Page22 NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Wednesday, September 23,1985 44 Misc. Merchandise BALLOONS Bloomin' Baloons 815/459 RAVE CAR PHONE Motorola 4000, cellular phone, 6 months olds, original cost 13000. Price, $1200. 015/455 1270, after 5 CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS (approx. 30 yrs. old) & out door decorations; Mason Jars. After 7 pm 115/315 4550. COUNTED CROSS STITCH Wildfiower Quilt. Never used Value, $500., best offer. 115/33144*2. DISCOUNT PRICES On Upholstery I Drapes for the holiday months. Get your boat covers & cushions ready before boating season begins next spring, free estimates, pick up & delivery. If it can be sewn, we can do it! Call Just Sew 312/639-4670 DISCOVERY TOYS: Have a home demonstration 8> re ceive 10% of demonstration in free toys plus more. 115/315 5016. EDUCATIONAL Equipment, EDL Control Reader, etc. SVE projector, etc, 8, Tests. 115/459 9331. FALL GARAGE Door Sale! Replace that worn out door now I, save! Many styles to choose from. Call Herb Falk. 312/6514112 FIREWOOD, $500. Approx 5 full cords, 1 year old. Choke Cherry. Will divide. Also Sur gical Capons. Ready about Thanksgiving time. 815/338 4415. FIREWOOD: Seasoned oak, 150. per face cord. Free deliv ery. Also chain sharpening. 815/344 4155, or 615/344 5647, after 5. FOR SALE: Cash and Carry. Used equipement. Office desk with typing return; executive chairs, typing chairs, lounge chairs, miscellaneous door hardware, light fixtures, large gold carpet, drapes. Other Items. May be seen 9-5 at the Crystal Lake Public Library, 126 Paddocck St., M-F, or by appointment. All items must be sold and removed by 5:00pm October 1. Ask for Ar- den or Dorothy 615/459-1687. GOLF CLUBS, $99., 11 piece sets, while they last. 815/728 0177. HALLOWEEN'S COMING! Reserve your costume now. We have the largest mask col lection in Northern Illinois. Makeup & accessories. Fanta sy Festival Costume/Magic Centre, 815/455 4910. HAMMOND CADETTE organ, $400; Ig. walnut buffet, $250, antique oak dining table, $150. Call after 6 pm, 815/459 7531. • HAPPY GRAMS • SINGING TELEGRAMS Male 8i Female Belly Dancers • 312/888-3060 • HEAVY DUTY ladder rack for pick up truck, il'5. 3'2/639 6258, after o pm. HERE WE ARE AGAIN! Dry- Seasoned Firewood Oak, $55; Cherry, $60; Hicko ry or Walnut, $65 per face cord. 2 or more, $5 OFF each face. 815/648-2337. HIGH LOW HOSPITAI bed, no side rails, $250, 815/547 4442, or 815/455 3553. HOSPITAL BED, auto., rails, mattress, bedding, over/bed table. Nearly new. Best offer, 815/728-0666. KEROSENE HEATER, Sears Industrial Torpedo, 140,000 BTU, thc^o 8i wheels, like new, $3«0. 3!2/658-6016. KIR B Y Heritage Series up right Vac. with all attach ments, including rug 8. uphol stery shampooer, shampoo 8< bags, tike new condition. $700 new, $500. complete. 312/426 7806. •••LET'S TALK*** 312/639-8026. The Thomas D. Murphy Co. Line, Calendars, pens 8. matches. LOOKING FOR Carpet, Lino leum, or Ceramic? Call Den nis in Huntley, 312/669-3511 MATCHING TWIN mattress, box springs $100. AIR CONDI TIONER $250.(almost new) 7 ANTIQUE samplers $400 $500.< 815/338-8854. MOVING SALE Nothing priced over $200. Prices are suggested sale prices. Come look 8. make of fer. Freezer, desk, clothing. 591 Woodland Dr. 815/455 4591 RAILROAD TIES. Grade A number l. $7.95 each deliv ered. Minimum 10. Call after 6 pm. 312/639 6258. 44 Misc. Merchandise OAK FIREPLACE Gas Logs. 32", $100.; Full size slate pool table, $700. 815/455 5199. ONE SINGLE BED, $80 Dresser w/ mirror, $75. 3 End tables, $20 each 2 Living room tables, $30 each l Sofa, $85. ISofa, $25. 3 Living room chairs, $30 each. 2 Lamps, $12 each. 1 Bole,$10. 1 Bedroom end table, $30. 1 Mink stole, $35. 815/455 6925, after-5:30 PINE HUTCH, Ig. primitive, glass doors (top), 2 drawers, 8, lower cupboard space; 12 by 18, all virgin wool leaf pat tern rug, handmade in Japan, 815/338-8108 REMODELING SALE 75 + yards Karastan rust col or carpet & padding $350 , 2 dark oak bathroom vanities with Moen faucets 8, white porcelein sink (l bowl vanity, yellow formica top, $100., 2 bowl vanity, white formica top, $200 ) A wooden Peach- tree sliding glass door, 6 ft., $75.,- 40 gal. water heater, 5 years old, $25., Assorted me dium 8> dark oak doors, $5. & 10.; 2 8 ft. plywood work benches, $15. each.; White Kohler toilet, $10. 