/ s«. Pt9« 2 NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Thursday, September It. WS Advice 9 Dick Peterson Going by '30s plane is the only way to fly A man was walking his dog the other day in England when he came upon a most remarkable find -- a wing flap from an airplane. It just fell out of the sky. The funny thing, though, is no one would claim it. British airlines officials said it sure wasn't theirs, it must belong to some foreign aircraft. This hasn't been the best of years for the airlines industry, and the misplaced wing flap was just another of the embarrassments (a fairly petty one being that no aircraft went down with it.) Airplanes have fallen out of the sky this year like never before, and it seemed to make sense that a man and his dog would find a piece of an airplane while on a walk. Regardless of whether wing flaps are being found by men walk ing their dogs, industry spokesmen remind us that flying is among the safest forms of travel. A million people are in the air every day, flying millions and millions of miles every year. When you add up all the miles flown and divide them by the number of peo ple who fly, you find out that the mortality rate is low, statistically speaking. < Flying, we are told, is much safer than driving. It's probably safer than walking. To fear flying -- as opposed to driving (I guess) is to be illogical. If anything, we should be white-knuckled when we get in a car; our hands should perspire at the thought of having to drive into town to do a few errands. Most accidents happen with 25 miles of home, you know. I know all about logic. I studied it for a semester in college with 35 other students in a too-hot classroom, too late in the day. I learned two wrongs don't make a right, a rightand wrong make a left, and two rights are hard to come by these^ays. (Logic wasn't one of my strong points, as the "C" I received indicates.) Even though the numbers seem to make air travel a good bet, I can't help but think the numbers are being manipulated. You know the old saying - figures lie and liars figure. If you have to fly somewhere, it's not worth going. I'll drive to the ends of the earth for you; if you're in China, watch for a slow boat. I'm afraid of flying! Although that may be true, I do enjoy watching airplanes. I'm always amazed when I see an airplane in the sky. They're beautiful. From the ground, they look like odd-shaped ants in the sky. Being something of a country bumpkin, I can spend all day at an airport watching planes take off and land. When I'm in the city, I always look up when a plane goes overhead. It tickles me to drive by O'Hare and see an airplane fly over the bridge I'm driving under. Just ddn't put me in one of those things! The very thought makes my stomach queezy. I learned something about myself last week when I... gasp ... I went for an airplane ride. The ride was a spur-of- the-moment thing. It gave me no time to think about all the newspaper stories I've read this year. There was no time for fear * , MM1 reP<>rter, I had to agree. Kls:mv _ fe ofi the fine !or a story. (You've seen the mflhftOk) ** 1 discovered the ity to flying -- you can't think about4f. Vou have to blank your mind to all else. Don't think" about crashing... Don't think about charred fuselages in corn* fields ... Don't think about wing flaps in England. They say man can walk across a bed of hot coals and not burn his feet if he doesn't think about the absolute foolishness of what he is about to do. I actually enjoyed myself in the airplane! I didn't think about the airplane crashing, even though I became concerned before takeoff when the pilot, Tom Lowe, told me how to unbuckle the seat belt in case "something" happened. This wasn't your ordinary airplane. It was an open cockpit, 1931 Stearman Business Speedster, a biplane. I sat in the front seat, wearing goggles and one of those soft leather hats. If the new planes drop wing flaps over England, one has to wonder what will drop from a 54-year-old biplane. But I felt safer in that Stearman than I do in my own car. I actually felt safe in an airplane, even a thousand feet above the ground! The reason is simple. Tom Lowe spent six long years rebuilding the Stearman. If you buy a plane off the lot, you pro bably wouldn't think twice about it crashing. It's just another new plane, and those things happen. The Stearman was different. After spending six years on any project, you're going to take care of it. And if it's an airplane, you're surely not going to let it crash. That airplane had become part of Tom Lowe. I like that kind of relationship between pilot and aircraft when I'm a passenger. That's the only way to fly. SCHOOL TIME * IS BACK! 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Mary sai DEAR ABBY: "Mary" and I are both 41. We've been married 20 years and have four children. We both work. The last several years we have been slowly growing apart. We've had marriage counseling with positive temporary results. Mary is quick-tempered and critical of me and our children. 1 am more even-tempered and laid-back. In the last two years she has last her temper and thrown knives and garden shears at me. Sb$ has also threatened me with a hot flatiron. In a fit of anger, die has destroyed photos of me and thrown out things belonging to our teen-aged children, knowing the loss would hurt them deeply . Last night at Zappa Masts rock labels WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Rook thM« rxwwk onthmit tHair MMni bedtime I had a coughing spell and at ingi OK; you'll know when you wake up that I've spel .Ma cut your throat!' I don't like the person I see her becoming. Is It normal for women her age to occasionally threaten violence? Will she get over it in time? I feel that she Is unstable and wonder if she would ever harm me or the children if she were provoked. I need some suggestions to help our family situation. ^ - FEELING UNEASY DEAR FEELING: Don't wait to find out If your wife would ever harm you or the children Call your family physician now and report Mary's violent, aggressive behavior, She may have a serious problem that can be arrested and control led if t reated ear ly . Mary ' s behavior is not normal. DEAR ^ttQY: My husband and I are desperate foid absolut ion, as a fr iendship of many years isii&inninyto "circle the drain." Our friends "Ed and Angle," have an only child I'll call Sue, who was conceived after 12 years ABBY --Page 4 B WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rock star Frank Zappa said Wednesday groups attempting to rate rock mu sic records like movies for content are entering the "realm of behavior modification" and it is up to par ents, not legislation, to protect chil dren against aberrant sex. Zappa was referring to a grounds- well initiated by a group of Washing ton wives, including several wives of senators and administration offi cials, to educate the public to the violence and explicit sex contained in rock albums and videos He was interviewed on the CBS "Morning News" with Sen. John Danforth, R-Mo., who is opening hearings on the controversy Thursday. Danforth said many rock record albums and videos contain "explicit sex, often violent sex, glorification of rape, glorification of sado-mas ochism beyond the sexual area, al most stimulating people to suicide, to violence, Satanism." The chairman of the Senate Com merce Committee said young chil dren "are going out and buying these records without their parents really knowing anything about it and the big debate that's going on now is whether there should be some more information out there in the public and particularly available to par ents so the parents can exercise some sort of value system or tome sort of control within their own families." Zappa, a musician and singer who sang with the "Mothers of Inven tion" in the 1960s, said music "does not poison people's minds. I think this hearing is a waste of time. "I think that the pressure groups that have decided to work against the record industry in this regard are way out of line," Zappa said. "What they are suggesting is beyood censorship. They are going Into realms of behavior modification." Zappa also disagreed that listen ing to songs depicting sex and vio lence will lead children to imitate the lyrics. "The parent's Job is to make their child Informed about sex," Zappa said. "Sex is a normal body func tion. Don't make it into something it's not." Pinal Close Out Sale Tami's Juvenile Furniture 4605 West Route 120 - McHenry, ill. 30% •ffff" '̂ Cribs. Play Pens. Cradles Dressing Tables. Car Seats. Strollers. Swings. Toilet Seats. Hi Chairs. Rockers. Bouncers. Walkers. Toy Boxes. Booster Seats. Single Beds. Dressers. Chests. Lamps. Toys. Hampers. Desks. Crib Accessories. Bedding, Hundreds of Items / Step In, Enjoy The Savings Early Savings Far Christmas Shakers -- 10 Days Only -- September 20 to September 29 11:00 AM to 7 PM Daily Liquidated by Miller Auction Service Rockford, III. Store Number - 815-385-1432 PLAY EDITION ADDITION GRAND PRIZE! 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