WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1917 MUSICAL BENEFIT NAVY LEAGUE PLANS MOTOR PARTY FINDS "gc Given Fo GLE PROGRAM FOR CORPS BODY NEAR GLENCOE wenn pruning Bis Enter =m Em == = om Em Em Mm [I oo Unclaimed Letters Classified Ads FOR SALE 4 Lutkin to Help in Local War Worl yugepe Glencoeites, up-to-the-minute MEN'S READY MADE SUITS FOR iY 4 : Viol . 3 ys uD ¢ sale: we also buy and sell second- | Material Ordered for Making of Con- Ghinelli Vigilio People in Motorboat Discover Body Navy League, army and French Miss Virginia Austi n Mr. Thomas Davidson Mrs. Eleanor Hopkinson Mrs. A. F. Smith Miss Mamie Taggart Mr. H. S. Splithoff Mr. and Mrs. Julius Enke Miss Marion Skey Mr. Fisher Howe Mr. Thomas Curtis Albin Cowan Miss Nettie Liss Mr. A. F. Smith hand clothes. Tels. 1128, 603 Demp- ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. . 31-12-52te TWO BUILDING LOTS ON RIDGE avenue. P. Quinlan, 4717 Calumet- av., Chicago, Ill. Xen. 1782. 34-123-3tp | FCONOMY CLASSES ARE FO RSALE--_USED CARS, CADILLAC HELD FOR HOUSEWIVES touring, $275; Maxwell roadster, 250: 75-B Overland, $545; 90 roadster, 600; 1 ton truck, $550. Any one a bargain and guaranteed in A-1 con- 5 ¥ y dition. Winnetka Motor Co. T17-1tc | Executive Committee Plans Meat FOR SALE--S A M P LL E VACUUM cleaner, used for demonstrating pur- poses; also 1 Judd and 1 Geyser washing machine. F. A. Darby, 2103 of Woman in Lake Off Glen- coe, Sunday Afternoon. valescent Robes Designed for lief work, are now considering § ing a'large musicale a bit lat the Comfort of Recruits. the season, the proceeds to b plied to their war relief work. are still in the embryo. : Some of those on the comm at the workshop, where on an a Identified as Mrs. R. L. Brightwell of | a3g¢ twenty-four women are put "their shoulders to the wheel" days in the week--Mondays, nesdays, Thursdays and Fridg§ MYSTERY SOLVED WHEN HOSTESS READS PAPER Demonstration at Central School. Kansas City, Mo., By Friend. Lincoln-st.,, Evanston. 35-123-1tc 3 Mr. O. Woodward hi ; FOR SALI _USED SEWING MA. | Ihe'regular weekly meeting of the ry E. Millar The Dig death puzzle which' cox are Mrs. James Hobb, chairman chines taken in trade on our new |Woman's corps of the Wilmette| py, id Olson fronted Glencoe and Evanston au- ad 2 the service, and others who | Singer. We have no door to door ay Tt will pay you to come to Home Guard was held on Tuesday, the store. White, $6.00; New Home, 1v 10. Reports he vario om- $6.00: Singer, $7.00; Singer, $14.00; July 10 ports of t ° ious, ¢ New Style White Rotary, $19.00; New mittees were read and they were ac- Standard, $24.00; Wilcox and Gibbs, | cepted by the members of the unit. $18.00. See our new Singer Electric i jewing machine, $35.00. Patterson Mrs. R. J. Mulvey, chairman of the ros.. erman-av., vanston. 1 M 1 1 S DS imate B20 IAEA distribution committee, reported that FOR SALE _USED PIANOS. LYON the demand from workers for ma- and Healy, $50.00; Hallet and Davis, | terials was greater than the local 70.00; Kingsbury, $100.00; Mason and . . 0 ne 0s Cabier $165.00; | Supply, which shows the interest RR Story and Clark, $75.00. Used pianos | taken by Wilmette Women in this WOMAN'S CLUB ACTIVE BS aaah gor Doyears. Masy|work. Flannelette has been bought son Bros, 1522 Shermer aye Evans. and will be distributed for the mak- ton. Open Tuesday, Thursday and|i,o of convalescent robes of the thorities with the finding of a wo- man's body in the lake, off Glencoe, Mrs. Ted Mc- C. A. McWhinney Sunday, was solved by Mrs. Te c Cathie Shaw Carty, 3917 Pine Grove avenue, Chi- surgical supplies; Mrs, "Same David Goss cago. ford, vice-chairman; Mrs. Otto A. M. KLOEPFER, The body was identified as that of | nett, treasurer, and Mrs. Gerry Tf Postmaster. | yop I Brightwell of Kansas City, |1or, general chairman. Two knight Mo. She was vsiiting Mrs. Mec- machines are. to be installed Carty in Chicago and on several oc- week in he Ff ; IN HELPING WAR WORK | casions, while despondent, she made : i in- Entertains Jackies. Saturday evenings. 35-123-tfc threats of taking her life. Descrip FOR SALE_FUMED OAK LIVING | latest design, the patterns having | Members of Organization Assist in tions of the woman found were pub-| The Winnetka branch of the ll room furniture. Phone Winn, 208. 