.Qlassitied Advertisements.. RATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion 5c per line. Not less than 3 lines. Five words to the line. Copy must be in by Thursday evening. . FOR RENT--Rooms for rent at 1036 Oak street. b WANTED -- Family home; good references. -metka 521-R. TO RENT--Furnished rooms, with board. Apply 893 Oak street, COAL RANGE for sale with all modern attachments; excellent con- dition; very cheap. Inquire Winnetka Talk. MOTHERS wishing to leave home for a few hours will find a competent helper to care for their children by addressing Mrs. M. A. Hansen, 1031 Elm street. Phone 723. MISS JULIA GASTFIELD, sham- - peoing, manicuring, facial massage. Recommended by Mrs. G. A. E. Kohl- er, Phone Winnetka 57, and by Mrs. Murrey Nelson, Jr.,, Phone Winnetka washing at Phone Win- Community House : ~ The Community House Basketball team lost their game Saturday night to the Highland Park team, the score being 34 to 32. John Williams played a whirlwind game in the second half and made 20 of the 26 points scored. After a few minutes' rest the boys, with a few changes in the lineup, met 'the St. Mary's team of Evanston and an away with the game, 34 to 6. Saturday afternoon the Seminoles defeated the Midgets at basketball, 13 to 5. The Intermediates met the Hyde Park team and took an easy game of basketball, 27 to 5. The Intermedi- ates are going along winning game af- ter game. In the Junior league of indoor ball teams, the Midgets won their fourth straight game by beating the Winnet- ka Colts, 17 to 7. Standing of the Clubs. The Young Crusaders won from the Cardinals, 11 to 2. INDOOR BALL LEAGUE. Club. PW. ih Pet. Boys' Club ...... IT 170. 1.000 'Hubbard Woods.. 17 11 6.647 Ridge Ave....... 307 588 Intermediates ... 17 10 7 588 Gun Club ........ 1% | Fi A470 Indians". 0.0 17 6-13 353 Business Men.... 17 5: 12 294 Community Sqs.. 17 12°16 062 First Game Monday. The Boys' Club have not lost a game this season, but the Gun Club came very near beating them in this game, The boys, with only seven players, were up against the strong players of the Gun Club with a full team. The boys were leading up to the sixth, when the Gun Club batted in nine runs and what seemed like the game. The Boys' club showed their gameness by working harder than ever and put over four runs in the last of the sev- enth and won the game. Williams and Kassner had a batting average of 1000 for the game. The score: Boys': Club. ...-.:. 3002404--13 Gun Club... 010109 1--12 Boys' Club--Carpenter, Williams, Kassner, Gotekunst, Kreger, Knox, Balmes, Duncan. Gun Club--Radner, Blow, Kloepfer, Knapp, Schafehen, Hostetter, Jasperson, Wolff, M. Knox, Baker, N. Cazel. : Second Game Monday. The Indians won from the Busi- ness Men, 22 to 12. The Business Men started as if they were to win in a walk but slowed up and allowed the Indians to score 15 runs in the third inning. The game was called at the end of the fifth inning. The score: Business Men ...... 7201 2-12 Indians ....... arena 3.215 1 2---22 Indians--C. C. Adams, Cheney, Steere, Fentress, Orwig. Business Men--R. Cazel, Poff, Dehmlow, A. L. Adams, Walker, E. E. Adams, Detloff. First Game (Wednesday). The Hubbard Woods team lost to the Intermediates, 16 to 9, in a.game featured by the great pitching of Orwig. The Hubbard Woods players did not play up to their regular form either in the field or at the bat. The score: Intermediates .. 3 6 0 1 1 3 2--16 Hub'd Woods... 1 0 1 0 0 0 7-- 9 Intermediates--W. Washburn, Tal- bot, Gruver, Orwig, Williams, Geherty, J. Washburn, Brown, Harper, Hale. Hubbard Woods--Elliott, Taylor, Rose Stephen, Dean, R. Elliott, Tur- vey, Udelhophen, Ostrom. Second Game (Wednesday). This match, between the Community Squares and Ridge Avenue, furnished the excitement for the evening. The two teams were evenly matched and one run decided the game. In the seventh A. Wolff stole home while Hale held the ball. The score: Com. Squares... 