Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 31 Aug 1917, p. 8

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=m Em Em Em WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1917 FOR RENT -- PLEASANT FRONT reasonable. No room, with porch, other roomers. 1076 Oak-st., Win- netka. Phone Winn. 1160. 24-1te FOR RENT--THREE ROOM HOUSE, screened porches, large attic, good basement, fine neighborhood. 1158 North-av. 24-1tp FOR RENT--3 OR 4 'ROOM FLAT, OR 7 rooms combined. 180 Chestnut-st. Phone Winn. 1065. 24-tfe FOR RENT--ROOMS, SPLENDID LO- cation for gentleman, $15.00 per month. Call rat Delebecque's, 747 Elm-st. Phone Winn. 822. 24-1tdh HELP WANTED WANTED _APPRENTICE_TO LEARN dressmaking. Apply Service Shop, 743 Elm-st., Winnetka. 42-12-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Call at 1162 Asbury-av., Hubbard Woods. 42-123-2tc EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR A salesman in Winnetka district to sell Ford cars. Apply R. D. Cunningham, 1629 Orrington-av., Evanston. Phone 4884, i 23-2tp 42-2tp WANTED -- COMPETENT NURSE; light upstairs work; references; $10.00. 495 Ash-st, Winnetka. Phone 1417. 34-1tc SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED--GENERAL WORK ABOUT the house and yard; floors, windows, etc. Roy Watson. Telephones Ev- anston 3687 and Winnetka 388. 30-tfdh LOST AND FOUND LOST--BOY'S SWEATER, RED, WITH white stripes. Finder please phone Winnetka 516-J. 24-1te TOST -- BROWN SCOTCH COLLIE; brown in color, white feet; name "Laddie." 670 Blackthorn. Phone Winn. 1162 24-1tc MISCELLANEOUS TUNING ON PIANO, IN AUGUST, WIL- mette, $2.00; Winnetka and Glencoe, $2.50. Have your player-piano over- hauled. We do fine work. Patter- son Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evans- ton. Tel. Wilmette 526. . 39-123-tfc NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SEWING machines sold by agents. We have no door to door agents. Our prices are always lower and we carry the best makes of new and used ma- chines. We cannot afford to misrep- resent. It will pay you to come to our store. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 40-123-tfe 10C A YARD--HEMSTITCHING AND picot edge work on our new Singer emstitching machine 10c a yard. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 40-123-tfe IF YOU HAVE AN OLD VIOLIN and want to sell it or trade it in, we make you a fine proposition. We do repairing. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av.,, Evanston. 39-123-tfe HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR cast off autos; also household goods 1644 Maple-av. ' 22-123-4tc bought and sold. Phone Evanston 103. from an authoritative source and in a signed letter that the article of August 24 does not convey either the facts or the conclusions to be drawn from the facts in Mr. Bobbitt's sur- vey, about any of the schools in the township, they will disregard the statements and implications of that article and will wait to draw their own conclusions by an early perusal of the survey when published. Very truly yours, Ruth W. Porter. Visits Son in Navy. Mrs. Louis Gillson, 706 Forest ave- nue, has recently returned from a month's visit with her son, Ensign Joseph L. Gillson, at the navy yards. Gillson is now located in New York. |B 0.0 Bridge Party. The regular monthly luncheon and bridge at the North Shore Golf club was held on Wednesday of this week. Studying for Service. Lee J. Schlosser of the Wilmette Realty company is taking the course offered at Northwestern university for commissions in the quartermas- ter's department. Commissions will be given out some time this week. HAVE YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND furniture repairing done at your home by expert. Formerly with John M. Smythe and Tobeys. Best refer- ences. Call or write M. Okman, 1402 Greenleaf-st., Evanston. Phone Evan. 5676. 