Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 29 Jun 1917, p. 6

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& = > WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917 Social Activities Jersomel Mastion pS Nettie Kaujman + HERE, was a Red Cross tou rnament at Indian Hill club Wed- nesday, when the players put up 1 cent for every stroke, all of which netted a substantial sum for the benefit. Bullock won the low net sc Mrs. Frank ore in the eighteen-hole handicap and Mrs. V. K. Spencer carried off honors in the nine-hole match. : Among the players were Mesda ville, George Blossom, "ine LanCon. in the afternoon, prizes being awa Spaulding Charles Conrad, Mancel T. Clark, W. G. Norton, John Burnham; Messrs. Frank Butler, F. O. Magie, Charles Conrad, Thomas Coyne, ~ M. K. Marsh, Grant Ridgway, Charles A. Klotz, Miss Katherine mes E. B. Butler, R. H. Ripley, ~ Willoughby G. Walling, R. O. Lord, Sanger Brown, J. W. Prindi- g Coffin, Robert Stevenson, Jr. Blossom, Miss Dorothy Klotz, Miss Dorothy Sears and Miss Joseph- ~~ An informal luncheon was served at noon, followed by bridge rded to the winners of the highest ~The Woman's Christian Temper- "ance union held its annual business 'meeting and luncheon at Community house on Tuesday. Addresses were given by Chief Peterson, Rev. Davies, Rev. Bowers, Rev. Smith and greet- ings were read by Rev. Snell. Mr. 'Edward Collier of the Anti-Saloon league spoke. Preston Kavanaugh followed with his oration on "Pro- hibition." Mrs. Inez Rodgers Deach spoke on the important work done by The Chicago Woman's Shelter, to which work this union annualy subscribes. Mrs. R. J. Burrows of Wilmette sang several vocal solos, accompanied by f Miss Laura Fisher. Mrs. W. J. Carey was chairman of the luncheon com- tee, = Among those who entertained boys "from the training camps last Sun- day were Mrs. Frederick Copeland, who had as guests five boys from t Sheridan; Mrs. Thomas Taylor, two sailors; Mrs. James F. Por- two sailors, and Mrs. Franklin one soldier from Fort Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt will | tertain two boys from Fort Sheri- dan next Sunday. ---- iH, An appeal has been made for do- = ans of flowers, jellies, jams or _ 8 "eves for the sick boys and the c\ (escents in the hospital at the 'Gy J Lakes. Donations will be re- celied at the Parish house, Wednes- "day morning of each week, until one o'clock. ---- A benefit supper will be given Sat- urday evening, June 30, in the gardens of Mrs. John W. Scott, Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, preceding the % informal dancing and card party at the home of Mrs. Lorenzo M. John- son, for the benefit of the Red Cross. It freutties conditions are unsuitable "for a garden party, the supper will be served at the Winnetka Woman's «club. Mrs. Lowell Copeland is in a charge of the arrangements. ~The Working Girls' club is doing 'splendid work for the war service in France and the Navy League of America. Entertainments are given hile the girls are at work. The 'club will gladly welcome any girls 'working in Winnetka homes. There great need for workers. 3 Ra An interesting wedding of last ct was that of Miss Mae Randall, daughter of Mr. C. F. Randall of . Grinnell, Ia, to Dr. Charles Russell 'Small of Evanston, and a teacher at New Trier High school, which took N place at the Sonora church, Grinnell, Ia. Dr. and Mrs. Small will be at: home in Evanston at the Court apartments after July first. > ----pe At the Fourth of July celebration on the village green, the Winnetka 3 'Woman's club will have charge of 'the refreshments. The general com- mittee in charge includes Mrs, M. . H. 'Lieber, chairman; Mrs. FE. R. Greene and Mrs. H. I. Orwig. This committee will be assisted by fifty members of the Woman's club. ieee _ The Winnetka branch of the In- fant Welfare society announces that it collected $1,000 at the sale which was held Saturday at the home of Mrs. John N. Ott, 4 Indian Hill road. e stp © Mrs. Edwin T. Schildberg, 642 Ash dan. A Fourth of July announcement is made by the entertainment commit- tee of Glen View club that members, friends, and especially the children of the members, are urged to join the patriotic celebration during the day at the club, which will include dancing, sports, games, a parade starting at 3:30 o'clock, in which all are invited to participate, and the annual flag raising and salute to the colors. The children's luncheon will be served at 12:30. There will be a dinner-dance at the end of the day. ---- The Saturday evening informal military ball of the Glen View club will be held again this week. Mem- bers are invited to bring their friends who are enlisted at the reserve of- ficers' training camp at Fort Sheri- ---- Madame Delebecque entertained at luncheon Thursday of last week for Madame Marguerite's small daughter, Marguerite, in honor of her birth- day. ' ----p-- A benefit concert, followed by dancing, was given Tuesday evening at the hom eof Mrs. F. O.'Magie, 735 Sheridan road, for the encampment fund of the Christ church choir. SRR Mr. and Mrs. Chester Alan Ward- well of Brookline, Mass., arrived this week to spend a month as the guests of Mrs. Wardwell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Magie, 735 Sheridan road. Mrs. Walter Dean Peck and family, 456 Elder lane, also her mother, Mrs. Ferry, left Wednesday to spend a month at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mr. Peck will joi nthem later. Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Graham, 1139 Oakley avenue, Hubbard Woods, eft last week on a motor trip through the east. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Down- ing of Chicago, Mrs. Graham's par- ents, are occupying their residence during their absence. Sergeant George Keller and Ser- geant Alexander Keller of Elmhurst, brothers of Madame Delebecque, who are enlisted at Municipal pier, ex- pect to leave for France the first of July. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Payne Mason have closed their house at 567 Ash street and will sail for France this week. Francis and Charles Mason, who have completed six weeks' service at Fort Sheridan, have entered the cav- alry school at Culver Military acad- emy. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Humphrey of Houston, Texas,» are making a two weeks' visit at the home of Mr. M. K. Meyer, 791 Elm street, before con- tinuing their trip through the east. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. H. Odea are to leave tomorrow for Montana, where they will pass the summer. During their absence Mr. and Mrs. George Higginson, Jr., will occupy their home. Mrs. Edward Whittemore Ellis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith, Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, will sail July 7 for France, where she will drive a car distribut- ing American funds for the French wounded. Mr. Ellis, wso is a mem- ber of the National Guard, left for France this month. Kennith Smith has enlisted and will also sail on the seventh of July. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Whitney and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stoltz have left on a two weeks' trip to the home of Mrs. Whitney's par- et, has as a guest her mother, Miss Helen Flack of Milwaukee, Wis, is a week-end guest at the home of Mrs. Frank D. Fulton, 267 Ridge avenue. Mrs. Douglas Smith of Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, is at Winona Lake, Ind. where she attended the Interdenominational Missionary con- ference and gave talks on three sub- jects, "Corea," "Miss Hartzell's Work in China" and "The Missionary Work in Africa." Miss Audrey Stixrud, 607 Willow street, left last Friday for a girl's camp, in charge of Miss Hortense Hersom at Belgrade Lakes, Me. Miss Cordelia Reid of Covington, Ind., arrived last week at the home of Miss Ruth Lieber to attend sum- mer school at the Northwestern uni- versity. Miss Louise Geherty has as a guest this week Miss Mildred Montgomery of Chicago. ; Miss Carrie B. Prouty is convales- cing at the home of Mrs. W. H. King, following an operation at the Ev- anston hospital. Miss Frances Browning of Little Rock, Ark. is visiting at the home of Miss Clara Vollmann. Mr. and Mrs. Chnaries S. Thorpe, 474 Willow street, will leave next week for Virginia to visit with their daughter, Mrs. Bachelor. Mrs. H. H. Dennick, 572 Railroad avenue, has just returned from North- port, Ill, where she has been visit- ing with relatives. Mrs. W. W. Power of Ridge ave- nue is spending the summer at Pike lake Lodge in Fifield, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Porter and fam- ily of Hubbard Woods will leave soon for their summer home in Maine. Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller Belfield, formerly of 475 Cedar street, are now occupying their new home on Maple avenue. Mrs. R. B. Mason has just re- turned from Lansingborough, N. Y., where she has been visiting with her aunt, Miss Warren. Mr. Harold E. Keith and family are spending the summer at Charlevoix, Mich. LW. B 8 | The Ladies" Aid society of the Methodist church will have charge of a refreshment booth at the Glen- coe park, July 4. In addition to the regular assortment of ice cream cones, crackerjack and root beer, a special box luncheon will be sold. --Adv. = EE EE A Popuiar Shoe Store. The Winnetka Shoe Store is the most popular shoe store known in New Trier Township for selling the best footwear for the lowest price. Call on us and be convinced. We will have a special sale on summer goods July 2nd to July 4th. We do all kinds of repairing. All our work is guaranteed. Don't forget to have your shoes soled with Neoliff Soles; it outwears leather and is water-proof. : Winnetka Shoe Store, H. Luensman, Prop. Phone 694. 804 Elm street, Winnetka, Ill.