WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1917 William L. Wente SHEET METAL WORK Railroad and North Avenues Telephone 830 The Cash and Carry Plan is Causing Great Talk. CITY MARKET CO. WHOLESALE and RETAIL BEST QUALITY MEATS 635 W. Rairoad Avenue Wilmette Phone Wilmette 1870 SALE ENDING MARCH 21st Swift's Premium Hams, Wh. .000 241; ¢ Best Native Juicy Rib Roast, rolled, no bone or waste. .... 2415¢ Young Pig Pork Hams, Ib. ......... 173%¢ Strictly Fresh Jones's Pork Tenderloins, pet db. Lo 32¢ Best Native Beef Ten- derloins, per lb. ...28%;¢ Best Lamb Chops. ......... 30¢ Native Pot Roast, 14%%¢ to. .16%e Native Boiling Beef........ 13%e Fresh Baltimore Oysters, qt.37¢ Flank Steak .............. 18% ec Rump Corned Beef......... 16%e Best Pork Sausage. ........ 15%e Best Native Juicy Sir- Hind 14 of Veal............ 19%e Hamburger Steak.......... 12%%e Juicy Sirloin Roast... ...... 19%e Roast Veal Breast, per 1b. . 17%e Calves' Liver .........vv4.. 24% ¢ No. 1 Small Hams. ......... 17%e Lean Beef Stew............ 15%ec Best Native Juicy Short Steaks, 1b...19%e¢ Morris Sugar Cured Bacon. .25%e Veal Chops... ....... cue. 24% c Fresh Calves' Brains. ...... 13%ee Polish Sausage ............ 15%e Milwaukee Frankfurts ..... 17%%e It is because we sell for cash, you can buy so cheap. because you pay cash, save money. It is you can READ THE WANT ADS. CHRIST CHURCH LENTEN SERVICES OF THIS WEEK Monday, 3:45 p. m., a Mission Study class conducted by Mrs. Herman B. Butler. Subject, "The Spread of the Kingdom." Tuesday at 5 p. m., the class in per- sonal religion conducted by Reverend E. Ashley Gerhard. Subject, "The Kingdom of God: The Product of Power." Wednesday at 8 p. m., Reverend Ger- hard, who is giving a series of talks in the chapel on "The Master's Friend," will speak of "Mary Magdalen." Thursday at' 4:30 p. m., Children's service. Reverend Gerhard will give a talk on "The Life of the Master," illustrated by stereopticon slides. The confirmation class meets at 8 p. m. Friday at 5 p. m., Reverend Ger- hard will give a talk on "The Lord's Prayer." Sunday--Regular services at 7:30 a. m. in the chapel; 11 o'clock services in the church on Sheridan road; 4:30 evening service in the chapel. On Palm Sunday, April 1, the choir will give "The Crucifixion." Evening of March 26 Will Be Eventful | Occasion for Winnetka Youths. Boys will hold the floor at the next meeting of the Men's club of the Con- gregational church, Monday evening, March 26. Every member of every boys' club connected with Community house will be a guest of the Men's club at dinner, which will be served at seven o'clock. Following the feast Captain Thomas I. Porter, head of the Government Secret Service bureau in the Chicago district, will give a talk particularly adapted to the needs of the youngsters. In addition to having the pleasure of hearing Captain Porter the lads will be entertained in other ways pleasing to the young. - Coming Events at Community House MOTION PICTURES March 23--Marguerite Clark "Silks and Satins." March 30--Dorothy Gish and Owen Moore in "Susan Rocks the Boat." April 6--Marie Doro in "The Heart of Nora Flynn." in WOMAN'S GUILD HOLD INTERESTING MEETING The Woman's guild held its regular monthly meeting at the parish house last Monday, with luncheon at noon, followed by a program, a symposium on the subject of "The United Offer- ing." Six short papers were read by members of the guild; the first, en- titled "Its Origin," was presented by Mrs. Donald Dallas; "The First Fruit," by Mrs. George Keiser; "The Women Waiting for It," by Mrs. Frederick Greeley; "The Women Working for It," by Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard; "In- crease," by Mrs. Herman B. Butler, and "The Triennial Presentation," by Mrs. Ira Couch Wood. After the read- ings the members listened to an ad- dress by Mrs. B. A. Crowe, treasurer of "The United Offering" of St. Au- gustine's church in Wilmette, on the REMEMBER! REMEMBER! Soon, when you are putting away winter clothes and looking over sum- mer ones, be sure and send what you cannot use to the Old Clothes Depart- ment of the Winnetka Relief and Aid i) to this society, will you not become! member and help to assume this con munity responsibility by sending yo membership fee of one dollar or mo to the treasurer, Mrs. Victor EI society, in care of Miss Kate Dwyer, 858 Elm street. Your grocer will de- liver without charge. If you do not otherwise contribute Hardware and J. F. ECKAR Paint Phone REPAIR WORK : A SPECIALTY I am prepared to do all kinds of Mill work, Cabinet work, Carpenter work and Screens Furniture Repaired and Refinished 1046 Pine St. GLENN DEAN Tel. Winnetka 186 work being done in this department of the church. & ee CLUB MEMBERS JOIN IN SMOKER Preparedness and Royal Arcanum Get Together for Good Time Monday. The Preparedness club and the MEN'S CLUB TO ENTERTAIN BOYS | Royal Arcanum gave a joint smoker | at Community house last Monday eve- ning. The first named was host at the spread which was served while the latter society furnished the program. The 'Scott brothers entertained with music on the accordeon and violin, and William Dameski and Louis Koch sang. At the next meeting, to be held at Community house Monday night, there will be a debate on "Should Sec- ondary Schools Adopt Military Train- ing?" with John Wood and Edward Runnfeldt for the affirmative and Arthur Anderson, William Dietz and Pete Lucchesi supporting the nega- tive. The judges will be U. C. Abel, C. J. Anderson and Arthur Randl TO GIVE PLAY WEDNESDAY EVE. Arrangements have been completed for the presentation of "The Golden Jubilee," a playlet of worth and in- terest, following the second church dinner at Community house next Wed- nesday evening. The program is in charge of the ladies of the Congrega- tional church which is sufficient recommendation of its excellence. Mr. and Mrs. John Buckingham, 266 CARLTON PROUTY Township election to be held April 3, 1917. He is not opposing Mr. Northrop or Mr. Nelson are Winnetka Village election. Judge Prouty is a member of the bar of the Il term as Police Magistrate of Winnetka. cases of all kinds. by them to hear 606. well, Wife-Beaters to the rock-pile and Burglars Grand Jury. enforced for ten years. Official, to support Judge Prouty at the polls. Linden avenue, have returned from a month's stay In AfTZona. TMORONORURUGO OREGON ORY > { r I Is a candidate for JUSTICE OF THE PEACE at the , who -andidates for POLICE MAGISTRATES at the linois State Supreme Court, of the United States Circuit and District Courts, and of the United States Supreme Court, and is serving the last month of a four-year During this term he has heard and decided 1559 Of the 750 cases instituted by the Winnetka Police, the Village Attorney, the Health Officer and other Village Officials, he has been selected He has imposed, collected and turned into the Vil- lage Treasury fines to the amount of $2053.00. He has convicted Blind Pig Keepers, backed up the Juvenile Protective Association, stood by the Probation Officer, protected unfortunate women, sent Bums to the Bride- to the Therefore his friends, and others who have not here- | tofore been his friends, hereby appeal to voters who believe in courage, backbone and efficiency in a Public | He has enforced the Village Ordiances without fear or favor, has never dodged or shirked an official duty, however unpleasant; and has, through his Court, en- forced law and order in Winnetka as it has not been CASH AND WANT to thank the pat- rons of my store for the CARRY PLAN WINS. prompt response to my annoucement in this paper of the new plan of selling and Groceries, Provisions Fruit. I felt sure this plan was what was needed in this community, to assist in reducing the cost of living, and the way the people turned out proves beyond rea- son that this is the plan that will be adopted by all live merchants. We have proved that the same high grade goods could be sold as cheap as any other store, and cheaper than most other stores. COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH OTHER STORES Salvatore Di Francesco 890 Linden Avenue Phone Winnetka 400 FURTHER PROOF Old Price 1 dozen Light House Cleanser. ... cs. u,v $ .60 Brpoands Sugar on ail Sri hn at e A5 Argo Starch. aie a 05 3 pounds Old Dutely Coffee... co cvs iva h 1.00 Tetley Tea, 3) pound... ..... «2.0 0 amaailGs 20 Head Rice, 16. pounds... ........ 0... 00.0 1.98 Campbell's or Armour's Soups................ 12 Light House Soap, B-hars. ...... i. .hc030a 25 Foulds Noodles '........ ..ivui Ju shana 05 Armonr'siCalsup ... o.oo eh Sad has a5 Head Rice (inequality). ........ 003. 20a 12 Bananas, 1 dozen... vs wieivsis os iss onda nies 20 Dromedary Dates ........ Lr i 1 BR 15 Oranges. Navel or Florida, per dozen......... 25 LEMONS, per dozen . «iv i sv se a ee 30 Grape Remit. ss. sah reset ee rea 30 Cooking or Eating Apples, 5 pounds........... 35 Potatoes... o.oo Jaa sea 90 Early June Peas . 18c Farm House Corn 15¢ MARCH 14th to 24th SARA OR the benefit of those | 3 who did not read care- | " fully our first advertise- | ew s ment, | again publish the : Pricc mw | outline of the plan. i $4 =m i 10 = All goods are plainly marked 04 mm at the very lowest price. This 9 = price applies to those of our 6 = customers who come to the | 1.00 = store, pay cash and carry the J0 = goods home. 20 = 04. Il you want the goods de- JZ n livered to your home, we make | 08 ®© a charge of seven cents for each d 6 & order. : J2 H . AH 18 = [tis very simple to understand, 95 HE and very plain to be seen that ! 20 ® we can make such reduction in | 25 LJ prices. , : [ A 2 | j Scans. 25c. 8B COME HERE AND SEE 2cans . 25¢ 1H FOR YOURSELF. H pe p i 3 x i }] HUBBARD WOODS : ULL LLL LLL LLL LLL | S NLL 7 2 7 777 27277777777, aN