A C Tinted Glass. Tilt Whl. PS. . Locks. Cruise AM/fM.\Bckt. Seats. Full WW.. Discs. Silver with Red lot. - 'inter Price. Stock #? 213 C fmted Glass P.S. ily Comfort Stock ICON 23 42 TO CHOOSE FROM * Upon credit approval to qualified buyers ask dealer for details. AUTOMOTIVE 85 Campers/Traitors i_L_ [ « BAR l H 21 ft fiberglass . Motor Horn*. 6SOO gen . dual » A/C, microwave, elec step.; I tut & cruise 31.000 mites, very jdean. Sale price. SK./OO. Buss Ford Sales 3936 Main St. McHenry HSfllSMOO 1984 CELEBRITY, 18ft I" bew rider, full canvas, moor ino cover, 228 Merc crusier. I/O, stainless steel prop, low hfs., extra clean, Shorelander trailer, $13,500. 312/672 5703 _ 1985 CUSTOM Deluxe Travel Trailer. 30 ft., fully self con tained. battery pack S> com pressor, twin beds, large air, double door fridge. Must sell- sacrifice to best offer. See at Marengo Union K 0 A Campground. , '85 DELUXE Travel Trailer, 30 ft . fully self contained. T^in beds, large a/c, 2 dr. refrig., must sell. Sacrifice to bast offer. Parked at Marengo KOA Campgrounds. 7# 15 ft Scotty Travel Trail e* Self contained, well kept, asking S2,800. 815/338 6355. 71 21 FT TARUS TRAVEL trailer, self contained, well kept, asking. $2,000, 015/459 9576. LARGE POP UP. ice box, fujrn. stove, sink, elec. screen room, $500. 312/639*233. 7t MINI home 21 ft. 35lFord engine, sleeps 6, air, exc. cond. fully self contained, low mileage, 312/832 3910. 87950. PICKUP CAMPER, 9 1/2 ft., fully self contained, good cond.. $900, US/653 9597. '84 SUH.LINER Travel trailer, 18' ft. self contained, excellent cohdition. $6,000. 815/455 1174. VC«npor»* Trai|«r» TRAVEL TRAILER. 31 ft. $1,000 Call after 4 31 or week ends. 115/330 6006 Wonted to Soy WANTED TO BUT Junk Autos 7 Day Pickup 312/639 1159 Auto Parts *0 and Accessories JEEP CJ$, Mil top. doors i bra. $75, 3)2/651 It37, after 6 p.m.. weekdays - REESE TRAILER HITCH, complete: frame, ball, & sus pension bars. 815/459 6767 *2 Motorcycles 1984 HONDA ASPENCADE, back rest, C8-. intercom 4 more. $6,400 Call after t pm, 312/639 0745- 84 HONDA MAGNA. exceT tent condition, low mileage. $2,300. Call after 5:30. 115/344 5006. '84 HONDA V 65 Magna, 1100 cc. low mileage, asking $3,000 or best offer Call before S pm. 312/639 2124. ext. 261. Ask tor Mike. 02 r AMAH A Seca 750. Silver, fairing. $1700 015/344 1765 days, 385 86l8 nights 82 YAMAHA Seca 750. $2,000 firm Bought new Jfl 05. Call 0)5/330 3619. between 7 am a 3:30 pm Ask fpr Paul. '00 Honda Hawk. 400 cc, per feet cond,, 5,000 miles. 8700/offer. 815/459 8875. PRICED tO SELL 00 Honda 400, showroom cond.. $000. 015/455 3162. ___ .... ... Seecii less than 9,500 miles. SO to 60 mpg, $800/ best. Cell after 6 pm. 015/344 0390. 00 YAMAHA GT 00 dirt bike, $425. . 015/459 9403 after 3 p.m. 80 YAMAHA XS 1100, w/fair Ing, saddle trunks, low miles, $1,500. 015/330 3717 Offer S. 75 KAWASAKI Zl 900, very good condition, must sell, $750. or best. 015/459 1041. 