0 been furnished by the Navy League. Wilmette War Plans. lished in the Chicago newspapers | Emergency Union is planning tot FOR SALE REED GONDOLA BABY | Mrs. R. E. Ward, chairman of the| The members of the Wilmette Wo- and, after reading these, Mrs. Mc-|tertain a number of boys from carriage in good condition. Phone Navy League committee, reported onl 1s club believe in taking care of Carty hurried to Evanston to identify | Great Lakes Naval Training sta Winn. 1099. T17-1tp | the work, finished and delivered to ns g : the body. , |on Saturday evening of each FOR RENT the Chicago headquarters by the Wil-- the janitor and thus avoid the| R 1, Brightwell, her husband, and |Last Saturday about fifty jd FOR RENT OR SALB_MY SEVEN- |mette branch. Five wash cloths, troubles Chicago people meet in hav- | Mrs. E. M. Smith of Coshocton, O. | were entertained at dinner, wl room dwelling No. 777 Foxdale-aV.| eight surgical sponges, one pair of |ing their interests looked after by |her mother, were notified and they |was followed by a dancing pary Owner will alter or decorate to suit Bry . . . 3 ' and is on premises afternoons. Bd- | wristlets, one helmet, two sweaters, |this important person. Alterations arrived in Evanston on Wednesday | the Parish house. ward Vail, Owner. T17-1tc | five scarfs, three pairs of pajamas |are being made at the clubhouse to|to claim the body. Mr. Brightwell = EE SITUATIONS WANTED and twenty-two hospital shirts were | give the janitor spacious living|was unable to give any reasons for : WANTED-GENERAL YORK ABOUT shipped this week. rooms in which to spend the idle |his wife taking her life and he said By e ouse an yard; 0o0rs, windows, 3 1 M 1 - H d d P 1 IS A a Rh To Mrs. W. D Lawrence, chairman of | hours. idan? detectives had been working to lo ar ware an al anston 3687 and Winnetka 388. i the home economics committee, re- The membership limit of 500 has |cate her for some time. : : 30-t a : oa h| ported on the lectures and chalk |been reached and a waiting list has| The body was cremated at Grace- J F ECKAR 736 Elm} WANTED SERVING DINNERS AND | {aks given to the economy classes [been posted with many new names. |land cemetery on Thursday morning |&e % Phone 4 luncheons; also baking. Mrs. Bonnem. : A i Phone 1945 or 1944. 35.123-1t0 | this week at the Central school. An- |The club has been taking an active |and the ashes were shipped to Co- : MISCELLANEOUS other meat demonstration will be |part in the work. of the Red Cross |shockton, O. HAVE YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND given for this division in the near |and Navy League societies in co-| The discovery of the body was furniture repairing done at you future. operation with the work of the Wil-| 1 4e by a party aboard a motorboat t. ith : . tl Bg Cog nll rs mette Home Guard. passing Glencoe a half mile from EEEEE M. S th a Tob . Best fer- A . dn ae write af. Okman, 1402 | FUNERAL SERVICE HELD The Woman's club has subscribed | shore. The Glencoe police notified James Mead Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. W. Lilienfield sponsor the benefit entertainm Mrs. John H. Bullen, vice-chairmg ™ Mrs. Harry D. Wiley, chairman In PHONE 145 P.O. Box | H. A. LINDWALL HIGH-CLASS UPHOLSTERI .Greenleaf-st.,, Evanston. Phone Evan. 6. 28-12-tfe SUMMER TUTORING DONE--ELIZA- beth Case, 785 Linden-st., Hubbard Woods. - T17-1tc IF YOU WANT TO HAVE YOUR GAR- den taken care of, communicate with J. 1. Varjo, 905 Elm-st. Phone Winn. 415. T17-1tp FOR WILLIAM WIGHTMAN Former Wilmette Man Dies S~ddenly in St. Paul, Minn. Funeral services were herd this afternoon for William Wightman at $1,000 to the Liberty Loan of the United States government to help in prosecuting the war. EEEEN Capt. Olaf Egelund, in command of the United States life saving station, and he, with his crew, went out and brought the body back. The body was taken to Schaeffer's morgue in Evanston, where it was and CABINET WORK 508 LINDEN STREET opposite bit THE HUN"S RETREAT Philadelphia Bulletin identified by Mrs. McCarty. SRNR HOYBURN OFFERS MANY STARS FOR NEXT WEEK NOTICE On and after Monday, July hair cutting will be 35c Tuesday and Thursday. Chi M. L. ADAMS, 812 Elm St. WINNT Ww ANTED--LITTLE YELLOW KIT- ' NED he TW nq yl, the "home. "of Mrs, Wightman' mother, Mrs. Katherine Schwall, 1416 LOST AND FOUND i F - Wilmette avenue. Interment was at OUND--PAIR OF EYEGLASSES IN Niles Center. case marked "A. W. Gore," on July ; ; A Mr. Wightman died on July 9 in St. . 8th, on Sheridan-rd. at North-av. "Hindenburg's genius-retreat to the Call Winnetka 414, or inquire at1147 | p,.1 Minn, where he went to un- | Siegfried line--his recoil in order to Sheridan-rd. T17-1tp E LOST_BRINDLE BOSTON TERRIER; |d€Tg0 treatment for gallstones. Mr.) spring forward better--seems to have Answers to name of "Buddy." Re-| Wightman was 37 years old. He was | got mixed up somehow with the of- pl a aaa born in Evanston and was a graduate | fensive of Haig and Petain?" Liberal reward if returned to 883 Bf ine Proman Tigh semaol 11h The speaker was Col. Bradley Ev- nang ign schoo € | ans of the committee to entertain the Double Bills on Program of Evanston Theater to Begin Monday. Re The. Hoyburn theater offers sev- . . ED. S. PRICE eral feature pictures for this coming week. TINNER Pennington "Susie Snowflake," Cartoon. Oak-st., or Phone Winn. oe it -1tp | won an enviable reputation : np . ill in isciple" = LOST--SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RING. | ;thlete. During the as Behn English mission, of which Mr. Arthur Wiliam Sian The Disiols Cutters, Pipes and Jobbing dor Reward. Phone Winn. 929. T17-1tp "hi : ; J. Balfour was the head. 'land Olive Thomas in "Madcap At reasonable price LOST -- ROMAN MOSAIC BROOCH. | season his services were in great de-|"",, " : «ry Madge" are billed for Monday, Jul i Reward. Phone Winn. 1163. T17-1tp | mand by all local nines as a pitcher. Yes" he continued, "Hindenburg Had8r & : ey No. 2 Prouty Annex, Wing LOST_AIREDALE DOG, BLACK AND | He is survived by the widow and a | Father remindg me of the little girl 16. Two comedies are offered with tan; name "Jack." Finder please these features. call Glen. 27 and receive reward. baby daughter. who was sent to the store for hy- ; ri T17-1te [ . . paper. Other stars and pictures for the " TEN CENTS PER YARD--_HEM " ; . "Double Feature Week" at the Hoy- . « stitching 2d bisot sige ork on Charge and Send. Her mother waited for her ani, = =... Margaret Illington in the |] ! Coming Events at our new mger emstitching ma- . . . patie Dros, 1522 Shey A movement tending towards econ- hour, and then started out to look "Inner Shrine," George Beban in "A Community House _ man-av.. Evanston. 28-123-tfc | omy and expenditure of labor is the | her yp. She found her on a corner, | Roadside Impressario." Bessie Bar- TWimeite, 15.00; Winnetka an Glen: encoutagemien) o customers to serve | moving backwards erratically. Pale in Ys ater of Men? and coe, .50. atterson Bros, as their own delivery equi -1 "Mi ; - ilfre ucas in "Her Excellency a Be hy. Tolle eon Br wl y y equipment, par Milly, have you got that fly any I % Y| July 13th--Ann mette 526. 39.193-tfo | ticularly in the matter of small pur- | paper?' she called. the Governor" will share the program DRESSMAKER FROM TOWN WANTS | chases. It is charged against woman | "'No, mother,' said the little girl. | On Thursday, July 19. BEL. Voile doy: lemoder- shoppers, particularly, that they | 'It's got me; but we're coming to-| House Peters in "Heir of the Ages" 19-123-tfc | order "charged and sent" such arti- | gether." and Viola Dana in "Alladin's Other DONATIONS OF CANNED GOODS |cles as yeast cakes, tooth brushes EEE Lamp" are billed for Friday, with ; (corn, peas, beans, fruit, etc.), for § . % rg d H the Chicago Boys' Club Camp may he thread. A motion picture campaign Scotland's Bobs. one of Burton Holmes' features. FOR EXC ANGE sent to Mrs. E. O. iams, 2607 | 3 : 7 The double bills will close with x 3 " Park-pl., Evanston. John H. Witter, as been set in operation and that| g.otland Yard would appear to be |p On Ts Tis Tradl of the A new brick home in Ke superintendent. - 35-21dh | popular form of amusement turned 5 mmy i elen 1n £.ra or worth, 10 rooms, 2 baths, hd NEW MEXICO GETS FUNDS to the business of popular education governed in these days by a myth- Shadow and House Peters in "The water heat, sun and sleepin TO IMPROVE ROADWA to develop