2 mem Em EB om WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, 2 1917 mmm mm J som EB ----_------ im to ------ WILMETTE MAN TO HELP PATRIOTIC SERVICES TO pe ------------------ i IN BUILDING BIG CAMP | T() AMERICA | BEHELDATM. E CHURCH g I C. V. Burghart will Supervise Work BEG oe rd Sr nbine By Marcelle Laval Patriotic services will be held at f Contracts for building the national : {the Wilmette M. E. church on Sun- : army cantonment at Rockford, Ill, | Take up the cause, America! | day. Prof. Leslie of the Chicago Wisdom From the Bible were awarded to the Bates & Rogers| The cry has come across the sea university will lead the singing. Dr.|© company of Chicago. C. V. Burg-|That you should lead the.nations on-- | Manns veteran of the oh at 1] ° hart, 108 Woodbine avenue, is the sec-| Can you not hear their earnest will speak at 10:45 o'clock lo r t f tl p; lea? ' hide GB y : . . Eo tae P | Stereopticon pictures will be "The destruction of the poor is their poverty." cantonment, which is intended to|Take up the sword, America, pa ba 7 ii good ari gi pe : Proverbs X-15 house 40,000 men, is to be completed | For you the broken ranks must fill | IC 1s invite by September 1. The cost will be be- With fearless soldiers, proud to share | | . . . tween $3,000,000 and $5,000,000, accord- The common lot of good or ill. : Neither Success nor herrings 18 de- 3 ing to the estimates announced. ; endent on great wealth. 0 The construction plans include Tae plosgh, i Ss 0 p 8 0 about 250 'separate buildings, to be /ith "hoe and 'spade to do your : . : : BT Dy a a ra chow] share, : OR ACE A But life 1s a dismal venture without | in use at the Fort Sheridan training | While scientist and factory-hand INORIT 2° a small saving at least. i camp. Each of the quarters is de- Shall each alike the burden bear. | = NE 1 signed to accommodate 160 men, and a vs A : d h | h s i 1 is to be provided with its own mess fynesicnl You shall i fight ; 8 0 ny man or goo ealth can acquire o ; S othe 3 As corps nor regiment nor clan, [ * $ ; Bo aye i But as a nation take your stand-- 0 a modest competence by middle hfe. a : and occupation of the cantonment A solid unit to a man. Get busy and make good. Nobody \ will witness its conyersion into a busy EE Ren Ee Es f h dl : city of nearly 50,000 men. WILSON APPOINTS BOARD cares lor the idler or the profligate. 7 Mr. Burghart said that th - : Te pany ih oh rs 000 TO CONTROL U. 5. TRADE fe ° From twenty to forty 1s the critical and 3,000 men at Rockford, under the Cc J Will Direct the Exports of VACATION 1] time n your life. 8 -1 direct management of E. P. Lenne-| ~°""¢ 1 li ® wnXporis. © JOURNEYS 1] han, vice-president of the firm. Nation During War. Don't "Si d f » Ee es Re Control of American exports, au- i = CLOSE TO on t Inaway yourday of grace. GIVE PLANTS ADEQUATE thorized in a clause of the espionage HOME Fo WF ° . bill, was assumed by President Wil- ; "Be a First National Bank Sa " ROOM FORDEVELOPMENT son with the appointment of an ex- CT ra J Saver 0 . : 3 ce ! spots v U. S. Specialists Urge Gardeners to ports council comprising the secre- S await you alon} the i Thin Out Surplus Plants: taries of flats Sgro T. nad gin electric Jine, For ihe Th Fi ° or 2 merce an he tood administrator. hs stance, there is a pretty t t 5 Dey BOL W Sarde Teaetanler 10 An executive order creating the]. A Diamond Lake near e Irs a 100 al ia . : ; | council directs the department of Area --take the North : This is a bit of timely cultural ad- ommerce to: adiiinistorc all. 'detail ® Shore Electric train to ht vice offered to home gardeners by W) oy ad : is eta1's 8 Lake Bluff Junction ° 0 1 mette ° specialists of the United States De- ae Yash cu Sl and ride to Area. i 0 artment of Agriculture. Unless each | 4 Victorious conclusion of the war , Close, convenient connec- a has EN room for develop- | an come, the president said in a 3 edule THE HOME OF SAYINGS DEPOSITORS ment and a chance to receive all the | Statement tonight outlining the - Ludington. Manistee. Frank sunlight, air, moisture, and plant food country's export policy, only by sys- A Toga ohana ; which it needs, the specialists point | tematic direction of American trade. 5 lake fonetry Is Te Open Saturdays 8 a. m. until 9 p. m. out, it will be stunted, and its con-| "The free play of trade will not be Sormegtions withT. M. E. - : : 4 terrier 1 iy. 9 . 