Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 31 Aug 1917, p. 2

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/ 2 "om =E Em WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1917 Frequent Inspection and Spraying Is Necessary to Exterminate Tussock Moth HE large figure at the top shows the young caterpillar just emerging from the egg masses; the two small figures at the left show the egg masses before hatching; the two figures to the right show the full grown caterpillar about to spin cocoon and change to chrysalis stage before laying eggs; the light figure to the top and right shows the cocoon opened and moth in chrysalis form. & v Many prominent residents of the north shore are planning big drives to exterminate the Tussock moth which is destroying the beautiful trees in this community. The following bulletin has been is- sued to a number of property own- ers to help in the big campaign. It recommends a treatment for the trees affected and reads as follows: "The caterpillar infesting the trees and shrubbery of the north shore in such numbers at the present time is the larvae of the Tussock moth, a pest which, if it is not controlled, may easily ruin the elm trees of the district. If every citizen will do his part the work of extermination is not difficult. Treatment. "Unless the foliage of your trees is being riddled by the worms now, spraying is not necessary, as it is only the live eating worms and cater- pillars which are affected by the poi- son spray. You will notice the hairy cocoons of the worms upon the tree trunks and along the ledges and angles of buildings and fences. De- stroy these and you destroy the pest at its beginning. Rake off the cocoons and burn them. ' This is not skilled work but it must be thoroughly done. 3 Banding of Trees. "After your trees are cleared band them with strips of 'Tree Tangle- foot' or some similar preparation, about two to three inches wide. 'Tanglefoot' may be bought at local florists' stores and at some of the hardware stores. It retails at 45 cents to 50 cents per pound can. One pound will band four or five elm trees fourteen inches in diameter. For or- dinary smooth-barked trees like young elms it is not necessary to scrape the bark before applying. When the bark is old and rough a very little of the outer portion may be removed just where the band is to be placed. Keep the bands fresh and effective until cold weather. The caterpillars do not usually go high on the oak trees, as they prefer elm tree foliage, so banding of the oaks ds not in most cases necessary. "Worms now in the trees will build cocoons later on. Watch for these and destroy them. When the danger for the season is over destroy (burn) every cocoon upon your premises whether it be upon your tree or un- derneath window sills or the clap- boards of your house. The moth winters over in the egg stage and if these are destroyed the pest is done away with. The eggs are laid upon the outside of the cocoons in conspic- uous white masses, each capable of hatching out hundreds of caterpil- lars. The second and last brood of the year is still in the cocoon and egg stage. Caterpillars hatched from these will feed upon the leaves for the next few weeks and will then spin their cocoons and pass into the moth stage and these moths will lay the eggs which winter over." Souther Dies. Major Henry Souther, a well- known automobile engineer, died at Washington last week. He was con- nected with the aviation department of the army and was fifty-three years of age. Major Souther had always been an athlete. It is reported he underwent an operation and the re- port states he did not rally. WINNETKA TRUST BANK OF M CAPITAL $35,000.00 FORMERLY ESTABLISHED 1894 MONEY TO LOAN at 67 on Improved Real Estate. SAVINGS and COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS respectfully solicited 5 SAVINGS BANK cK. MEYER -- / re ---------------- ANNETTE KELLERMAN IS TO APPEAR IN EVANSTON Strand Theater Offers Big Feature, "A Daughter of the Gods." There will be shown at the Fvans- ton Strand theater next week the picture on which William Fox ex- pended a million dollars in his de- termination to metamorphose the motion picture "industry" into that esthetic term spelled with a capital "A" and "called "Art." In a Sstory which appeals both to the juvenile and adult mind--which the Greek scholar, the archaeologist, the sculp- tor, the painter, the teacher, the ma- tron, the debutante, the child and even the tired business man will en- joy to 'the uttermost--he has struck the universality that has been sadly lacking in other so-called "big" fea- tures. To put wings on the sumptuous production, which for beauty of en- semble and richness of detail will probably never be equalled, Mr. Fox cose for his central figure or star, the lovely woman whose classic fig- ure has come to stand for the ideal of perfect womanhood. Miss Annette Kellermann is the jewelled "hub" around which the iridescent spokes, of six of the tremendous episodes of "A Daughter of the Gods" are ranged. The play in motion is a swift and dazzling spectacle in which climax succeeds climax and thrill exceeds thrill until, at its close, the spectator feels that he has at last witnessed the ultimate in photographic art. The play embraces every appeal to the tender and imaginative side of the human soul. Child lovers will see those fascinating babies, Kath- erine and Jane Lee, in the prettiest acting they have yet accomplished. Fo rthose who are critics of feminine charm, a school of mermaids takes first place, and in the Sultan's harem such houris flourish as furnish dreams of the Mohammedan's heaven. |.