22 Help Wanted 26 STYLIST WANTED PART TIME Guarantee) Salary Plus Commission & Paid Vacations HAIR EVENT 815/459 9654 tOOO Northwest Hwy. Crystal Lake, IL MISCELLANEOUS Wanted to Buy 2S Appliance* » Art and AntkiueM 27 Auction* M Bulld!n« Material! » Clothing 30 Computers and Software 31 Craft* and Hobbles. 32 rood and Prroduce 33 Health and Fltnea* . M Uveatock. Farm Supplies and Equipment 35 Horses and Equipment 36 Pets and Supplies 37 Musical Instruments 3t Office and Store Equipment 39 Household Goods 40 Lawn. Garden and Landacaplng 41 Machinery/Tools 42 Garage Sales 43 Mlsc Merchandise 44 Trade or Barter 4S 25 Wanted To Buy A & A COIN SHOP Immediate Cash For Gold, Silver, sterling, jewelry, plati num, coins, diamonds and old pocket watches. 130 Kennedy Dr. (RMS), Carpentersville. Closed Sun. & Mon. Open Tues. thru Fri., 10 am to 7 pm, Sat. 10 am to 6 pm. 312/426 2360. BUY SELL TRADE Guns*Old Shells*Related Items •15/331 4731 GOLD & SILVER Coins, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or Broken Jewelry, Sterling Flatware, Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS & INVESTMENTS 366 Virginia St.(Rt.M) Crystal Lake, IL SIS/455 6190 H.C. COIN & STAMP CO. WE BUY & SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza _ *** 815/459 3940 *** LOOKING FOR used Schwinn Tandem 5 spd, reasonable, 312/658 7806. MY WIFE & I are looking for a home with existing VA or FHA mortgage. 815/385 4389 OLD ORIENTAL rugs want ed. Any size or condition. Call toll free I 800 553 8021 WANTED: Glassware De pression (colored), Helsey, Cambridge, Fostoria, Candle wick, etc. Pottery • Fiesta, Hall, Weller, Roseville, etc. 815/895-6033 WANTED TO BUY: Mini or Class A motor home. Pay cash.Rockford 815/282 1552 26 Appliances CHEST FREEZER, 22 cu. ft., Westinghouse, white, $225. 815/455 1397. DISHWASHER, portable, Whirlpool Imperial, like new, buther block top, 815/338 8108. ELECTRIC DRYER, excel lent condition, $135. 815/459- 8945, after 4 pm. ELECTRIC RANGE, Tappan, Corning top, self-cleaning oven, harvest gold sides, exc. cond., $2S0/best, 815/455-0803. SECRETARY Entry Lml We are seeking an aggres sive self starter who can handle a range of diversi fied duties such as per sonnel and plant produc tion records, figure apti tude and accurate typing. Some IBM PC experience would be a plus. Please apply in person to: Personnel Department MacLEAN-FOGG COMPANY . 1000 Allanson Road Mundelein, IL. 60060 «4Ml opportunity implojtf a/1 SALES POSITIONS Must be available days, evenings & weekends. Apply in person. Bergner's Spring Hill Mall An Equal Opportunity Employer Data Procasalng COMPUTER OPERATOR 2nd Shift IBM 43311131 DOS/USE We have an immediate open ing for a Full Time Computer Operator from 4 30 PM to 12:30 AM. A minimum of 1 year experience is necessary on IBM equipment under DOS. Please apply in person to: Personnel Department MacLEAN-FOGG COMPANY 1000 Allanson Road Mundelein. IL 60060 •qutl opportunity tmptoy* m/f Appliances RAINBOW VACUUMS With Power Nozzle & Attachments Still In Boxes "THE WATER VACUUM", S550 Complete Limited Stock-So Hurry! 90 Days Same As Cash With Your Good Credit 815/459 1069 » 815/344 1225 REFRIGERATOR/Freezer, Wards frostless, 14 eti. ft., 815/459-9331. LARGE SELECTION of re conditioned appliances includ ing air conditioners with war ranty. Used TV's • Color I B/W, Thompson's Appliance, 815/338-5611. AAAJOR APPLIANCES Sales & Service Refrigerators, Ranges (Gas & Electric), Wash ers, Dryers & Freezers. ALL MAJOR BRANDS Reconditioned & Guaranteed We Deliver! DAILY: 9AM -6PM SATURDAY: 9 AM-5 PM WAHL Appliance Center 1209 North Court St Downtown McHenry, IL 815/385 1872 ELECTRIC STOVE, moving, 5 months use, $250. 815/455 5021. G.E ELECTRIC stove, 42", double oven, $150 or best of fer, 815/338 2933, after 5 p.m. HOT POINT 19 cu. ft. refrlg erator, almond, like new, $425, 815/455 4329, 5:30 p.m. ROPER STOVE, continuous cleaning, $300. After 4:30 pm, 815/338 2181. KENMORE Electric Dryer, harvest gold, $125. (.all 815/455 5894. WASHER & DRYER, white, i years old, heavy duty, exc. cond., $375. 