Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1985, p. 20

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Pege • NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Friday, September 27,19B5 Garfield® By Jim Davis J05T I THOUGHT JOST BOW JTM PAV?e> Peanuts® I PREAMEP ABOUT THAT LITTLE REP HALREP 6IRL A6AIN LAST NI6HT... T. By Charles M. Schulz NOU), ILL BE THINKIN6 ABOUT! HER ALL PAY, ANP BE PEPRE5SEP... Pr Wizard of Id® t I V4»»« <• ?** ^ By Brant Parker & Johnny Hart R2NT y&U \W&A\kX F54ITH iN <zeax\r< p /4WYTHlN^ M/ITW TH^ INITIO, ££...|£ &WR? I ( Eek and Meek® HEV, USTEK) TO THIS... A G&XJP 0FSRJD0JTSJU5T WDMAPRkD A PWIU950FW PR0FES50R... By Howie Schneider AWD Mioomio wxsm HOSTAGE. OWL HE. TILLS 7WEA4 WMEAMM&OFUfE... T weu.IHE/REO) "WE. R<6W1RA<C< Alley Oop - By Dave Graue HOORAY; WE MADE ) DON'T COUNT IT.' WE'RE OUTA y YOUR CHICKS THAT PLACE.' J JUST YET, TOKO/ ...OUR TROUBLES ARE FAR FROM OVER! OH, MY GOSH!!! I SEE WHATCHA MEAW m Bugs Bunny "THERE'S THE EXACT LOCATION OP EVERY CACRO" PATCH IN "THE WORLD. & By Warner Bros. FINDIN© A SOOP PLACE FOR DINNER WAS ̂ SO HASP BEPDRE COMPUTERS. For Better or Worse® ITi5 POURING- UUHRTaBOaryoUR \ 1HI6 HORNING, M\KE.- SfoUD B£Heft1F\KE. RN UMBREUP MlCHftEL,! INSIST TftPfT VOU TRKa RN UMBRELLA! "fe/Li: BE. OK. By Lynn Johnston U*Y*r DOES SHE tOANTME.1t> DO- LOOK STUPID?! ASTRO GRAPH By Bernice Bede Osol, Newspaper Enterprise Association Financial upswing is in offing %ur ^Birthday I THINK I KNOU) HOW VOU FEEL,CHARLIE BROUJN.. YOU'P LIKE TO CRY. BUT YOU'RE TOO MACHO.. © 1986 United Feature Syndicate.tnc T- 27 The Born Loser® v By Art Sansom (SOOP EVENING?, ILL 6E 66RVEK TDNlfcHTl AAV WAMB ISRAYMOMG.. WELL, HOWPY, RAV/WOND.»MY m>W7& MVWra,6tADY$A)DMY**), WLBB&OfZB Frank and Ernest® By Bob Thaves . .ANP HB&'S Y>up * LIST op ThiN6/ NOT To PAT I B. C. " By Johnny Hart HOrt yf\L\cA A££ Yootz 3LACK 0CW TIE ̂P tree's R^AAal WEAK Sept. 27, 1985 A financial upswing is in (he offing for you in the year ahead. An enterprise that starts off with a trickle will gradually in­ crease into a gusher. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) If you are a poor collector today regarding some­ thing that is owed you. considerable time could elapse before the debt is fi­ nally settled. Know where to look for ro­ mance and you'll find it. The Astro- Graph Matchmaker set instantly reveals which signs are romantically perfect for you. Mail $2 to Astro-Graph, c/o this newspaper, Box 1846, Cincinnati, OH 45201. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.22) Situations that are a trif le too diff icult for others to manage will be dumped on you today. Fortunately, they picked the right guy. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Even if it costs you a degree of inconvenience, it's best today not to leave an important matter dangling. Seek it through to the end. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) This is a good day to get together with an old friend you've been neglecting lately. Don't let this valuable relationship wither. thing you did for a friend, which you thought was never acknowledged or appreciated. TAURUS (April 20-Mey 20) Although you'll be in a social mood, you're still not apt to feel at ease being part of a large group. Seek quality companionship, not quantity. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Something special you will do today will win respect from your peers and enhance your repu­ tation. It won't be easy to pull off. CANCER (June 21-July 22) A matter about which you have been doubtful will work out smoothly today. You'll be re- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Pos^ve^ lieved to learn your apprehensions were measures can be taken today to shore groundless. ana < ore en- Think up your economic foundations hance your material security. money. PISCES (Feb. 20-Merch 20) Your great­ est asset today is your mental fortitude. If you set your mind on a specific goal, you'll figure out ways to achieve it. ARIES (March 21-April 19) You are fi­ nally going to be rewarded for some- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Do not be resis­ tant to changes today, even if they are not of your own doing. Shifts in condi­ tions will prove to your benefit in the long run. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) insist today that the person with whom you made an arrangement honors the terms originally agreed upon. HEALTH By Dr. Lawrence F. Lamb, M.D., News America Service Woman constantly energy shy DEAR DR. LAMB: I am a 34-year- old female and have absolutely no energy. I have always felt tired and cannot get enough sleep. I had a hysterectomy two years ago and was given hormone shots while I was in the hospital, and felt great. Although I still have my ovaries, is it possible that they are not producing enough hor­ mones? No tests that I have had reveal any problem. It is impossible to go on like this for the rest of my life. DEAR READER: Finding the cause of lack of energy is often difficult. Almost any illness can sap your energy, whether the illness is the flu, tuberculosis, cancer, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes or about anything else. A doctor needs a lot more information to begin to unravel what is really going on. In about 20 per­ cent of individuals who seek help for lack of energy there really is an underlying illness. In the rest no illness is found. You certainly should have your thyroid checked, and your hormone status. I doubt your ovaries are the problem, but the amount of estrogen being produced can be checked. One has to ask if this is a habit pat­ tern of yours. Have you allowed yourself to become physically inac­ tive? We talk about illness as a cause of fatigue, and psychological factors -- which are certainly important -- but a neglected cause of feeling tired is lack of physical fitness. An office worker feels tired when he or she gets home from sitting all day. The fatigue can be eliminated by physical activity. Perhaps you need to train yourself to sleep less. Start a regular exercise program. When you feel tired during the day, do a few minutes of physical activity. If you are home, try running in place about 50 to 100 steps. Don't overdo that or your legs will be sore. You can build up your exercise capacity. Exercise when you get up in the morning. I'm sending you Special Report 31, "What Fatigue Means," for more in­ formation. Others who want this issue can send 75 cents with a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope (or it to me in care of this newspaper, P.O. Box 19622, Irvine, CA 92713. Have a complete checkup, but don't forget the value of physical activity. Also, check into your habits. Smoking makes some people tired. Poor nutri­ tion can be a factor. Semi-starvation with a poor diet saps a person's energy. And too many sweets seem to be a factor in some people. DEAR DR. LAMB: Nearly every night I have a cramp in my fingers and both hands. This happens about two hours after supper. It is painful and I don't know what to do. I press my fingers against the table, which sometimes helps, and I soak my hands in hot water, which also helps sometimes. I'd be obliged if you would tell me what is the cause of these cramps. Sometimes they go up to my elbows. DEAR READER: You will need a careful examination to find out. I would suggest you see a neurologist. You may have entrapment of nerves to your hands. The fact that these symp­ toms occur after your evening meal suggests that they may be the cumulative result of you working and using your hands all day. You could have a carpal tunnel syn­ drome which is entrapment of nerves and blood vessels in the wrist area. That can cause pain up to the elbow even though the entrapment is at the wrist. You could also have entrapment of nerves and blood vessels in the neck area that affect the nerve and artery to