTEMBER 19 League of Women Voters-Bd. Training-Home of Cindy Swartzloff-1503 W. Morgan Tr., McH.-All Members Welcome. 385-3908. UMW Gen. Mtg. 1 p.m.-Tea-First United Methodist Ch. Catholic Daughters-Mo. Mtg. 1:30 p.m.-Liberty Hall, McH. SEPTEMBER 90 Fish Fry-Dancing Music-McH. Moose Ldg. NAIM-St. Margaret Chapter-Reg. Mtg. 7 p.m.-Cards. SEPTEMBERS Peace Sunday-Mt. Hope United Methodist Ch.-lOlS Broadway-Pistakee Highlands-Following 10:30 Service, Slide Presentation-Discussion-Potluck. Polish Leg. of Amer. Vets Post k Chapter 188-Joint Installation 2 p.m.- Food & Music Follows-Liberty HaU-1304 Park St., McH. St. John's Walk-A Thcn -sponsored by St. John's Home and Schooi Assoc., St. John the Baptist School Gounds-1 to 4 p.m.-pledges accepted -for more inform, call Linda at (312) 587-4378 or Kim at (312) 587-4378 SEPTEMBER 23* Lions Dinner Mtg. 7:30 p.m.-1304 Park St., McH. McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Mtg. 7p.m.-East Campus. SEPTEMBER 25 Whispering Oaks Woman's Club-Luncheon Mtg.-Fashion Show -Comm. Ctr. 1 p.m. Pistakee Highlands Woman's Club-lst Mtg. of Yr.-Pist. Hi. Comm. Ctr. 7 p.m.-"Casual Corners Wardrobe Seminar"~Public Invited. McH. Area Crime Stoppers-Mtg. 7:30 p.m.-City Hall. SEPTEMBER 26 McH. Moose Ldg.-New Members Enrollment-7: Mm. -Food Served. SEPTEMBER 27 * ' UMW Birthday Party-2 p.m.-Royal Terrace Nursing Home. Fish Fry-McH. Moose Ldg.-Variety & Country Western Music. Rummage Sale-Mt. Hope Ch.-1015 W. Broadway-Pistakee Highlands-9 am-5p.m SEPTEMBER 28 McH. Area C of C-Ann. Chamber Dinner-Dance-€ p.m.-Apple Tree Inn. Bake Sale-Mt. Hope Church-Bag Day For Rummage-9 a.m.-2 p.m. SEPTEMBER 30 Aurora Blood Drive-Zlon Lutheran Church-4206 W. Elm St., McH.-3:30- 7:30 p.m. According to a representative of the Sportsman's Club, fishing has been better this year in Wonder Lake than it has been in a long time. Recently, the Sportsman's Club has stocked the lake with large mouth bass which are eight to ten inches. They are asking fishermen to throw back any of these small fish in order to give than a chance to grow over the winter and to proliferate. There will be a mortality rate of 10 to 30 percent for these newly stocked fish, which is normal, and people are told not to be concerned to see some dead fish floating in t£e water. Anne Sowers 653-9549 The lake draw down has seemed to improve the fish population. It does harm the spawning, mostly of the rough fish and not so much the game fish. There are no plans for a fall draw down this year, so the fish will be able to enjoy themselves and fishermen will be able to take ad vantage of the bumper crop in the spring! LOOKS GOOD, BUT... When we take a casual boat ride on our lake or drive around it in the car, it certainly looks beautiful, but underneath it all, there are some serious problems. Over the 50 plus years of its existence, silt has been building up making the lake more shallow every year and according to ecology reports it is reverting back to its previous vegetation State. A very active Lake Committee, headed by Jack Crawford and ably assisted by Joanne Heinly, has been doing extensive studies of the prob lem sftd its solutions. Ten weiitittg committees have been formed and with the help of questionnaires sent out in July to local residents, many volunteers for these committees have been found. They will be helping with the long range plans of a total lake renewal program, including the eventual dredging due to the financial sup port of the Wonder Lake calendar sales. This is a very positive and worthwhile endeavor and anyone who is interested in helping is cer tainly encouraged to do so. GOLD STAR AWARDS So many times we take the good things around us for granted, like the Wonder Lake Rescue Squad. We know they're here If we need them and that's it. But, if the opportunity ever arises when