815/455 7088 27 Art and Antiques ANTIQUE DRAFTING table, $150, or best offer, 115/459 2818 28 Auctions NEW TOOL AUCTION Wwl.,S«pt.2Sth at 7:30 p.m. Massey Hall McHenry Co. • Fairgrounds Rt 47-Country Club Rd. Woodstock, IL UUIAIaLLm a--L.i. Hn§ WPIIVna90CK9I9 Wrtftdws'Air Compressors Metal Bandsaws-Visn WoodBandsaws-Drik Hand ToofePowor Took Drl Presses-Tool BOXN Battery Chargers wwfiiofMfooii utntt Air Tools Port-A-Powers Floor Jacks-Power Tools Industrial Equipment Farm Supples Hjulu CllAA TaaL Dvly 9fiop lOOIS ttdfts T oo Niiii^rous To Mention Sale Conducted By MlkeLoper 405-234-7731 AISublKt To Priori*. 31 Computers and Software TRS 80 COMPUTER, i4K tape and line Vill printer. Software too! 815/338-8416 or 815/3383456 ask for Betty. 32 Crafts and Hobbies RADIO CONTROLED Model Airplane, Cessna with 5 chan nel radio. Elec. starter, & much more! New, $300. ask ing $100. 815/344-1790. SPECIAL ED AIDES 30 College credits required. $4.58 per hour. Apply now. The Personnel Office Community Unit School District 405 N. 6th St. 312/426-1300 An Equal Opportunity Employer 35 Livestock, Farm Supplies and Equipment 1 COZY CAB, complete with heater, with fenders and lights, fits John Deere 2040 or 2240. 815/459 7676 7 FT. Truck mounted snow thrower. Powered by 2 II hp. engines. Fits Western frame. Controls In cab. 115/459 7676 GOLDEN PHEASANT Male 115/459 1015 4--H CATTLE ^ROOMING Shut*, 4-H Show Box & equip ment, l registered Hereford Heifer, 2 feeder steers. 815/385 2192. 2400 INTERNATIONAL with % yard bucket, 6, ft. Motts mower, V plow, excellent con dition! $6.50* 312/426-5907, af ter 4 pm. Ask for Gene. 3d Horses and Equipment REG QUARTER horse geld., rides Western & English & jumps. $1,450.; Western Sad dle, Circle Y, like new, S350. 815/338 2703. STALLS AVAILABLE Wauconda/Crystal Lake Area.1 Indoor/outdoor arenas. Daily turnout Included. 115/455-3960 or 312/634-0216. 3 YEAR APP. GELDING, broke English, very gentle, good youth prospect, $1,200. 815/385-9117. ' 37 Pets and Supplies AIREDALE 8i LAB MIX, 4 month old male, housebroken, FREE to good home, 459-0950 days or 815/459 6053. . AIREDALE PUPPIES, AKC registered, champion lines, born August 1. 815/459-5656 AMAZON'S FOR SALE, blue front, yellow napes, red lored, African gray, (Congo), mullu- can cockatoo, tame & talking, $275 & up. 815/568 6541, before 8 a.m. or after 3 p.m. r AMERICAN ESKIMIO (Spitz), UKC reg., $100, 815/728 1426. BLACK LAB, 1 year old fe male, AKC, small & loves children, 8150/best. Call 815/344 0390 after 6 pm. P VAL'S PET SERVICES Grooming & Pet Sitting In YOUR Home! 815/455-3062 YORKSHIRE TERRIER, AKC female, 1 year old, housebroken, great with kids! Must sell, $200. 115/653-4246. BRITTANY SPANIEL Pups, AKC, white & orange, excel lent show & field champion blood line. Mother 8i father excellent hunters & pets. $175. females, $150. males. I- 815/568-7040. BUNDY TRUMPET w/case, excellent condition, >$150. Call 815/653-4800. CHOW CHOW Pups, excellent temperment, champion blood lines, blacks and reds. Males $350, female $400. 312/426 3097 COCKATIELS, home raised, babys, guaranteed tame, all kinds, after 4:30 pm, 815/338- 1665 or 815/338-4520. COLLIE/SHEPHERD Mix, 14 week old female, all shots, A cute gentle puppy home from college. FReE to the highest bidder. 815/459-0074. 3 FREE KITTENS to good home. 7 wks. old. Call Edle at 815/344-4514, or 815/344-0880. FREE KITTENS, 3 blk & wh„ 2 blk, 7 weeks, healthy, child proof & trained. 312/651-6664. FREE KITTENS, part Per sian, black & white, DAR LING!) 815/459-6617. FREE KITTENS to good home. Call after 5 pm 312/426-5108 FREE KITTENS to good homes only. Call after 5 pm. 815/455-1817. Ask for Wendy. FREE KITTENS to good homes. Black, grey, Morris colored. 312/639-6853. FREE TO good home. 2 male mixed breed dogs. Good with children. 815/728 1210. FREE to good home, IV2 yr. old female Siamese. 3'A month kitten. 815/338-0132. FREE TO Good home, very well trained Pomeranian. 