your hands. If you have entrapment it could be from overuse or some other factor that causes swelling of the tissues in the wrist area. / CROSSWORD BARBS ACROSS „ 1 Woody 7 Gamin 13 Juicer 14 Whirl 15 Turkish capital 16 Rents 17 River in Flanders 18 Month (Fr.) 20 Which thing 21 Makes recording 23 Sound equipment of TV 27 Naive 32 Former Turkish president 33 Check bookkeeping 34 Tennis player Bobby 35 Grass leaf 36 Robber 39 Cavity 40 Skip over 42 Actress Lamarr 46 Soldier's address (abbr.) 47 Body of ship 51 Tear out 53 One of the Muses 55 Barney 56 Part of speech 57 Catches sight of 58 Bordered DOWN 1 Aid in diagnos­ ing (comp. wd.| 2 Wants (si.) 3 Body of water 4 Actor Sharif 5 Noun suffix BRIDGE ,,;BPlay 7 Nastier 8 Cereal grass 9 Animal's stomach 10 Meat dish 11 Virginia willow 12 Cozy home 19 Amazon tributary 21 Ruffle (hair) 22 Steady 23 Assumed manner 24 Entity 25 Venetian official 26 Woman's name 28 Something remarkable (si.) 29 Dutch cheese 30 Space next to one 31 British carbine Answer to Previous Puzzle K O P H * O B E T U R O U E « 1 A L O O P 1 N R E- O S S 1 F 1 E D S A R D 1 N E _A| L S O F O E B L T E U R U S U L Y S S E S K E E L K N E E O M A E L A M A 1 D K N 1 T D E M O U N T E A Q R E R M S B A £>• K O L A • c O R D 1 A L W H O L E H O G | • L 1 E A N 1 S O N G s 1 N S 1 O N E D G - « A T S Will power is what ancient, wealthy relatives are able to exert over the rest of the family. They call 'em "standby" passengers because what they do mostly is stand and wave goodbye to the folks holding the airline reservations. Q & A 37 Overjoys 38 Rend 41 Unbaked bread 42 Immense 43 Series of heroic events 44 Let fall 45 Hindu ascetic ' 47 Detriment 48 E pluribus 49 Row 50 Actress Cheryl 52 _ZZ Miss 54 Sandpiper 1. What was Renaissance artist Mi­ chelangelo's last name? (a) Modigliani (b) Bernini (c) Buonarroti 2. What is the name of the point from which all latitude and longitude com­ putations originate for North and Cen­ tral America? (a) geodetic datum point (b) Tropic of Cancer point (c) the equatorial point 3. What is the name of the only port never seized from the patriots by the British? (a) Newport News (b) Salem Maritime 4 (c) Marcus Hook ANSWERS q S * Z o i Berry s World By Jim Berry ' (C) 1985 by NEA Inc 11'IMiHtff lii'l'lifl lll.fJUlM.M A dangerous double A rash double and less than brilliant defense let South make his doubled contract, but not without some careful declarer play East had a very minimum opening bid. Nevertheless, when his partner jumped to four hearts over the one- spade overcall, East quickly doubled what he perceived to be a sacrifice bid on the part of North. That just'didn't make any sense. West's bid of four hearts simply announces a good play­ ing hand for East, but it guarantees nothing in the way of defensive values. East was very lucky that West had two aces for two quick tricks. West led the heart ace and contin­ ued the suit. South ruffed and led a spade. West took the spade ace. Play­ ing East for some minor suit winners, he then played a club. Declarer played the jacH from dummy, won East's king with his ace and played a second trump. West showed out, and South carefully played the 10 from dummy. East won the queen and had no way to prevent declarer from drawing his re­ maining trumps and making the contract. What brilliant defense could have beaten the contract? When West wins the ace of spades, he must continue a third round of hearts. Whenever East gets on lead, he will continue hearts. Declarer will eventually run out of trumps and the setting trick will come from East's fourth little spade NORTH • K 10 5 *7 4 • Q 9 6 2 • Q Jf 4 WEST • A V A 10 9 8 2 • 8 7 5 3 • 5 3 2 EAST • Q6 3 2 f K Q J 6 3 • J 4 • K9 SOUTH • J 9 8 7 4 • 5 • A K 10 • A 10 7 6 Vulnerable: Neither Dealer: East West North East South IV 14 « • 4 4 Dbl. Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: V A

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