PONTIAC Wheels Pontiac ads use human element PONTIAC, MI - Keeping the cars the stars, yet Involving people who fit specific target audiences. T h a t ' s w h a t C o n v e r s a t i o n s , Pontiac's new 1986 television advertising campaign, promises to deliver this fall in s u p p o r t o f t h e division's full line of driver-oriented cars. "The Conversations campaign brings in the very human element of people talking about Pontlacs in order to maximize v iewer invo lvement and further distinguish Pontiac advertising f r o m t he c o m p e t i t i o n , ' * explained Charlene Cur ry , Pon t iac ' s national advertising manager. "In 1981 Pontiac set a course fo r a new bo ld performance Qimage. With each year, werve moved closer to that goa l wi th d r ive r - or ien ted ca r s and advertising strategies which portray our 'road car' personality to the Amer ican consumer." Part of Pontiac's "h igh v i s ib i l i ty" advertising strategy is to air spots regularly throughout 1985 and early 1986 on hit shows such as "Miami Vice," S t . E l sewhere , " " H a r d c a s t l e & M c C o r m l c k , " "Cagney k Lacey," plus ABC and NBC Sunday movies. Fur the r , Pon t iac will be a sponsor on ABC "Monday Night Foo tba l l " and i s schedu l ing spo t s during coverage of wheel while GT buyers can enjoy the conve nience of an optional high-tech digital dash, to all models, the in strument panel has been lowered to im prove visibility and a three-spoke steering wheel, with a seven- step memory tilt on GT models and addi t iona l t e l escop ic capacity on GT-S models, has been add ed to complement the sporty interior design. Driver comfort is enhanced on GT-S models with an eight- way adjustable seat, featuring power side and lumbar support. Other options on GT and GT-S models in clude power windows, power door locks, heated outside rear- view mirrors, power slide and tilt sunroof and automatic climate control air condition ing. Eng ineers f rom Toyota and Fujitsu Ten Corp. have team ed to produce art auto industry first In sound systems - Toyota's ex clusive "Acoustic Flavor," and elec t ron ic one- touch s y s t e m t h a t a u t o m a t i c a l l y equalizes music to pre sent formats such as J a z z , R o c k o r Classical. This high- grade, "user friendly" ETR Electronic Tun ing Radio, standard on GT-S models and op tional on GT models, includes AM Stereo; JIM DANCA ouxsMomu; im .;iu\ I;M 'ins i \i I \KI tti.V r>'» 22M INTERESTED IN LEASING? There's never been a better time to lease than now. / SEE JOEL ENRIGHTTOR A QUOTE ON THE OLDSMOBILE OF YOUR CHOICE. L O O K O V E R T H E S E T O P Q U A L I T Y , G U A R A N T E E D , L A T E M O D E L U S E D C A R S IMS Cadiac Fleetwood Sd. SAVE 1984 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cpe •8995 1884 Ford C om. Van $13,995 1883 Buick Riviera Cpe $12,495 1883 Nissan, 2 Or $3495 1883 OMsmoMto Cutlass Sedan •7495 1883 OMsuiobHe, 98 Res* Cpe *10,495 1883 OMsfflobNeToronado *10,995 1883 Buick Regal Cpe *7995 1883 Ford Escort 4 Dr *3995 1983 OMsueMo 9! Reg. Sedan *9995 1982 OidsnioUle IS Reg. Sedan *4995 1882 Chevrolet Pickup *6995 1882 Chevrolet Cavalitr Sedan *4495 1882 OMsmobMe Clera Sedan *5995 1882 OMsmobile Clera Sedan *5995 1881 Buick Regal Sedan *3495 1881 Chevrolet Corvette *13,995 1881 Lincoln Mark VI Sedan *8995 1881 Ford Bronco *6995 1881 Chevrolet Malibu Wagon *4495 1881 Oldsmobile 91 Sedan *5995 1888 Ford LTD Cpe *3495 1880 Chevrolet Citation Cpe *1995 1880 Toyota CeNca Cpe *4495 1888 Chevrolet Caprice Sedan *4495 . 