you have to give them a call, you are instantly aware of the service they provide. / I got a call from Mrs. Arodt who had nothing but great things to,say about the Co. 1 Rescue Squad. Her mother. Mr* Vftrvaro suffered from a heart attack Aug. 31 and was en care of by Co. l in her home then transported by them to the pital. Both the patient and daughter are singing praises of men who treated them with compassion and care. Even though these men ate cated and receive satisfaction knowing they are helping, I'm they appreciate a "Thank You' a pat on the back at times, too. Singles evening planned "DEBBli" ? SM0N OPERATOR 6000 MALI PHASES SPECIALIZING )N PRECISION CUTJ 4 PERNINS" . "THIS WUKS SHClAl" * PERMS *30 WITH FREE COMMONER " N O W O P E N M O N D A Y S 7S ZRiitersik Hairstyling Studio 4 «*» 385-7010 Over 690 Ctntera in North America. The recently established singles club at Shepherd of the Hills Luther an Church, 404 N. Green Sb, McHen ry, has an evening of fun4nd fellow ship planned Friday, Sept. 20. Open to all singles from 25 through 45, the group will meet at the home of Chris Gibbs, 2002 N. Sherman Dr., to match wits in the game of Trivial Pursuit and enjoy the fellowship of new friends. The fun will begin at 8 p.m. Each person attending is asked to bring a snack to share; beverages will be provided. Shepherd of the Hills is striving to meet the needs of singles in the congregation and the community. The group has been organized to provide support and fellowship for all local singles. Everyone is invited to accept this chance to meet new friends and bring their ideas for upcoming activities. For further information call the church office at 385-4030. Rev. speaks jm the Baptist Catholic Jdhnsburg, is sponsoring A seminar on marraige, divorce and sexuality. Keynote speaker, Rev. David Kagan, Officialis of the Dioce san Tribunal of Rockford will dis cuss the church's opinion on living together, birth control, euthanasia, sterilization and other controversial moral issues. The seminar will be held at 7:30 p.m, Tuesday, Sept. 24, at St. John the the Baptist Catholic Church, 2302 W. Church St.,Johnsburg. For more information call St. John's rectory at 385-1477. CHRIS GIBBS McHENRY Plaindealer •AMOCO •WHITE HEN PANTRY •BELL LIQUORS •BOLGERS DRUGSTORE •JEWEL/OSCO •KAREN AGINNY'S •LIQUOR MART •NORTHERN IL MEDICAL CNTR •FOOD MART •NORTHWEST TRAIN DEPOT •ISLAND FOODS •CONVENIENT FOOD •COUNTRY CUPBOARD •SULLIVAN FOODS •UNION '16 •COLE PHARMACY •COAST TO COAST •SUNNYSIDE GAS ft QUICK MART 1 Available At u> The Following M Locations. JJ •J ft L GAS •ACE HARDWARE ** •LAKEVIEW FOODS •SUNNYSIDE , FOODS " •LITTLE STORE •SUNRISE GROCERjT •DEBBIE'S GENERAL STORE •VILLAGE MARKEt* •McHENRY ORUG •J ft R FOOD MART V DR. KENNETH T. REISER,D.C. McHENRY CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 4901 WfELM(RTE.120) McHENRY, IL. FRIT SPINAL EXAM 8., ,« -- t" OUT OF 10 lUNOISANS WILL HAVE TROUBLE WITH THEIR BACKS SOMEDAY. WITH YOUR LUCK, HOW DO YOU FIGURE YOUR CHANCES? PINCHED NERVES CAN DESTROY YOUR HEALTH! KNOW THE DANCER SIGNALS INSURANCE CASES ACCEPTED WHERE.APPLICABLE • MEDICARE • W0RKMANS COMPENSATION • GROUP AUTO teUStfA nivioM DANGER SIGNALS OrMNCHEDNCRVES 1. HMKMS, OiuiMts 2. Hack PM, T«kt M melts Spttms . . J 3. SleeMer F«*. PM DM* Amis. lUiftkeess IN H»*DV f. Pita Mmn SMulden S. lever lack Peia/HtPeie. PtieOomlets vs IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS, CALL TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT (815)344.1028 PLENTY of MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE AT MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS Now is the time to buy the home of your dreams ADJUSTABLE LOAN PROGRAMS 8 Period MiA. Down PiyiDRfit Max. Term initial Interest Rate Mia. Fleer MIL CEILING Mat. 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