Es WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1917 » Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE--USED PIANOS, OVER- hauled; guaranteed. Kmerson, $45.00; Schubert, $60.00; Kingsbury, $110.00; Boasman, $95.00; Lyon & Healy, $85.00, and other bargains. We can sell you a piano far cheaper than Chi- cago. $5.00 per month. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sheman-av., Evanston. 28-123-tfc FOR SALE--NEW SEWING MA- chines taken in trade on our new Singer. We have no agents. Come to the store. Domestic, $5.00; Stan- dard, $6.00; Singer, $8.00; Singer with electric motor, $12.00; new style White, $18.00. Bargains in slightly used Singers. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 28-123-tfc FOR SALE -- HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture, bedroom set, dining set, etc. 985 Elm-st. Phone Winnetka 570. . T10-2tc FOR SALE--PADDLING CANOE, EN- quire 1181 Oakley Ave. Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 266. T9-2-3-3tc FOR SALE--_LARGE GAS RANGE IN good condition. Cheap for cash. Phone Winn. 686. T11-1tp FOR SALE--1913 FIVE-PASSENGER Mitchell, $200. Phone Winnetis 206. --1tp FOR RENT FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURNISHED room; board if desired. Phone Winn. 5517. T10-2tc FOR RENT--STORE, 557 LINCOLN- av.; 5-room apartment, 545 Lincoln- av. Ayres Boal, 1515 People's Gas Building. T-10-4tc FOR RENT--THREE ROOMS FOR housekeeping, 180 Chestnut St, Phone Winn. 1065. TItfe FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM 2nd apartment 872 Pine, S. W. corner of Birch and Pine. T9-2te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR light housekeeping; 969 Sprage x 8-2t FOR RENT--2 PLEASANT FUR- nished rooms. Phone Winn. 513-W. T11-1tc FOR RENT -- LARGE, PLEASANT, well furnished room for summer; convenient to transportation. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk R-14. Ti11-1tp FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED front room for gentlemen. 1027 Spruce-st. Phone Winn. 898. T11l-1te SITUATIONS WANTED DRESSMAKER FROM TOWN WANTS appointments by the day; remodel- ing done. Tel. Winnetka 990. ,19-123-tfo LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOU dressmaking and alterations. Pho Winn. 911 before 8:00 a. m. 39-2-1 .STENOGRAPHER DESIRES WOR evenings. Phone Winnetka 9% after 6 p. m. T9-2 FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING AN alterations; remodeling dresses ai hats; home or out. 828 Cherry-st T11-2 SITUATION WANTED BY YOU. girl to care for baby during vaca- tion. Address Box 41, Winnetka. T11-1tp MISCELLANEOUS ; TEN CENTS PER YARD--HEM stitching and picot edge work on our new Singer hemstitching ma- chine. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. 28-123-tfe DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR PIANO-- Have it tuned, $2.50, this month. Pat- terson Bros. Piano House, 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. T10123-4tc HAVE YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND furniture repairing done at your home by expert. Formerly with John M. Smythe and Tobeys. Best refer- ences. Call or write M. Okman, 1402 Greenleaf-st.,, Evanston. Phone Evan. 5676. 28-12-tfc WANTED--TO BUY SECOND HAND reed baby buggy; must be in good condition. Address Winnetka Talk B-21. T11-1tp LOST--SMALL FRENCH BULL DOG on Saturday. Finder please notify + Mrs. W. B. McIlvaine. Phone Win. 23. T11-1tp PHONE 145 P. O. Box 164 H. A. LINDWALL HIGH-CLASS UPHOLSTERING and CABINET WORK 508 LINDEN STREET OPPOSITE DEPOT RECRUITS By James R. Paul. There is daily inquiry at the of- fice of the Evanston Naval Enlist- ment committee from prospective re- cruits from Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe. Since the day of registration was announced a lot of eligibles have concluded that they would rather volunteer in the 'navy than be drafted for the army. The near approach of registration day increases their number every day, and the Wilmette committee is working in co-operation with the Evanston committee to get as many recruits as possible, so it is likely that the number who go up this week will break the record. Among the Wilmette boys who have enlisted in the mavy recently are Walter and Paul Kemp, 418 Ridge avenue; Leroy Smith," 1319 Central street, and F. J. Schopen, 418 Prairie avenue. They all like the service and have written home tha tthey are well fed, well cared for in every particular and that they see an opportunity of bettering themselves while they ar 'helping their country. . Letters to Mother. They furnish free letter paper, en- velopes, ink and a place to write, and in the last two weeks issued to the boys 55,000 sheets of letter paper bearing the Y. M. C. A. stamp be- tween two flags in colors, and 25,000 envelopes with «the flag on them, showing that 25,000 letters of at least two sheets each went home to mother in a fortnight. That is a mighty good record, and if the "Y" did noth- ing else it would have shown its worth in this way, but it does a great deal more. Visitors to the station have been eager to see the gunboat Yantic, which has bee nanchored in the harbor for the last few days, because she is not onl ya veteran but is about to go on active service in the Great Lakes, reinforcing the work of the revenue cutters at all the principal ports. She was built in 1869 and used in the regular navy until she became somewhat old-fashioned, and then she was turned over to the Naval Militia and has been used by the Illi- nois sea soldiers for some years. EEE EE Ee VILLAGE OF WINNETKA CALL FOR BIDS Winnetka, Illinois, June 1, 1917. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the construction of the fol- lowing improvement of Elm Street, to-wit : The construction, in said Elm Street, from the west line extended of Linden Street to the east line ex- tended of Arbor Vitae Road, in the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, of a brick pavement thirty- three feet in width, said improvement and assessment being otherwise known as Winnetka Special Assess- ment No. 242 in accordance with the ordinance heretofore passed there- for, will be received by the Board of Local Improvements af the Villaca Clerk of said Village of Winnetka. Contractors will be paid in bonds bearing interest at the rate of five (5%) per cent per annum for all esti- mates approved by the Board of Lo- cal Improvements, in the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars and over and when the amount of bal- ance due on any estimate is less than the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, the same will be paid by time warrants. In addition to the usual bond for construction and mainte- nance in the sum equal to the amount of the bid accepted by the Board of Local Improvements, the successful bidder will be required to furnish an indemnity and defense policy in some reliable company, indemnifying the Village of Winnetka against loss from liability for damages on ac- count of injury or death suffered by reason of the performance of the work required to be performed by the said contractor, by any person or persons, including such liability im- posed under the employers' liability 'and workmen's compensation law of the State of Illinois, and the amend- ments thereof, in the sum of Five ($5,000.00) Dollars. WM. D. McKENZIE, President of the Board of Local Improvements of thé& Village of . Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. Es EE Ee VILLAGE OF WINNETKA SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Winnetka Special Assessment Number 264. IN "THE ' COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, hav- ing ordered the improvement of Wal- den Road from the present pavement in Fig Street to the present pavement at the northerly line of Nelson's Sub- division, by grading, preparing the subgrade, curing, proetcting, con- structing new catch basins with con- nections, adjusting valve vault cover, and paving with reinforced concrete including an integral curb and a top dressing of "Tarvia A" or its equal and torpedo sand, a roadway twenty- two (22) feet in width, in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said village, and the said village having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to the benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, Docket Number 264, the final hearing thereon will be held on the eighteenth day. of June, A. D. 1917, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will per- mit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordi- nance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments with interest thereon at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, May 29, A. D. 1917. HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, (and such appointment approved and con- firmed by the County Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. ES Ee Es Ee VILLAGE OF WINNETKA NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT. T11-2tc, Winnetka, Illinois, June 1, 1917. Notice is hereby given that the contract for the construction of the following improvement: The construction of a six inch in- ternal diameter cast iron water pipe, with hydrant, fittings, valves, valve vault, connection to present main, said improvement to include all trench excavation, refilling of trenches and removal of surplus excavated ma- terials, in Fir Street from the pres- ent main at the intersection of Fir Street and Walnut Street, west in said Fir Street for a distance of three hundred feet, in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, said improvement being otherwise known as Winnetka Spe- cial Assessment No. 259, was awarded on May 29th, 1917, to Edward M. Laing, of Highland Park, Illinois, for the sum of Six Hundred Sixty dol- lars ($660.00). WM. D. McKENZIE, President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. EE EE VILLAGE OF WINNETKA SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Fii-It Winnetka Special Assessment Number 254. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALI PERSONS INTERESTED that the Village of Winnetka, Cook Coun- ty, Illinois, having ordered the im- provement of the easterly side of Rosewood avenue from the south curb line at Pine Street to the north the present walk at Pine Street and the paved alley return in Block One (1), Groveland Subdivision, by the construction in the said Avenue of a Portland cement concrete 'side- walk five (5) feet four (4) inches in width, five (5) inches thick at the center and four (4) inches thick at the edges, laid on six (6) inches of cinders, including all excavation, grading, preparation of subgrade to receive the cinder foundation, re- moval of surplus .excavated materi- als, and all labor and materials neces- sary, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said village having applied to the County Court of Cook county, Illinois, for an as- sessment of the cost of said improve- ment, according to the benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court Docket Number 254, the final hearing thereon will be held on the eleventh day of June, A. D. 1917, or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons de- siring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may ap- pear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in one payment, with interest there- on at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, May 25, A. D. 1917. HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois, (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the County walk line at Spruce Street, except' Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. | =R.