8 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1917 Peasy Lee LeeLee x CLASSIFIED ADS 2 FOR SALE FOR SALE--$450 BRADBURY UP- right piano, fine condition, $125. Phone Wilmette 930-J. 123-1te FOR SALE--USED SEWING MA- chines taken in trade on our New Singer Rotary: New Home, $5.00; Wheeler & Wilson, $7.00; Singer, $8.00; New Drop Head Free, $16.00; New Drop Head White, $23.00; New Drop Head Wilcox & Gibbons, $45.00. We have no agents. It will pay you to come to the store. Sale on new Singers this month. Payments. Pat- terson Bros. 1522 Sherman, Evans- ton. 18-123-tfe FOR SALE--EDEN ELECTRIC WASH- ing Machine, overhauled, guaranteed, $45.00. We are the headquarters for Thor Electric Washing Machines. We will give you the best proposition; fine service. Payments. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman, Evanston. 18-123-tfc FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANOS, OVER- hauled, guaranteed: Lyon & Healy, $60.00; Weber, $85.00; Fischer, $95.00; Kimball, $100.00; F. S. Cable, almost new, $175.00; Bauers, $165.00; Organ, $8.00; Talking Machines, $5.00. Also sale of New Pianos. Payments. Pat- terson Bros. 1522 Sherman, Evanston. 18-123-tfe FOR SALE--NEW COLONIAL HOUSE, with sleeping porch and garden, in Hubbard Woods; owner leaving. Conover, 25 Green Bay-rd. 51-2-3-tfc HATCHING BEGGS ALDRICH STRAIN prize winner White Orpington, $2.00 per setting. Delivered. A. W. Evans, 2754 Ewing-av.,, Evanston. Phone 5298. 17-123-8tc FOR SALE--MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE, 2 enclosed porches, lot 100x150 ft, $8,600. Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 652-W. 15-123-2tc FOR SALE--6 MISSION DINING ROOM chairs and round table. Address 844 Foxdale. Phone Winn. 446. 2-1tc FOR SALE -- COMPLETE STABLE equipment, entire or in part, includ- ing 2 horses, station wagon, 2 high carts, pony cart, harness, etc. Phone Winn. 39. 52-2-2tp FOR SALE -- MODERN SIX-ROOM house; 2 enclosed porches; lot 100x 150 ft.,, in Hubbard Woods, $8,500. Phone Winn. 652-W, 2-1tc SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED--GENERAL WORK ABOUT the house and yard; floors, windows, etc.; hardwood floors and vacuum cleaning my specialty. Jess Clay, 2510 Isabella-st., Evanston. Tele- phones, Evanston 4303 and Winnetka 388. 1-1tfe .. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERI- FIRST CLASS enced gardener; good references. Ad- dress C-19 Lake Shore Publishing Co., Wilmette. 52-23-2tc LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winn. 911 before 8:00 a. m. 39-2-tfe WANTED -- POSITION BY EXPERI- FOR RENT--FOUR PLEASANT ROOMS, 2nd flat. 180 Chestnut-st. Phone Winn. 1065. wig _2-tfe FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, HOT water heat, 941 Oak-st. Phone Winn. 699-M. 2-tfe FOR RENT--VEGETABLE GARDEN, 100x187, fenced in. Ash-st., west of Rosewood. Tel. 5652-R. 2-tfc FOR RENT OR SALE--NEW SEVEN- room house, 1324 Asbury-av., Hub- bard Woods. Phone Winn. 1175. 2-tfe FOR RENT--STORE AND APART- ment in Bank building. Small store in Annex on Lincoln-av. Apartment No. 15--5 rooms--545 Lincoln-av. -Ayres Boal, 1515 Peoples Gas bldg. 51-2-4tc FOR RENT--LIST YOUR HOUSE FOR rent with us. Paul Schroeder & Co., Wilmette 698, or Winnetka 768. 18-12-5te RENT--ATTRACTIVE, HOME- FOR like room, convenient to electric and N. W. station. Address Winn. Talk R-22. 2-2tp WILL OPEN OUR NORTH SHORE home to couple seeking congenial sur- roundings; home cooking; willing to pay the right price. Address Win- netka Talk Y-11. 