Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 Apr 1917, p. 2

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9 EEEEE WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1917 mE EEN ganization will provide the machinery| CONFEDERATE VETERAN | VILLAGE OF WINNETKA confirmed by the County Court |p. i in advance for the prompt and ef- WOULD FIGHT FOR UNION Mili. of Cook County, Illinois) to make Painters & Decorat { fective handling of any situation that --r SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE said assessment. 736 Elm St. may develop. J. H. Leigh of Arkansas Tries to Join Wi : FREDERICK DICKINSON, J; F. ECKAR Phone 484 innetka Special Assessment Village Attorney. 3.2t 4 Last Wednesday evening. 94 men assembled in the gymnasium of Com- munity house for military drill, con- sisting of setting-up exercises, close formation work and such other move- ments as can be handled indoors. Later, open formation drill will be given on the Skokie. Lieutenant Ray- mond Hardenburgh has charge of the work and expresses great satis- faction at the earnestness and en- ergy displayed by the class. It is planned to give occasional lec- tures dealing with personal hygiene, first aid, etc. Further information regarding the plan -and the work can be obtained at Community house of- fice in person or by phone. L008 WINNETKA DACHSHUND SEIZED AS GERMAN SPY John Matz of Winnetka went down to his father's home, at 1312 Ritchie place, Chicago, to spend a few days this week. He was accompanied by his wife and their German dachshund Otto. . d today feels he is still ble of to said Court, Docket Number 259, The second day of the visit Otto an te ay; lgels ee "i e ih! the final hearing thereon will be held disappeared. Matz was perturbed. | 37° ering a muse an defense ol |, 1. 'twenty-third day of April, 'A. He became convinced that Otto had been arrested as a German spy. He advertised for Otto and offered a re- ward. Wednesday an attendant in Lincoln park saw a black dachshund with tan markings lurking around the animal cages. The dog acted suspiciously. The keeper caught and held Otto. Somebody showed him the advertise- ment. So, instead of sending Otto to United States Navy--Hale and Hearty at Age of Sixty-Nine. That the surviving members of the "Legions of '61" are as much imbued with the spirit of patriotism today as they were during the stirring days of the Rebellion was amply demon- strated a few days ago at Little Rock, Arkansas, when J. I. Leigh, a veteran of Lee's Confederate Army and 69 years old, applied for enlist- ment at the United States Navy re- cruiting office in that city. Leigh requested that he be enlisted at once and assigned to service on the largest battleship afloat. He was greatly disappointed when informed by the recruiting officer that he ex- ceeded the required age limit by some forty-odd years. Leigh enlisted in the Confederate Army at the age of thirteen, serving continuously until April, 1865, when General Lee sur- rendered at Appomattox. He took part in many battles and skirmishes, suffered all the privations that were endured by officers and men alike his flag, the Stars and Stripes. It is such indomitable spirit, such expresson of loyalty, that stand out as an example to the young men of the present. The eagerness of Mr. Leigh to rally to the flag that he at one time fought against is being | emulated throughout the length and breadth of the land by hundreds of the "Boys of '61," and the "Boys of 1917," as well. Number 259. IN. THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, hav- ing ordered the construction of a six inch internal diameter cast iron water pipe, with hydrant, fittings, valves, valve vault, connection to present main, all trench excavation, refilling of trenches, removal of surplus ex- cavated materials, in Fir Street, from the present main at the intersection of Fir Street and Walnut Street, west in said Fir Street for a distance of three hundred feet, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said village having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of-the cost of said improvement according to the benefits, and an assessment there- for having been made and returned D. 1917, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will per- mit. All persons desiring may file ob- jections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in five (5) annual install- ments with interest thereon at the rate of five per centum (5%) per an- num. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, April 2, WILSON AVE. Moving INTERURBAN REMOVALS Opposite Elevated Terminal and BROADWAY i: Storage Packing and Shipping 90000000 Phone Ravenswood 10 ) FORT DEARBORN FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. in y the be cross examined by Mr. Clabaugh, the dachshund was returned to his| SHINGLE ROOFS CAUSE OF | A. D. 1917. , B owner. The reward was paid. IMMENSE LOSS BY FIRE HARRY I. ORWIG, . : = ES toe -- | Person appointed by the President satisfied RED CROSS SOCIETY Nearly Million Dollars Property Loss| of the Board of Local Tmprove- Cc The women of Winnetka have en-| First Two Months of Year--Re.- ments of the Village of Win- customer tl larged their American Red Cross or- strictive Measures Advocated. netka, Cook County, Illinois, (and ganization, and officers and chair-| - : such appointment approved and : Ii; men of committees are announced as The menace of the wooden shingle | We are always anxious to save money for our custome Cl follows: Chairman, Mrs. Lyman T.| i a means 51 fire is becoming SO one 53s P. 0: Box 16s by showing them how to get more years of West f Walker; vice-chairmen, Mrs. Cor-| Sig t a ER ining their paint jobs. That's why we recommen feline Lynde, Mrs. Edward. Burling; [Shoda be taken 10 overcome the pre ; treasurer, Mrs. John R Mortons. large property losses due to this] H. A. LINDWALL i Ne : : Yi cade. |} HIGH-CLASS UPHOLSTERING secretary, Mrs. James Kellogg; direc- tors, Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Jr., Mrs. Charles Buell, Mrs. Charles Fuller, 'Mrs. Lowell Copeland, Mrs. Francis P. Mason, Mrs. M. H. Lieber. Chair- February, 1917, there were reported to the State Fire Marshal Depart- | ment 1934 fires caused from sparks | on shingle roofs, entailing a property | During the months of January and | and CABINET WORK OPPOSITE DEPOT 508 LINDEN STREET LEAD AnD ZINC PAINT FEWER CALLONS -- WEARS LONGER he Ee | It contains no whiting, silica, china clay or other stuff. It is made of the same pure ingredients that! men of committees: Organization of work Mrs. Copeland, Mrs. Lieber; loss of $990,469. Of this number, 1,143 | E. S. PARR . : a rie tae #4 -ocenrred during the month of Eebe 8 ooo m0 00 O20 0 ey . i P surgical dressings, ' Mrs. "Taylor, ; x pa ' » ----old-time.painter. used. Pure White re dietetics, Mrs. Buell, Mrs. Moor: ruary. This number is I. excess of | 809 Elm St. Winnetka, 1 Zinc, Pure Linseed Oil, and nothing else. supplies for surgical dressings, Mrs. the total number of fires reported to | ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES mixed by machinery, 500 gallons at a time. That ma Ce > J ? J. "| the Department during the year 1916 | it absolutely uniform in strength, color and cov s ! Farn 1 king 1 sl ; | y 80 ! sworth; packing and shipping, | 3 Ea AND REPAIRING i i] i Mrs. Fuller; publicity, Mrs. Mordock, | 2° being caused by sparks on roofs. | : capacity--always. Ir : Qfrs. 5 Aortatic "| During that period there were 1.861 | Bryan Marsh Bleetri¢ Bulbs Let us tell you how little it will cost to paint DEVO | Tg Ears. | fires, causing a property loss of $872.- | Bicycles new and second hand. § a : 1g aw 3, 18, ; ( os + 3s for | Bicycle repairing and supplies. oe Ln finance and knitting committee chair- ih or SI on Jo Shan She lose por | Lawn Mo gins Ma and I A. J. KARSTEN .e Hardware and Pain men are still to be appointed. | the ALS two, mont 1s oj ithie year 117.1 Grinding of all kinds. Baby Car- . . | d [Sg Sp. Fi condition arises from the fact | riage Tires PN ren 546 Railroad ~venue, Winnetka, IIL : a ' that there was little or no moisture | y s nu - NEY PARK BOARD | during the first two months of the | PHONE '122 Sc . The following are the officials of | year, and the shingles bec » so dry ! 