ISSUES CALL FOR 'WANT 200 MEN WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918 COMPANY D MEN Leaders in Local Company Seek New Members for Branch of Illinois Volunteer Training Corps TO JOIN Claim Wilmette can Readily Produce a Company of that Strength By W. G. Reinhold While there are nearly 100 men enlisted in local Company D., Illi- nois Reserve Militia, there are many capable men still outside the ranks. Of course many of these men are not so situated as to permit service-- but it must be true there are a great number who should enlist either in Company "D." or in that branch of the company known as the Illinois Volunteer training corps. It is difficult to imagine that there is a man in Wilmette who is capable of serving his state at this period. but who is holding out, content to allow another man to enlist to pro- tect his property. It is not expected that men who have good reasons for not "lining . 5 up" at this time, should do so, but it is unquestionably true that the men who can get into the movement, should sacrifice convenience and do so at once. Wilmette at this time should have 200 men in the Illinois Volunteer training corps, which organization does not require active service, but only necessitates two hours a week for drilling and most men can afford that time. [HELP WAR VICTIMS "Red Cross leaders ask local workers aid Belgium --_-- a. The following appeal to Local Red Cross workers to supply garments for destitute Belgians, has gone out from the Chicago chapter of the American Red Cross through Mrs. B. F. Brown of the local Red Cross Headquarters. "Suppose you were asked to name the unhappiest people in the world today. What would you answer? This is' a matter for serious thought. The globe was probably never crammed so full of misery, in varying degrees, as at present. If one had but the eye and judgment of a god, he might comprehend the situation well enough to give an ac- curate estimate. So far as human The Highest Class Talking "Machine in the World HIS magnificent instrument has a tone 1522 Sherman Avenue, Evanston Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings of extraordinary clarity, expressiveness ------ and purity. At the Panama-Pacific Ex- position the Sonora won high- est score for tone quality. For sheer beauty the Sonora stands first! $50 $55 $60 $90 $115 $150 $180 $200 $215 $300 $375 $500 $1000. P t t B Piano atterson YOS. House a ---------- A intelligence, human sympathy goes, however, it would seem that the lot of women, children and aged men in the conquered parts of Belgium and France is the hardest. No harder than the fate that has been meted out to the Serbians and Poles, you may think. Proably not, but we have as a matter of fact, little news of Serbia or Poland. Not until history sums up the events of the conflict, shall we know just what has befallen the population of the last named countries. Now Seek Garments The Commission for Relief in Bel- gium, a well organized body which has carried on relief work in the occupied territory of France and Jelgium, through its Chairman, Her- bert Hoover, is calling upon American Red Cross to help clothe the unfortunate tens of thousands who could not get away when the invading Huns descended, but who have managed somehow to keep up a wretched fight for existance un- der Germany's iron hand. Many of these poor creatures, now reduced to the uttermost depths of | misery that can befall mortals, were prosperous, educated, even cultured people. They knew as little of want as you and I. Like their government, they were entirely innocent of designs upon any neighboring coun- try. During their three and a half years of bondage, many have died, others have been carried off by the Germans into a slavery worse than death, but there are still thousands of them whose sufferings can be mitigated, through the aid of the Red Cross. None of these people have had any new stock of cloth for garments, or leather for shoes, since their capture. the ! Where you can get it cheaper Buy in Evanston Over 2 million Singer Rotary iad yer ELECTRIC SINGER $37.50 to $50.00 | USED MACHINES $5.00 UP Repairing on all machines prices are lower than agents WE DO HEMSTITCHING PATTERSON BROS. Phone Evanston 654. 1522 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON WE HAVENO AGENTS EE. _': Their shivering, emaciated bodies are wrapped in rags, while they toil at the worst of hard labor. Do they deserve this? Can easily supply need The average American possesses a wardrobe that, if parceled out, would preserve the lives and self respect of many an unhappy being in France or Belgium. The Red Cross does not ask you to give much. Just a few of the warm, substantial garments which you have used and which are hanging idly in your closets. These need not even be in good repair. Shoes, partly worn, will mean much to the bare and bleeding feet "over there". Filmy waists or high heeled boots would have no practical value, but clothing of plain, durable ma- terial, shoes that will stand the wear of work in field and factory, are desperately needed. 3 Of miscellaneous articles, such as blankets, bedsheets, ticks and pillow cases, there is a famine in these countries. All that sort of thing was destroyed or carried off long ago. The Red Cross is asking you to dons ate from your own supply everything of this kind that you can get along without. There is but one week of this "drive" for used clothing, between the dates of March 18 and 25. The time for action is short. Get ahead of the procession, and help the Red Cross by your contribution TODAY. If undecided about the value of cer- tain articles you would like to send, call upon your next auxiliary and receive exact information. But above all, DO NOT DELAY! EMBROIDERY, PLEATING, BUTTONS HEMSTITCHING 10¢ a yard--all colors BRING YOUR WORK IN BEFORE SHOP- PING, READY WHEN YOU GO HOME Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention LOUIS J. WROBLE 135 So. State St., corner Adams Over Peacocks Phone Randolph 6975 WOMEN'S SPECIMEN BALLOT () CITIZENS' LEAGUE For Collector. wW HOYT KING. For Supervisor. El GERTRUDE M. THURSTON. For Assessor. [] GEORGE R. HARBAUGH. For Highway Commissioner. [] HERBERT H. SHERER. For Clerk. @ WALTER SCOTT CROZIER. For School Trustee. [] CHARLES W. HUBBARD. For Collector. () CITIZENS' LEAGUE This 'Notification Is Not to INCITE SALES But if you expect to obtain a FORD CAR I advise you to actually take delivery immedi- ately. Right now when Ford has more unfilled orders than was ever known before (140,000), he has been compelled to cut his production in half. Ford cars are selling at a premium of $125.00 in the Western States and the same conditions will, in my opinion, prevail HERE within 60 days. Prices on closed cars and ton trucks may ad- vance within a week. NY ~T > Ps E UNIVERSAL CA rn R. D. CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer 810 Church St., Evanston GC. H. BRIGGS, Mgr. -------------- Rr Phone 4884 [1 HOYT KING. For Supervisor. Ed GERTRUDE M. THURSTON. For Assessor. GEORGE R. HARBAUGH. For Highway Commissioner. [] HERBERT H. SHERER. - For Clerk. [] waLTER scorr croziER. For School Trustee. [] CHARLES W. HUBBARD. For Constable. (To fill vacancy.) MEN'S SPECIMEN BALLOT OO INDEPENDENT For Constable. (To fill vacancy.) [] ASBURY P. CRUME. [1] LEWIS C. CONRAD. lie eT