Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 2 Feb 1917, p. 3

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IR SEIS, WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1917 nin | ington. with the period. . The debutantes were present, many of them wearing costumes and jewelry worn by their grandmothers. Miss Betty Hoyt, Miss : NE of the largest social events of the year, which was attended a by several of our Winnetka residents, was the "Lincoln In- 'augural" ball held at the Palmer house, last Friday evening. Deco- rations and costumes were carried out to a point representing this particular period of time. Mrs. John Carpenter, whose genius for stage settings for important social events turned the ballroom into u perfect backroom for the affair. crimson curtains and trimmed with crimson boxes, with a crimson 'velvet carpet leading across the room to a box at the end of the room, built especially for President Lincoln and his suite. This 'box was copied from the historic one at Ford's theater in Wash- Richard Henry Little played the role of Lincoln. The 'tables where supper was served were also decorated in accordance Helen Hoyne, Miss Grace Tuttle 'others were among this group. Mrs. Morrill Dunn, who entertained at dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hale Holden, made a special study of the menus of 1860, in order to carry out the service of Lincoln's time. The J. Allen ,» Miss Marion Strobel and many The room was hung with Haines also entertained at dinner preceding the ball. Another social event in Chic north shore residents is the rece 'Historical society, on Saturday afternoon, from 4 to 7. There ago of interest to many of the ption to be given by the Chicago Mrs. William 8. Miller, of 647 Spruce street, entertained forty small guests at a children's sleigh party, last Sat- urday afternoon. ep Mrs. Charles Howells Coffin, of Blackthorne road, will have Mrs. Wil- liam B. Davenport, of New York, as her guest, next week. On Tuesday, February 6, Mrs. Coffin gives an in- formal tea for Mrs. Davenport and her mother, Mrs. Parker, of Philadelphia, and on Wednesday she will give a small luncheon for her guests. i The second meeting of the Delphian society will be held at the home of Mrs. George T. Steen, 233 Essex road, on Friday afternoon, February 9. -- The Scottish people of the north shore were entertained with a dance given by the Scottish people of Win- netka, at the Winnetka Woman's club, on Friday evening. About one hun-| dred and eighty guests from Lake! Forest, Highland Park, Kenilworth, Wilmette and Winnetka were present and participated in the many Scotch dances. i ---- A farewell dinner was given by the Chicago Ethical society, on Tuesday evening, in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Healy, in the main dining room of the City club. Dr. Healy is re- linquishing the directorship of the Psycopathic institute of the Juvenile court of Cook county, in order to as- ois Sis ; t sume a similar position in Boston, Sheridan for the past two weeks on account of illness. with grippe for the past week. street, has been confined to her home for the "past two weeks on account of Thomas was operated upon, this past week, for an affection of the ear. Hanson, of Chicago, is very ill with pneumonia, following an attack of the grippe. home on account of illness. street, has left on a ten days' business are to be exhibits of early fashion plates, choice old costumes and where he has been appointed director Personal Mention Mrs. Arnold P. Gilmore and her debutante daughter, Isabel, who have been spending the winter at the Black- stone hotel, have left for St. Augus- tine, Fla., and later will go to Virginia Hot Springs. . MY SCALP has been in a pitiful condition for a long time. I went to Delebecdue for treatment and it surely improved greatly. Body massage and chiropody. Marcel and Water Waving, etc.--Adv. Mrs. Charles Lewis Day, of 454 ! road, left, Tuesday, for Santa Barbara, California, where she will be the guest of her sister, Ms. | i C.K. G. Billings, of New York. Mrs. W. W. Stevens, of 1062 Gage | street, has been confined to her home Mr. J. J. Bruderlin, of 615 Willow street, has been confined to his home Miss Hazel Bohen, of 594 Willow Illness. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, 590 Willow street, Mrs. J. V. Stixrud's mother, Mrs. Rev. Eric Fernlund is confined to his Mr. L. C. Norton, of 370 Walnut rip in the east. Mr. and Mrs. John Dodson, of Spring- Fischer's Successor to Kloepfers CONFECTIONERY We make our own Ice Cream Phone 1094 549 Lincoln Av. Christmas Savings Club Join Now! WINNETKA STATE BANK field, Mass., are guests at the home of Mr. Dodson's sister, Mrs. Charles H. Ashley, of 969 Elm street. Mrs. Charles D. Boyles, of 625 Oak street, left, Wednesday, to spend some time in Florida. The Edward B. Butler family, of 945 Sheridan road, will leave soon for a trip to California. relics, and social cards of all kinds. Among the large number of those receiving will be Mrs. James L. Houghteling, Mrs. Frederick areeley, Mrs. H. N. Tuttle and Mrs. J oseph T. Bowen. v of the Harvey Baker Psychopathic in- stitute. Among the interesting speak- ers of the evening were Professor W. I. Thomas, of the University of Chi- cago, Dean John H. Wigmore of North- western University and Dr. Healy. A few brief remarks were given by Miss Jane Addams, Dr. Herman Adler, Mr. Joel D. Hunter and Mr. Edwin S. A benefit lecture will be given un- ier the auspices of the Chicago Public School Art society, on the afternoon of Lincoln's birthday, February 12, The Windsor chapter, Daughters of the British Empire, wish to thank those who so generously donated to, and assisted at, the Allied Bazaar, at Orchestra hall. Dwight Elmendorf | helping the booth to realize'a sum far | Fechheimer. Mr. Horace J. Bridges ps. Joan 5 Si of 367 Diyent will lecturé on "A Trip Around the| exceeding the members' expectations. | presided. Flodanin spending two weeks in = A World," "Children" and "Flowers." | As there are some articles still be- ---- Tied, His Masters Voice The proceeds will go to extend the work of the society, which is to foster 1 love of good art among the school children of the city. Mrs. John Buck- 'ngham, of 266 Linden avenue, is presi- lent of the society, and her debutante daughter, Miss Harriet, will head a zroup of young women, who will sell orograms and usher on that afternoon. Mrs. J. Ogden Armour is one of a 'arge number who are to be patron- ssses. Dr. Ida Laird Barroll, of 389 Ridge avenue, will have as her week-end guest, Miss Madge Stevens, of Phila- delphia, Pa., a former classmate of Cornell university. Miss Ruth Lieber returned from the University of Illinois to spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lieber, of Elm street. Mrs. Luther H. Barber, of Fig street, left, Sunday, with the Chester F. Sar- sents, of Scott avenue, to spend a month in Beloxi, Miss. The Sargents will remain in the south for a couple of months. Dr. and Mrs. William Healy and son, Kent, left, today, for California. 'When they return in the spring, they will ing sold on shares, and the returns are not all completed, it will be im- possible to make a statement at this time as to the exact amount cleared, but it is hoped we may be able to do 80 in next week's issue of the paper. The young ladies who are not mem- bers of the chapter, who sold balloons, shares and other articles on the floor, are especially to be thanked for their untiring efforts and grand results. " i The third of the "Winter Assem- blies," which was held at the 'Win- netka Woman's club, on Saturday eve- ning, was one of the most popular so- cial events of the season. Many young people came out from the city to at- tend the dance, and were the week- end guests at house parties, given by Miss Harriet Buckingham, Miss Anna Holland and Miss Margaret Clinch. Miss Julie Forrest gave a dinner party at her home in Hubbard Woods pre- ceding the dance. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anderson, of 331 Walnut street, entertained their card club at their home, on Saturday evening. Did Santa Claus leave a Victrola or an Edison Diamond Disc of your home" Christmas? If so, you are buying new records. We are in a position to supply you with any number you want. You doubtless come to Evanston to do other shopping. Call and let us suggest something good in the big list of great artists. We have ex- perts in this line. . We deliver and call for records | ---- | The ladies of the West Elm Street circle will meet with" Mrs. Emma L. Joltz, of 883 Elm street, Tuesday after- ron, February 6, at 2:30. This is '0 be "Housekeepers' Day," and each Mrs. C. E. Young has received a number of applications for member- ship to the chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, which is to be organized in Winnetka as soon as possible. Those who care to be- one is requested to bring one or more avorite recipes, and any items learned luring the year, which will help in s00d housekeeping. Every lady on lm street, west of the railroad, and 'n intersecting streets between Spruce nd Elm is cordially invited to be resent. ---- ~ Mrs. George E. Balluff, of 385 Ridge venue, was hostess to the Willow street zone of Christ church, on Wed- 1esday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. | TY Mrs. William C. Boyden, Jr., of Pine 'treet, was one of the wedding party 't the marriage of Miss Isabella Baker, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lan- on Baker, of 1130 Lake Shore drive, 0 Robert M. Curtis, which took place, * aturday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at the esidence of the bride's parents. Mrs. .mbrose Cramer was matron of honor 'nd Miss Mary Landon Baker acted 's maid of honor. The bidesmaids rere Miss Lolita Armour, Miss Eliza- 'eth Adsit, Miss Emma