Crafty women enjoy chance to learn, earn C" nifty women across the country arc getting free craft instruction and discovering an exciting new career opportu nity. It's all happening at Crafting Bees: craft demon ^rations developed by Art- craft Concepts of Batlsion Spa. New Yorfc. A modem treatment of the traditional quilting hec. these Crafting Bees offer guests the chance to learn a variety of craft techniques free of charge. And. they offer the women who act as counselors a unique career opportunity that allows them to cam sub stantial income and recogni tion in a way that s fully c«m- putible with their lifestyles. Learning new sfclMs hxpert counselors conduct the bees, providing free in struction in the latest craft techniques as weM as a broad line of designer original crafts to their guests. Atypical Craft ing Bee includes instruction in two or three crafts selected by the hostess. In return for inviting her friends and neighbors to her home, the hostess receives free crafts, any item of her choice at half price, and the opportunity to take advantage of numerous special offers. Career opportunity The real winners, however, are the company's counselors. Counselors wort 12 hours a week, setting their hours as they wish, and can earn $40- $80 for the two or three hours each Crafting Bee requires. How many crafting bees each counselor conducts each week is unlimited -- as are. there fore. her earnings Best of all. no prior experi ence is necessary: a local man ager provides complete train ing. PAGE 11 In addition to the money they earn, counselors can for free crafts, prises i to places such as Ber- St Thomas and Aca- pulco. Equally important, they receive frequent recognition for their accomplishments, something many say they found lacking in their lives prior lo joining Artcraft. "No one applauded when I •PLAlNDPtAljn.nUDAY. AUGUST*. IMS changed a diaper or got up at opportunity to move up to 4AM to feed the baby." said management portions which Sue Dalton. an Artcrafter in offer increasingly greater re- Los Alleles "But with Art- spnnsibility and financial re- craft my wott cams me free wards. Income for full-time crafts, prises and ^iplauae at management positions ranges meetings, h sure feels food, from SI0.000 to more than and I can stiU be here when the S30.000 unnally kids get home front school." Hie innovative company is Counselors also have the counselors aero--the country. UNE Of P/W NAN surrmsi COMPLETE IN W SCHOOL 1 ™0KC0VWS™ f̂c I •̂ tNc5nr5w«$ N0TE80Wr*N0lir!̂ B| MT~roTm ft X_ • OOBBIEEM OP. -- - ( W W v I j i 8 N O r e o n S t M ( H » m h y 3 P 5 - 6 7 5 0 crfUo 'Dtatuxinq: HELLO KITTY, 0 iPtnelU . 9 E\a%t 14 * tPtncih, Cam * tSditck jBooh Wnd <M ou... COMPLETE HAIRSTYLING SALON 4901 W. WE. 120 McHENRY 385-4777 CALL FOR -YOUR APPOINTMENT^ ̂ TODAY! 1/ Don't send a No Account Kid away to school SEE THAT YOUR COLLEGE STUDENT HAS A SPECIAL CHECKING ACCOUNT-AND HERE'S WHY Gots good training in tho important matter of monoy managomont. Will loam to appreciate tho actual cost off education.. Tho ffamily will havo a good basis ffor dotormining monoy noods ffor ffuturo years off school. Chocks will provldo good racolpts ffor bills paid. Account will separate ex penditures from Dad's and Mother's own living ex- ponsos and will avoid unoxpoctod drains on tho ffamily account. Stop in today and ask about our Chocking Account for Collego Students. A FULL) SERVICE BANK t /'•lip McHENRY STATE BANK Main Building: 1510 W. Elm Street Coroid J. Corny Building: Richmond Rood at Poarl Stroot Robort i. Wobor Building: Crystal Lako Road and Lillian Stroot MS- 1MB Amk si- MEMBER KMC o