312/741-1385 or 312/426-4732. FREE TO NICE HOME, 4 month old male Lab/ Airedale mix. Call 815/459-0950 days or 815/459-6053 eves. GROOMING BY AUDREY Discount for New Customers 815/344-2386 LAB PUPS, AKC, 1 black male, 1 yellow female, 8 weeks, shots, wormed, dew clawed, papers. 815/648-2212. LHASA APSO puppies, 2 males, 10 wks. old, shots, call after 5 pm, 815/459-7716. PUPPIES WANTED, litters preferred, 6 to 8 weeks old, good home guaranteed. Call Helms Kennels, 815/385-7897 SHEPHERD/HUSKY Mix, I'/j years old, spayed, all shots, FREE to good home; needs more room. 815/459-4948. 38 Musical Equipment CASIO CZ 101 Synthesizer, $350. 312/658 6000 CLARINET, black Evette, $150. Good condition, 312/658 6864, or 312/658 4653. Ask for Judy. CENTER VIDEO A Major Chicagoland chain seeks qual ified sales people for our retail store in Crystal Lake. This is a fantastic growth opportunity with a well established company. Excellent earnings & bene fits available. To qualify, you must have video retail experience. Call Debby after 11 am for an interview. CENTER VIDEO 815/455-2100 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Wanted for morning & afternoon routes. Paid training. Must have^QOd driving record. McHenry School Districts 15 & 156 Apply at Transportation Department 5805 West Rt. 120, McHenry, IL. 38 Musical Equipment DEAN GUITARS Crowley's Guitar Studio 315 S. Main St. Algonquin 312/658 6000 FREE KITTENS to good homes, titter-trained, 7 weeks old. Call 815/385-9062. FULL SZ. Violin, exc. cond., $350, 1)5/455 5125 GRAND PIANO, Conover. (Cable Co.) mohogany finish, semi-concert size. $1,200. For appointment, call 115/671-7621. GRAND PIANOS FINE QUALITY LIKE NEW BABY TO FULL SIZE FOSS PIANO SERVICES 312/365 6440 JANSSEN PIANO &BENCH Good condition, $400 115/338-203; after 5 p.m. LOWERY ORGAN 8. Bench. Very good condition. Call be tween 9 am & 3 pm or after 6 pm. 815/337 0877. PIANOS FOR SALE 6 ft. Grand, $3,$00. Console, $495. Upright, $395. All have been carefully worked over & tuned to A 440 pitch. These are being sold by professional Piano Tuner. 815/653-6554. -SPINET PIANO, played by 1 reluctant student for 6 months. $1,400. 815/338-3072. WURLITZER PIANO 81 OR GAN Sale. Save 40 50%. Bell Morford Piano 8i Organ Co., 72 Fountain Square Plaza, El- gln. 312/741-0780 Office and Store 39 Equipment BUSINESS MAN'S GARAGE SALE! 1000 desks, chairs, files, etc. Brand-Office Equipment Sales 815/455-4550 OFFICE DESK, (2) L Shaped with chairs, $250 each; Office Partlon, 4 X 5, $70; (3) 4 X 8 Bulletin Boards, $60 each; magazine rack, $35; Round Formica kitchen table & 3 chairs, $90. Call 815/459-8111. 40 Household Goods MATCHING BUNK BEDS exc. cond., extremely sturdy. $395. 815/459 8222. MINNESOTA FATS Pool Ta ble, ail extras included, like new, $400. Call 815/455-3210. AIR CONDITIONER, Fed ders, 5 years old, 5,000 BTU, $100.; Also 6 yrs. old Sears, 5,000 BTU, $75.; Barcalounger redlner. Excellent condition, $150.; Upholstered lounge chair, $30.; 815/459-2823, after 6 pm. • BABY CRIB 8. Dresser, excel lent condition! $250. firm. 815/338 4657. BASSETT CRIB w/mattress, 18 mo. old, $150.; Winnie the Pooh curtains, hamper, dia per stacker, 81 lamp w.night light, $45.; 815/344-3144. BEDROOM SET, 3 pc., oak, $300. Dinette, 4 chair, $45. 2 Lv. rm. tables, $75. 2 BMX Bikes, $30/ea. 312/639-5642. BEDROOM SET, 5 pc., cher ry, Drexel, w/4 poster Queen Anne double bed. Exc. cond., 815/459 4391 after 7 pm. BEDROOM SET, Early American, hard rock maple, 6 pes., $425. Call 312/639-9814. BEDROOM SET, Mediterra nean style complete with queen size mattress, box spring, head board, armoire, 2 night stands, triple dresser with double mirrors. $300. Also Pioneer SX-838 50 watt am/fm receiver, BIC turnta ble 81 8 track deck, $125. Call 815/344-3188. (Evenings) or 312/893-1992, (Days). BEDROOM SET, twin, $200. Jr. Dining room set, $200 . 