/ THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER HEAL ESTATE BY OWNER: 2 bedroom, large kitchen, dining room, family room, double lot. Semi-private pier. Call 385-1935. 71169TF12* raarx- rnatpUo rral ratatr ra. CHECK THIS ONE! Brick & frame ranch home on €0x150' lot, nicely landscaped, with blacktop driveway lead- ing to attached garage, par tial basement, carpeted living room, separate dining room, oven/range in kitchen, neat and clean home! ALL READY FOR NEW OWNERS! $19,000.00 BERRY BUSHES FOR SALE! Plus beautifully landscaped yard, many fine shrubs,/and a vegetable garden! They all accompany this homey ttlree bedroom Ranch only 10 years old, with hardwood floors and gas heat. Extra handy util ity room, oversized double at tached garage. Make arrange ments now to see it all! $23,900.00 JUST TWO MONTHS OLD AND A FEW MINUTES FROM TOWN Most attractive three bed room Ranch, living room and two bedrooms completely car peted, pretty cabinet kitchen, FULL BASEMENT plus 1% car garage. Beach & docking rights! $26,500.00 BRICK ft REDWOOD RANCH ON BEAUTIFUL LOT Functional and very attractive kitchen with all new cabinets and carpeting, fireplace opens to both kitchen and living room, 3 bedroom, full base ment with another fireplace. An extra bonus - a built-in vacuum cleaner! $29,900.00 BUILD YOUR OWN? Almost an acre -- corner lo cation in Kent Acres - Rea dy for building for $3,600.00. WATER ENTHUSIAST? Right on Fox River 60*100 foot lot for $3,350.00! Another on the River! And Riverside Drive -- Approx. 65 x 122 - start now - $4,000. RIGHT ON McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE! Approx. % acre -- trees, complete view of 7th and ( 8th Fairways! Excellent' terms available! PBfiPX- ro&trUo rral patatr ru. Ei Cooperating Member of ftwoditrtl Listing Service HOURS DAILY • to S Sunday 12 • 5 pan. 385-7050 McHenry ( Across from Jewel Tea) 8717 W. Elm 866 Vlrginln St., Crystal Lake 7-25-69 2 lots in Orchard Heights on Fox River Sizes 243x60' and 250x60'. Best offer. Call 312- 681-0561. 7 25/8-1-69 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Female Help Wanted BOBBIN COIL WINDERS < Experience preferred \ or might train. Day or night shift. BOBBIN COIL SPECIALTIES 2116 Rlngwood Road McHenry, Illinois ̂ 7 28/7 25 69 NURSES AIDES for nursing home on Pistakee Bay near McHenry. 4 p.m. to 12 mid night, 2, 3, 4, or 5 days week. 12 midnight to 8 a.m. No ex perience necessary, will train. Call 815-385-0461. 7 23/7 25 69 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE This little dreamhouse on the Fox is yours for the calling and perhaps $17,000. It has two bedrooms and one car garage. Walking distance to city and shop ping. MANY OTHER HOME? NEED MORE Property in our hands is in good hands. HEINEN - REAL ES INC. 2914 W. Rt. 120 Tel. 885-7400 OPEN SUNDAYS. 12 to 5 7-25-69 Female Help Wanted SALESLADY Full Time Experience in sales neces sary. Fascinating work help ing customers with inter ior home decorating and color correlation. Call or write to: McHENRY DRAPERY AND CARPET CO. 1253 N. Green St. McHenry, III. 815-385-7531 * 7-23/7-25-69 WAITRESS wanted, full or part time. Apply in person. The Breakers, 459-9860, Rt. 14, Crystal Lake. 7-18/7 30 69 LADY to baby sit Saturday evenings and part of Sunday. Call 385-5659. 716 69TF1-2 Experienced waitresses wanted. McHenry Country Club. Call 385-1072. 7 16/7 25 69 WAITRESSES wanted. Al's White House. Apply in per son, 2028 W. Route 120, Mc Henry. 7 23/7 25 69 Femalp Help Wanted EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT Full Time • General office experience required. For interview call Mrs. A. M. Candella McHenry Public Schools 815-385-7210 . 7 9 69TF1 2 SECRETARIES All types for immediate local placement, to $550 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. -- Woodstock 815-338-3200 7-25-69 DELIVERY and stock work, age 21-40, to work in auto parts store. Apply in person. B&D Automotive Supply, 1719 Rt. 120, Call 385-0046. 7 18 69TF1-2 Female Help Wanted SECRETARY For McHenry High School 12 month position. Office skills required. For interview call Mrs. A. M. Candella McHenry Public Schools 115-385-7210 716-69TF12 ^ 8 1 SHOP IN McHENBY Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted FULL TIME PERMANENT OPENING! 