2-1tp WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--SMALL GAR- den spot near corner of Ash and Lo- cust-sts. Inquire 992 Ash-st. 52-2-2tp HELP WANTED WANTED -- EXPERIENCED YOUNG lady as bookkeeper in Winnetka; state experience and references. Ad- dress A-24 Lake Shore News, Wil- mette. 123-1te WANTED--A YOUNG MAN WILLING to learn the watch and clock repair- ing. Apply 520 Linden-st.,, Winnetka. 123-1tc GIRL WANTED TO LEARN DRESS- making; also one who has experi- ence in dressmaking. Call at 1239 Lake-av. or phone Wilmette 1945. Mrs. Bonnem. 1-2-1tc WANTED--YOUNG WOMEN, BE- TWEEN THE AGES OF 16 AND 25, WHO WISH DESIRABLE AND STEADY EMPLOYMENT. RAPID INCREASE IN OUR BUSINESS MAKES IT NECESSARY FROM TIME TO TIME FOR US TO .EM- PLOY INTELLIGENT YOUNG WO- MEN AND TRAIN THEM AS OPERA- TORS. TO THOSE WHO CAN QUAL- IFY WE OFFER AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN A PROFESSION IN WHICH EMPLOYMENT AT GOOD PAY MAY BE OBTAINED IN ANY CITY OR VILLAGE IN THE UNITED STATES. INTERESTING WORK, REFINED SUR- ROUNDINGS AND ASSOCIATES, BENEFITS IN CASE OF SICKNESS AND PENSIONS WHEN ELIGIBLE. PAY IS LIBERAL AT THE START, WITH FREQUENT INCREASES AS THE PROFICIENCY OF THE INDI- VIDUAL WARRANTS. EXCEPTIONAL CHANCES ARE OF- FERED FOR ADVANCEMENT INTO POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY WITH CORRESPONDING ADVANCES IN SALARY. MAKE APPLICATION BETWEEN 8 A. M. AND 5 P. M. TO THE CHIEF enced gardener and chauffeur, age OPERATOR, 740 ELM-ST., WIN- 26; white. Address Box 64, Winnetka, NETKA. CHICAGO TELEPHONE 51-23-4tc COMPANY. 18-123-2te FINE LAUNDRY WORK DONE AT 992 | WANTED--GARDEN AND GENERAL Ash-st. Refs. 51-2-4tp CHAUFFEUR--THREE YEARS EX- perience, 24 years of age; best refer- ences. Address A-26 Lake Shore News, Wilmette, 52-123-5ip DRESSMAKER COMES to your home; fancy dresses, coats and suits. Phone Winn. 3167-M. 2-1tp PIANO INSTRUCTOR WHO HAS studied in Germany wants pupils. Terms 40c per hour. Phone Winn. 571. 2-1te SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERI- enced gardener; good references; not afraid hard work; 25 years of age; American. Address C-19 Lake Shore News, Wilmette. FOR RENT TO RENT--STRICTLY MODERN 7- room house, 3 screened and glazed porches; lot 100x150; fine trees, lawn and garden. 1077 Cherry-st. 2-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, HOT water heat. 907 Ash-st. Phone Winn. 513-W. 47-2-tfc 2-1te man; must have good references; per- manent place. Phone Winn. 152. 2-1te ~ DOES TRICK UNDER WATER At the Kenilworth swim last Fri- day night Arthur Fox, clever water performer, turned some unusual stunts in the tank that held the spec- tators enthralled. Incidentally he broke the National record for staying under water (4 minutes 12 seconds), by re- maining submerged over four and one- half minutes. Fresh Mushrooms picked on day of delivery. Kenneth F. McLain Harold D. Gruver Phone Winnetka 567 Phone Winnetka 439 mn. LEAD ZINC PAINT FEWER GALLONS = WEARS LONGER When you have a ) House to Rent Give it a coat of good paint before . you tack a sign on ¢ it. It won't cost much and a well- painted house always rents more readily than a shabby one--rents for more money, too. ad h X = A =v, | It is just as essential to use good paint on a house you own and rent as on the one you live Therefore, paint with Devoe and increase the value of your property. We guarantee DEVOE because we know it is pure and because we know that it always gives our customers satisfaction. It contains no whiting, silica, china clay or other adulter- ants. DEVOE takes fewer gallons and wears longer. We are always glad to show attractive color combinations. A. J. KARSTEN Hardware