3 " > | year, anc 1€¢ shingles became SO dry mn the Winnetka Park Board for the| that they.were highly inflammable. : year 1917: John R. Leonard, presi- | Then, too, many of these fires ere A 7 2 2 TZ 7 7 7 ' dent; William S. Elliott, vice-presi-| comniunicated to other buildings be- |} 1 to ~~ dent;'W. W. Case, attorney; Miss | cause burning shingles are carried | } Cora B. Lamb, secretary ; M. K. Myer, | by the wind or draft of the fire, and, | THE CASH CARRY AND PAY FOR YOUR SERVICE PLA i Ha treasurer; Louis B. Kuppenheimer,| when they alight on other fies) y | To Edward S. Rogers and Lawrence | coofs, create fearful havoc. , 4] Howe. In a single day the shingle roof | | EEE D caused conflagrations in the cities of | 7 i eng GLENCOE HOME SOLD Nashville, Tennessee, Paris, Texas, | 1 B: B. Clover's residence on Long-| and Augusta, Georgia, entailing a loss | 8 1 wood avenue, Glencoe, has been sold | of $10.000.000. : 525] 2 © dat to Will T. Cresmer. This is one of Myay Sies She oy Songidering | the larger homgs recently built in the | ordinances which prohibit shingle | : 3 : , a The Ts is under- roofs, not only in the fire limits, but | yeason WwW Vy ey ] ec t € p an 1S c~ 4 a stood to have been $25,000. A local |il the residence districts of cities. 1 Rev real estate firm negotiated the sale. A few have already adopted such an 4 h k d f i h Increasing activity in north shore pidingaes : In view of the immense | cause tr €y are not as e to pay or some : gre real estate is reported. osses' to the property assets ot the |} LD) . . . . 1 : = Ee Es state it is important that village au- | one else S delivery service | Inder this Pp an Js ties: sive this motte 'on-1 id or BOOSTS WILLY3-KNIGHT MOTOR orien, rn Pistia does % : § You "One of the strongest indorsements | option of an ordinance that willl f ] wh If y © ding that fhe Knight type of sleeve-valve a the shingle roof. | you pay or exact Y at you IECEIVE. ou { con motor has as yet received is fur- : os $ : | ate nished by the European war" says| ~~ 'ammmi | expect delivery , you must expect to pay for it | N the local dealer for Overland and Wi resident Tare vis A $alisted In 3 . i atel Willys-Knight motor cars. the onnecticut ome Guard. fas d f d | | troit "When the famous 'tank,' about | safe to predict that he will have to an 1 you want Cre 1t you must a SO expect 3 which so much has been lately heard, | be measured for his uniform. | oN i Ay was designed, it was, of course, aimed | | f h | : for to make these monsters of destruc- | Si] to pay or t at prvi age. i give tion as mechanically efficient as pos- | 5 * } Mot sible, and the Knight sleeve-valve mo- | Kill Flies and Save Lives 3% | D f | M ( h | par tor was selected to furnish the mo- Kill at once every fly you can | on t you €c ' 1. ustomer, t at WE are } are; tive power. ; ; find and burn his body. & | . . D i and "This use of the Knight motor is| £} Observers say that there are : calic . . . . 3 indeed a high endorsement of its| €¥ many reasons to believe there £}| 8 power and BS - will be more flies this season £¥| ry: | mu : = # than for a number of years. ¥¥| If ; Il W k 888 889 890 | 1h SHCRT PERSONAL ITEMS The killing of just one fly & not, ca innet a ' Or 1 et Irwin Hale, of Willow street, who | 4 NOW means there will be bil- €} | 3 3 4 a has enlisted with the naval reserves, lions and trillions less next gt | an question our Prices. i 24d left this week for the east. summer. & | i al Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Downs, 841 Clean up your own premises; §¥ | KX pa. Spruce street, returned Friday from see and insist that your neigh- iy meet an eight weeks' trip through Cali- | %¥ bors do likewise. 3 8 fornia. : » | 42 Especially clean "out-of-the- 3 | y i "Cap" Johnson and Mrs. Johnson | way-places," and every nook &¥| E | i will not take charge of the Winnetka | $2 and cranny. £3 | A. LIPS & H. G. CAZEL Pro S. 3 ree! ' day bathing beach this summer, as they Flies will not go where there FH] : have been doing for many past sea- | is nothing to eat, and their €} | | sons, because of Mr. Johnson's busi- | §¥ principal diet is too filthy to £3 801 ELM STREET WINNETKA, IL I i ness as a painting contractor de- £¥ mention. | aye ZB Thurs manding all of his attention.

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