1st and 2nd shift Machine Operators We Offer •Complete insurance program, effective within 30 days •Holiday pay *2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year •Night Shift premium •Credit Union •Jury Duty Pay •Progressive rate ranges •Paid Pension Plan •Promotional Opportunity 385-7002 OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to noon or by appointment BRAKE PARTS CO. WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE McHENRY (Behind The McHenry Market Place) 7-23-69 ^ O A K Has a number of permanent positions for wo men in our sales and accounting department. Secretaries Requires good typing & shorthand skills and ability to handle heavy telephone contact duties. Typists Good typing speed. Will also be doing gen eral office duties, such as filing, etc. If yon qualify for any of these positions, why not call or drop by oar Personnel Office today. We offer many flue benefits including: e Free Profit-Sharing • Hospital ft life Insurance • Company Paid Education a Training Program V O A K • MARHIPACfitlii CO. A o(vision OS OAK ELECTRa/NeT1C8 coup South Main Street _ Phone 459-5000 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS AN EQUAL OFHMRUMN am.orn J KEY PUNCH OPERATORS Alpha-Numeric Immediate Placement To $100 Week WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. -- Woodstock 815-338-3200 7-25-69 NEEDS WOMEN for full or part time' * ASSEMBLY and * LIGHT MACHINE WORK full time days 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. nights 5 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. part time days 9 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. nights 6 P.M. to 11:30 P.M. Apply in Person Monday through Friday 8 A.M. to 4:30 FJM. ^ O A K • J •• • M-- • ffwi ca . <X OAK LUCMQMXCI US* South Main Street Pbo CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS 7 23/7 25 69 SECRETARIES Here are a few of the many openings located in your immediate area. Secretory To Comptroller Bookkeeping, typing skills, no shorthand required. 35 hour week. Salary $500-$600 mo. Secretary To Vice President Young executive vice presi dent is seeking a secretary with good typing and short hand skills who is capable of handling business con tacts. Must enjoy meeting people. $500 - $600 month Secretary To Salesmanager Will be responsible for sales correspondence, customer service, public contact, etc. Good typing and shorthand skills. $500-$600 Legal Secretary Local well known attorney needs a skilled secretary. Experienced or will train for legal career. Court du ties involved $400-$600 I Medical Secretary No medical experience ne cessary. Typing with light shorthand skills with me dical interest $500-$550 459-9010 future Personnel Inc. 467 COVENTRY LANE - SUITE NO. 126 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS 7-25-69 Female Help Wanted BUS DRIVER, $2.80 per hour. Two lunch room supervisors, $2 per hour. Start September 2. Harrison School, Wonder Lake, HI. Call 653-5742. 7 25 69TF1-2 Proof Reader Light typing skills. Com pany is looking for an alert girl to train in their proof reading department $875- *425 CALL 459-9010 future personnel inc. 457 Coventry Lane Suite No. 126 Crystal Lake, Illinois 7-25-69 OFFICE girl, must type and take dictation. Apply in per son. Althoff's, 903 N. Front St., McHenry. 7 25/7-30-69 C O N C E S S I O N H E L P Prefer mature women. Apply In person between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. SKYLINE DRIVE-IN THEATRE McHENRY, 7 23/71 25 69 KEY PUNCH OPERATORS Will do key operations in beautiful data processing department. Company will train for programming. $425 - $500 CALL 459-9010 future personnel inc. 457 Coventry Lane Suite No. 126 Crystal Lake, 111. 7-25-69 YOUNG woman, experienced waitress. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jim's Snack Shop, 1206 N. Green, Ask for Jim 7-25/7-30-69 WOMAN or girl, no age limit to work with details in con struction division. Must type. Apply in person, Althoffs, 903 N. Front St., McHenry. 7-25/7-30-69 IT PAYS TO SHOP IN HELP WANTED PHYSICAL THERAPIST Full or Part Time Permanent or temporary Excellent starting salary, liberal fringe benefits. MRS. LUETH McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP McHenry, 111. 385-1050 7 23/7 25 69 NEEDED for September, a se cond grade teacher for Saint Patrick's school. College grad uate with teaching experience preferred. Call St. Patrick's Rectory, 385-0025. 718 69TF12 HAIRDRESSERS W A N T E D 60% Commission. Also employee discount on Boutique Sportsware. Mister's Coiffures 385-7550 7-23/7-25-69 ATTENTION EARN $60 to $75 Per Week - Part Time Work 2-3 hours per day delivering Chicago Tribunes in McHenry - Wauconda area. Must be reliable and have dependable car. Contact CHICAGO TRIBUNE SERVICE Box 868 Island Lake or call - - 312 526-2314 7 23/7-25-69 COOK for summer camp for small children. In McHenry, residential. Excellent salary. Call Lee Ahsmann. Saturaay and Sunday. 312-825-0378. 