2 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1918 soil Happenings ) orth Shore or 77 Ruth Risley on SE'WHO MISSED THF PRESENTATION of the two B stuart Walker plays last evening at the Community House, 4 given by the english classes of the eighth grade of the Greeley ¢ school, missed something indeed worth while. Winnetka has never before had the privilege of watching such youthful players' as these, perform with comparative ease and non-affectation. The casts for both plays were well selected, and under the careful and able direction of Miss Fdna Keith, everything transpired exception- ally well. The first of the two plays, was entitled, "Six Who Pass While | Lentils Boil", and the cast included: the EO MENOrY «abe. A AE Mary Alice Whitaker Phe Prologue ....c. cui. oii Philip Eisendraht | The Device-Bearer-...... . 39% 7500. Kenneth Smart @he'Boy «ci 0. oan Stanley Wheatley TheQgeen .........0.... Lionas Laura Emily Slosson ThesMine ...oi............... 00 5d; Sheldon Gordon 'The Milkmaid ........................ Margaret Hosmer" The Blind Man ............ 0. 000000, Frederick Roe The Ballad Singer ..........0 a8. 4. Margaret De Dlay The Dreadful Headsman .... vo... ...... Charles Ehlers Nous. ...... (In the Audience). "Nevertheless", was thetitle of the second of the presentations, and following is a list of the cast of chracters: {lery, Camp Logan. Aaron K. Mestjian, Bat. F, 333rd F. A., Camp Grant. Willis O. Erne, Bat. F, 333rd. F. A, Camp Grant. Major Raymond W. Hardenberg, who has been commanding the 2nd Battalion, 342nd Infantery, Camp Grant, has sailed for France. Medical Reserve Unit No. 11 has been called. The following Winnetka boys have been called and will enter the service at once: : Harold C. Strotz, Willis A. Roun- sevelle. Captain James Howard Linn has! been transferred from the School for Fires Ft. Sill, to Bat; D. 332nd F. A. Camp Grant. Sergeant Thomas J. Lynch is with the Headquarters 123rd Heavy Artil- Paul Starr has been transferred from Allentown, Pa., an is with the Sanitary Corps at Camp Meade. Hardware and Paints J. F. ECKART Z8Emst. Phone 484 DE RR aon EE RO Have You Old Clothes to Sell? A. MARKOWITZ will pay you 25 Per Cent More Than Others for AGL. Ch ne Janet Olmstead AsBoy.. 0 dn ae Sydney Spiegel ABurglar o.oo ae a Theodore Madsen o&- over tea cups, with the inspiration of beautiful music and | pleasant surroundings, is good for all of us in these strenuous | days. Such opportunities are offered at the Dr. Alice Barlow-Brown | Tea Shop every afternoon in the week, and on Saturday afternoons, | a special musical program is presented. Isn't it a joy to realize that | Crs TOGETHER for an hour or so in friéndly fashion | our quarters, too, are swelling the fund? Last week, Miss Ida Gard- |} ner, soloist in the American Church in Paris, who is at present the guest of her sister, Mrs. France, in the village, most generously | donated her services. Mrs. Sydney Burnett is to sing informally in the Shop on 8 day, of this week at four o'clock. ~ Then again in the Gift Shop, each week something new and of atur- mterest develops. The latest use ofthe bookshelves, is, that after the || books on two certain shelves have been purchased they will be sent ; Lakes Naval training station. Other shelves hold e to be sold in the ordinary way. also being formulated for the sale of china, but while | a Baby carric ge, and a fine old fashioned chair, also several odd ends | in upholstering materials are to be found in the Shop, furniture department. | [ | & | 4 | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Mcllvaine The West Elm street Circle willl have left for Fort Sill, Okla. [meet on Tuesday afternoon with | for a short visit with their son, Capt. | Mrs. Robert Walpole, 520 Provident | John Mcllvaine who incidentally, |avenue. enjoys the distinction of being one Miss Anne Holland, 755% Lincoln | of the youngest men to receive a avenue, is confined to her home with | captaincy in' the recent training |measles. camp at Fort Sheridan. After a short I stay there Mr. and Mrs. Mclllvaine Miss Nora Nyhas will spend the will go on to Hot Springs, returning | week-end in Milwaukee. to Chicago in time for Easter. Mrs Charles G. Cushing, nee Eliza- [ beth Goodrich, will accompany Mr.)}| WwW A ¢ og ® | and Mrs. Mcllvaine to Fort sit. || ar ctivities in where she will visit her husband, By E. W. Worley | Captain Cushing, who is also station- a oa ed there. : me Was Savings Stamps It is undoubtedly of interest to| The campaign for War Savings Stamps is going steadily forward in Winnetka. The Winnetka Post 'office has taken in the following amounts for were used in the Chicago: War Saving Stamps to date: Winnetkans, that several of the car- toons drawn by Harry Smith; who is in France with the 149th Regiment, representing life in the army "over there", papers about a week ago. It seems! Decemper ..o.iooiiiii.. $ 2.035.05 that Medill McCormick has taken an | January i bat © 4,084.16 especial interest in the young army ..February Sh 10,613.53 man, and, in his spare time, Smith | a takes to the studving of hispet artimpoeuy 0 0 to Lin $16,742.74 He is a brother of Mrs. A. E. Tilroe,| phe sales of Stamps for February and before his enlistment in the ar- only my, resided at her home. War Savings Stamps 2331 $9627.03 = I iPhrift Stamps 5... 