2 redlners, $50/ea, 815/385-9463 CEILING FAN $99.95 INSTALLED 52" 3 speed , reverse, antique brass, 5 year warranty, HUGGER or HANGING STYLE, only $99.95 including basic installation in vour home by appointment. VOSS VACUUM & SEWING, 815/338 7370, or 815/568-7477. DINING ROOM SET, glass-4 wood, table, 68"l x 38"w, $450/best. Vertical blinds, 74"l, $35/best. 815/459-0532. DINING ROOM SET, wrought Iron octagonal table <1 4 chairs, $325; 8 piece living room set, Early American, l year old, earth tones, $775. Quality furniture- very good cond. Call 312/658-3985. DOUBLE BED, mattress, box sprng., 3 yrs. old, good cond., $50./best, 312/658-7288, after 5. LIVING RM. SET, blue vel vet, good cond., $400 or best offer, 815/459-0572 QUEEN SOFA sleeper, $180, 2 end tables, $35 each, redlner w/ottoman, $75, 312/639 4289 RCA COLOR CONSOLE TV, 25 In., good working cond., $200/ best. Call 815/338 1659. SECTIONAL SOFA, 3 piece beige, spotless, perfect condi tion; 1 away from the wall redlner, gold,^perfect condi- tion; 815/385-6218. TWIN BED with mattress $30, end fable with cocktail table $30, table lamp with standing lamp $25, 2.oil paintings $20 each. 312/639-4344 after 3 pm. Household Goods SOFA & LOVESEAT, green floral print, $50 815/331-2607 SOFA & LOVESEAT. over stuffed, beige/white w/corner & coffee fable., like new, $3,600 New - sacrifice, $1,200. 115/459 5839. SOFA, traditional print, $100; 2 fireside chairs, $75/pair; 2 Rembrandt lamps, $50/pair; Take all for *200. Call after 4 pm, 815/455 5808. TWO PC. SOFA & chair, like new hardly used, gold floral print, velvet material, $200/best, 815/459-3587, after 5 p.m. VACUUM CLEANER, rebuilt Klrby, with all attachments ind. rug shampooer, $350. 815/459-1545. WATER BED, Queen Size, heated, semi motionless, bookcase headboard, 6 draw ers on each side. Used 1 month. If interested, please call 312/639 7396. ZENITH COLOR TV, 12", ex cedent condition, $75. 815/338 9465 - ' Lawn,Garden and 41 Landscaping ALLIS CHALMERS 16 hp 1973 Koehler engine, new trans., belts, muffler, paint. 48 in. snow blower, mower, plow, harrow, wheel weights, chains, elec. lift, lights, 3 pt. hitch. $2,000/best. 115/385-7249. GANNON SCRAPER BOX, $325.; 6 ft. lawn roller, $95.; small rototiller, $85.; H3414 Backhoe, $7,500; 815/459-8945, after 4 pm. 11 hp, 48 in. self propelled, comerdal type mower: With grass catcher. 815/459-7676 IH CUB CADET, 14 HP trac tor, hydro static drive, 50" mower, 42" snow blade Si tire chains. $1,750. Call 815/385 6293, or 815/344-5692. INTERNATIONAL Cub Cadet. 71, 8 H.P., elec. start, 36" mower deck, has bad engine, as is, $400, 815/648-2875, after 6 p.m. JOHN DEERE 36 in. Com merdal walk behind mower, electric srart, like new. Best Offer. 815/923 2653 or 923-4176. LAWN TRACTOR, Interna tional Harvester, 14 HP, with mower, rototiller 8i cart. 815/338-0918. RIDING TRACTOR, 16 Hp Ground Master 52 Toro, mow er & 2 stage snow blower with weather protecting cab, low hours. Call between 9 am 81 3 pm or after 6 pm. 815/337- 0877. 42 Machinery/Tools FORD 600 Tractor with back hoe 81 bucket loader, $3,500 or best offer. Must Sell. Call 312/669 5830. HACK SAW, power, heavy duty, 6" capacity w/motor, $300. Cutting torch w/pressure gauges 81 hose, complete, $125. 815/459-2910. HEAVY DUTY COMPACTOR/BALER 4 cubic yard. $2000/best offer. 815/338-2276 ROCKWELL Radial Drill Press, $200.; DeWalt 10" Ra dial saw, 300.; Pattern mak ers bend/vise, $200. Call after 6 pm, M 2/742-1378. VAPOR DEGREASER, Bar on Blakeslee refrigerated model, 110V. Inds. baskets (12" X 18"), fluid, spare parts. $250/best. Ed Byrnes, 815/385-3500, ext 233. 43 Garage Sales CARY 725 N. Rawson Rd. Sept. 25, 26, 27; 8 6 House/yard sale, much misc. CARY Spring Green's first Annual Subdivision Sale Sept. 27, 28; 9-4 Motorcycles, washer 8> dry ers, furniture, baby clothes. CRYSTAL LAKE 9203 Arthur Sept. 25, 26, 27; 8-3 Nice girl toddler clothes, 12' screen house. Toys/He-Man. Baby lamps, stroller, lawn chairs, housewares. CRYSTAL LAKE MULTI FAMILY 272 Union St. Sept. 25, 26, 27; 9 - 5 LAKE IN THE HILLS RUMMAGE 8. BAKE SALE United Methodist Church Miller 8> Monroe Streets Sept. 27; 9 7 Sept, 28; 9-12 RUMMAGE SALE 1st Congregational Church 461 Pearson St. Crystal Lake Wed. Sept.25; 9-7 Thurs.Sept.26; 9-1 Thurs. is $1 a bag day 81 "Touch of Class" room, furni ture 81 books will be half price. WONDER LAKE 5108 E. Lake