--Adyv. 1 Messrs. Harold Northam, Howard | The surgical dressing class met Norton, Kenneth Fagg and Walter | with Mrs. W. B. Fitch, Wednesday. Pattison are working a large plot of ground at the corner of Ashland and the lake front. Miss Alice Schnauder of 422 Green- leaf avenue is now confined at St. Augustine's hospital, Chicago, with a broken limb and fractured shoulder, the result of an accident on Sunday afternoon on the country road west of here. Miss Schnauder was the guest of some Chicago friends and in some unknown way the machine turned turtle, throwing all of the passengers out .of the car and pinning the driver underneath. Not until three hours later did anyone come upon the accident. Thus far all have survived, although their conditions are grave. Clyde P. Ross has just returned from a week spent at Salt Lake City on business. Miss Dorothea Smith left June 14 for Greenfield, Mass., where she in- tends to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. Leslie H. Taylor. J. A. MacLean and family, 916 Greenleaf avenue, are now in their summer cottage at Indian Point, Fox Lake. ' Kenilworth Mrs. Grant Ridgway and Mrs. James Prentiss were on the woman's entertainment committee of the Skokie Golf club during the month of June. Mrs. William E. Dodson enter- tained her bridge club Friday after- noon. Francis Allen, Wellington Coolidge and John Bellows of Wilmette were the week-end guests of Gordon Green at Spring Lake, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCloud of Hollywood, Cal.,, formerly of Kenil- worth, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bentley McCloud. Mrs. Bentley Mc- Cloud and son, Junior, recently re- turned from Omaha, Neb., whére they were visiting Mrs. McCloud's mother, Mrs. Olmstead. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bull left Thursday for Honolulu. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole and children spent the week-end at the Del Prado hotel, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Coolidge, Jr., are spending several weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge, Sheridan road. Several of the women have joined the Red Cross knitting class, which meets Monday afternoons at the home of Miss Sanger Brown, West Kenilworth. Mrs. Carew, formerly of Kenil- worth, is living in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bull, while they are traveling. Master Robert Barrett entertained several of his small friends at his birthday party Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and 3frs. Gilbert Kelly and daughter, Elizabeth, will return Sun- day from a four days' fishing trip at Eagle Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. James Thorsen and family will move to Birchwood, Sat- urday. Mrs. Charles Macklin will re- model the house and move in on Sep- tember first. Mr. and Mrs. Douse and family will leave Friday to spend the summer at White Lake, Mich. Mrs. Chandler and daughter, Lucy, who was recently graduated from Wellsley college, have been visiting "| in the east, and are expected in Ken- ilworth this week. Hardware and Paints J. F. ECKART 25% Phone 484 E. S. PARR 809 Elm St. Winnetka, Ill ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. AND REPAIRING Bryan Marsh Electric Bulbs Bicycles new and second hand Bicycle repairing and supplies Lawn Mower grinding and repairs Grinding of all kinds. Baby Car- riage Tires. EN EN Sa PHONE 122 Get 'Em Cleaned Up Before You ( tion. seaside or summer resort. clothes show up and speak up. Wilmette Office 6 Electric Place Don't take soiled clothes away with you on your vaca- Have them cleaned up to look like new by our odorless, guaranteed process and look your best at the Summer time with its coatless men and dainty frocked girls, is the time when your Feel proud of yourself and in tune with the occasion by having your clothes immaculately clean before starting out. SIX-ONE-NINE DRY CLEANERS Our name is our Telephone Winnetka Office 555 Lincoln Ave. ECE EE EEE REET ERE EERE EEE RRR Aspegren & Company 1144-1146 CENTRAL AVENUE Telephones WILMETTE 420 (Seven wires) EVANSTON 466 viva ral vai rai rail rai ~N \ OLIVE OIL--Reina. Packed in Italy. All in- dications point to the value of this offer. Quart, 89c; V4 gallon, $1.73; gallon, $3.15. Old Monk--Advertised in Good House- keeping. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pint, 55c; quart, 9c; ¥% gallon, $1.79; gallon, $3.47. McNally's (California product)--Bottle, 25¢; quart, $1.05; 15 gallon, $1.99. Antonini and other brands can be sup- plied by us. Also Mazola and Wesson Oil. COFFEE--Monarch; 3 Ib. can, 93c. Our "Leader" brand (challenges any 40 cent quality) ; pound, 35c; 3 lbs. 97c. Ban- ner, 1b., 30c. PORK AND BEANS--Ferndell (Sprague, Warner & Co.'s best). No. 2 can, 15¢; dozen, $1.75. LOBSTER--B. & M. or Monarch (anew pack), 14's, 29c. SOAP--Armour's Light House Family, 10 TUNA FISH--Savoy and Armour's--The FISH FLAKES--B. & M., large) can, 18c. bars, 53c; box, 66 bars, $3.45. Swift's Pride, 10 bars, 43c. Crystal White (Peet Bros, Kansas City). Advertised as "A Perfect Fam- ily Soap." Highly recommended; 5 bars, 25¢. Wool (small), 5c; large, 8%c. Lyons, France, according to newspaper reports, is calling for soap from the United States. These prices are tempo- rary and quantity limited. finest quality (not the dark meat some- times offered); this is almost unob- tainable now in wholesale. Attractive purchases can be made by telephone inquiry or coming to the store. Always welcome. Store closes all day Wednesday, July 4, Open all day Thursday. ents in Syracuse. YL 8x1 78Yil 7d Naxivaxi ravi ASAT vex YOON axial rex! 1 avi 7aviYaxi rey TAC Mums

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