28-12-tfe LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winn. 911 before 8:00 a. m. 39-2-tfc CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH AND piano lessons given. Telephone Win- netka 1514, or call Mrs. Boddie, Win- netka 105. 24-1tc STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) bss. COUNTY OF COOK, IN "IHF COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY. In the matter of the assessment of the cost of the construction of an asphaltic concrete pavement in Pros- pect Avenue, Lincoln Avenue and Humboldt Avenue, in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Board of Lo- cal Improvements of the said Village of Winnetka has heretofore filed in said Court in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the work pro- vided for in said cause, the amount reserved for interest, and showing also that the improvement has been constructed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor. The hearing to consider and determine whether the facts as stated ,in said certificate are true, will be held in said Court on the tenth day of September, A. D. 1917, at ten o'clock A. M.,, or as soon there- after as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said cause by or before said time ,and may appear on the hearing and make their de- fense. DATED, Winnetka, Illinois, August 24th, 1917. : BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVE- MENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF WINNETKA; By WM. D. McKENZIE, President. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T23-2tc iid il Td dll d dll dd ddd ddd ld ddd ddl dbl ld lll dd dll dd dll dldlldld ddltdddd dd ddd'. MONTHLY BALANCE SHEET OF THE VILLAGE AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JULY 31st, 1917 OF WINNETKA rlliiriiiiriiiiiziiz 7 rliririiiiiririereciisdddisriiiiiiiiiriiaiiiiuiariiiiiiiiiiiididiiiadddddddiiiidiid, ASSETS. Cash-- Current Year Last Year RENeral.. voi thsi. vie Con Pais wtianis rien id sr any *$ 7,320.51 $ 622.20 40,692.31 RIeCEe vicina ais rnin vtniiiolhic vies ainamivs 37,114.51 ELECTRIC PRODUCTION AND COST. K. W. H. Furnished Consumers for 8 i il Ea EB Ry Wm WE es RECITALS ARE PLANNED Wilson to Speak. Water nn ERLE ELIE pad 2,459.56 Classified Ads BY COLUMBIA TEACHERS | Rev. J. M. Wilson of the Wilmette Electric Depreciation .................. Rss 13,972.90 ; Sin 8 ox Special Assessment ....c.v.vev ones PresByterian. church will preach mt] Df i oe a a rp Benes 61,332.82 School of Musi in Wi y D Petty Cash Fund chool of Music to Open in Winnetka the morning and evening services % strane ia SESE IRIN 1,200.00 FOR SALE | The ¢ on September 17. te ty Sunday. His evening sermon will be Tobit 'Cash - p=oprjb6yrphbLu e Columbia Schoo usic o hi- ning "Th Pri ipl i tb ASR. vate ieee. LR SEE CY NT $112,337.08 $ 96 ADE SUITS FOR ; - concernin e Principles of the 5 337. Gn ly id py and sell sscona- cago in on its seventeenth sea-|I. W. wo : Accounts Receivable-- : i hand clothes. Tels. 7 emp- | son at the Winnetka branch on Sep- |B. 0-0 8. BYES nies asiees ER Aid REE 8,053.15 56 ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Nr temberii17. . Miss. Kethleen Air. will NL Lo Hakata Special Assessment Rolls..................... Nie i= 7. | have charge of the Winnetka b aken to Hospital. Special Tax Certificates : : ghe T TERMS PROPOSI- 3 etka branch : 18. aX LOT N0ALON ve rs a ae 4,985.07 ) SPECIAL AYOURT E58 washing ma- (and she will receive pupils and plan Mrs. Kate Vanek, 4019 Indiana ave- Special Tax Deeds....... ten ste de re a dr hips OLR a BE their work during the week of Sep-| nue, Chicago, was taken to the Ev-| Due from Electricity Consumers.... ........... 