Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1985, p. 34

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P«9« • NORTHWEST HERALD Section C Friday, S*pt*mb*r 10, IMS MAtftamobllM for Salt fa Automate!!--terSafr W Automobll--for Uto M AutomoW--forSafr 96_ Trucks 9$ Trucks 97 12 CHRYSLER Sth Ave per tact tend Beef Oct I S% tax. O/tovst. SI5 45S 2714 NEED A good uiad car? Can Ray at Ratchert Chavy/Bvkk. HS/4SHM. . •n FORD FAIRMONT, auto., air, am/fm, tIM, ItVMMMI. 77 AUDI FOX. now tiros, mm brakes. body loir,runs good. Sim 1IMSI toil ottor tp.m. 77 CADILLAC. 2 door. 7I.N0 mllos, very good condition, but Mods repainting tl.m. II2/M*77I1 77 CHEVROLET IMPALA. excellent condition insldo i out. No rust, as/oSntrv*.. fl.m. 115/45$ 1131 77 CHEVY CAMARO. 6 cyl. outo. 12.200 Piatt Auto Solos. Huntley. H2/M9 3MI I>77 CHEVf CAPRICE Clos sic. loaded, runs well, very reliabole. best otter. Colt !l2/«» 5544 or 312/439 4703. '77 CHEVY Molibu. air, am/fm cossette. 64,000 miles. SI.210. Coll otter t pm. 115/455 47lt '77 CORVETTE. LM. brown motolic. ps. pb. om'lm radio, t tops, leothor ton Int., tilt wlteel, must sell. $7.M0, osk tor Christie ot. 312/540 32M or Otter 5 p.m.. 115/315 27J4. 1*77 CUTLASS. VI outo.. 55,0M mi . good cond. red. loaded Must sell 115/459 1319. '77 FIREBIRD. w/|.tops. V*. outo., needs some work, 115/459 MI4 nights. Otter. 77 FORD LTD Wagon. good condition. $795. 115/4591945. otter 4 pm 77 LE MANNS coupo. olec sun. o/c. exc int.. must see. Coll ottor 4 pm. 915/459 7593. 77SPITFIRE Convertible Exc cond. tl.SQO 115/459 5121. 77 TOYOTA COROLLA, air. 4 spd , runs good. >550 312/139 M39. 74 CAMARO. little rust. funs Kiod. 17*0 or best otter, oys. Ji2'90l 5721. evenings. •15/315 1454 74 CHEVY CAPRI. 4 door hordtop. full power.* air. body lair, ISM. 115/455 1271. 74 CHEVY IMPALA. good transported cor, must soil. S575 or-best Coll after 4:30, •15/344 3S34 74 CHRYSLER, 4 dr. auto, air. good cpnd.. some rust, good tires, mounted snows. •775; 1974 Karmann Ohia VW. 4 spd.. air. good cond.. some rust, ready for the restorers fO«Ch. $1500.115/453 9030 74 DODGE ASPEN wogon, PS. pb, 4 spd . >550, 115/3(5 m 74 OLDS DELTA Royalo M, 2 dr, ps'pb, air, stereo, oxc. cond.. 41,0M mi., I owner, I3.5M, 115/455 3391 74 PONTIAC Grond Prix. $4N. 75 Grond Prix. $3M.; '47 Cadilloc. $250 or bost of for. (IS/3310315. 74 PONTIAC Sunblrd, runs good. $450 312/439 4251. Offer • pm. 74 VEGA, $750 74 Ford LTD Station Wogon. $450. Both low miles. 3I2/4M 4533. 75 CHEVY VEGA Hatchback, no engine, $75. body foir. or will pari out 312/524 M97 75 DODGE DART. 4 cyl , 3 spd, 2 dr., em//fm cassette, 115/4591135. 75 PACER, 4 cyl. outo, aood cond , $450 or best offer. IIS/344 5043 75 PONTIAC GP. Lp. C.C.Nat't. Mag. car, Fresh cam, lifters ( brokos. Do signed timing, stool braided hosos. craigar's, 50's ft M's T.A.s, valour rod buckets ft int. Supor stereo w/quad, moroso chrome, alarm, cus­ tom horns ft more. $4,000. •15/453 94M. 74 CHEVY IMPALA. o/c. ps/pb, new tuneup. brakos ft oxhaust. Runs great. Great 2nd car. $7N. «I5/T2«1444. 74 CHEVY MAlBU dopondobK anoint. has rust $350 tl$/72t 0091 74 DODGE OART. Ian 4 dr. good mech cond . M00-best •15/459 7123 after 4 pm 74 FORD GALAXIE 4 dr. runs good. $S00 H5/72( 0473 after 4 pm 74 FORD MUSTANG II. runs good. $575 or bost Carol 312/424 5574 74 MATADOR, runs good. $2M '•! Dodge Charger, 2.2, front wheel drive. 4 speed, 43,0M miles. $2,450 312/45143U. 1974 MUSTANG II sedan, exc cond. new engine, paint ft muffler, Best Offor Days 312/94( 1t32; evenings, •I5/4550M3_ 74 OLDS CUTLASS, 2 door, ps/pb, air, new tiros ft shocks, 41,000 mllos, looks folr, runs great. $750. firm. •15/455 5904. 74 SAAB Sonettc. 4 speed, body ft interior excollont! En gine good, am/fm cassotto, 7 speakers, tl.350 or bost offer. 115/315 7414. 74 VW Super Bootlo. oxc cond.. 4 spd. am/fm cast., $1,200, 115/459 1570 ottor 4. 1973 DUSTER, exc winter starter, reliable, new front tires, snows, original owner,>3 spood monual, dean. Coll •IS/344 3150. 73 FORD GALAXIE, $700 runs great, good gas mileago, new tires. >15/459 1721. 73 FORD Ltd. great winter cor. $175 or best. 115/338 9339. or 115/315 0078. 73 PONTIAC GRAND View Convertible, full power, ajn/fm, body noods work, $450. •15/455 34*I. 72 FORD CUSTOM 500, 450 ongino. good socond car, $250. Call attar 5 pm, 312/524-3142. 71 MG Midget, exc. cond., now tiros, am/fm cassotto. $2,0M or best, •IS/33» 2112. 70 OLDS VISTA Cruiser Wag 79 MAGNUM auto on, good condition. 312/439 77(3 $395. 49 CAMARO. A cylinder, good $1000 runner. 79.000 miles. 312/450 2145 '44 CHEVY IMPALA. 4 dr. 73.0M miles. $M0 or best of far. 115/459 60412. after 7 p.m. '57 CHEVY, no motor or trans $l.30Q'best. must sell. Days, before 2 pm, 115/448 2003 or •15/943 7441 after J_ BOYS GREEN SCHWINN varsity. 10 spd . 24" tires. 17" frame, exc. cond., $100. •15/459 4M2. after 7 p.m. f5 Tractors/Traitors 75 KENWORTH Tractor, 34" sleoper. 13 speed, wet line, aluminum buds, aluminum frame, new brakes, new bat lories. Too much to list! Call after 4 30, «15/3«5 4568 96 I9K) FORD CUSTOM PICK UP F100. 39,000 miles, 3 speed on floor with overdrive, very iood cond., $4,500/ best. Call IS/455 4471. •4 FORD F150. black. 4 cyl.. 4 speed over drive. 27.000 miles, $5,900, 815/459 7294, betore 3 pm. '84 TOYOTA PICK UP, 4 spd , am/fm tape, sliding window, step bumper, bed liner, 14,000 miles, mint, $5100, 815/344 4442. '83 FORD RANGER, 34,000 mi., am/fm stereo, 2-tone paint, sliding rear window, 4 cyl., standard trans., good MPG, Rusty Jones, $4,000. 815/385 9174. 79 CHEVY LUV, 4 spd , good cond.. $1700, 312/658 6137, af tor 6 p.m. 79 FORD BRONCO, 4 wheel drive, ps/pb, sun roof, good condition, $4,500. Ask for Dan, 312/4399247 '79 FORD LTD, air, auto., ps/pb $2,195, Used Car Fac tory. 115/455 2<70. ps pb. air T tops. $j.995. Used Car Factory. <15 455 2170 79 TOYOTA CELICA GT 4 spd . am fm, $1,995. Used Car Factory. 815 455 2870 79 ZEPHYR, auto. PS pb $1,495. Used Car Factory. 115/455 2870 78 CHEVY I ton. 4WD pick up. dual wheels, dual tanks, dual, ps'/pb, tilt wheel, automatic trans, lock ovt hubs, snow plow, highway salt spreoder, 25,000 miles. 815/459 7476 78 CONCORD, air. auto., ps/pb. $1,595, Used Car Fac tory. 815/455 2870 78 FORD F350 Pickup, 351M. 4 spd ,new clutch, tires, brakes ft dual exhaust. $3.400/best. after 6 pm, 815/648 4549. '78 OLOS STARFIRE 5 spd , air. am fm cassette. $1,595. Used Car Foctory. 815/455 2070 77 CHEVY SUBURBAN 4 x 4, wplow Excellent condi tion, $4,200. Pfoff Auto Sales. Huntley, 312/449 3381. 49 CHEVY 4x4 Pick up Good conditi $1500. 815MjT38l3 FORD •> ton pick up with cap ft tow pkg , good motor, body, tires, $1400. air Vans 815/459 4801 97 Vans '85 CARAVAN DODGE 4 yr ossumable warranty. $9,900. 815^455 4699 80 FORD MINI CUBE van .)2 It. box. overhead rear door Fuel efficient, 6 cyl., stick, recent overhaul, new brakes & tires. In good overall cond. Ready for service. Priced to sell at $2,800. Ask for Bill G 815/385 3896, 10 am to 5 pm.. Volo, IL. 78 FORD E ISO 6 cyl 2 speed short wheel base, cap tain's chairs, ice box sink, new brokos. good tires, body has some rust, $400 or best MUST SELL -Call after 6 pm. 312/639 1352 75 DODGE TRADESMAN panel van. carpeted 81 aneled Good runner 318 V8. auto, cruise, high miles ft has rust. Asking $l.000/best. 312/428 2019 after 6 pm 74 DODGE TRADESMAN window van. 318. seats 5. $500 815455 1278 74 DODGE Window Van V 8. auto, ps pb. am fm. cruise. $850 or best, after 5 pm. 815/459 6361 70 VAN. runs SI0C Cap 4x8 for pickup $50 312 426 2001 after 6 pm 76 FORD ECONOLINE $1,500/Best 815/338-7223 Truck. your BEST FRIEND KNOWS... THE liiiiri/i IIMI are the answer to AUTOS • HOMES and everything you might want to SELL or BUY 1-M-ADS-WORK fill' OHHRW"*"'® 1985. _c '•«%v WHILE THEY LAST! ^ * • < i '85 PONTIAC GRAND AM $8595 '85 FORDTEMPO 4 DR W I '84 FOID BRONCO II $10,695 I'84 CHEVY CAMARO 228 . . .$9715 | '84 CHEVY SPORT VAN... * ....$9695 i '84 MERCURY COUGAR . ,...$7995 i '84 CHEVY CEIEBRITY4DR $6995 4dr $5295 '84 VW RABBlt 4 DR $4695 '84 FORD ESCORT 2 DR ..$4595 '83 CROWN VICTORIAN 4 DR $6995 '83 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS 4 DR • $6595 '83 FORD T BIRD TURBO COUPE $7595 AT YOUR FORD DEALER TEMPO 85'fc ESCORT &W/2 LTD CROWN VICTORIA LTD MUSTANG I '83 CHEVIT MONTE CARLO. I $6595 I S3 BUICK USABRE 4 $6995 13 COUKIRY SQUIRESM. HGN $5695 '13 CHEIff Mil STATION HIS 0#.... $5395 '13 BODGE CHARGER $3395 '83 FORD ESCORT STATION WAGON. .. $2895, '12 FORD BRONCO XIT $9495 '12 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 4 OR... $6295 12 BUICK REGAL 2 DR $6395 '12F0RDT-BIRD $5595 '82 MERCURY COUGAR 4 DR $4795 '12 CHEVY C-20 PICKUP $5495 '12 BUICK sum $4795 F-150 ' Financing must be arranged through Ford Credit You must lake delivery from dealer slock by October 2 Qualified retail buyers only Dealer contribution may at feci customer savings. Limit one " If you choose to arrange your own financing or pay cash. Ford will writo you a check lor as much as $1,000 if you lake delivery from dealer atock by October 2, from a participating dealer You may keep your allowance or apply it to your purchase The offer is limited to one purchase per retail customer Dealer contribution may affect customer savings Bronco. Bronco II and Ranger not included THUNDERBIRD \ i 77% nr pACUl m m * P * w f v O n a See your Ford Dealer now. 53595 i'M DHSOH !.qqc •JI MIIOIM HOMO* 11995 WOUDBCMUW * >*'" MOElWttMlM* HHHIIICtMWW * „ •JI linen sniuw 130951 'SI t3S0 SUPtR »nrnri '(1FOHOtSCOKlS1MI0HWSG0H •jOWWlSMJDR •» FOKDUO STHIOII **60H. *80 PLYMOUTH VOIARE * ' '80 FORD F 1MS1 '80 CHEVY CITATION * ^ Spring Hill 525 HIGGINS RD I DUNDEE. IL x"x 551-3300 J

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