~~ " (iis, WPM WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1913. RUTH ST. DENIS CLOSES RAVINIA ENGAGEMENT Dancer Acknowledged to Be the Most Notable Attraction That Ravinia Ever Offered. By Jessie Willard Bolte. Next Sunday night closes the en- gagement of Miss Ruth St. Denis, who is perhaps the most notable attraction that Ravinia Park has ever offered. Of all the dances the oriental dance is the most difficult for an occidental to master, with its studied poses and intricate steps, but Miss St. Denis is a true daughter of the east when she dons her gorgeous, glittering costumes and strange, bizarre ornaments. In pose, gesture and sinuous grace, even in facial makeup, Miss St. Denis is absolutely true to type and the in- credible fact is that she has never been in the Orient. In the Egyptian dances, all angles like hieroglyph, in the Cobra dance, all curves like the serpent she repre- sents, weird and uncanny in both, the dances reveal undreamed of pos- sibilities of the human muscles. Bones she seems to have not. Whether Geisha girl, Nautch dancer or Bayadere, Miss St. Denis is strange- ly fascinating, and her sublimated cakewalk which she gives as an en- core is simply delicious. Next week begins the opera season with Signor Parelli of the Chicago Grand Opera company in charge of the productiors and conducting the ~Ehicags™ Symphony ~orehestra. On Thursday there will be a charm- ing Punch and Judy show given in the Ravinia Theatre at 2:30 P. M., and children songs by Grace Wassail and Jessie Gaynor. Children admitted free. Grown-ups must show coupon books or pay 25 cents. GARDEN CONCERT TO BE GIVEN NEXT FRIDAY A garden concert and dance will be given on the beautiful grounds of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Thorne of _ Winnetka, Friday evening, Aug. 1, for the benefit of Arden Shore camp. This worthy north shore charity is to be assisted by a most attractive program, consisting of dancing on the lawn by Miss Lucy Bates, a young and brilliant dancer from New York, who will give several most interesting dances with orchestra accompaniment. There will also be songs by Mrs. John Sidney Burnet, with Madame Hess- Burr at the piano. After the program the guests will dance to the music of Johnny Hand's orchestra. The house will be cleared for dancing and the tennis court will be given over to the dancers. The invitations are out and a large attendance is expected from the various north shore suburbs. Mr. J. BE. May is staying with Mr. Hale Holden. Mrs. May and Mrs. Holden are in the east. Mr. and Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, who are traveling in Europe, are now In Paris, France, TOWN TALK Mrs. August Peabody had fifty chil- dren from the Children's Memorial hospital for their annual picnic in the gardens of her home Thursday afternoon. For the benefit of Arden Shore a garden party will be given this even- ing on the grounds of Jens Jensen. Mrs. Robert Gregory, Miss Louise Derby and Mrs. Carl Bullock are in "harge of the arrangements. i Miss Jessie G. McKenzie has re- signed as librarian of the Winnetka public library after serving one year and eight months. Prior to coming to Winnetka Miss McKenzie was librarian at the Minnesota normal school. Mrs. Caroline Porter, wife of John P. Porter, died at the home of her| daughter, Mrs. Fred T. Richardson, July 12, after a long illness. She had been for more than twenty years a resident of Winnetka. Mrs. Porter is survived by her husband and three daughters, Mrs. Fred T. Richardson and Mrs, Wm. Dougherty and a son, Harry Porter, of Spruce street. FINED FOR NOT HEEDING THE HEALTH ORDINANCE Take heed of the following. It is section 4 of article 3 of the new health ordinance: Section 4. Manure: No per- son, firm or corporation shall pile or deposit, or cause to be piled or deposited, manure at any place within a distance of 100 feet of any building or structure used for storing or manufacturing any article of food, or any building or structure in which any article of food is offered for sale, or any building or structure occupied by any person, provided such build- ing or structure is not also used for a barn or stable, unless such manure be deposited and kept in a box or other suitable fly tight receptacle so constructed as to have a tight fitting cover to per- mit substantially no stench or smell to escape therefrom, and which said box or fly tight re- ceptacle shall remain closed at all times, except when manure is being placed therein or removed therefrom. On May 18 Herman Trapp of 950 Linden avenue was notified that he would be given thirty days in which to provide a fly tight top for the ma- nure box in the rear of his barn. At . the end of the thirty days the box was still without protection. Court proceedings were started by the vil lage attorney and Wednesday evening the case was called before Justice Mason. Trapp was tried and found guilty and fined $5 and costs. If you have received any notices from the health department regarding your premises, you had better get busy and do as they say. Miss Emma Dwyer is in Colorado for several months' visit. Telephone 290 D. Duncan & Sons NEWS AGENCY Ice Cream and Confectionery Tobacco, Cigars. 790 ELM ST. S. H. BAKER Garbage Contractor Refuse of all kinds hauled 412 Railroad Avenue Glencoe, Ill. Phone Glencoe 73 School Supnlies Oxygen Acetylene Welding of any size or any kind of Metal, Cast Iron, Steel, Brass, Copper, It may be a broken piece of Farm Machinery, Automobile, Sectional Boiler, or, in fact, any broken Metal part Aluminum, etc. of anything. New parts are expensive and often necessitate long, annoying delays. We can save you time and money by the new process of welding and guarantee the part not to break in'the weld and to be in perfect condition to file or machine if necessary. Send us your broken parts at once and give us a trial. Your money back if not satisfied. We also have a well equipped machine shop to handle your work. Winnetka Garage WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Proprietor 562 LINCOLN AVE. 'PHONE WINNETKA 166 WINNETKA, ILL.