6,786.58 an-av. Evanston. 40-123-tfe | tember 10. anston hospital, Tuesday night, by | Due from Water Consumers........ ........... 451.95 FOR SALE -- USED SEWING MA- Other members of the faculty of | the Wilmette police. Mrs. Vanek | Due from Sundry Persons...................... 3,598.49 chines. Singer, $7.00; Singer, $5.00;| the Winnetka branch will include | Was a passenger on an elevated train 4 Singer, new style cabinet, $27.00; "ay" , 5 . p - BR. Singer, drop head, $13.00; new style William G. Hill, Mabel Lee, Katherine and complained to the crew of the Total Accounts Receivable....... ........... $341,059.71 $3286 White Rotary, $20.00; White, drop | Hedglin and Norman E. Saxby. Clare | train that she was ill. i; eg head, $10.00; Wilcox & Gibbs, $18.00. 0 4 . ey Other bargains. See our new Singer | Osborne Reed is the director of the inventory of Coal at Plant..... siituan yeu y hee vend 1482.68 $ Rotary. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sher - Columbia School of Music. Bond Drvestnient=tlectric Fund sees 404 : a Bonnston. 19-123-tfe w" ; VILLAGE OF WINNETKA on vestmen Flectric 'Fund. oi... 00 vis 10,021.38 . vou FOR SALE HORSE AND WAGON, In addition to the several chil- Bond Investment--Elec. Depr'n Fund. ........ 15,838.50 13,820 Frags mower, hay rie, plow, ues dren's concerts given under the direc- Winnetka Special Assessment u ; . : . : A : Bhat outer Wien. Th tion of Miss Air, each season, a num- No. 226 Total Current Assets....... Sie Gnd aa $480,739.35 $438,888, T21-tfe | ber of recitals are being planned for 2 LIABILITIES. FOR SALE--DOUBLE BED, INVALID | Winnetka, including special numbers ¢ Special Assessment Time Warrants. . 12.202.36 10,859, table, dining room furniture INquiie| py the Children's orchestra. STATE OF ILLINOIS, Special Assessment Bonds........... ........... I an00 20 Woods. 22-2dh| 'The artist class of Clare Osborne SR i ss. Accrued Int. on Water Time Warrants SSE is Sian Reed will be presented some time COUNTY OF COOK, J Special Deposits ................. THRE Le 1.44628 come in and see our new style Thor before Christmas, and the program IN THE COUNTY COURT OF | current Surplus or Deficit-- Slevirien Soin patterson | will be featured by Mr. Saxby and COOK COUNTY. : General Fund ........... Feds Sana 2,884.85 : Open Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- Mr. Hill. In the matter of the assessment of Electric Fund: i un loaaieisssin wulee 60232.95 50 aay 42-123-tfec Ssyaent okt. WIECITIO FUNG: casieh satin ss soins ol taverns duns 1232.95 43.259 ye TNNETKA 1-ROOM |. =0 0-0-0 the cost of the construction of a| Water Fundins nine ae seven si 2,911.51 *3 873.1 RO Ee electric light, bath, gas, brick pavement in Lincoln Avenue, Electric Depreciation Fund....... RR SY 29,761.40 23,4571 glazed and screened porch, paved from Elm Street to Pine Street, in| Sinking Fund--Water Department... Sirest. Sell eheap. Lot P0RIST dot 3 . the Village of Winnetka, County of | : trees; garden and chicken shed; depot ituar g etka, County or eh Ae 3 ouke (8.000% sass sermice P. W. y Gook and State of Illinois. Total Current :Surplus........... Fron Are $ 95,790.71 $ 73.6971 radstreet. . : : ,790. 