1972 HONDA CL 175, good cond., needs tune up. Best of fer. After 4 pm, 815/923 2464. 1972 SP0RTSTER Kick/elec trie, lots of chrome, $1,000. 015/459 1V98 • '85 250 SX Honda, 3 wheeler. $1500 or best offer, US/331 0790 eves, 459 4502 days. NORTHWEST HERALD SectionC FrWey. September 10. ins Page 7 ttAutomftbrtoo for Sale 15 CARAVAN OODGE 4 jt assumttle warranty. $9.900 0tl/4S56699 . 05 CHEVY ASTRO Conversion Van. Loaded?, ps/pb. lettable, am/fm ci „--.--m low mileaga! Exc. cond. 015/4596959. after 3pm 85 FORD EXP. dark blue. 0.300 mllM. am/fm cassette. 4 year extended warranty. $*,000 015/4551327 85 HQNOA ACCORD LX Hifchback. $ speed, cassette, grey. 3JOO miles. tiH.new. asking $9,200 311/6194513 04 HORIZON txceite«t tondi toion. like new. ekly 7.400 miles 4joor. 4 spd. U000 Call 8IS/3tt*« Ht •«/ 4 door. St/ti roof, tow miles telleaf condition, coil '45f47»9. • ,11 BUlCK CENTURY, load Od. 4 door sedan, low mileage. Mint cond.. $4900 015/455 3S99 after 7 p.m. 03 BUlCK SKYLARK T type, pi. pa. auto , a/e a .-more. $6500 or best, tjS/7!M0tt, DIVORCE SALE 5TANG < 1913 MUS GLX, 21,000 miles, must sell, asling $6,400. Call 312/650 7716. 1903 Ot)DGE SHELBY, S speed, A/C. low miles. Call after • pm. 015/459 5071 03 E LOIR ADO fivv 10/1, save 5% tax, Special 3 tone blue. Vogue tires. Many extras. $13,<80,815/541 1611. 1913 MA20A GLC Sport, 4 door, S speed, svn roof, air, stereo, rust probfOd. 05,200. Best October Sales Tax! tall 015/330-0015. 03 MERCEOES miles, power jrA sunroof, 27.500 a/c, ask ^$lMt5r?llV4S9-00l4 or sei» 03 RENAULT Reliance, 4 cyl., 4 speed. S3,500 Ptoff Auto Sales. Huntley. 312/669 3301. 02 AMC SPIRIT Hatchback, stick, ps/sb^ super clean. 50,000 mi.. U.SOO or besf offer. 312/420 4230. atttr 5. 02 CAMARO 228, auto . am/fm/ air. silver, window l«- vures t bra, $9,400 negotiable. Exc. cotid. Eves. 015/459 ^3. 1902 CHEVETTE 4 door batch back, exc. cond.; 4 speed, ra dio, new tires, brakes, ex mi. ASMA0 2,700 haus iffer < pm W Aiitomobilts for Sale 02 GMM Prix, mint cond lew miles Former company car. well maintained 3)2 639 Till, evenings 312 732 0057 Oft 02 JEEP CJ7. 6 cyl 4 spd chrame. 2Mart, new tires, 39,000 m»,SJ.S00, 312 426 3046 02 OLOS Cutlass Supreme Bravfham. 2 door, sun roof, loaded! One owner. $9,500 Pfaff Auto Sales. Huntley 212/609 3101 12 OLDS DELTA ROY ALE 4 dr . vinyl tap. am'fm stereo. UM. 815/305 6400 82 RENAULT Le Car. White. 01 BUlCK REGAL, loaded, clean, like new, buy before m save. $4600 015/305 4090 8i HONDA ACCORD. 4 door. 5 speed, air. am/fm cassette stereo, low miles, excellent condition in a out. $5,500. Eves, 312/312 2759, days. 015/455-5100? . 1901 MALIBU WAGON. V6 auto., air, am/fm cassette, rust proofed. etc. cond., $2,950. Call after 6 pm, 312/4202716 '01 MAZDA RX7, exc cond .. red. S spd., air. am/fm cas sette. rear window defrost, chrome wheels, a bug shield, U.9S0, HS/337-0196, after 4 p.m. - . . IHl MERCURY LYNX. 4 speed, good cond. $3,150/ best. Can 115/330 0177. 01 MONTE CARLO V0. load od. sun roof, low miles, mint, 16,900/Otfer, 015/459 7669. 01 OLDS CUTLASS LS. 4 dr., VI. auto/cruise, ps, pb. a/c, am/fm stereo. Orig owner, I0w miles. tS.OOO/offer. 015/455-0175. '81 OMEGA Brougham, cloth interior, buckets, console, fmt. wh. dr., lew ml., loaded with extras. $4,500 or best.' 815/305 9057 '81 T BIRO, white/red. ps/pb. air, .stereo, t cyl., auto., low miles, exC. cond., $5,250. CoU days 015/45*2112. .4x4, auto., t (3,500. pfaff Auto Huntley, 312/669 3301. AwOomobltoaforSala 1900 CHEVY CITATION i cyl . 4 speed, am fm cassette stereo 05.000 mi but clean 1 owner, rust proofed well kept. $!.S00 Pistakee Highlands 312/«97 4304 00 DATSUN 3)0 GX hatch back, am tm. 4 spd 35 MPG exc cond . $1,095 015 330 6769 00 HONDA CIVIC $3200. 75 Fiat. 4 dr 4 spd . $050 71 Buick Skylark 2 dr .*450 015 459 3560 or 455 5604 10 MERCURY BOBCAT Wag on. air. low miles, clean. $1,000 or Offer 312 420 0421. after 4 pm. 00 OLDS Custom Cruiser 9 pass wagon, air. tilt power locks a windows, am fm re dio, wire wheel caps. $4,500 0150301211. 00 OLDS CUTLASS LS. 4 door, am fm cassette, ps pb. no rust. 62.000 miles Ask for Dave. 015/330 0997 00 OMNI 024 exc cond . must sell. $3,000 best offer. 015/330 6028 after 5 pm 'A PLYMOUTH HORIZON TC3 hatchback, am'fm cass., front whl dr. 4 spd. 46.000 mi r $1,000 After 5 pm, 095/305-5376 80 PONTIAC GRAND Le Mans. 4 dr. 47.000 mi., exc. tend, $3 900. 015/455 5469, 00 RABBIT DIESEL. 72.000 mi. 45 MPG, no rust, depend able. $1,200. 81 S'6S3 6351 00 RENAULT Le Car. Very good condition 015/305 0214 00 TOYOTA COROLLA. 4 door, exc shape, brown. 14 liter, am'lm cassette, 72.000 mi $2,990 312/650 5299 79 BUICK OPEL. auto, good cond. new exhaust, slight rust, S1.S00, 312/639 1505 79 CADILLAC SEOAN De "Ville. exc. cond.. 56.000 mi., Florida car, must sell. $5,500, 015/330 9177 '79 CHEVETTE. exc cond. $1,000. call after 9:30 pm. 312/9311151 79 CHEVY MALIBU. air. auto. am/fm, ps/pb. excellent condition, $2,200 or best offer. 115/305 0932. 79 CUTLASS Supreme, all power, S3.000 mi Best offer. 312/650 2315 79 FAIRMONT S W V0. ps/pb. auto, good cond., rea sonable, 015/455 4008. W Automobiles for Solo 79 FIREBIRD ESPRIT exc cond like new tires a brakes, a c am tm. 6 cyl. sporty economical. se.MO 312 639 6554 1979 FIREBIRD VI auto m p» «it exc caed. $4 ooo »esl lis 455 im after 6 pm 1979 MERCURY BOBCAT auto. 4 cyl Mir»st $l $00 Call 312 420 3149 79 OLDSMOBlLE WAGON a c, ps. pb. aula tran. tinted glass body a deer modeling, am red* devided front seat, new battery, trailer hitch, goad oas mileeee. bargain priced nan. 815 459 3132 79 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 2 dr ., VO. Oir. 79 500 mi.. $2 500 bOSt 115 455 1017 79 SEL 450 Mercedes Excel lent Cond low mi. $20,000 firm. 115 315 2317 79 VOLKSWAGON SCtROC CO. front wheel drive, oir. em/fm cass. Med condition. $2,200 312/639 0063 after 5 71 CAMARO lT T tops a C. p windows interval wipers, am'im cass. Hit wheel, auto., no rust $2900 115/331 4902 7| CHEVY CAPRICE Wagon exc cond.. 71.000 mi.. $3.900'Offer. II5'4591217 1971 CHEVY MONZA Spyde> v 6, 4 speed sun reef, 4 new ndiais. good cond.. $1,275 Can after 5 pm1IU/4SS 295i 71 DODGE MAGNUM, pwr windows i SOits. ttop. air. am/fm. $1.JN 312/421 1549. 1971 FORO GRANAOA. I owner. 6 cyl. auto. ps/pb. 59.500 miles, (ood shape. $1,500/ best Call 115/344 4475 1971 OLDS CUSTOM Cruiser 9 passenger wagon, loaded, no rust, runs gaod. one owner Wholesale price $2,450 Call 115/455 3544 71 OLDS TORANADO, runs a looks good, fully loaded. 12500 firm. IIS/721 1371 71 PONTIAC Firebird For muJa. loaded, must see. $3,000 or best Call after 5, 115/459 0109. 71 RENAULT LeCtr, .40 MPG. 1350 Runs eoodi _• 815/338 1673 '70 TOYOTA SR 5 Liltback. 4 cyl., 5 speed, very good condi tion, $1,700 Or best. 115/459- 1041. APR OR UP TO $1500 BACK! BUT HURRY... Soloctionia limited. Offer Ends Oct. Sth Example • 1985 CHRYSLER STHAVflitJfi 7iSm OR *1000 CASH BACK AS LOW AS iLL THESE QUALITY 12 MONTHS -12, 1985 DODGE 600 CONVERTIBLE %* ON THESE SELECTED APR FINANCING. USED CARS. -- , -- ^ ^ -- - -- - - | . LATE MOPEL CARS HAVE A LIMITED WARRANTY • Cyl.. Auto A'C. P B.. P.W. Console Summer fun at Winter Price. q tyi nuio AM FM Bckt Seats. WW. America's Choic? Families, low Miles. Clean Stock #P 233 1982 BUICK SKYHAWK LIMT. 4 Cyl Auto A C Tinted Glass Tilt Whl.. P.S.. PB PW P Seats P Locks Cruise. R. Defog.. AM FM Bckt Seats Console. W'W Full Will.. Discs, loaded Econ Car Stock ^286 A ' 1982 PLYMOUTH TC-3 4 C»l 4 Sp Std Trans. PS P8. R Defog. AM FM Bckt Seats 4 Speed Economy Stock #P 232 1982 TOYOTA CRESSI0A 4 Cyl Aoto A'C Tinted Glass Tilt WRI P.S PB. P.W.. P. Locks Cruise. R Dcfof AM/FM. Tape Deck Bckt; Slats. Console Raf Ply. R/V. Mag Wills., (m MBc$«/Toyota Cicettence'. Stock 12764 h 198S PLYMOUTH HORIZON 4 Cyl Auto tinted filiss PS. PB R Defog AM FM. Slurps Mild Stock ICON 30 1984 4 Cyl Auto A Wheel Drive with 4 Cyl /Wo., il f.ft W/W. low Miles with High Economy. Stad 12872 A ^ , 1983 CHRYSLER NEW 4 Cyl Auto. A C tinted Glass P B P IT >.'^its p; (locks Vii tilt Whl PS- ... Vinyl It.. Croise R. Defog. AM'FM. SMt Seat RT/W Front Wheel Drive Ele gance Stock 12905 a Speed 2665 A 1913 CHRYSLER LEBANON 4 Cyl Auto AC Tinted Gloss PS PB PW P locks Cruise R Defog AM'FM Clean family Car Stock |P 211 1983 MERCURY C0U0AR 6 Cyl Auto A C Tinted Glass t« Whl P S P B Cruise R Defog AM FM Slurp . .Salver V(. low Miles Stock 42866 A ALL '85'S DEMOS ON SALE NOW!! CLIFFORD CHRYSLER OF envetAL LAKC COMCSntMT 1 N. MAIN ST., CRYSTAL LAKE HOURS: MON.-THURS.9 9FRI..-SSAT9-S Ph. 459-9000 VolWtwogen TOYOTA 1985 YEAR END CLEARANCE ON ALL TOYOTAS AND VOLKSWAGONS *2000 Rebate On 1985 SCIROCCOS! •TERCELS *CELICAS •COROLLAS •CRESSIDAS •CAMRYS •TOJCKS 1 i 914 VW RABBIT Diesel >6395 1981 TOYOTA TERCEL 4 Spd. *2995 0 v * 11 1 110 FORD FIESTA S/R,4Spd. 19§5 1979 PEU6E0T 804 V-6, A/C, Auto. $2995 4 1978 TOYOTA LAND-CRUISER 27,000 Cert. Miles *4695 Volkiwogefi TOYOTA (815) 4g^Z100 IN CRYSTAL LAKE ftT 14 JUST ST OF ROUTE 31