ream v 9) f=] 1e rt le al ia eR oaks lana Sida nin Ee RR SLSERE ES all NO 2222727, AR ra 1 = EE WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1917 EE WEIHE GETS SAXON AGENCY North Shore Auto Sales Hustler Adds Medium Price Car to Line Carried-- Service and Economy Slogan. Saxon cars will be sold in New Trier township by the Weihe Motor Sales company of Wilmette. This an- nouncement was made the first of the week by Edward H. Weihe, who added that the decision to handle Saxon cars was made only after careful investiga- tion into the merits of the different medium priced cars on the market. The Weihe Motor Sales company is a progressive concern and will exert every effort in promoting the sale of Saxons, as well as of the Haynes, in this territory. Mr. Weihe anticipates a consistent demand and has made ar- rangements for delivery accordingly. "I have been driving cars for years, and this spring, as I needed a good light car, I bought a iSaxon 'Six.' In three months I drove nine thousand miles and can truly say that out of these nine thousand miles I have had more enjoyment and pleasure than I thought possible to derive from a mo- tor car," is the statement of one Saxon purchaser. "I have not made any ad- Justments, not even the brake rods, and have not had a spark plug out in the last seven thousand miles. The way the finish on the body stood up is remarkable; it looks just like new." L-0.-0.-0. 8 NEW DEVICE BIG GAS SAVER Moisture Carburetor That Connects with Water Intake and Exhaust Invented By Navy Surgeon. A device which he claims has shown a saving of from 20 to 40 per cent in gasoline has been invented by Dr. Os- car Hayes, formerly health commis- sioner of Denver and now an acting as- sistant surgeon in the United States Navy. This is a moisture carburetor connected with the water intake and exhaust manifolds in such a way as to deliver the greatest possible amount of heat to the carburetor. The water trav- els along a tiny groove, half way around the curved surface of a rotary valve, where it meets the heated air and produces the desired moist air for the increased power. The water inlet és regulated by a needle valve which is connected with a foot control on Fords and a dash control on other cars. Water is turned on after the engine is started and must be shut off as soon as the engine is stopped. The moisture does not go through the regular carburetor, but meets the gas mixture in the intake manifold, thus tending toward perfect combustion. |-0. 0.0.0. No overt acts have been committed by the American people, but there is plenty of overt talk. 27272727 27 Zr Fr WINNETKA A-U-T-O SERVICE 73 806 OAK ST. Oscar Hostetter, prop. 7 Passenger TOURING CAR FOR HIRE $3.00 per Hour Agency for Mitchell Car PHONE 188 77 iiiiirirziziirrrriiiiiiiiiddddddddiz N N N N N \ N < LLL EE TZ ETT TT E777 7 7 TT ddd ZZ, through every range of temperature, | laid away, HUPMOBILE MAKES RECORD Visits Every State Capital During Four Month Tour--Traveled 20, 000 Miles of Varied Roads. In August last a stock Hupmobile, 5-passenger car, left Washington, D. C. Four months later, in January, it returned, world famous. The car with its four passengers had visited the capital of every state in the Union. For four months of continuous driv- ing the Hupmobile motor received a perfect mixture of fuel and air to the cylinders for the carburetor, which has no adjustments, varying the quan- tity automatically and with absolute precision, to meet the motor's every changing needs. Whether idling noise- lessly, laboring through hub-deep mud, or roaring along at full speed, the motor responded instantly to every demand for power, speed and economy. Twenty thousand, miles--the very best of roads, the very worst, no roads at all. Mile on mile of burning sand and pitiless sun, weeks of drenching downpour, fogs, bottomless muckholes and ruts; jagged, frozen roads, bliz- zards, fender-high snow, arctic cold-- humidity and altitude, with good gaso- line and bad, the motor never failed the man at the wheel. To the Hupmobile's fame for sim- plicity must now be added this incom- parable record for endurance. This car was on exhibition at the Chicago Automobile Show in the Hup- mobile booth. 0-0 0%. THE ROAD TO HAPPINESS By Walt Mason. Before 1 bought my handsome "Haynes," I was the loneliest of swains. I wearied of the single life; I wished to have a loving wife, with her to walk along the years, to mingle hopes and smiles and tears, with her to work and rest and sup--but all the damsels passed me up. I'd ask the girls to take a walk, with me around a village bloek, or ramble | down a country lane, and such re- quests gave them a pain. Their win- ning smiles they promptly lost; they said that walking was a frost, and only tinhorn sports would think of things so badly on the blink. When I felt rich I'd hire a hoss and rig that was a total loss, invite a girl to take a ride, and then ask her to | be my bride. Alas, she always turned me down, and said, with cold, forbid- ding frown, that she would never wed a skate who wasn't strictly up to date. "You shouldn't try a girl to spark, with this old plug from Noah's ark," | the girl would say, with burning cheek: "You ought to know your rig's a freak." When thirty maids had talked that way, I said, "I'll palsied be and gray, the seams of age will score my brow, | betore I lariat a frau, unless new | methods I adopt--the old time plans | are herewith dropped. I have a bundle | I saved it for a rainy day, | but rainy weather is afar--I'll take my | roll and buy a car." The banker told me I had brains. | "Just take your