Blair TFitz- 'ugh and Miss Mary Louise Walker. tordon Curtis, brother of the bride- 'room, was best man. The ushers, in- luding Mr. Boyden, were Clay Jud- on, Walter W. Crawford and Henry looper. The Rev. James G. K. Mec- lure performed the ceremony. ------ . The Auxiliary of the North Shore 'atholic Woman's league will hold its 'ext regular meeting, tomorrow after- 'oon, at the Winnetka Woman's club. i ---- Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Hix, of Hubbard voods, announce the birth of a daugh- or, on Friday, January 5. al | The Woman's society of the Congre- ational church will hold its all-day 1eeting at Community house, Wednes- ay, February 7, with business at 11 'clock, luncheon at 12:20 and pro- ram at 1:15. Mrs. Alan T. Gilmour ill givi'an interesting talk on the 'indman school of Kentucky, which a school for mountain whites. This ill undoubtedly be a very interesting eeting, and it is hoped there will be very large attendance. { ! A The North Shore Dancing club will ve another of its popular dances at 'Winnetka Woman's club, next __. sday evening, under the direction 'g a\ Thomas Welsh. come charter members will be able to do so by getting their papers ready im- mediately. Call Winn. 851 or address Mrs. C. E. Young, 1060 North avenue, Hubbard Woods, for further informa- tion. gave a very successful card party at Sacred Heart hall, on Wednesday eve- 'ning. --_-- The ladies of Sacred Heart church Cc make their home in Boston. closed, last Saturday night, with a Winter activities at Indian Hill club lub dinner-dance. North Shore Talking Machine Co. EVANSTON, ILL. Phone Ev. 4523 603 Davis St. --prn The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. Wm. L. Eisengart, on Tuesday, with thirty- eight present. Rev. Edward Drew gave an interesting and helpful Bible reading, I Cor. 13, and sang two hymns, accompanied by Miss Laura Fisher. Rev. T. K. Gale led in prayer. Miss Addie Austin, president of the board of managers for the Bethesday Day nursery, gave a very interesting ac- count of its work. Babies three weeks old, and even younger, are brought to the nursery for care while the mothers work in restaurants or other places from 7 a. m. to 6 or 7 p. m. An aver- age of eighteen children per day are cared for. Miss Dorothy Harkness, of Edgewater, gave two readings, which were enjoyed by all. Two new members were received into the union, after which all joined hands and sang "Blest Be the Tie That Binds Our Hearts in Christian Love." It was voted to give the collection, amount- ing to over five dollars, to Miss Austin for the nursery. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Smurr, 741 Eighth street, Wilmette. -- - The Cook County Woman's Chris- tian Temperance union will have a Lincoln Day luncheon in Marshall Field's tea-room, on February 12, at 1 o'clock. A fine menu has been ar- ranged, to be followed by addresses by Hon. Richmond Pearson «Hobson, Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch, Mr. Elmer A. Roat and others. For further information, phone Winn. 518-J. ------ Announcement has been made by Mrs. William IL. Quinnell, of Evans- ton, of the engagement of her daugh- ter, Marguerite, to Mr. Horace Mann Capon, son of Mrs. Albert Banfield Capron, of Winnetka. Pd i. Mrs. Neil H. Gates, of 434 Willow street, gave an informal tea at her heme, Wednesday afternoon, for her Zuest, Miss Dorothy Hellar, of Tacoma, Washington. Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer entertained the guests with a number of vocal solos during the afternoon. WEIGH THE FACTS CAREFULLY --THEN CHOOSE HAYNES CARS-24TH YEAR The first Haynes was made in 1893 and every has been a high grade, dependable car--the best at its price. The new 1917 models, now on display at our Wilmette show room, are liability. Each succeeding (1893-=1917) model of the Haynes for 24 years ¢ the latest evidence of Haynes re- season has piled up proof of superior performance. Any speed, 1 to 60 miles per hour, on high gear. Pickup from a dead stop to 30 miles per hour in 7%; seconds. More pull- ing power at average driving speeds, and through mud, sand or snow, than any other motor of same bore and stroke. Ability high gear. 15,000 motorists will tell you that their Haynes "Light Sixes" --even those 32 months old-- perform exactly as stated above --or better. What MORE could you want in to climb long, steep upgrades on The higher price car won't give you more a car? Why PAY more? --the lower priced car won't cost you less Let us show you how w demand has long exceeded t of the 1917 models now. e can best fill deposit, we will hold your car for spring delivery. WEeHE Motor SarLes Co. 621 WEST RAILROAD AVENUE Wilmette Near Central Avenue your motor car requirements. he supply of Haynes Cars. Come in and make We can make prompt deliveries now, or, vour choice The spring by making a small Illinois |

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