815/459 4191. R & M FIREWOOD SEASONED WOOD 815/344-0515 ••• _ SALT SALE! Pellet Grade, $4.75/80 lb. Every 1st. Sat./mo. Huemann Water, 3607 N. Chapel Hill Rd., Johnsburg, IL 815/385 3093. SANYO VIDEO Recorder, 2 speed Beta with digital read out 8, remote control, 14 tapes, movies or reusable. Like new, $150. Call after 5 pm. 815/459 8361. SEARS 19 cu. ft. side by side, copper refrig., $300, ping pong table, $70; chllds kit., $25, childs hobby horse, $20, bicycle baskets, $10. 815/338 9233. SEASONED oak firewood, satisfaction guaranteed, $50 face cord, $55 delivered. 815/338-8611, ask for Steve Schmieding SHOWCASES, (2) 8 ft. long X 3 ft. high, lighted, $140 each. Call 815/344-2260 days. SNOWBLOWER, Ariens, 8 hp. Range, GE, 40". Bandsaw, Craftman, 12". Humidifier, 7 gal., auto., 815/344 3048 after 4:30 pm ONLY. SUPER SINGLE Waterbed, $150. Engine stand, $l50/best. Drafting desk, $50. 815/455 1326 TOTAL GYM: Exercise sys terns by West Bend, $200, 2 Antique Chairs, need re-uphol stering, 1 wing back, l square shouldered, best offer. 815/385 9660 UPRIGHT PIANO, needs re finishing, $500; Violin with case, $125, Accordion, $250; Formica Dining Set with chairs^$50; Call 815/455 5295. USED 6 ft. drafting tables, computer tables, parts cabi nets, chalk boards, end tables. Brand Office Equipment Sales. 815/455 4550. WATERBED, king sz.,com plete set, Vv/dreasser, hutch, bookcase headboard, 8, heat er, $600 or best offer, 815/455 5268, after 6 p.m. „ WEDDING SET, His 8i Hers, diamond, 2 mo. old, $200. or best offer. 815/728-1155. W E R E N T W A T E R SOFTENERS Free installation this month Angel Soft Water Company Call 312/358-6000 Today WINDOWS 8. PATIO Doors by hurd as featured in "This Old House". Superior to highly ad vertised brands at LOWER PRICFS. Wood Aluminum clad casements, double hungs, sliders, awning windows, bays 8i bows. Direct sets all shapes, roof windows, storm windows and deck rooms. Pa tio entry, atrium 6. storm doors. See our Factory show room. Contractors invited. Continental Products 903 Armstrong, Algonquin, II. 312/658-2800 WOODEN PALETS $1.00 Each _ ^15/385-5000 '71 Cadillac Convertible, $600. Mahogany dresser 8> mirror, $175., 240 watt PA system, $75., walnut shelving system, $60., jiesf offer, JM5/338 3470. YELLOW FRENCH PROVIN CIAL bdrm. set, twin canopy bed, 6 drawer w/mirror, night stand, lamp, bedspread, 8i canopy cover. $200, 815/455 5264, after 5 p.m. NAME BRAND PAINT up to 75% of retail Call 312/639 1139 it it * •• • * • * * * • * • it * •it * * * A it-itit • ••A A * « * * * * * » * I » » » * * Maple £ree Apartments | j£ Attention Senior Citizens, Handi I capped, and Low/AAoderate Income | renters. We currently have several | apartments available that you may J qualify to rent under guidelines set | forth by the U.S. Dept. of H.U.D. | These freshly decorated, clean J apartments rent from: » t 1 Bedroom $240 J 2 Bedroom $264 J 3 Bedroom $289 jt For an apartment for your next home I Call: 1-815-338-5151 1965 Shelia Street, Woodstock, III. 60098 J Open: 9 AM-5 PM, Monday-Friday K ORAHR AND KRAMU COUAL HOU9MQ « oramNnr « RENTALS Wanted to Item Rooms (or Kent Horn**. Apartment! To Share Apartment* (or Rent . Hornet (or Rent Condot. Townhomes (or Rent Store. Qtflcc* (or Rent Industrial (or Rent farm and Farmland . (or Rent Storage Space (or Rent Ml to (or Rent 50 Wanted to Rent CRYSTAL LK. working cou pie, fam. of 4, needs 3 bdrm. home by Oct. 15. $475 $500. 815/455 7196,Frank or Carolyn. McHENRY AREA,, to rent 2 to 3 bdrm. home, reasonable, good ref. 815/344 3228, after 7. 51 Rooms for Rent ALGONQUIN, mature female, non smoker. Kitchen & laun dry privs. Avail. Oct. 15. Call eves, 312/658 4382. ___ CARY/BRIGHT OAKS Female w/3 yr. old, has bed room for rent to female only. $275/mo. Kit. & laundry privi leges.,Call eves. 312/639 9371. Clean, Safe, Furnished Rooms Call 8 am to 9 pm »»» 815/338-3040 »'« Clean Safe Furnished Rooms Call 8 am to 9 pm _ *** 815/338 3040 •»» CRYSTAL LAKE Plngry Ho tel has rooms avail. Ideal for men, reas., 815/459-0288. CRYSTAL LAKE, sleeping room, laundry, kit. priv., op tional, non smoker, $60. 