1880 Pontiac Phoenix 4 Dr *2995 1880 Inick Riviera Cpe *5995 1880 OMsmobile Omega Sedan *3995 1879 BukkLe Sabre Cpe *1995 1979 Ford E3S0 Van *7995 1979 Pontiac Gran Lallans Sedan *2995 # 1979 Oldsmobile Delta Sedan *2495 1979 Jeep Wagoneer *2495 1978 Ford LTD Wagon *1495 1878 Charisma Travel Trader *7995 1877 Buick Riviera Cpe *2995 1877 OMsnobNeCatiass Sedan *1995 GENEROUS GMAC& BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE j ] P rov idmq you wi th the r» a • ' i*"1? T>alitv pr<x! icH and I jM n r V " ̂ Mh, f M r r r , i n.i 'ixfltir.m by \.5rc ! ownc <or over NCAA basketball. This year, special radio audiences will hear various rock versions of Pontiac's "We Build Excitement" music via sponsorship (with merchandising tie-ins) of "America's Top 40 Countdown" wi th Casey Kasem. The resu l t s of comprehensive efforts like these over the past several years show Benoy- Pont iac advanc ing toward Its goal of being the premiere Genera l Motors performance division. In 1984, sales were up 38 percent, showing the highest increase of all G M divisions, while total industry sales were up on ly 17 pe rcen t . Pon t iac ' s industry market share also rose from 5.8 percent in 1983 to 6.9 pe rcen t in 1884 . Though final results are not in for 1985, Pontiac continues to show consistent sales and marke t sha re improvement. "The 1986 Pontiac ad campaign continues to concentrate on the division's image cars: F ie ro , Grand Am, 6000, Firebird and Sunbird," Curry said. . (Continued from Page 1C) automatic cassette program search, skip and repea t ; ana automatic loudness, which boosts the bass at low volumes. The s t andard s t e reo system for GT and ST models also includes the AM stereo and a u t o m a t i c loudness/sensitivlty controls. Enhancing the sound system on all models is a new four-speaker, "live sound" system. Each speaker has its o w n s e p a r a t e enclosure and the front speakers also have a bu i l t - in "pass ive radiator" - a second diaphragm - to pro vide richer sounds and increase the bass. joined his father after graduating Bradley University in 1983. "I plan to stay in it now. Things have been going well." Dale, who joined Dad in 1974, fol lowed what came naturally. "I grew up with the business. Ever since I was a kid, I was hang ing around down here. It's the only thing I've ever done. "Yeah, overall it's pretty good. There are advantages and disad vantages, but it's mostly been ad vantageous," Dale said with a laugh. Completing the family connection is Benoy's daughter, Karen. Her husband, Rich Drexler, works part- time in the shop, and their two sons like to visit grandfather at work. Benoy isn't one to take it easy and still puts in 10- to 14-hour days at his main lot, which holds 150 new cars and 100 used models, and a new 50- -- (Continued from Page 1C) car showroom down the street. "I'm here every day, except a few times for short vacations. If you're nqt, you don't know what's going on," Benoy said. The car-selling veteran offers no secrets to success. "Nothing in particular, other than keeping your nose to the grindstone to make a success. That's what I've done. I still oversee every depart ment, and we try real hard to give the best service available," he said. Does that mean he still likes to work on cars in the garage from time to time? "No. I used to, but I'm too old for that," laughed Benoy, who looks much younger than his 67 years. Thirty-six of those years have been spent selling cars. After all those years, isn't it time to let some one else get his hands dirty? NO CREDIT!!! BAD CREDIT!!! BANKRUPT!!! N O T U R N D O W N S OVER 100 CARS IN STOCK Buy He re , .Pay He re ! 5 M I N U T E C R E D I T O K . . . C A L L F O R D E T A I L S SHULTS AUTO SALES 493 . N , W. H IG h W A l h i . i 4 C R Y S T A L L A K E . I L 815/455-1070 OUR LOWEST INTEREST RATE ClfCD We're on your side at CORNER OF RTS. 31 & 120 „ (1112 N FRONT STREET) 4 • •, eilClfWIiy, , • .Hi"'. (312) 255-2992 (815)385-6000 K Jk 2 9 Y E A R S ! '84 DATSUN 4x4 SPORT TRUCK Stereo, cap, cloth buckets, clean $7995 '81 MAZDA GLC Automatic/ 3 dr hatchback, clean $3795 '82 TOYOTA DELUX LONG BED PICK-UP Custom cap, air, stereo, 1 owner, only 9,300 miles *6595 312-658-4100 ROUTES! Page 6 NORTHWEST HERALD SectionC Friday, September20,1>SS