Shore Dr. Sept. 26, 27, 28; 9-5 Stereo equipment, men 8r women's clothes, ski boat, ce ment mixer, motorcycle, kitchen aids, 81 many more. 44 Misc. Merchandise BALLOONS Bloomin' Baloons 815/459 RAVE TYPIST RECEPTIONIST Seeking Typist/Receptionist to handle copy input, message taking and other general office duties. Apply In Person Send Resume To Or Call JOE KING CARY-GROVE CLARION 179 S. Northwest Hwy., Cary, IL 60013 312/639-2301 TYPIST RECEPTIONIST Immediate opening for a Typist/General Office person Good typing and English skills essential. Experience with computer word proces sing. journalism writing style, office reception a plus Call tor an appointment Managing Editor The Crystal Lake Herald An Edition of the Northwest Herald 7803 Pyott Rd.. Crystal Lake, IL 815/459-4040 44 Misc. Merchandise HEAVY DUTY ladder rack for pick up truck. 1175. 312/639 6258, after t pm HERE WE ARE AGAIN! Dry- Seasoned Firewood Oak, $55; Cherry, S60; Hicko ry or Walnut, S65 per face cord. 2 or more, $5 OF F each face. 815/648 2337 KEROSENE HEATER, Sears Industrial Torpedo, 140,000 BTU, thermo. & wheels, like new, 8300, 312/658 6016. •••LET'S TALK*" 312/639 8026. The Thomas D. Murphy Co. Line, Calendars, pens & matches. LOOKING FOR Carpet, Lino leum, or Ceramic? Call Den nis in Huntley, 312/669 3511 MOVING SALE Nothing priced over $200. Prices are suggested sale prices. Come look 81 make of fer. Freezer, desk, clothing. 591 Woodland Dr. 815/455 4591 NAME BRAND PAINT up to 75% of retail Call 312/639 1139 OAK FIREPLACE Gas Logs. 32", $100.; Full size state pool table, $700. 815/455-5199. / ONE SINGLE BED,$80 Dresser w/ mirror, $75. 3 End tables, $20 each. 2 Living room tables, $30 each. 1 Sofa. $85. ISofa, $25. 3 Living room chairs, $30 each. 2 Lamps, $12 each. 1 Bole,$10. 1 Bedroom end table, $30.«l Mink stole, $35. 815/455-6925, after 5:30 POOL TABLE, AMF, 8', w/accessories, $350 815/385-5102. RAILROAD TIES. Grade A number 1. $7.95 each deliv ered. Minimum 10. Call after 6 pm. 312/639 6258. R & M F I R E W O O D SEASONED WOOD ••• 815/344-0515 ••• SALT SALE! Pellet Grade, $4.75/80 lb. Every 1st. Sat./mo. Huemann Water, 3607 N. Chapel Hill Rd., Johnsburg, IL 815/385-3093. SEASONED oak firewood, satisfaction guaranteed, $50 face cord, $55 delivered. 815/338-8611, ask for Steve Schmiedlng SHOWCASES, (2) 8 ft. long X 3 ft. high, lighted, $140 each. Call 815/344-2260 days. SNOWBLOWER, Ariens, 8 hp. Range, GE, 40". Bandsaw, Craftman, 12". Humidifier, 7 gal., auto., 815/344-3048 after 4:30 pm ONLY. TABLE & 4 OAK CHAIRS, wood rocking chair, band saw router, shaper drill press. 815/338-4721. UPRIGHT PIANO, needs re finishing, $500; Violin with case, $125; Accordion, $250; Formica Dining Set with Chairs, $50. Call 815/455-5295. USED 6 ft. drafting tables, computer tables, parts cabi nets, chalk boards, end tables. Brand-Office Equipment Sales. 815/455 4550. WEDDING SET, His 8. Hers, diamond, 2 mo. old, $200. or best offer. 815/728-1155. W E R E N T W A T E R SOFTENERS Free installation this month Angel Soft Water Com Call 312/358-6000 T01 ipany day WINDOWS 81 PATIO Doors by hurd as featured in "This Old House". Superior to highly ad vertised brands at LOWER PRICES. Wood - Aluminum clad casements, double hungs, sliders, awning windows, bays 8i bows. Direct sets - all shapes, roof windows, storm windows and deck rooms. Pa tio entry, atrium 8i storm doors. See our Factory show room. Contractors invited. Continental Products 903 Armstrong, Algonquin, II. 312/658-2800 WOODEN PALETS $1.00 Each 815/385-5000 BELL 81 HOWELL Super 8 & 8 sound movie camera 81 pro iector. Leather carrying case & screen included. $325. or best. 815/728-1795, evenings. CAR PHONE Motorola 4000, cellular phone, 6 months olds, original cost $3000. Price, $1200. 815/455-1270, after 5 COMPLETE CHECKUP 81 CLEANING On Your Water Softener ONLY $15.95 Angel Soft Water Company Call 312/358-6000 COUNTED CROSS STITCH Wildtlower Quilt. Never used. Value, $500., best offer. 