WINNETKA - ILLINOIS PAINT DEVOE PAINT 77% 2% Reason This Out! Your Suit Pressed and Cleaned by Machine for . . . Or by Hand for . . $1.50 . $150 NN LLL LTT 770, h % % 77 Dizi 722% HE. difference is that the machine only steams the Garment and the pressing 1s unsatisfactory; while by hand the garment is not steamed, which is ruinous, and you are as- sured of satisfaction. Reason This Out for Yourself. Our Spring Samples and Styles are now ready for your inspection, and we will guarantee all goods, fit and workmanship. Men's suits $20 and up. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLL LLL LTT LLL dL Edd 77 ET 77 2 77777 777 77 777 A Arr -- uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz Branch HUBBARD WOODS TAILOR SHOP 903 Linden St. Phone 442 Winnetka en ea 222% 277%; 277% 7722272 % Phone 653 2; \ Vim0mmnmiiii WINNETKA CLEANERS & DYERS 552 RAILROAD AVE. WINNETKA /200i70m Uji LUKE DOYLE WILL TELL OF WAR Fresh from Battlefields of France with Story of American Ambulance. Luke C. Doyle, former Yale man and late member of the American Ambu- lance corps doing duty in France, will give a lecture at Winnetka this Sun- day night. Mr. Doyle, who has been decorated with the Croix de Guerie (Cross of War), was wounded while in the performance of hic Anty oc ar ambulance driver and invalided home to recuperate. He has been lecturing throughout the country in behalf of the Red Cross and so far has suc- ceeded in raising $45,000 for the re- lief of the European wounded. His lecture at Winnetka will be illustrated with a series of motion pictures, taken on the battlefields of the old world, and just received in America. The lecture will be given in Com-| people for the invaluable servie munity house and, due to the limited capacity of the hall, no children will be admitted. TAYLOR DEPARTS FOR FRANCE Hubbard Woods Boy Left New York Monday to Join Ambulance Corps. Wilberforce Taylor, son of Judge Taylor of Hubbard Woods. sailed from New York Monday en route to join the American Ambulance corps on the firing line in France. Mr. Taylor, who volunteered for service long before the American ambulance unit was first suggested, was prevented from going earlier to Europe by unavoidable circumstances. He will pay his own expenses while in France, believing, like many other patriotic Americans, that it is small return to the French at one time rendered this county a | 3 3 5 of EACH CLOUD HAS SILVER Li The Cheerful Side of Life Help to Bear His Burden More Ea Look on the bright side. Iti right side. The hour may be less and somber with clouds, | will be no better ta wei» ) and sad countenance. It is the shine and not the clouds thatun the flowers. The sky is bluel where it is black once. You! troubles--so have others. Non free from them. That would! dull sea and the sailors would1 get skill were there nothing f turb its surface. There is mon tue in a sunbeam than in a hemisphere of cloud and gloom. ON & A your car. 7% 222222227 % 0 mpm 7 LET THE Pay for Your Gas The saving you will make by trading victor here, under our advanced methods of merchan- dising, will more than pay for the upkeep of We are selling the BEST at prices whic are much CHEAPER than you can get elsewhere. Telephone us. PROGRESSIVE GROCERY LIPS & CAZEL, Props. Telephones 888-889-890 A) wr | 200000 mm I AUTO OWNERS 4 a 1 1 = nn in El Progressive Grocery: | ful d | fall * the iby tI | comn _ publi JJ Of se | fans 'felt t resulf Chica 'phyct ers w 'befor starte | The Resta 'hat R self. ped. 'maste 'ast c were | great vera; is a 1 vhims de w vhich 0 Re 7irgin 801 ELM STREET. "ombil