815/459 3894. IDEAL for mature person $50 a week, ref. 8i dep. required. 312/639 3100. ______ McHENRY, CLEAN SLEEP ING ROOMS. WEEKLY RATES. McHENRY DEPOT HOTEL, Rooms start at $50/week. Ca ble hook up, kitchen, laundry. Call 815/385-8885 after 2 pm. Houses, Apartments 52 To Share FEMALE TO SHARE HOUSE with same, 312/426-7347 after 5 p.m. FEMALE wanted to share 4 bdrm., 2'/j bath house on lake. $250 . 312/639 0137. LOOKING FOR Responsible female to share furnished 2 bdrm. apart. $225. per month. Call after 6, 815/455 3546. _ MALE, non smoking, looking for roommate to locate 8, share 2 bdrm. apt. in Crystal Lake/Cary area. Call Stan be fore 4 pm, 312/634/0004, ext. 283. Need 4th responsible woman to share 4 bdrm house, Wood stock. $150 + utll. 815/338-8062 RESPONSIBLE Single parent looking for same to share home In Crystal Lake area. Non smoker only. Please call Debbie, 815/455-2756, evenings. 53Apartments for Rent ALGONQUIN 2 Bedrooms starting at $435. 1 Bedrooms, $365. 8, $385. ARROWHEAD APARTMENTS 312/658-8463 ANNSTONIAN APTS. Lovely Elevator Building Quiet, Gracious Living in Woodstock at McHenry 8> Irving 1 bdrm., $325. 1 bdrm. 8i den, $365. 815/338-6255 CRYSTAL LAKE: 3 bdrm. 2 baths, 1 car gar., good loca • ion. All appl., $550./mo. Avail. Oct 1, No pets. Sec dep. req. Wkdys after 7 pm. 8'5/4596595, or 815/459 781°- CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 bdrm., 2nd floor, sec dep., reason able rent. 815/459 3481. CRYSTAL LAKE Area, at tractive, spacious 3 room apartment, $400/ mo. plus utilities. Call 815/459-9111. CRYSTAL LAKE, DeLuxe 2 bedroom apartments avail able November l. Close to downtowm, shools, 8, shop- ping. Call 815/385-3225. CRYSTAL LAKE, modern 1 bdrm., Oct. 1st., utils. not incl., $290/mo„ sec. dep. req., 31^2/526-9256. DOWNTOWN McHENRY, 1 bdrm Call Paul, days 312/486 0466. Nights, 815/459-5967. GARDEN QUARTER Apart ments: Spacious 1 8> 2 bdrms. Residential area No pets. Further information, call 815/385 2181. MARENGO, 2 bdrm. apts.; $335 8i $355 per mo. Heat Fur nished. No Pets. 815/568-7548. McHENRY, 1 Si 2 bedroom apartments. Available No vember 1. Call 815/385-3225 McHENRY: I bdrm. apt. No pets. Ideal for mature adults. 815/385-6566 MCHENRY, 1 bdrm. second tloor apt., no pets or water bed, ref., 8, sec. req., $285 month. Inc. heat, 815/385-3365. S3Apartments for Rent H A R V A R D P A R K APTS. September Special 1 MONTH RENT FREE To Qualified Applicants On New l Year Lease Available Immediately: 2 Bedroom Furnished & Unfurnished Apartments • Individually Controlled Heat • Central Air • Wall To Wall Carpeting • Private Patio or Balcony • Generous Closet Space • Laundry Facilities • Cable TV Available • Swimming Pool 8, Sun Oeck Call For Additional Info 815/338-2383 815/943-3500 Senior Citizens Discount HEBRON: Avail. Oct. 1st. 2 bdrm. apart, like new, heat, stove, refrig. hot water, gar bage disposal. $275. a month. Security deposit required. Call in. morning, 815/648-2994, or evenings 815/648-2613. J" LAKE KILLARNEY, 1 bdrm.,. stove & refrig., private en trance, garbage pick up, $200. deposit, $300. a mo. 312/639- 7432. LAKEWOOD APARTMENTS DELUXE STUDIO 1&2BEDROOM APARTMENTS Available For Immediate Occupancy • Free Heat, Water 6 Cooking Gas • Wall To Wall Carpeting • Walk In Closets • Laundry Facilities • Swimming Pool • Garages , Call For Additional Info • 815/338-2383 • Senior Citizens Discount McHENRY, modern spacious 1 bdrm., full kit., din. rm., Iv. rm„ balcony, reasonable rent. Avail. Oct 1, 815/385-5070. RICHMOND APARTMENTS 1 8> 2 Bdrms. Avail. Wall to wall carpeting, fully ens, Tndivid- facilwes & play area. applianced kitchens, ually controlled heat, laundry Call 312/517 9277 WEST DUNDEE, 3 rms., car peted, stove, refrig., heat, no pets. Private parking, sec. dep., single or couple. 312/426- 2252. WOODSTOCK, 2 br„ close to town, stove 8i fridge included. Available to sublet Oct. 1. Carpeted, $375. 815/338-8892 WOODSTOCK.- Studio, close to square, $310. includes heat, water, 815/923-4140. WOODSTOCK, sub lease, 2 bdrm., avail. Oct. 1st, 8389/mo., 815/338-6881. 54 Homes for Rent ALGONQUIN: 3 bdrms., no garage, $500. plus utfl. after 6 pm 312/658 6480. CRYSTAL LAKE, rent with option to buy, 3 to 4 bdrms., fam. rm., fireplace 8c att. ga rage, $715/-mo. 312/870-1800. HAMPSHIRE Executive 4 bedroom ranch home. Immediate occupancy. $750 per mo. Call Leola at Century 21 New Heritage II. 312/683-2001. LAKE IN THE HILLS: 4 to 5 bdrms., 1 Va baths, 2 story, $575. a month plus sec. depos it required. 312/658-4435, after 6 pm. McHENRY: Access to Chain 'O Lakes, 2 bdrms., 5 rooms, yerd & beach, wood frplce. Upper part of Duplex, $375. a month plus heat, utll. & secu rity. No pets. Avail. 15 Oct. Call 312/685-5152, days, 815/344 2360 nights. McHENRY AREA, 3 bdrm. home on Fox River. Reft. & sec. dep. req. Avail ll/l, 815/385 9321 or 312/827 6342. McHENRY AREA, 3 bdrm., att. heated gar., 1,400 sq. ft., 1st 8i last month rent 8, sec dep. + refs. req., $400/mo. 815/385-5005. MCHENRY,avail. Oct.I, month to month, 3 bdrm., 1 bath, 2'/j car gar., $550 month, no pets. Sec. 8, ref. required. 815/344-3782. McHENRY, large 2 bdrm., w/bsmt. & lovely yard 8, 2 car gar on Rt. 31 near Hospi tal. $450/mo, 1 1/2 month's sec, dep. 815/385-8063 NORTHPORT FLORIDA for 5 or 6 months, fully fur nished 2 bdrm. mobile home with Florida room, washer, etc., In nice clean park with 2 pools, tennis 8, club houses with constant activities avail able. Call 815/675 2344, days, or 815/675 6000, evenings. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS, 6 year old 2 bdrm. home. Full bsmnt. l car gar., stove, re frig., $500. per mo. 1 mo. sec. deposit. No pets. Johnsburg schools, available Oct. 1st. 815/344 5794, after 5. PISTAKEE HILLS: New 4 bdrm., 2»/a baths, 2 car gar., multi level. Available Oct. 1 or sooner, $795. 312/885-1771. RICHMOND, in town, 3 bdrm., full bsmnt. ranch, re frig. & range, 3 blocks to schools, $385. a month plus utilities. Sec. dep. $300. For appointment, call 815/678-7621. WOODSTOCK, 3 bdrm. Near the square, $550. a month. Sec. 8, credit refs. Avail Oct. 815/923-4333. ONE PERSON OFFICES 180 Sq. Ft. Private Office in Crystal Lake's ne west office buildings. Includes Conference Room, Reception Area & Receptionist for your phones. On-Site Secretarial Service Available * All for $385 per Month Call RON PRATHER 815/459-9470 TERRA COTTA PLACE UAMkAa ijua NOMAS TOR Rtnr WONDER LAKE: Executive home, 3/4 bdrms., 3 baths, all appliances, formal dining room, formal living room, eat-In kitchen, wet bar in full finished bsmnt., lake rights in Sunrise Ridge, $850 per mo. Sec. dep. & credit check re quired. 115/721 1554. WOODSTOCK, 2 bdrm. du plex, avail.. 9/1. $390 month, 312/650-4500 eves. WOODSTOCK 2-3 bedroom house in town, all applies. Including washer, dryer, air conditioner. SS25 per month plus security & ref erences. No pets. G.M. SMITH 4 ASSOC. 815/338 4455 Condos, Townhomes 55 for Rent CANCUN, MEX. 2 bdrm. on ocean, sleeps 6, avail. Nov. 16-23, $500, 815/459 5369. FL. CONDO, Siesta Key, Sar asota; 2 bdrm/2 bath, tennis, 2 pools, saunas, exer. rm., near beach, $170/$2S0 per wk., 2 wk. mln. 815/455-6231 STUART FLORDIA, River Pines, 2 bdrm., 3 bath, tennis, 2 pools, near beach, Jan., Feb., March, avail., >15/459- 8332, after 6 p.m. Stores,Offices 54 for Rent CARY DOWNTOWN, store, $400/mo + sec. dep., Essex- Costello R.E.) 312/639-5561. 101 CORPORATE CORNER IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Crystal Lake's Prestige Office Suites 250 to 2,500 Square Feet Remodeled To Suit For Information Call 815/455-7382 CRYSTAL LAKE, Individual office spaces. Immediate oc cupancy. Ideal for salesmen, mfg's. re $150/mo„ Frank J. Smith & reps, etc., Rt.14., form ASSOC., 815/459-0606 CRYSTAL LAKE: Office space for lease or lease op tion. Prime Rt. 14 exposure. Separate building. 900-1800 sq. ft. 815/455-0372. „ , DOWNTOWN McHENRY: 2 Adjoining Store Fronts. 900 sq. ft. total. Rent 1 ($150. & $350. per me.) or both ($450. per mo.) Utilities included. 815/385-7071. - EAST DUNDEE: Historic Store Front. 600 to 2,400 sq. ft., across from the Anvil any Club. Ample parking. Ideal for antique-gift shop or any retail use with an accent on nostalgia. ERA Bruce Realty 312/658-7779 FOR LEASE Old Volo Village Shop in Volo, Illinois. 1000 sq. ft. of prime space in our unique mall next to the famous, classic Auto Museum A our newest Coun try Qalttrlos featuring 6 inte rior designers. Existing shops In the same building include Arts 8i Crafts Shops, Jewelry Shop, Doll Shop, Art Gallery. Set up now for com m ing up holidays. Rent very reason able, good year-round high- traffic area. Be a part of our unique Country Village 8, en- |oy a profit from traffic that our otner shops attract. Old Volo Village, Volo, Illinois, 815/385-3896 - by appointment. Bill G., 10 am to 5 pm. McHENRY: 800 Sq. ft. In prestigous bldg. Prime down town location. High visibility. 815/344-2007. McHENRY, approx. 3,000 sq. ft. w/addltional 500 sq. ft. storage area. Separate office overlooking main floor, 2 dis play windows facing busy street. All sales areas carpet ed and paneled. 815/315-5500. McHENRY Main St. Ofc. $89/mo. w/util. 815/385-0169 101 NORTH MAIN ?t. In Crys tal Lake, Small & medium size offices. Crystal Lake R.E., 815/459-1000. ONLY TWO Decorator Fur nished 8i 1 unfurnished office left in prestige bldg. on Cary- Algonquin Rd. Many unusual amenities. 312/639-0055. PROFESSIONAL Office, Woodstock, oak doors 8> trim, highway location, front door parking, immediate occ., Bau- man R. E., 815/338-2725. RETAIL SPACE 2000 sq. ft., exc. parking. Near Woodstock Square. Avail in 30 days, 815/338-5611 RT. 14 CRYSTAL LAKE, 2000 sq. ft. Ideal for offices or re tail. Call Dave Daniels, Re- Max Realtors, 312/658-3100. WOODSTOCK, 1,100 sq. ft., of fice or commercial, $295/mo. 815/338-0743 57 Industrial for Rent CRYSTAL LAKE, 1,100 sq. ft., 3-phase elec., compressed air, 815/459 9060 57 Industrial for Rent iNDUSTRIAL PARK BAY 1000 sq. ft. Rt. 62, Alepnquin. Ideal for small machine shop or warehouse $325./month plus $100. Sec. dep. & refs. Call Week Real Estate, 312/650 5112, or 312/658-4349. McHENRY 15,500 sq. ft. building with loading dock. Ideal for manu facturing, warehouse, thole sale or retail use. Highly visi ble location, ample parking. Will divide and/ or remodel to suit. Call Vern or Tom 815/305 5700 McHENRY, 2,400 sq. H. build ing, overhead garage door, bathroom, office, heated. Cill 015/459-8111 or 344-2957. McHENRY AREA, 4,000 sq. ft. plus upstairs loft, ideal for manufacturing or parts dis tributor. Call 815/385-2052. Storage Space for Rent 59 ALGONQUIN Stop >i Store, Inc. Self Storage Mini-Warehouse Units now renting. All 'sizes; Low rates! Monday through Saturday, 9- 5, Senday, 1-5; 312/658 3033 CRYSTAL LAKE: Clean dry secure storage for motorcy- ctes 6 etc. 815/459 9500. INSIDE STORAGE, avail, now, RV's, boats, cars, etc. 015/338 1755 or 815/653 5666. REASONABLE, ln«U# k out. RV's, boats, etc. Call after 6 pm. 81V943 7122. REAL ESTATE VaaMloBusr. (or Salt LoUandAcraaga Mobil* Home* for Sal* . Parma lor 8*1* ..TO . .n ..n 65 Wanted to Buy WANTED: Lot for light mfg., McHenry area. 40 x 100 mln., priced for cash sale. 815/385- 0484, Dick. Business Property 66 for Sale BUSINESS 2 Flat, $105,000. 7 flat, $285,000. Very good con dition. Only serious principals need call. 815/385-1361. BUSINESS ZONING, Wonder Lake, 2 lots fronting on E. Wonder Lake Rd., Price Ne gotiable. 815/459-2584 call days between 9-5:30. CARY, for lease-sale, bldg. w/ parking lot, Class A liq. lie., rest, kitchen eqt. avail able. Owner fin. 813/294-7256. CRYSTAL LAKE, all brick 8 flat, 12 years old, $349,000. KAPLAN COMMERCIAL 815/455-5582 Opeirtfeute OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1 to 4, Somerset, Algonquin, Tri lev el, 3 bdrms., 2 car gar., 13% assumable mort., asking $91,500. By owner. 312/562- 2582. 69 Houses for Sale 4 BDRM. Raised Ranch w/1850 sq. ft., 2 baths, frplce., deck, 8> assumable 10% fixed rate mortgage ($685.65/mo. $62,100 balance) Can dose in 2 weeks. $84,900. McHenry County Realty, Inc. 815/653-2061 CARY, BRIGADOON, brick ranch, 3 bdrms., 1 1/2 baths, masonry fplc. in living rm. Dining rm., eat-in kit., c/a, well-maimtalned. Large lot w/mature landscaping, walk to stores, train, schools. By owner, $85,900, 312/639-3938. CARY/HILLSIDE ranch, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, Ig. fam. rm., 2 car att. garage, bsmt., C/A, ». porch, convenient location. ANY EXTRAS! $78,800. Call 312/639-6175 or 639 9352. CARY: Near train, schools, 8i shopping. 3 bdrm. Cape Cod with full bsmnt., l'A car at tached gar., fenced yard, $75,000 . 312/639-9583. 