7-2-69TF12 HELP WANTED These positions are merely sampling of the hundreds available. If you don't see the position for which you qualify, come jn or call. A specialized counselor will assist you. Our service is quick, confidential, and highly professional. TOOL ROOM 1 2,000. Supervise the tool and die makers in produc tion. You will be in charge of all tooling, jig and fix ture) operations. uroop 'C|u CAN LEARN QUALITY CONTROL Famous firm offers an ex ceptional orientation pro gram. Learn inspection activities on a new produc tion line. Contact with managers will prepare you to move up to supervision. $7,000 ELECTRONICS TRAINEE S I 5 5 w e e k . T r a i n t o a s s i s t chief troubleshooter in the midst of home expansion. Compkte on-the-job train ing o'fterecfcv Immediate hiring. PRODUCTION FOREMAN After orientation to this well-man-in full charge! Pre sent manager a successful supervisor! $8-$9,000 status and $$$! J10-$ 11,000 ELECTRONIC LAB. TlfCH. Assist Engineers in the research and development of electrical circuitry and solid state bread-boarding. Excellent future with a solid corporation. Come in or call for more details on the opening. $7,800 BREAK INTO DRAFTING Any good aptitude moves you in to learn detail and layout of mechanical com ponents. You'll learn the , practical applications of draf ting and move up through the ranks. $650 CHEMICAL Employers nowstalllng for:' Q.C. Testing $800 Special Research. $9,700 Formulation/ Compounding $ 10,000 Coating Lab - Free School... $750 Scientific Research $10,000< Engineering Group $12,000j Medical Lab $7,000 Biology $700 New Research Lab $775 Process Devlpmt. $800 COSTACCT. A supervisory position for accountants eager to move ahead. They want a poten tial branch controller. Inter view now and see how great an offer this is $10-$ 12,000 ACCOUNTING JR. You'll rotate through all phases of insurance accoun ting, then move up to specialist in the area of you choice. No expefienci needed! One day, you'l have your own office $560-$700. DATA PROCESSING IBM Technician $6,240 EAM Operator $6,900 Field Tech ... S7-S8300 Console Oper.. $8,000 Computer Trn. $6,250 TabJr&Sr $6-$7,500 Statistical Trn. $8,400 Math Knowhow? S7-S850 Computer Spvr. $ 13,000 Tab/Computer $7,200 R&D Projects $8-10,000 Meth. Analyst $8-10,000 New 360 Inst. $7-12,000 Lead Operator $9,000 Our service is absolutely free to the applicant! Phone 815-459-9010 future personnel Inc. 457 Coventry Lane Suite No.* 126 Crystal Lake, Illinois 7-25-69 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED PART TIME • EVENINGS * t Monday - Friday 6 p.m.̂ io 10 p.m. Do not overlook the cleaning field as a source of addi tional income to help you meet today's rising costs. Must be reliable and dependable. Above average start ing wage with potential advances. Call collect for more Information after 12 noon. WILLIAM BERUBE 312-824-0144 7-23/7-25-69 COST ACCOUNTANT Immediate openitig for an experienced individual. Full company benefits. Apply In Person Or Call L 385-7002 OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to noon or by appointment BRAKE PARTS CO. WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE McHENRY (Behind The McHenry Market Place) 7-23-69 MALE or FEMALE O P E R A T O R S • DRILL PRESS - $2.00 - 3.00 per hour • MILLING MACHINE - $2.25 - 3.00 per hour • DeBURRING - $1.75 - 2.25 per hour • TOOL ROOM - $2.50 • $4.50 per hour 6 Paid Holidays, Insurance and other Fringe Benefits. PREM ENTERPRISES. Inc. McHENRY, ILLINOIS (Johnsjwirg) 815-385-2700 7-25/7-30-69 BLUE PRINT MACHINE OPERATORS MALE OB FEMALE Work near home in quiet, clean surroundings. Company benefits include profit sharing. No experience necessary, will train. HOURS: 8 a.m. to 4:S0 p.m. Monday thru Friday -- APPLY -- AEROQUIP CORP. ' BARCO DIVISION 500 N. Hough St. Harrington DUnkirk 1-1700 "an equal opportunity employer" 7 25 69 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wauled FULL TIME PERMANENT OPENINGS Tool & Cutter Grinders Janitors Machine Operators Molders We Offer 1st shift 1st shift 1st and 2nd shift 2nd shift •Complete insurance program, effective within 30 days 'Holiday pay *2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year •Night Shift premium •Credit Union •Jury Duty Pay •Progressive rate ranges •Paid Pension Plan •Promotional Opportunity 385-7002 OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to noon or by appointment BRAKE PARTS CO. WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE McHENRY (Behind The McHenry Market Place) 7-23-69 SHOP III MCHENRY PERSONNEL INTERVIEWER EXPERIENCED OR WILL TRAIN Due to expansion we are seeking a man to screen, test and evaluate, professional personnel. Must be aggresive, ambitious and enjoy working with people. Potential to management. Work in new, modern, air conditioned office. For more Information come in or call. Hours: MON. TUES. WED. & FRI. 9-5 p. THURS. 9-9 p.m., Sat. by appointment future personnel Inc. Coventry Professional Building Coventry Lane, Suite No. 126 Crystal Lake, Illinois Phone 815459-9010 7-25-69