815/338 6492. DISCOUNT PRICES On Upholstery 81 Drapes for the holiday months. Get your boat covers 81 cushions ready before boating season begins next spring, free estimates, pick up 81 delivery. If it can be sewn, we can do It! Call Just Sew 312/639-4678 EDUCATIONAL Equipment, EDL Control Reader, etc. SVE projector, etc, & Tests. 815/459-9331. 44 Misc. Merchandise DISCOVERY TOYS: Have a home demonstration 'I re ceive 10% of demonstration in free toys plus more. 815/385 S816. FALL GARAGE Door Sale! Replace that worn out door now & save! Many styles to choose from. Call Herb Falk. 312/658 4812 FIREWOOD. $500. Approx. 5 full cords, 1 year old. Choke Cherry. Will divide. Also Sur gical Capons. Ready about Thanksgiving time. 815/338- 4415. FIREWOOD DELIVERED 100% Seasoned Oak, hickory I cherry: $140- Full Cord; $50- Face Cord. Semi- Seasoned (needs 30s days): $120 Full Cord (No Junk) Satisfaction Guaran teed. Harffield Firewood, 815/943-6990 GOLF CLUBS, $99.'. 11 piece sets, while they last. 815/728 0177. HALLOWEEN'S COMING! Reserve your costume now. We have the largest mask col lection in Northern Illinois. Makeup 81 accessories. Fanta sy Festival Costume/Magic Centre, 815/455 4910. HAMMOND CADETTE organ, $400; Ig. walnut buffet, $250; antlque oak dining table, $150. Call after 6 pm, 815/459 7531. • HAPPY GRAMS • SINGING TELEGRAMS Male 8> Female Belly Dancers • 312/888-3060 • MATCHING TWIN mattress, box springs $100. AIR CONDI TIONER $250.(almost new) 2 ANTIQUE samplers $400-$500. IWMHM4, RENTALS Wanted to Rent Rooms lor Rent Houie*. Apartment! To Share Apartments lor Rent Homes lor Rent Condos. Townhomes tor Rent Store. Offices for Rent . Industrial for Rent ..... Farm and Farmland lor Rent Storage Space lor Rent Misc. lor Rent 50 Wanted to Rent CRYSTAL LK. working cou ple, fam. of 4, needs 3 bdrm. home by Oct. 15. $475 - $500. 815/455-7196,Frank-or Carolyn. McHENRY AREA, to rent 2 to 3 bdrm. home, reasonable, good ref. 815/344-3228, after 7. 51 Rooms for Rent CARY/BRIGHT OAKS Female w/3 yr. old, has bed room for rent to female only. $275/mo. Kit. & laundry privi leges. Call eves. 312/639-9371. Clean, Safe, Furnished Rooms Call 8 am to 9 pm ••• 815/338-3040 ••• Clean Safe Furnished Rooms Call 8 am to 9 pm ••• 815/338-3040 ••• CRYSTAL LAKE Pingry Ho tel has rooms avail. Ideal for men, reas., 815/459-0288. McHENRY, CLEAN SLEEP ING ROOMS."WEEKLY RATES. McHENRY DEPOT -HOTEL, Rooms start at $50/week. Ca ble hook-up, kitchen, laundry. Call 815/385-8885 after 2 pm. WONDER LAKE, mature christian lady seeks same to rent room with private bath, kit. priv., $50 per wk., 815/653 4196. WOODSTOCK .Sleeping Room Only; cable & TV ind. Call 815/338-2709. Houses, Apartments 52 To Share FEMALE TO SHARE HOUSE with same, 312/426-7347 after 5 p.m. FEMALE wanted to share 4 bdrm., 2'/a bath house on lake. $250. 312/639-0137. FOX RIVER GROVE. Busi ness man wants to share cost of 5 room apart. 2 bdrms., newly decorated including dishwasher. Call 312/639-0390. MALE, non-smoking, looking for roommate to locate 8i share 2 bdrm. apt. in Crystal Lake/Cary area. Call Stan be fore 4 pm, 312/634/0004. ext. Need 4th responsible woman to *hare 4 bdrm house, Wood stock. $150 + util. 815/338-8062 RESPONSIBLE Single parent looking for same to share home in Crystal Lake area. Non smoker only. Please call Debbie, 815/455-2756, evenings. WANTED MATURE responsi ble person to rent a room 81 share my house In Crystal Lake, 815/455-4136 eves, or 312/381 1084 days. Maple ]|ree Apartments Handi £ Attention Senior Citizens, J capped, and Low/Moderate J renters. We currently have } apartments available that you may $ {qualify to. rent under guidelines set X 1 forth by the U.S. Dept. of H.U.D. | i T h e s e f r e s h l y d e c o r a t e d , c l e a n * I apartments rent from: 1 Bedroom S240 2 Bedroom $264 3 Bedroom $289 For an apartment tor your next home Call: f-815-338-5151 1965 Sheiia Street, Woodstock, ill. 60098 Open: 9 AM-5 PM, Monday-Friday ONAMM AND KNAMCM (£> OWOWTWTY S3 Apartments tar Rent ALGONQUIN 2 Bedrooms starting at $435. 1 Bedrooms. $365. & $385. ARROWHEAD APARTMENTS 312/658-8463 ALGONQUIN, seperate kit., bath & bdrm. within a house, $375 inc. utilities. 