8 L. line Junin to Wau- [«] 0 tribution to the food supply of the [arbitrarily interfered with," he said. keshs ech, Pos. hi] I family, therefore, will be low in| "It will only be intelligently and sys- ; eared a oro °o I «0 Immm-- quantity and inferior in quality.' tematically directed in the light of i 2 e OLyo Ome OEIC0 It is well enough to plant seed more full information with regard to the Save You money. thickly than the plants should grow, | needs and market conditions through- 7 Pe rs 4 A to allow for faulty germination and |out the world and the necessities of Ls South Clark St. \ u ; losses, it is explained, but the mis- [our people at home and our armies "Phone 2 Vi take of allowing the crops to grow | and the armies of our associates pict \ RICKLEFS & N }: | as thickly as they come up must not | abroad." NN # be made. A good time to thin out ES En ES \ SCHUETT CO. LV surplus plants is a few weeks after Playground Opens. \ ; the plants have come up, when they The playground at Horace Mann \ pc have become large enough to show school is open for hoys and 'girls | N i yi are Sa teiity and belore every morning except Saturday, be- LIG ; "ey leyaliave begun. (0 crowd seriously. ween the hours of"9 and:11:30 J Wherever possible, the thriftiest | ycjock, beginning Monday, under the HTING oi hi panis.shoulc he . eit. direction of Mr. H. P. Clarke 4 irec "H. P. : F | nn IXTURES et I, Pp 2% COMMUNICATION | UN DON'T BE MISLED-- THERE IS NO BETTER WASHING MACHINE THAN THE THOR-- AND DURING 609 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON, ILLINOIS 2 All able bodied men of Wilmette, between the ages of 18 and 45, who are willing to serve their community in this time of urgent need and as unforseen emergency may arise, are asked to join in forming a unit of the Voluntary Training corps of The State Council of Defense. John G. Oglesby, commissioner of the State Council of Defense, in a personal letter, asks that Wilmette = form such an addition to those now being organized throughout the state. ' These organizations are made up of companies of 82 men. Wilmette should form several companies. These units are not asked or ex- pected to do patrol work, such as is now being done by the National Guard, those places being filled by additional state regiments. The work will be entirely volun- tary and will comprise a reserve mili- tia, not subject to call, but expected to serve in case of an emergency in the state, especially in local cases, such as riots, fires, floods or public disasters beyond the control of the regular official public protectors. it will be a recognized state organ- ization, entitled to uniform and arms. If called into active service, all equip- ment, arms, uniform, and all ex- penses will be paid by the state. In the present times there is great need for a drilled, competent, recog- | nized force of men to protect our | homes, property and women and children in case of unforeseen dis- aster. Our troops are gone, our men scattered and many dangers peculiar to the times likely to occur. This cannot be met by an untrained, hap- hazard lot of men running to the res- cue at the last moment, usually ready long after the damage is done. The state and nation recognize this | fact and are urging the men at home | to supply this need by organizing! these units. What is Wilmette going to do? Just what are you going to do? Send your name, address and phone number to Jos. G. Tyssowski, 1630 Walnut avenue, Major, Soldiers' Aid| Battalion, Wilmette Guard. Phon Wilmette 1482. LOW PRICED HIGH GRADE SERVICEwWwTHQUALITY P7777 70% x7 dz iiiiiiiziiiiZ2Z2Zz2dddZ 7722 ) A month pays for a TH O GT de ine If you are considering the purchase of a washing ma- chine, look into the adv antages of the THOR. Note that the THOR is Beltless, Chainless and Safe--No Belts to slip or get out of order--No Chains to break--All mov- ing parts enclosed, insuring positive safety. The THOR washes by the reversing cylinder principle--no rubbing no wringing--no hard work. A push button switch starts and stops the machine. Wringer has safety guard which prevents pinching fingers. It is the only washer that is equipped with the: Atalog--a device that makes it impossible to harm the motor. 50,000 satisfied users in the State of Illinois is overwhelm- ing evidence of THOR superiority. Don't Buy Any Washing Machine Till You See The THOR. THE WINNETKA ELECTRIC SHOP PAUL D. BLAKE, Proprietor 4 E. Railroad Ave., Telephone 318, Winnetka 72 2 Do Not Let the Telephone Cord Get Wet wet telephone cord will cause a Blass of water is spilled overit, A a short circuit and interrupt orthe cord is accidentally dropped your service. This is the into an ink-well, thus puttin the cause of a Preat many cases of . tclephone out cf service. telephone trouble. 2 By protecting your telephone Frequently a wet umbrella is cord from moisture you keep your carelessly laid apainst the cord, or * telephone in dood working order. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY iS 77777 7 2 rv OD rad