24-1tc NOTICE is hereby given to all per- Total C t Liabiliti RT FOR SALE--_SMALL COOKING STOVE, | Fred H. Deily, 844 Pine street, died | sons interested that the Board of Lo- otal-Current LiaoWiLieR..evvre. | vuieis, $480,739.35 $438,888 like new. Hot blast heater. Child's . : 1 . 73 GENERAL FUND--MQONTHLY OPERATION velocipede. 1158 North-av. 24-1tp August 17 near Pelican, Wis., where | ca Improvements of the said Village Bal. in Fund at Beginning of Month § FOR SALE -- HOUSEHOLD FURNI- | he was on a fishing trip. The funeral |of Winnetka has heretofore filed in| yyy 00 sor Month Teves EPR $ 13,102.61 $ 10,276. oA BS Ra TE Lo servicesiwere held Sunday afternadn. i seid Court jn sald cause, a certificate |= © EE 3,891.55 FOR ALE ons we EN SL 5 Phe en he Showin the ost of the work BHO tal, ...cccenen ak oo Winn. 793. 24-1tc | burial was at Rosehill. vided for in said cause, the amount | npnUOT Expenditures-- $ 16,994.16 $ 12,83. E--1 MALE AND 1 FEMALE . : ' : : RO ALE A hd hora] Mr. Deily was one of Winnetka's reserved for interest, and showing | pypije Affairs ..... abs ans se ve $ 2989.50 so Winn. 191. 9418dn | oldest residents, coming to the village | also that the improvement has been | general Office Expense........ Sa "128.39 f RENT when he was nine years old. He has constructed in substantial conformity | Health Department .........ooeeen °° 2075.37 i r OL SUNGALOW been acting as trustee of the village | tO the requirements of the original Public Works ..... dag DE net I AAT FON FEN vents hot funds for fourteen years, performing ordinance therefor. The hearing to| Police Department ........oeee.. Ae 1.029.02 water heat, near N. W. and electric | his duties in the most efficient man- consider and determine the facts as| pire Department ......... Eves wien '308.90 Stone Trae at 916 Linden av. ner. stated in said certificate are true, will di ; FOR RENT--5 ROOM APARTMENT, | Mr. Deily was 61 years old. He is be held in said Court on the tenth Total Expenditures. ....... rs hE Nene $ 14,100.31 $ RARE TR Foon, 122.5 survived by his son, R. C. Deily, and day of September, A. D, 1917, at ten ,109. FOR RENT FOR _WINTER_FUR- | three daughters, Mrs. C. J. Brown, o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter | Balance in Fund at Close of Month... ....... $ 2,884.85 $ I or house 1 Huhbard Woods, 4 | Mrs. Carl L. Weinstock and Mrs. |as the business of the Court will per- ELECTRIC FUND--MO : bedrooms, garage. Phone Winn. 327. | : All desirt ; 5 NTHLY OPERATION. : 23-2tc | Florence Preston, and a brother, G. mit. Al: PErsons. desiring may file | Bal. in Fund at Beginning of Month... ......... $ 58,822.83 $ 41,600. FOR RENT_PLBASANT FURNISHED | W. Deily. objections in said cause by or before | ADD Income for Month.......................... 5,758.01 : room. 932 Oak-st. 23-1tp said time, and may appear on the : nee FOR RENT--DESK ROOM, PHONE) hearing and make their defense Total $ 64.580.84 te aTat ore service: > i x def . Siiasiatal ex sie eiteiee Ve a La a 64,580.84 ey P. "WEradstreel, Phone Winn. (Continued from page one) DATED, Winnetka, Illinois, August | DEDUCT EXPENDITURES-- $ 50s $ 46701 9. -1tc : : 2. ; aN 24th. 1917. # Steam Generation .............. vee 2123.97 FOR RENT--5 ROOMS, BATH AND read the fifty or more typewritten ) eS loser ainpinonine sue siyy yer nee $2123. $ 171 sleeping porch. Phone Winn. 494. pages of the survey as I have that BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVE- Electricity Generation ......... EY A a 250.49 2 > Th ale the