3946 986.50 The Sacred Heart Auxiliary, No. 611, sent in the following completed articles during the month of Feb- | ruary, to the Chicago headquarters: Sidney N. Strotz has enlisted in 38 sweaters, 28 pairs of socks, ¥ the 65th Engineers, Tank Unit. stat- scarf, 7 helmets, 5 prs. wristlets, 1 joned at Camp Upton, New York. pair rifle mitts, 1 trench cap, 10 paja- ma suits, 10 bed jackets, 16 under- shirts. $10,613.53 Mr. A. W. Shaw has received his commission as Major in the quarter- master's corps, and is stationed at Washington. ---- tp Mrs. Charles S. Ostrom, 982 West Elm street, was called to Los Cr Angeles, Ca. Tuesday, by the death The following Winnetka boys have of her mother. She expects to remain been added to the Service Roll: in the west for several weeks. Lieutenant Frederick Maack, U. S. a | Marine Corps, 6th. Regiment, Over- Mrs. Lum of North avenue, has, as |seas. her guest, her mother, Mrs. Greason| Albert H. Salveson, Mounted Rifles. and her sister, Miss Ida Greason of | Canadian Expeditionary Forces. New York city. Herbert E. Salveson, Mounted ef eniee | Rifles, Canadian Expeditionary Forec- Mrs. Roger K. Ballad, 848 Foxdale es. avenue, is spending a part of the Harry D. Orwig, Camp Grant. month with friends in Indianapolis, Oscar Krestensen, Camp Grant. Indiana. Charles F. Dehmlow, Bat. F. 333rd or eh F. A. Mgs Rosetta Johnson is spending Michael Coutre, Bat. F., 333rd F. A. the Feek-end in Racine, with friends. Camp Grant. Gent's Cast-Off Clothing and Shoes A postal will bring me to your door Telephone, Canal 7258 Chicago 1239 S. Jefferson St. A -------------------------------------- Dentist WOMAN'S CLUB SESSION IS REAL WAR COUNCIL (Continued from page 1) She afternoon in sang informally last Saturday the Brown Tea Shop and later in the Neighborhood Room | for the jackies and their hostesses. Sunday morning, she was soloist at the the Marseillaise and later leading the audience in "The Star Spangled Congregational church, singing FOR SALE 5 Eins: Cor. Sheridan Rd. Very choice Corner House in fine condition, Low price and terms to suit. At Her and full, was a tremendous inspirat- Banner". contralto voice, rich I ion to all who had the privilege of hearing her. Miss Gardner is on her way to the coast, where she has several engagements in California, | Vancouver and British Columbia. E. S. PARR 809 Elm St. Winnetka, Ill ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. AND REPAIRING Bryan Marsh Electric Bulbs Bicycles new and second hand Bicycle repairing and supplies Lawn Mower grinding and repairs Grinding of all kinds. Baby Car- riage Tires. Su KS 'PHONE 122 RN BOSTON BULLS choice selections. LLL LL LLL TLL TE dl dd TE TZ 2 e777 Ra 597 PROVIDENT AVE., WINNETKA PHONE WINNETKA 1569 ULL LE 2 EZ ZF a A Zr rr FOR SALE--AIl my Breed- : ing Stock and Puppies. Very LLL dll, » SI=IOX OCIOr --r OE IOK = {o) =--i{] o i ec ANNOUNCEMENT [e) -- Sf 0} ae fs fae | | { Successor to the late ! DR. O. D. SWAIN | Phone Glen. 54. Glencoe, Ill. Ziesing Block | L Hours 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. b ed OX EOE Now showing this season's latest creations for SPRING and SUMMER In Imported materials for Ladies' Tailored Suits, Coats, Dress Coats, One-Piece Dresses, Sport Suits, Skirts, Etc. | You are cordially invited to inspect these importations. i F. A ARENDT o Ladies' Tailor Importer 402-3-4- HEYWORTH BUILDING Phat 144s | EIDING TABI] * ast atime. I0EIOK IOEXOQL --l QE oid 4615-29 Clifton 7% 7777277 MOVING ping cannot be s Ave. FOR urpassed. An important feature is our private Elevated Switch Track which runs Directly to Warehouse Doors, thus saving extra Handling and Hauling of your belongings. ' For information as to Rates and Estimate Phone Ravenswood 100 Day or Night Under controll of the State Public Utilities Commission of IHinois Wilson Ave. L Station Phone Ravenswood 100 : LLL da a ZT ZF Zr 77a LL ETT rr Have You Decided? To place your household goods and valuables in- to Storage, or possibly to change you location, if so STORAGE ARRANGE PACKING SHIPPING All goods carefully arranged on light airy floors for storing, vaults for valuables, separate rooms for Pianos, Victrolas, Rugs and Trunks. Large smooth running automopile vans are used in moving while our facilities for Packing and Ship- 7 a Fireproof Storage Company % 7 D000 %0% 722775 Dizi: D0 0%% = A Hen he hs pr ay SA