'CHARMING L-shaped 3 bdrm. ranch on 1/3 acre fenced in on wooded lot. Out door pool w/surrounding deck. Your own private park, 1/2 block from beach on 840 acre private lake. Brick fplc., all applis., 2 1/2 car gar., $56,500, 815/653-2061. Ask for John Krenger, McHenry County Realty. COMMANDING VIEW of spa clous yard from this new 3 bdrm, 2 bath home. For sale by owner. $62,500. 815/459 2552 days between 9 am - 5:30. CRYSTAL LAKE, 1,800 sq. ft., 2 story older, 3 bdrm., 1 1/2 car, den, in-town location, low taxes, $73,500, 815/459-3783. CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrm., new bath 8t carpeting. Fenced yard, full bsmt., $54,500, 815/459-5310. LET'S MAKE A DEAL! CARY Better than new home, move in condition with many custom features. 3 bdrm., 2H bath, living room, din ing room, fam. room w/fireplace, large eat-in kitchen, full basement, central air, full landscaping - front & rear plus large deck. $99,000. Call for appointment 312/639-9492. IWWWWWWWW Houses tar Sole CRYSTAL LAKE: By owner. Beautiful all brick ranch, 3 bdrms., 2V» baths, large living room with frplce., family room/kitchen with built-in grill in brick wall. On the 10th fairway of the Crystal Lake Country Club. MS/459 2*32. CRYSTAL LAKE/Coventry Activity model, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, C/A, all new decor {'n & out), new carpeting I kitch en cabinets, custom window coverings, fenced yard, close to schools; 2Vj car attached garage. By Owner • 803,500 Call 015/455-3070 CRYSTAL LAKE: Coventry, 3 bdrm. 2 bath ranch, hardwood floors, full finished bsmnt. with frplce., walk to school & shopping, mature trees, 874,900.015/459-1901. ' CRYSTAL LAKE/Four Colo nies Colonial- By Owner. House overlooks lovely com munity park & pond. 4 bdrms., 2W baths, spacious kitchen, paneled family room w/natural fireplace, formal din. rm. 4 1st floor utilKy rm. Lower level warmly decorat ed w/stained chair rails, base boards molding, & solid six paneled doors. Recently paint ed A papered. $118,900. 015/455-4653. No Brokers!. CRYSTAL LAKE/ Lakewood, 3 bdrms. 1 1/2 baths, 1 1/2 car att. garage, bsmt., frplce., greenhouse, lake rights, sun porch, $99,000. 815/455 6233. CRYSTAL LAKE: Quality 4 bdrm. ranch, C/A, 1V> baths, full bsmnt., 1 car garage, close to schools & shopping, $74,900. 815/455-1327, after 5:30 pm. CRYSTAL LAKE, Waikup Woods, contemporary tri-level on wooded lot "just reduced." 4 bdrm., 2 1/2 baths, formal dining rm., rec rm., $134,500, Century 21 Lake Region, 815/455-1114. $500 DOWN! HARVARD, 3 bdrms., 2 sto ries, 2 car gar., S342. P & I, 11'A% fixed, 30 years, $35,000. Lasko Realty 312/428 2223 HEBRON FARMETTE: Newer ranch on 5 acres. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, 2 car gar., $89,900. Ask for Betty Amato. 312/381-6464. IDEAL FAMILY HOME CRYSTAL LAKE, tri level, backs to park, beautifully landscaped, 9 rms., 4 bdrms., 2 baths, c/a, fplc., fenced yard, storage shed. P«lio, 2 car gar. Quiet street, $84,900, 815/455-5417. Johnsburg/riverfront, By Owner. 1 bdrm., garage, boat hoist, $50,000, 8T5/385-0395 • JUST REDUCED • Lovely 4 bedroom home on Wonder Lake w/full basement 8, lake view. Call 815/385-8821 • Century 21/Care Ask for Dorene McHENRY, 4 bdrm. home w/l 1/2 baths + a fam. rm. Walking distance to church, school 8i shopping. Asking $58,500. Fitzgeralds' Realty, 815/385 8700. McHENRY, 2 bedrooms, fire place, large kitchen, 1 car gas heated garage, on Ig. lo}, ). Callf8fe/34tS«3. MCHENRY, 9</>% assumable, 2/3 bdrm. ranch on Ig. wood ed tot, 2 car att. gar., $529 P.I.T.I., 815/344 2298 or 305- 6392. McHENRY, $89./wk, 8i low dn, l bdrm. near river, $28,870. 815/385-0169. MC HENRY AREA, 2 bdrm house w/ new roof. Handy man special, $28,500 or best offer .Call 815/385-3490 MC HENRY AREA, 2 bdrm house w/ new roof. Handy man special, $28,500 or best offer.Call 815/385-3490 McHENRY: By owner. 2,400 sq. ft. raised ranch, 2 yrs. new. 3 bdrms, 2V> ba., 24 x 21 fam. rm., C/A, frplce., 2 car gar., $91,900. Call 312/540-3729 days or 815/385-7464, or 312/991-8718 eves. McHENRY, by owner, 3 bdrm. ranch, aft. gar., brick 8i alum., carpeting, paneled, all applis, approx. $1,800 sq. ft. $65.000, 815/385-6873. McHENRY, by owner, 2 bdrm., walking distance to town, 1/2 block from Fox Riv er w/rights. Immed. occu., no agents, low $50's, 815/385-5692. MCHENRY, By Owner. 7 rm. brick ranch, 2 bdrm., family rm., fireplace, 2'/a car gar., city water, new septic, profes sionally landscaped, 9lt% as sumable, $387 P.I., $62,900. 815/344 0867. McHENRY/ Country Club Es tates, 3 bedroom m ranch, 2 car garage, fenced yard, new ceramic bath, hardwood floors, river rights, well main tained 8> decorated. Open House Sept. 22 & 29 from 2 to 5 pm- 3106 Charlotte Ave.; or to see by appointment, call 815/385-8694. $62,000. Houses tar Sale MCHENRY, custom built brick A stone ranch, 3 brdms., IV* ceramic baths, plastered walls, hardwood floors, att. gar., dry bsmt., w/fireplace. Ig. stone fire place in living rm., V* plus acres (adjoining Vj plus acres avail.), river rights, exc. cond. Built by local builder for his parents. $97,000, 815/385-5147 McHENRY (Johnsburg School District), by owner, 3 or 4 bdrm. ranch, full bsmt., wood burning fplc. Open rail stair way to lower level. Complete ly remodeled. All new carpet. Asking $61,900. 312/497-3975. MCHENRY, rent/buy option allows easy deferred purchase of in town 2/3 bdrm. home, with family rm.. fireplace, 6 cent, air, $550 month, credit ck. Call for option terms,, ask for T.J. 815/344-2642. McHENRY; Sharp, clean 3 bdrm. ranch. Tastefully deco rated & in excellent condition. 2Vj car gar. & patio. In good location. $51,900. 815/923-2501, after 7 pm. McHENRY, Whispering Oaks, 9K down, assum. 10 1/2* Int., 815/385-6564 after 3 pm. NEW 3 bdrm. raised ranch w/2 car gar., fm. rm., dn. rm., 2 bath, city water & sew er, $73,900, under construc tion. Also, new 3 bdrm., 2 car ranch on 100 x 152 lot, com plete In 4 weeks for occupan cy, $51,400. United Builders, 312/658 7119 or 815/943 3167. NEW ' CONSTRUCTION 3 bdrm. ranch, full bsmnt., gas heat, including lot & all utilities, $51,500. r HA & VA financing available. March Builders Inc. 815/385-8180 NIPPERSINK, Wl, Indoor pool. 2-3 bdrm., 3,000 sq. ft. 20 minutes from McHenry. Will trade $139,000. 414/279-5007. PRESTIGEOUS TURNBERRY 10 rooms, all amenities, 3150 sq. ft., below market price. Call for details RED CARPET LIFESTYLE PROPERTIES • 312/566-2800 • SELLING YOUR HOME? Let Homes By Owner adver tize for you. 250,000 circula tion every 3 to 4 weeks. Buy ers looking this area! For more info, call area rep. at 312/497-3426. SPRING GROVE Builder's own spacious 4 bed room country home.1 Family room has glitt s to patio 8> beautiful yard. Also paneled rec room with bar. Perfect home for large family in ex clusive area, all for $119,900. Call Jan Kennedy CENTURY 21 / LAKE VILLA REALTY » 312/356-3131 » WONDER LAKE, new 3 bed room raited ranch, 2 car ga rage, wooded lot, 9% fixed rate assumable 30 year mort age. $74,700. C*Ut 015/344- 815/365-6566 or 815/344- '740. HIT WOODSTOCK, by owner, 2 bdrm. home on large lot, lim ited owner financing possible, $58,000. 815/338-7223 WOODSTOCK: By owner. 3 or 4 bdrm. raised ranch, execu five neighborhood, fenced back yard with country view, large lot, Olson School, asking $84,000. 815/338-4662. WOODSTOCK: Codno, roomy 2 bdrms., gar., appl., A/C, asking $48,000. 815/338-6451. WOODSTOCK: Investment property. 2 story duplex, 4 yrs. old, occupied, all applis,, 1,150 sq. ft. each apt., w/att. gar., 815/338-4585 after 6 pm. Condos & Townhomes 70 for Sale CARY/Bright Oaks- by owner, 2 bdrms., IVa baths, C/A, ga-. rage, bsmt., carpeted, kitchen applias., $57,900. Open House Saturday 8> Sunday, noon to 5 pm. 62 Timber Terrace. Call 312/639-1316 evenings. CARY, Bright Oaks, By Own er. 2 Ig. bdrms., V/i baths, cent, air, fireplace, near pool. Open House, Sun., 1-6, $52,900. Call 312/639-3676. CRYSTAL LAKE, Colony Square, 1st. floor, 2 bdrm., 2 bath, full bsmt., dining rm., cent, air, fully carpeted, & all appl., $58,900. 312/736-7827 or 815/455 2744. CRYSTAL LAKE, Coventry Club. 1st floor, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, dn. rm., gar., $59,500, 815/459 2623 eves. CRYSTAL LAKE/Four Colo nies Townhome, 3 bdrms., 2 1/2 baths, bsmt., deck, 2 car gar., extras, assum. 12% VA, $95,000, owner, 815/455-1460. EXECUTIVE WATERFRONT Located on wooded one acre site. Six year old brick hillside ranch. 3 bedrooms. 3 baths. Enter tain in walkout family room with wet bar or on 43 foot deck. Make this your showplace on the lake. Only $119,900. Lakeland Realtors 815-459-4810 Condos t> Townhomes 70 tar Sale FOX LAKE, by own«r. I bdrm., 2 bath condo, over looking Pistakee Lake ft pool, beautifully decorated. 312/587- 5256. McHENRY: Beautiful area. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, big walk in closet, location on cul-du-iac, park view overlooks crook. 862,100 firm. Building up-grad ed. 815/344 2523. M c H E N R Y CONDO, 2 bdrms., l 1/2 baths, all ap plias. incl. washer/ dryer, $39,900. 815/315-4279 eves. 71 Lots and Acreage 7.7 ACRES, MS ft. frontage, 1 mile south of McHenry on Route 31. Will consider High est written offer. Call 312/925- 7340. ALGONQUIN, corner 1/2 acre, prime area, $30,000 no gotiable. Will build to suit. 312/870-0567 or 312/827 2767. BONNIE LAKES ESTATES, adj. to Turnberry % a. lots w/all utils. 10% down, or bldg. financial help. 312/296 41M. BULL VALLEY, 4.S acres, se cluded, partially wooded, roll ing, beautiful, ideal for hors es, $48,000, 815/459-7760. CARY. For sale,by owner. 2 adjoining lots equal 1 aero. 312/639-7260. EAST DUNDEE. ftonnW Dun dee Terrace. Duplex, corner lot, prime area. $34,000. Call after 5:30, 31J/426-4S17 EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS McHenry. By owner. 2 beauti ful extra large lots. Wooded, sewer A water. Approx. 74 x 256, $19,500. 312/2&S300. FOX RIVER GROVE city lot, water, siewer, mature trees, park view, will build to suit. CAII 312/553-0369 GRAND OPENING! Binnie Hills Subdivision 1 Beautiful lots, lakes, oak trees, adfacent to forest pre serve & golf course. Are* homes In upper bracket. ,1 acre lots, starting at $27,500. > Binnie Hill Rd. > 1 Mile E . of Galligan Rd. [ 312/695-9206 ! GRAND OPENING! ! Binnie HIUs Subdivision > Beautiful lots, lakes, oak trees, adjacent to forest pre serve & golf course. Area homes in upper bracket. ] acre lots, starting at 027,500. » Binnie Kill Rd. . 1 Mile E. of Galligan Rd. > 312/695*9206 : HUNTLEYSNEW INDUSTRIAL PARK 57 Acres Zoned Ml 8, M2 All size lots Available All public Utilities (+ Multiple Family Lots) East Main Street 312/669-5433 McHENRY, Chepel Hill 1 Estates, 1 acre lots, $14,000 V up. Call wkdys., 9-5. 312/025« 8161. MUST SELL 1.5 acres, exctuf sive subdivision, 15 minutes west of Woodstock. $13,500 <* best offer. 015/94M214 isarr- NORTH OF McHENRY: 9 lots, Mi to l+ acres. Johns* burg schools. Neighborhood swimming pool A horse faclllv ties. Start at $17,000. 815/305-7071. VIRGIN CANADIAN Property, on Lake of the Woods, Ontar io. 7Vt acres. Approx. I0tf- yards of shore line. Priced to ' sell. 815/459-0271. WAUCONDA, 4 lots, 60' X 170^ each, $10,000. (4/$37,000) Own', er fin., Vi down. 013/294-7256 !- WOODSTOCK, city lot, 70 130, exc. location. 015/338-458* after 6 pm. v. 72 Mobile Homes I for Sale', * CRYSTAL LAKE, Oak Brook» Estates, 14' x 70', 2 bdrms.,* fplc., c/a, full carport, hilltop * setting. $33,000. 015/455-6495. CRYSTAL LAKE, Royal OaktC Mobile Home Comm. offers*, new Si used homes on site completely furn. or unfurn. starting at $16,900. No nets, adult community. Call Dale, " 815/459-6033. 73 Farms for Sale ABBOTTSFORD WIS. AREA;«. For sale at sacrifice price, 199 . acres, modern dairy farm, ap- » prox. 160 tillable, full set of *- buildings, 3 silos, bunk feeder, * stainless steel pipeline, 500 1 gal. bulk tank, 47 stall barn, „ modern 4 bdrm. home, septic » & drilled well, $115,000 cash. » Firm. Sold by owner. 815/720- » 0334. NORTH of Woodstock, by • owner. Only $1,285 per acre * for 68 acres! Rolling, scenic, * mostly tillable, springs. * s t r e a m . 3 1 2 / 5 2 4 - 1 9 4 2 o r ' 815/648-2772. PRAIRIE du CHIEN, Wlscon . sin, 98 acre farm, 25 tillable, 3 »' bdrm. house, $57,000. 015/344- « 2383. RECREATIONAL Aviation BfcydM BoaU and Marina Scrvtca r--fa»WTraUari. •1 Bicycles BOYS G R E E N SCHWINN varsity, 10 spd., 24" tires, 17" frame, exc. cond., $100. 815/459-6862, after 7 p.m. LADIES BICYCLE, like new, $40, 815/330 2533 ROSS Signature 10 speed, 23"> men's, mint, have sales re-v ceipt, paid $317., ask $250/ 815/385-1416. or 815/385-6646. ! TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL: IF BUSY CALL: SI I-8OO/ADS-WORK /455-4800 niORTHW£ST REWSPAPERS