article in question was written MENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF Distribution TE ae tee hae 376.15 + FOR RENT--5 ROOM, STE | either by someone who had not read WINNETKA, Consumption ..... treeenaeeaes vw at he, 183.25 ed flat, new; bath, electric light, hot |* He: C and cold water free. P. W."Brad- it Gor who was actuated by hostility By WM. D. McKENZIE, ommercial .............. EE EPP 45.49 Fe Poe WOOLY 2 to the present school administration President. General Expenses ........... Cetrreeiiiiiii., 407.04 , blocks from station, completely fur- | Of Winnetka to misinterpret by a|FREDERICK DICKINSON, ; : meted SG hished 'hose, goons 1 bath With | garbled version of quotations Mr. Village Attorney. T23-2tc Total Operating......... Ro Se $ 3,386.39 $2,851 shower, screened porches, hot! Bobbitt's very impartial conclusions : Construction and Betterments.................. 961.50 water heat. Lot 100x167. R 3% § EE Es Ee . T : 2 . $90. Call Winn. 1341. 24-1tc | on education in general. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA ransfers 10 Oer TUNAS. . cove erusi in sos vnsren or rowed FOR RENT -- 10-ROOM__ HOUSE, 2 ehh as my baths, hot water heat, $40 per month | I do the intelligence and fairmind- ; otal Expenditures S 4347.89 if rented Bt once Aad te 823 Spruce | edness of your readers the justice to Wi es 6 Ia Ld oral Hh XDONGILUICS etre oe ale a nae Bee eT 347. $ 3.50 street. ne nn. : i inf innetka Specia ssessment . . pit 24ctte 43-12-1te | believe that when they are informed No. 227. Balance in Fund at Close of Month............... $ 60,232.95 $ 432 *$ *$ $ {ET AR A EA 8 CN RR TT 39,14 K. W. H. Furnished Consumers for Fares Le A SE RO CR See 4,791 K. W. H. Furnished Water Depart- ment: for Power... cc. ..avins ALR 42,152 K. W. H. Furnished Village for Street VABHIS co. viv nnn nin na sas sonan ans nishneto in: 7,440 KE. W.-H. Used at Station. ........ iene cio 1,758 Pola] ConsumpLIOn. .. heh rr ii any 95,335 BE. W. H. Lost in Distribution... odin nad. 14,570 Total Generation... ... i. ois ua lan 109,905 Operating Expenditures per K. W. H............. .0308 Depreciation. per XX. W. H. . o.oo Jodie cadias, .0053 Loss in Distribution per BE. W. .0048 Total .Costper Bo W. HH... .. 0... Loniad .0409 : WATER FUND--MONTHLY OPERATION. Bal.'in Fund at Beginning of Month.............. $ 4,468.95 ADD Tneome for -Motih. . oon doon vivid din sn 153.19 rn BR Re Re IE FARR 4,622.1 DEDUCT Expenditures-- Pais Pumping EXDenSe ....... 1. ivan dois. Distributions... . voc vivivinen indent oy Commercial ..... ry Wo RRP PU LT BO Nl 4.32 General Expenses ............ 8 oe oe Ee 201.79 Total OPeratifg.'. oo sauce ssn sedis sie $ 1421.13 Transferred to Sinking Fund.................. $ Interest on Time Warrants............ a Sa Total Operating and Fixed Charges. ........... $ 1421.13 Construction and Betterments......... 5 Transfers to Other Funds...... PAL : 3 : : : : : $5 Total Expenditures......... ix autres sere 1,710.63 Balance in Fund at Close of Month... Pd $: 2911.51 ; WATER PUMPED AND COST. Winnetka Consumption (in1000gal)............ .... Glencoe Consumption ( i... 13 583 Total Water Pumped... ........0 0. PEP ET 39,418 Operating Expenditures (per 1000gal.)............ 0361 Depreciation (perl000gal)............ .0051 Ota] cost. vonin cn ns tiles sine ee Siesis Siete Woe .0412 FUEL CONSUMED. : 1917--576 tons of coal at $3.00 per ton......... ...$ 1,728.00 1916--384 tons of coal at $2.45 per ton............ *These figures are "in the red." $

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