=0 "0-0 -§ Schools Open. The public schools in Wilmette, all grades, including the kindergarten, will open on Tuesday, September 4. Wilmette 195 TELEPHONES Chicago Central 948 McLaughlin & Kerwin Producers of SAND and GRAVEL Pits at Gross Point, Ill. Morter and Washed Torpedo Sand 29 S. Lasalle St. CHICAGO ORTH SHORE Electric trains bring you quickly to scores of delightful vacation spots within a few short hours of your home. For points in Michigan about Ludington, Manistee and Frankfort take the North Shore Electric to Milwaukee and connect with Pere Marquette steamers. ; Visit the beautiful lake country near Area, the terminus of the Liberty- ville branch -- take the North Shore Electric to Lake Bluff Junction and from there to Area. Dia- mond Lake and Area Lake are among the pretty re- sorts. Oconomowoc, Delafield, Peewaukee, and Waukesha Beach can be reached by T.M.E.R. & L. line mak- ing convenient connections with Chicago North Shore Electric trains at Second St. & Grand Ave., Milwaukee. For information ask North Shore ticket agents or any hotel or travel information bureau. CHICAGO CITY TICKET OFFICE 137 S. Clark St. Phone Central 8280 BORSH & CO., 118 South Dearborn St. Our Amber 'GLASSES Protect Your Eyes from Sun's Clare Painters & *Decoral J. F. ECKAR 736 Eln| Phone Optician CHICAGO LLL LLL Td LET dT ETT Fd 7d 27 2 Ed TdT ZZ 7 2dr dd 7 dd Fd ZZ ddd 27, ULL LTT dd ZT 77 77 72770707, WANTED a Live Real LULLED LL TL TTT LT D7 2 277 TT i Winnetka ZZ LLLLLLL77. Paul Schroeder State Bank Capital $25,000.00 Surplus 5,000.00 3% on Savings Deposit Estate Salesman with automobile, to sell Real Estate in the Central Part of Winnetka, Phone Wilmette 698 or call personally at Wil- mette Office of ---- LLL 77 L777 77777, Officers and Directors HENRY P. CROWELL, 3 President of Quaker Oats Company. VICTOR ELTING, Attorney. 3 LOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER of B. Kuppenheimer & Company Wholesale Clothing JOHN R. LEONARD of Bridge and Leonard Grain Commissig Merchants. CARLTON PROUTY, Attorney. WILLOUGHBY G. WALLING, Capital HENRY R. HALE. Cashier. juris anizatio ne divi: ne mac] panies. vo infa its and hconsi ne field ents, & Company YL ZZ ZZ 777 7272 4 ULLLLLLLLLL LLL LLL Ld Ed Edd dll i ddd ELH TTT TT TT CLL LLL LL CCC LTTE BE SURE You Are Right and then go ahead. You will be right if you have a Savings Ac count in The First National Bank. i Br One Dollar will start you. ihe larg "Be a First National Bank Saver" THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK [faint OF WILMETTE | dquart "The Home of Savings Depositors" I Open Saturdays 8:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. ch is o TTT {the m r al divis Cha ANNOUNCEMENT FALL 1917 Our Fall and Winter Fabrics are now ready for your : selection. Fabrics of unquestioned quality, our personal | service and pride in garment correctness, we hope will merit your future patronage. 1 a) 3 ith BT 1 ie UTHER THT ele fe 3 RIDING wis Sle 603 | « Mallers Bldg | HABITS 5 $oyibach iL cessor lo cor. Madison HTT THT Retersor ld doin CRICAGO e Illi th Bookkeeping, Accounting, Gregg Shorthand, All Commercial Branches, A High Grade, Well Equipped School New Term Opens September 4 E W. H. CALLOW, Prop. 634 DAVIS ST. COMPLETE MUSICAL INSTRUCTION THE CENTRALIZING METHOD of Music Teaching is based on the principle of personal efficiency. Thoroughly practical courses that teach the finest in music, either vocal or instrumental. Our record of nc disappointed pupils has built this school, in nine years, to be one of the largest in the West. Centralizing Elementary Courses that do more than teach scales to beginners. Develop and train backward or in- corrigible children. An inspiration and help to the forward. Endorsed by leading educators as a help in school work. Centralizing Finishing Courses for advanced students in all departments under finest teachers, make confident and per- fected concert artists or parlor performers. Centralizing Normal Courses for advanced students, guar- anteed to make successful teachers. We help you establish your classes. Centralizing Dramatic Courses train for amateur or pro- fessional work. A special course for moving picture acting. Complete practice théater. Ask for book of courses and terms, indicating courses that interest you Centralizing School of Music 20 E. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago Wilmette Branch; Brown Building Kenilworth Branch; Robinson Building

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