individual responsibility ical 'lady who always manages to Heir of the Ages," on Saturday. porches; beautifully wooded YS for reducing the expense of opera- |keep in the background. Several in- mh En and near lake. will exchy --_ ? EPWORTH LEAGUE WILL for modérn home in Winnet tion for business houses. Under the terms of a comprehen- sive road law enacted by the recent session of the state Legislature, New Mexico has established a new high- It is a rare question which has only ont side and this one of the delivery of purchased articles is not one of them. The shopper realizes when the quirers have been informed of late that "Dora" makes it impossible for their requests to be granted. Dora" is always in evidence. She won't let you do this and she objects to that, BE DIRECTED BY GALE Wilmette Pastor in Charge of Des Plaines Camp Meetings. PAUL SCHROEDER & P. 0. BLDG., KENILWORTH PHONE WINNETKA 768 way commission, which has already : ; : adopted a highway plan calling for | Price of the purchased article is|bhut always quite politely. Who is Rev. T. K. Gale, pastor of the Wil- the construction of 3,540 miles of in- given, that she is paying for delivery and that if she carries home her pur- chase, the store and not herself is the beneficiary from her economy. The only way to the conscience of the shopper in the way of reduction of delivery demands is to make a dif- ter-county highway. The Legislature has assented to the federal aid road act and has provided ample funds to meet the federal appropriations, which amount to over $1,000,000 to June 30, 1921. 00.0. ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMS ference in cost of the article carried and that sent. EEEEE BILLED FOR WILMETTE Dora? Who is she, that bold, bad men condemn her? The secret leaked out yesterday. She is nothing more dreadful than the official name of the Defense of the Realm Act. EEEEEN Wisdom of Censorship. The British newspaper fraternity loses no opportunity to hammer at mette M. E. church, will have charge of the Epworth League meetings at the Des Plaines camp grounds. Three bishops will take part in the meetings this year. Bishop Thomas Nicholson of Chicago will have charge of the pentecostal services each afternoon at 3 o'clock. Bishop James W. Bashford of China will tell of his work in the Orient during the past thirteen years, tomorrow and SSS LLSLLISSLLLIS SSS LSILS ISS SSS S SSIS SSSI LLL 11 Winnetka State Bank oy the restrictions and excesses of the A d h i 5 Painful Recollections, 4 Saturday mornings. Bishop William th gram ee er re auspices of I could have bought farm land|censorship. The latest skit runs|F, Oldham of South America will e Clean Life Club of America will| once in what is now the center of | somewhat as follows: "Cannon to|have charge of the services on Sun- Officers and Directors be held at the Wilmette Congrega- : " tional church Sunday afternoon at 3 Chicas: TN bet"? the left of them, cannon to the right | 48%: July Z "a Ne ha Na HE CN Ell aC ; : ' . ts o'clock. The influence of tobacco on "Ves. se op : of them, cannon behind them, vol- = VICTOR ELTING, Attorne Wi the life of men and boys will be dis- | es, if I had done it I'd be rich Attention. LOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER of d A now." leyed and thundered." So quoted the hl : B. Kuppenheimer & Company cussed by several prominent speak- "We: all hove th : ° an Zent. Bot A new Illinois law is that no per- JOHN 1 gslessle Clotiing ers. ve those vain regrets," | enthusiastic war correspondent. But) oq ypder sixteen years of age may INR LEONARD ¢* swein Comm Merchants An illustrated lecture will be given |OPined the grocer. "If 1 had every the censor cut out this passage.|drive a car in the state, the fine be- : CARLTON PROUTY, Attorney. at the Methodist church Friday eve- | Potato I've stuck on the spout of a|"Can't be giving away the positions ling from $10 to $25 for any person |N WILLOUGHBY G. WALLING ning at 8 o'clock. Harold Phillips, kerosene can I'd be wealthy beyond |of our artillery," commented «he, | permitting a child under sixteen to HENRY R. HALE. Cashier. secretary of the club, will speak. the dreams of avarice." sagely. operate a car. 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