wad and buy a] 'Haynes', " the banker said, "and life | will be a thing that fairly reeks with glee." | I bought a Haynes and now the girls, those lovely maids with sunny | curls, look on me with admiring eyes, and half a score of them will rise, when I lift up my hand and say, "Who wants to go with me today?" And when I pop the question next, | I do not think that I'll be vexed, by maiden saying in my ear, "I'll always | be your sister, dear." : EE Re Ee TO HOLD BOY SCOUT INSTITUTE | Plans for a Boy Scout institute in | Chicago, May 26, 27 and 29, were made | Saturday in the Hotel La Salle by: the Boy Scout executives and Lorne | Webster Barclay, director of the na- tional department of education. About 500 scoutmasters will attend the in- stitute. Phone 1300 North Shore Motor Sales C.J. Taylor ( Ford Cars J, Easy Payments PROUTY COURT WINNETKA, ILL. BURNING UP YELLOWSTONE New Ford Car Sets Record in Run from Twin Cities to Aberdeen; 337 Miles with 16 Gallons of Gas. A new record has recently been made for the distance from Minne- apolis-to Aberdeen, S. D., 337 miles, over the new 'Yellowstone Trail. Eleven hours and thirty minutes was the running time. It seems that Ned Spaulding, of the Spaulding Auto Co., Aberdeen, S. D., had sold a Ford Sedan to J. P. Han- ley, local agent of the Great Northern R. R. The car was delivered to the buyer in Minneapolis, from the local Ford assembly plant, and it was ar- ranged that Mr. Spaulding should drive his customer home. The average speed for the entire trip was 2914 miles per hour, and six- teen gallons of gasoline were used, an average of 21 miles to the gallon. At one town enroute the travelers ran two miles off their course. Anyway, it was the fastest time which has been made by a motor car between the two cities, and is evidence that the vital Ford quality of perform- ance is just as active in the handsome, comfortably fitted sedan as it is in the more numerous open models. Inci- dentally, this record-making run was made without the least mechanical trouble. hE Ee NEW FEATURE OF OVERLAND Willys-Overland cars this year have the .gasoline tank at the rear, made possible through the vacuum feed sys- tem. Besides giving better distribu- tion of weight, there is the added ad- vantage of convenience in filling. Pas- sengers need never be disturbed to permit filling of the tank, nor sub- jected to the annoyance of gasoline fumes. 2 0-0-0 §. DRIVER GETS ELBOW ROOM Down the street the other day there bhreezed one of the winter top type of cars in which the driver had neatly solved the problem of getting room for his left arm. If he had kept the glass pane in it, woudn't have left room for him to use his left arm at all. So he took half the pane out and substituted for it a soft leather panel. He could poke his elbow into this and have plenty of leeway. = EE Ee Spelling contests are being held in many places, but it is not reported that any college students took prizes. The back yard gardeners have se- cured complete stocks of all fertilizers except elbow grease. | It is believed that the consumer should be allowed just enough food so he can keep on consuming and buying. The Simplest Car Built Hupmobile HUBBARD WOODS MOTOR CAR CO. THE mnmnn The WILMO MANIFOLD Completely Vaporizes Gasoline HHH] [| Phone for further particulars Wilmette 628 North Shore Garage 611 Railroad Ave. Wilmette, Ill. VI | oe ------ | LIVERY CARS -- FOR EVERY USE The MODEL DE LUXE Graceful in design, super- normal in construction, attractive in appearance, powerful in operation, it 1s complete. Right con- struetion --and absolute efficiency are what you pay for and what you get. The VIM Chassis costs $645. Fitted with any one of twelve standard types of body, handsomely designed and strongly built, suitable for a hundred lines of bus- iness. Price complete: Open Ex- press, $695; Closed Panel, $725, All prices, F.O.B. Philadelphia. DISTRIBUTORS WILMETTE MOTOR SALES COMPANY TERMINAL GARAGE 515 FOURTH ST. Phone 636 WILMETTE, ILL. 1 MOTOR CARS Light Fours Touring ....« $665 Roadster ". oo. $650 Country Club . . $750 Big Fours Touring "ie $850 Roadster . . . . $835 Coupe A LS. $1250 Bedan i. $1450 Light Sixes Touring . . . . $985 Roadster . . . . $970 Coupe wv. «se 'v v's $1385 Sedan ...\ 0.0 $1585 Willys-Six ! Touring . . . $1325 Willys-Knights Four Touring . $1285 Four Coupe $1650 Four Sedan . $1950 Four Limousine $1950 Eight Touring . $1950 \ ALLS -permanence When an institution, almost from its inception, takes the commanding position in its field-- And when that institution maintains that command- ing position without in- terruption over a series of yvears-- Then you may be assured of that institution's in- tegrity--both as to its product and its dealings with the public. From an output of 465 cars eight years ago the Willys-Overland industry has grown steadily and this year our dealers have contracted for more than 200,000 cars. Salesmen will gladly demonstrate any car. TELEPHONE WINNETKA 166 Winnetka Motor Co. Wm. T. Wehrstedt, Prop. North Shore Distributors for OVERLANDS and WILLYS-KNIGHT Motor Cars. 562 Lincoln Avenue 7 A If yours is a family of av- erage size, you will be particularly interested in the comfortable, power- ful, Big Four at $850 or Light Six at $985. They exemplify theremarkable values characteristic of the entire line. When you buy any car in the Willys-Overland line you are assured by our commanding position in the industry, by our un- equalled facilities and re- sources, of integrity of value in your car. throughout the whole period of its performance in your service. 2% Winnetka, Illinois %