312/658 0108 or 296 8338. ANNSTONIAN APTS. Lovely Elevator Building Owlet, Gracious Living in Woodstock •t McHenry 8> Irving 1 bdrm., $325. 1 bdrm. I den, $365. 815/338-6255 )'. CRYSTAL LAKE: 3 bdrm. 2 baths, l car gar., good loca tiodf All appl., $550./mo. Ajffll. Oct. 1, No pets. S«c. dep. req. Wkdys after 7 pm. 815/459 6595, or 815/459-7810. CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 bdrm., 2nd floor, sec. dep., reason able r<n>f. 815/459 3481. CRYSTAL LAKE Area, at tractive, spacious 3 room apartment, $400/ mo. plus utilities. Call 815/459-9111. CRYSTAL tAKE, DeLuxe 2 bedroom apartments avail able November l. Close to downtowm, shoois, 8, shop- plng- Call 815/385-3225. CRYSTAL LAKE: Efficiency, stove & refrig. Included. Sec. dep. required. Call after 5:30 pm. 815/455-0253. CRYSTAL LAKE, furnished efficiency, all utilities ind., no pets, $240/mo. 815/459-6033. CRYSTAL LAKE, modern 1 bdrm., Oct. 1st., utils. not ind., $290/mo., sec. dep. req., 312/526-9256. DOWNTOWN McHENRY, 1 bdrm. Call Paul, days 312/486- 0466. Nights, 815/459 5967. GARDEN QUARTER Apart ments: Spacious 1 & 2 bdrms. Residential area. No pets. Further information, call 815/385-2181. H A R V A R D P A R K ' APTS. September Special 1 MONTH RENT FREE To Qualified Applicants On New 1 Year Lease Available Immediately: 2 Bedroom Furnished I Unfurnished Apartments • Individually Controlled Heat ^ Central Air • Wall To Wall Carpeting • Private Patio or Balcony • Generous Closet Space • Laundry Facilities • Cable TV Available • Swimming Pool 8i Sun Deck Call For Additional Info 815/338-2383 815/943-3500 Senior Citizens Discount LAKE KILLARNEY, 1 bdrm., stove 8i refrig., private en trance, garbage pick up, $200. deposit, $300. a mo. 312/639- 7432. LAKEWOOD APARTMENTS DELUXE STUDIO U2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Available For Immediate Occupancy • Free Heat, Water 8i Cooking Gas • Wall To Wall Carpeting • Walk In Closets • Laundry Facilities • Swimming Pool • Garages Call For Additional Info • 815/338-2383 • Senior Citizens Discount McHENRY: 1 bdrm. apt. No pets. Ideal for mature adults. 815/385-6566. RICHMOND APARTMENTS 1 & 2 Bdrms. Avail. Wall to wall carpeting, fully appli*nced kitchens, Tndivia- -uaily controlled heat, laundry facilities & play area. Call 312/587-9277 WOODSTOCK, 2 br„ close to town, stove & fridge included. Available to sub-let Oct. 1. Carpeted, $375. 815/338-8892 WOODSTOCK: Studio, close to square, $310. Includes heat, water, 815/923-4140. WOODSTOCK, sub lease, 2 bdrm., avail. Oct. 1st, $389/mo„ 815/338-6881. McHENRY, 1 8. 2 bedroom apartments. Available No vember 1. Call 815/385-3225. 54 Homes for Rent CRYSTAL LAKE; Country 3 bdrm. ranch, 2 car gar., Crys tal Lake schools, $500./mo., 1st & last mo. 815/455-5310, after 6. CRYSTAL LAKE, rent with option to buy, 3 to 4 bdrms., fam. rnt., fireplace 8i att. ga rage, $715/ mo. 312/870-1800. MARENGO, 2 bdrms., carpet ed, 2 baths, bsmt., gar. No pets. Newer duplex, W. For est. $400 plus utilities, Nov. 1. 1-217-379-2449 eves, or 1-217- 379-2063. McHENRY, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath ranch. Avail. Oct. 15, $600/ mo. plus V/7 mo. securi ty. No pets. R.E. Agent, 815/459-0727. McHENRY ^REA, 3 bdrm. home on Fox River. Refs. & sec. dep. req. Avail ll/l, 815/385 9321 or 312/827 6342. McHENRY AREA, 3 bdrm., att. heated gar., 1,400 sq. ft., 1st 8i last month rent K sec dep. + refs. req., $400/mo. 815/385-5005. McHENRY, large 2 bdrm., w/bsmt & lovely yard & 2 car gar on Rt. 31 near Hospi tal. $450/mo, 1 1/2 month's sec. dep. 815/385-8063 Homes for Rent McHENRY, rent or rent w/option. 2 3 bdrms.. fm. rm w/fplc., c/a, all appl is, fenced yard. In town, A-1 cond., $550 + sec. I credit check 815/344 2642. NORTHPORT FLORIDA for 5 or 6 months, fully fur nished 2 bdrm. mobile home with Florida room, washer, etc., in nice clean park with 2 pools, tennis & dub houses with constant activities avail able. Call 815/675-2344, days, or >15/675-6000, evenings. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS, 6 year old 2 bdrm. home. Full bsmnt. I car gar., stove, re- frig., $500. per mo. 1 mo. sec. deposit. No pets. Johnsburg schools, available Oct. 1st. 815/344 5794, after 5. PISTAKEE HILLS: New 4 bdrm., «2Va baths, 2 car gar., multi level. Available Oct. l or soon«r, $795 . 312/885-1771. RICHMONO, \ bedrooms, avail Oct. 15, $425/ mo. plus security ($445 with garage). Call 815/678-4042. RICHMONO, in town, 3 bdrm., full bsmnt. ranch, re- frig. 8i range, 3 blocks to schools, $385. a month ptus utilities. Sec. dep. $300. For appointment, call 815/678-7621. WONDER LAKE: Executive home, 3/4 bdrms., 3 baths, all appliances, formal dining room, formal living room, eat-in kitchen, wet bar In full finished bsmnt., lake rights in Sunrise Ridge, $150. per mo. Sec. dep. & credit check re quired. 815/728 1554. WOODSTOCK, 3 bdrm. Near the square, $550. a month. Sec. 8> credit refs. Avail Oct. 815/923-4333. 54 Stores,Offices for Rent CARY DOWNTOWN, store, $400/mo + sec. dep., Essex Costello R.E., 312/639-5561. 101 CORPORATE CORNER IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Crystal Lake's Prestige Office Suites 250 to 2,500 Square Feet Remodeled To Suit For Information Call 815/455-7382 CRYSTAL LAKE, 685 sq. ft. office, prime location, best suite in building, secretarial & phone answering service avail., 815/459-1700 days, or 459-4344 eves. 8i weekends. CRYSTAL LAKE, Individual office spaces. Immediate oc cupancy. Ideal for salesmen, mfg's. reps, etc., Rt.14„ form $150/mo., Frank J. Smith & Assoc., 815/459-0606 CRYSTAL LAKE: Office space for lease or lease op tion. Prime Rt. 14 exposure. Separate building. 900-1800 sq. ft. 815/455-0372. DOWNTOWN McHENRY: 2 Adjoining Store Fronts. 900 sq. ft. total. Rent 1 ($150. 8i $350. per mo.) or both ($450. per mo.) Utilities Included. 815/385-7071. EAST DUNDEE: Historic Store Front. 600 to 2,400 sq. ft., across from the Anvil Club. Ample parking. Ideal for antique-gift shop or any retail use with an accent on nostalgia. ERA Bruce Realty 312/658 7779 FOR LEASE Old Volo Village Shop in Volo, Illinois. 1000 sq. ft. of prime space in our unique mall next to the famous, classic Auto Museum & our newest Coun try Galleries featuring 6 inte rior designers. Existing shops in the same building include Arts 8i Crafts Shops, Jewelry Shop, Doll Shop, Art Gallery. Set up now for comming up holidays. Rent very reason able, good year-round high- traffic area. Be a part of our unique Country Village & en joy a profit from traffic that our other shops attract. Old Volo Village, Volo, Illinois, 815/385-3896 - by appointment, ! Bill G., 10 am to 5 pm. 'McHENRY: 800 Sq. ft! In i prestigous bldg. Prime down town location. High visibility. 815/344-2007. McHENRY, approx. 3,000 sq. ft. 'w/additional 500 sq. ft. storage area. Separate office overlooking main floor, 2 dis play windows facing busy street. All sales areas carpet ed and paneled. 815/385-5500. McHENRY Main St. Ofc. $89/mo. w/util. 815/385-0169 101 NORTH MAIN St. in Crys tal Lake, Small 8i medium size offices. Crystal Lake R.E., 815/459-1000. ONLY TWO Decorator Fur nishefl 8i 1 unfurnished office left in prestige bidg. on Cary Algonquin Rd. Many unusual amenities. 312/639 0055. PROFESSIONAL Office, Woodstock, oak doors & trim, highway location, front door parking, immediate occ., Bau- man R. E., 815/338-2725. RETAIL SPACE 2000 sq. ft., exc. parking. Near Woodstock Square. Avail in 30 days, 815/338-5611 RINGWOOD, store 20 by 45 ft., & Ig. storage space, $300 month, sec. 8i ref., 815/653- 9897 RT. 14 CRYSTAL LAKE, 2000 sq. ft. Ideal for offices or re tail. Call Dave Daniels, Re- Max Realtors, 312/658-3100. WOODSTOCK, 1,100 sq. ft., of fice'or commercial, $295/mo. 815/338-0743 57 Industrial for Rent CRYSTAL LAKE, 1,100 sq ft., 3-phase elec., compressed air, 815/459 9060 ONE PERSON OFFICES 180 Sq. Ft. Private Office in Crystal Lake s ne west office buildings' Includes Conference Room, Reception Area & Receptionist for your phones. On-Site Secretarial Service Available AH for $385 per Month Call RON PRATHER 81S/459-9470 TERRACOTTA PLACE