-B.-N -§ VILLAGE OF WINNETKA NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT. T10-2t Winnetka, Illinois, June 1, 1917. Notice is hereby given that the contract for the construction of the following improvement: Of Elder Lane from the east line extended of Forest Street to the Westerly line extended of Church Road, by grad- ing, constructing new catch basins and connections, adjusting present manhole covers, paving with brick an eighteen (18) foot roadway, on a concrete foundation with a mono- lithic reinforced concrete curb, in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, said im- provement and assessment being otherwise known as Winnetka Spe- cial Assessment No. 261, was awarded on May 29th, 1917, to Edward M. Laing, of Highland Park, Illinois, for the sum of Five Thousand Six Hun- dred seventy-seven and 60/100 Dol- lars ($5,677.60). WM. D. McKENZIE, President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA CALL FOR BIDS. T11-1t Winnetka, Ill., June 1, 1917. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the construction of the fol- lowing improvements 'of Sheridan Road, to-wit: That Sheridan Road for a width of thirty-one (31) feet, from the north line extended of North Avenue to the south limits of the Village of Winnetka, including the roadways of all street intersections and returns as far back as the street lines of Sheridan Road extended and the street returns and roadways intersec- tions at the intersection of Walnut Street and Spruce Street (lying west of Sheridan Road) with Sheridan Road, as far back as the west line extended of Walnut Street and as far back as the south line extended of Spruce Street, except the return at Park Street and Sheridan Road, and the return at Cherry Street ly- ing east of the proposed east curb line of Sheridan Road, be improved by excavating, grading, draining, pre- paring sub-grade, constructing and connecting new catch basins, furnish- ing and placing new manhole covers, refilling abandoned catch basins, ad- justing present manhole covers, furnishing and placing new water gate valve box tops, constructing new return curbs on six (6) inches of crushed limestone and paving with steel reinforced Portland cement two course concrete with integral curb and steel protected asphaltic felt joints, curing and protecting the same, adjusting present concrete walk approaches, constructing new concrete walk approaches, including all labor and materials, said improve- ment and assessment being other- wise known as Winnetka Special Assessment No. 243 in accordance with the ordinance heretofore pas- sed therefor, will be received by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka by or before 8 o'clock p. m., on Tuesday, the 12th day of June, A. D. 1917, at which hour all bids will be opened at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall in the said Vil- lage of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois. The specifications of said improve- ment are on file in the office of the Clerk of said Village of Winnetka. Contractors will be paid in bonds bearing interest at the rate of five (5%) per cent per anium for all estimates approved by the Board of Local Improvements, in the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars and over and when the amount of bal- ance due on any estimate is less than the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, the same will be paid by time warrants. In addition to the usual bond for construction and maintenance in the sum equal to the amount of the bid accepted by the Board of Local Improvements, the successful bidder will be re- quired to furnish an indemnity 'and defence policy in some reliable com- pany, indemnifying the Village of Winnetka against loss from liability for damages on account of injury or death suffered by reason of the per- be performed by the said contractor, by any person or persons, including such liability imposed under the em- ployers' liability and workmen's com- formance of the work required to pensation law of the State o and the amendments there sum of Five Thousand ($5,0000 lars. WM. D. McKE} President of the Board of Improvements of the Vill Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. SHETLAND PONY BAR Fine Shetland pony for Cart, harness and saddle cluded. A beautiful roan . mare; very gentle. A thildd drive her. Price very reaso Can be seen at farm of A Road, opposite Indian Hill Golf Club, or PI Randolph 2400, Mr. Goodall Con esner Bldg. Chicago. \ AR OPTOMETRISTS 118 So. Dearborn St. Con Will rent summer home, mg desirable location in Sou er] Haven, Mich., 301 North § fenid Drive, until Aug. 15, $300; rooms, bath, 2 toilets, gas gui tricity, hot and cold wags ng screened porches, on peo Riparian rights. Will sho Sun appointment. J. J. Cleary, . South Scoville Ave., Phone Oak Park 2992, Sund SIMPLE SELF LOCKING -- STORM PK The Simplex' Awning is be appearance as well as scientifl struction. It successfully the severest storms. Ever been carefully arranged wit! light and air. They i fere with the ventilation of a ro the awning is raised it automa extends out, takes its positi and locks securely. : Northwestern Shade €o., Carlton Bldg. Winnetka PHONE 1125 EXCHANGE WE have the follow properties fori change. Look over theft and see if there is anytl that might interest yo New 7-room house Glencoe; hot water he sleeping porch. price $6000.00; mort $3000.00. Trade for lot. 100 ft. corner, Sheri road, Kenilworth. Ti for equity in fine home! Wilmette. 1 'Business property in anston. Rent $960.00 year. Cash price $96 Trade for 6 or 7 ra house on North Sho Chicago at building. $4100 yearly. Cash prt $28000; equity $M0E Want fine home on Shore. MAG RHEN | =--TFAL i i Ta eo %*