2 4 1 0 1 3 1--12 Ridge Ave...... 2000463 rett, Conway. Community Squares--Voltz, Haines, | | Rumfeldt, Anderson, Ilg, Nelson, Dun- |! can, Hale, Dietz, Odh. At the annual meeting of the New Trier Commercial association, held in| Library hall, Wilmette, last week, two |] Winnetka business men were elected || to office: Joseph Teske, of the Co- Operative company was made secre-|| tary, and Mr. William T. Wehrsteadt, a director. 4 Mr. and Mes. Albert Schwill and daughter of Chicago are occuping the Carl Heinzen residence on Lloyd place while the owners are in Eu- rope. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klemm of Gross Point are making their home at the home of Mr, Klemm"'s mother, Mrgw C. H. Klemm, during her absence. L. H. Roach is building a home for Mr, C. E. Wittmack, 1730 Irving Park bouievard, on Woodland avenue just north of Hawthorne lane. The plans were handled by D. E. Allen. Mrs. Hermon B. Butler is visiting in Pottstown, Pa., for a short time, and during her absence Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Butler are occupying the house, "Hillrise." Little William Merrill, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Merrill of Sheridan road, who has been ill with pneu monia, is now slowly recovering his strength. 2--13 1} Ridge Avenue--Callahan, A. Wolff, |} R. Wolff, Paulson, Richardson, Bar-|| WINNETKA WOMAN IS HONORED Mrs. W. A. Otis, president of the Winnetka Woman's club, has been chosen a member of the executive beard of the Illinois Federation of Woman's clubs for the tenth district of the state. There is to be an all- day session of the clubs of the tenth district at the new Woman's Club Evanston, Thursday, The program follows: building in March 13. Board meeting, 9:30 a. m, Business meeting, 10:30 a. m. The speakers at the morning ses- sion will be George W. Plummer of the Consumers' League of Illinois; Arthur B. Farwell of the Chicago Law and Order league, and Mrs, S. M. B. Hunt, Mrs. John Harvey Brown, Mrs, Frederick A. Dow, Mrs. Minne Starr Grainger, officers in the Illinois Fed- eration of Woman's clubs. Luncheon will be served at 12:30. An afternoon session will be held at 2 o'clock. Addresses by Mr. Joel D. Hunter, Cook County Juvenile court; Hon. A, A. McCormick, president Cook County Board of Commissioners, and Mrs. William E. Boyes, Legal Aid so- ciety of Chicago. Marshall Knox CARPENTER JOBBING REPAIR WORK 1046 Spruce Street Fors Winnetka 108 ST. PATRICK [POST CARDS J N EASTER | NOVELTIES Our MOSS ROSE CREAM for face and hands counteracts ihe effects of March winds. Winnetka Drug & Mdse. Co. Opposite N. W. Depot Telephone 248 EKLIND--TAILORS Suits Made to Order Cleaning Pressing WINNETKA M. L.. ADAMS Repairing BARBER -SHOP TOBACCO AND CIGARS Edward G.Weissenberg COAL: COKE: FEED 813 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill. PHONE 441 Over Meyer's Store oR. D. W. POFF DENTIST . - Elm Street and Railroad Avenue WINNETKA TELEPHONE 204 Marcucci & Pasquinelli CIGARS AND TOBACCOS FRUITS Wholesale and Retail PURE HOME-MADE ICE CREAM Candies 742 ELM STREET Easter Food Sale roi i a aN eR Ss se Sa] (Under the auspices of the Woman's Guild of Christ Church) Home-made Bread, Pies, Cakes, Cookies Doughnuts and Candies will be sold at the PARISH HOUSE Corner of Oak and Linden Sts. Saturday, March 22, 10 o'clock Potted plants will also be for sale. BANK OF M. Established 1894 General Banking Business Condudted. ~ Real Estate Loans Solicited. Bonds. Insurance. Checks Issued on Banks in Foreign Countries. K. MEYER SAVINGS EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A CHECKING AND The advantages of a Checking Account are: The return to you of all checks drawn, constituting an absolute receipt for bills paid--a' great convenience. 3 per cent Interest earned on Saving Accounts compounded twice a year--July and January first, each year. ACCOUNT Telephone Winnetka 2 WINNETKA, ILL: