2) : 1 | i 5) i A ) 1 B | | § cannot be emphasized too much, for paint by turning the dust into an WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1917 \ "Care in washing the motor car presentable appearance after a r of service rests wholly with the ention that is given the body fin- sh," says C. L. Hedges, manager of echnical service for the Haynes utomobile company, Kokomo, Ind. a recent bulletin. Mr. Hedges' advice is applicable to ny car, and for that reason worthy the attention of every automobile er. He writes in part as follows: High Gloss Marred. The high gloss on a new car, in any instances, is lost in a short e because it is irreparably marred the first washings. he varnish on a new car requires nth as a minimum time in which operly set. In warm weather it often advisable, with a, newly pur- ased automobile, to shower the ody, hood and fenders with clear water. This will aid in harden- the varnish cbating and so re- the danger from scratching and sion. he life of the finish on any car s not depend on the polishing action that is giving in washing, but n quite the opposite. The body uld not be rubbed any more than is absolutely necessary. In case the s muddy, it is always well to re- e the foreign substance as soon ossible to avoid spotting. This 1d 'be done with clear running ter, first thoroughly soaking the "mud, and then washing it off. On ac- count of its scouring effect, water under pressure should never be used this purpose. : Use Clean Sponges. "Perhaps the greatest enemy a high body finish has is a sponge in ich sand or grit has collected. 'Even in the case of dust, it is bet- to remove this with slow running water. Dusters, which are employed many owners, seriously affect the abrasive. y the body surfaces have cleaned off by running ter, they should be gone over with new sponge, care being taken that the sponge is always moved in a straight line. Following this treat- ment, the finish is to be thoroughly insed and then dried with a chamois kin, which should be thoroughly yashed and wrung out during the drying process. This action, as well the sponging, should be carried t with a straight-line movement. 'In most cases, the running gear d lower parts of the fenders should be washed first, as they are the dirt- est parts of the car. If grease and oil are present, the under surfaces ould be soaked with a solution nade by dissolving soap in warm ter. The suds from this solution act on the finish and should be shed off immediately. Treatment | f this kind, however, should never | be employed on the body proper. | 'The hood of a motor car should ver be washed while it is warm, ce the rapid drying of thé water deadens the finish." SRW PEEDWAY IS PLANNED AT COLORADO SPRINGS There has been ke's Peak Fair and Racing asso- organized the tion. Spencer Penrose is presi- asurer, and W. W. Finn general nager. The plan of the associa- tion is .to construct a horse-racing rack and automobile speedway on acres of land near Colorado rings and to run the speedway in nection with the annual Pike's DANIELS SEIZES OILS FOR THE LARGE BATTLESHIPS A shortage of gasoline through the government seizure of most of the available supply is precisely what many manufacturers, dealers and owners felt would be a possibility. Secretary Daniels' order seizing 50,- Motor Events | Aug. --Track-- Benton Harbor, Mich. August 5--Track--Billings, Mont. August 17 -- Track -- Flemington, Avoid Use of Rosin. Many mechanics, when the belt on their machine slips, apply rosin to the surface of the belt. tice cannot be too This prac- severely con- demned. The rosin may for a time remedy the slipping, but it will be at the cost of a ruined belt. Accurate Teeth Needed. The most important requirement in the successful operation of any highs speed, non-metallic gear is that it meshes nicely with accurate machine cut teeth. Inaccurate teeth, worn teeth of cast teeth quickly break down a rawhide or fiber gear. 1000,000 barrels of oil for the use of | N- J. ' the navy is nevertheless startling and September 3--Track--Albuquerque, a new trouble arises for the makers N- M. to face. Having just gotten out from September 3--Speedway, Union- under, probably of the 5 per cent September 3 -- Speedway -- Union- tax, they must again start a fight for | town, Pa. the gasoline with which to run the September 3 -- Speedway -- Cincin- cars they make. nati. BC ee September LOWDEN SIGNS BILL TO N. J. ENFORCE USE OF LAMPS September 8 --Hill climb -- Pike's All Illinois motorists will now |. Peak, Colo. September 15--- Speedway -- Provi- come under a law prohibiting glaring | dence, R. I. headlights, for Governor Lowden has| September 22-9-- Ford approved a bill passed by the Legis- | show--Chicago. lature, which provides that headlights September must be dimmed or extinguished N. J. when within 200 yards of an ap-| September 29 -- Speedway -- New proaching vehicle. The bill also| York, N.Y. makes it compulsory to have front October 6--Speedway--Uniontown, and*rear lights burning when a car | Pa. is standing. October 6--Track--Danbury, Conn. rt October 13--Speedway--Chicago. Endless Belts. October 13--Track--Richmond, Va. In endless belts the length of the October 27--Speedway--New York splice should not be less than 9 in. N. Y. ; in the case of a double belt. If the I FEE Mn belts are more than 9 in. wide the The Largest Coal Mine. splice should be made equal in The largest coal mine in the world, length to the width of the belt up [at Nokomis, Ill. where 1,000 tons of to 18 in, which is the maximum |coal are taken out every hour, is en- length necessary for any splice. tirely operated by electricity. When You've Engine Trouble 6--Track--Red Bank, Don't fuss around getting yourself all dirty and out of patience trying to find it. Let our expert look over the car and he'll put a finger on the trouble immediately, and tell you just what is necessary to make it run right again. Accessory We don't guess--we KNOW. You pay for no experimenting here. When we repair it, we repair it RIGHT, it stays RIGHT and you're not likely to have the same trouble again this season. 28 -- Track -- Trenton, Call us up, all our work is guaranteed and our charges are reasonable. Accessory Parts of All Kinds in Stock Winnetka Auto Repair Co. S. A. WILLIAMS, Manager Phone 1276 552 W. Railroad Ave., Winnetka 2222222 (e)--(-). {ef ~{.). oxo OIOI Led te} me {0} ee {een { S} -- (0 } GOODAYEAR = 72% A K & For Reliable and Economical Service 220 & 10EI0 E==------"10 E10 We know that a certain proportion of Goodyear users buy this tire {for reasons of comfort, appearance or security. No--these improvements were evolved slowly and laboriously, of painstaking effort and patient thought. "They were brought into being to insure the reliability of Goodyear Tires. ZH But we know also that the overwhelming bulk of Goodyear users buy it for reasons strictly practical in nature. 2% But these improvements alone could not enforce the full reliability of Goodyear Tires--they must be sup- ported by the highest quality of materials and workman- ship, and by a system of inspection guaranteeing both of these. ~ The primary virtue of a tire in their view is a capacity for reliable and economical service. 75% And because Goodyear Tires embody this virtue in a surpassing degree, they prefer them as their equipment. 2% They are so supported--and every Goodyear Tire given into the hands of a customer has had the benefit of these improvements and of this inspection. Undoubtedly the cause of Goodyear Tires being more than ordinarily reliable is the manner in which they are built. : Ask the Goodyear Service Station Dealer near you what he does to support this goodness built in Goodyear Tires, after the tires have been put in actual use. Their construction represents the sum of all tire- making knowledge, as we have learned it. The processes of their construction long ago passed the stage of experiment. Today they are as exact and definite as mathematics. He will be glad to tell you what he does, and what Goodyear Tires, Goodyear Tubes and Goodyear Tire- Saver Kits do, to help realize what you and every other sensible motorist seeks and desires--reliable and eco- nomical tire service. Not by accident or luck did the Goodyear laboratories develop the tire-making machine, the No-Hook bead, the All-Weather tread, the Braided Piano-Wire base, and like Goodyear features. O10 OEIOE Goodyear Tires, Heavy Tourist Tubes and "Tire Service" Accessories are easy lo gel from Goodyear Service Station Dealers everywhere. Not by chance did the Goodyear fabric mills at Kill- ingly, Connecticut, produce a fabric stronger than any- 'thing of its kind the world has ever known before. NORTH SHORE GARAGE V. W. HILL, Manager Phone 628 2% 611 Railroad Ave. Wilmette, Illinois WINNETKA MOTOR CO. WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. Phone 166 000% 0% 72% 526 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka, Illinois Park Avenue Near Vernon Phone 161 Glencoe, Illinois 72222222 7 OOS 1010 hill climb. N20 za SE ; ; I an a SA i. L Cd