LA WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1918 i Classified Ads FOR SALE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SEWING machines sold by door-to-door agents. It will pay you to come to the store. Our prices are lower, and we keep your machine in repair free of charge for one year, with Singer company guarantee. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman avenue, Evanston. 20-123-tfe SALE--USED AUTOMOBILES, overhauled and beauti- fully refinished. Overlands, 5 Pas- senger, $300-$700. Roadster, $450. Maxwell, 5 passenger, $250, Chalmers 5 passenger, $450. "King 8', 5 pas- senger, $600. Reo, 5 passenger, $450. Vim, panel delivery, $300. Winnetka Motor Company. Telephone Winnetka 166. 21-123-tfc | FOR good values, MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS FOR sale. We also buy and sell second- | hand clothes. Tel. 1128.. 603 Demp- | ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. | 31-12-52te | FOR SALE--SETTING EGSS. R. I. Reds, Plymouth Rocks, Wyandotes, Anconas, also three cocks. Telephone | Wilmette 195. 18-123-9-t-c | FOR SALE--LATE MODEL PAIGE, | seven passenger, with] in perfect running con- | Call Wil- | six cylinder, glass sides; dition. Will demonstrate. mette 118 14-123-tfc | FOR SALE--$15 BUYS NEW ELEC- tric sewing Machine Motors for all makes of sewing machines. Tell us the style of your machine, we can furnish you with the best fitting motor. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sher- man avenue, Evanston. Telephone H Wilmette 526 19-123-4tc | FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL $150.00 MA- | hogany talking machine, private party will sell for $60.00. Phone ! 3322-M Evanston. 21-123-1tp | FOR SALE--FIRST CLASS SADDLE horss, vears old. On view at the North Shore Livery. 21-123-4tc | FOR SALE--WEBER PIANO, PARLOR | upright, raahogany case. Bargain. | 5%6 Oak street, Winnetka. Telephone | * 1101 Winnetka. 3-1tc | FOR SALE--FIVE SEAT 4 INCH OAK | dining table, couch and mahogany | small table. Call Winnetka 357, | early or after 6 p. m. 3-1te | FOR SALE_GAS CABINET RANGE | \ 2nd apartment, 872 Pine street. 3-1tc | FOR SALE--VERY CHEAP, HOUSE- hold furnishings. 796 Pine street. | Phone Winnetka 517-J. 3-1te | FOR SALE--TWO FINE BARRED | Plymouth Rock cockerels, two Rhode Island Red cockerels. Five dollars each. Indian Hill Golf Club 3-2te or REAL ESTATE FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS with light housekeeping. 969 Spruce street. Telephone Winnetka 1455. 21-123-tfe FOR RENT--FIVE ROOMS FIRST floor flat. 989 Ash street, Winnetka, * for twenty dollars a month. Phone _3203-R, Evanston.' ag nS8-1tp FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM, also combination sleeping porch and bedroom, next to bath, in attractive North Shore home; use of sun parlo nd réakfast optiona ekly Talk R-19. ENT--FURNIS 3 suitable 3 - 3-1te Fon RENT--T.ARGE FURNISHED © Toum In private home. 932 Oak street. Phone 318 Winnetka. 3-1tc FOR RENT--5-ROOM COZY FLAT, hot water heated, bath, electric lights, fire place; one block from Indian Hill Golf Club. Fred Corvinus, 752 Sunset road near Ridge. T47-tfc FOR RENT--FIVE ROOMS FIRST floor flat. 989 Ash street, Winnetka, for twenty dollars a month. Phone 3203-R, Evanston. Es 1-tfe FOR RENT--FIVE ROOMS. PHONE ~~ 8-2te cat 494 Winnetka. 1-tfe FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM APART- ment, sleeping porch. 545 Lincoln avenue. Ayres Boal, 122 S. Michigan avenue, Telephone Harrison 1043. 2-4te FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM COZY FLAT hot water heated, bath, electric | lights, fire-place; one block from In- | dian Hill Golf Club. Phone Winnet- \ 9 { | | ka 638-R. 2-tfe | FOR RENT--FOUR SPLENDID FUR- | nished rooms, with housekeeping privilege, Call up Delebeque 747] Elm "street, Winnetka. 2-tfc R SALE BEAUTIFUL WILMETTE | a for sale, also all household | "ey, Phone Wilmette 641. | 18-2-tfp | ACRE FAR ° MILES | LA "we. room ings | r Vn MISCELLANEOUS | WANTED--APRIL 29, BOARD AND room for two adults, for several weeks. Apply Winnetka Talk. Phone Wilmette 1921. 2-3tc WANTED--BUFFET, SHERATON preferred, ivory dressing table and- iron. Telephone Winnetka 1184. 3-1tec WANTED--WILLOW BABY BUGGY, Telephone Winnetka 509-W. 3-1te WANTED--BICYCLE REPAIR MAN at once. H. E. Chandler & Co., 630 Davis street. Telephone Evanston 123. 20-123-tfc RAZOR BLADES--ALL KINDS OF razor blades sharpened while you wait. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chandlers, 630 Davis-st.,, Evanston. ..6-123-tfe LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that at a Special meeting of the stockholders of the Calenduline company, held at 7859 Egglister avenue, Chicago, at 2 o'clock p. m.,, on December 28, 1917, the capital stock of said com- pany was reduced from $100,000 to $5,000. GEO. H. PATTISON, 823 Ashland avenue. World-Famous Singers Coming for Festival Galli-Curci, Muratore, Gogorza and Other Stars to Appear at Patten Gymnasium Galli-Curci, Muratore, Gogorza, Middleton, Althouse, Sundelius.These are among the world famous artists who will sing in the Chicago, north shore festival association concerts in the Patten gymnasium this sum- mer, and whose appearance will swell the receipts of the 1918 series. Orders for the course tickets are now being taken, stated Carl D. Kin- sey, business manager, today. He said the tickets are going so rapidly that within a few weeks he expects the entire gymnasium to be sold out. Persons ordering tickets by mail are cautioned to include a war tax |of ten per cent in making their re- | mittances. The course will open May 27, with LLL 2 222727777 77, WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK LA LAL LLL 11 LAA A A A rrr § KEEPING HOUSEHOLD ° ACCOUNTS is a simple matter to the woman wise enough to pay her bills by check. The stubs and cancelled checks tell her to a penny where her money has gone and furnish receipts as well. We have a special department for women's accounts and will be very glad to explain to housekeepers and others the advantages of making use of it. CAPITAL $35,000.00 Formerly BANK OF M. K. MEYER Established 1894 EVERYWHERE TO EVERY MOTORIST The new state law which went into effect Jan. Ist, forbids the use of glaring headlights on the country roads, there is also a city ordinance which declares glaring headlights to be il- legal. City and State autho- rities will enforce this law to the letter and motorists are subject to arrest and heavy fines unless they com- ND ply with the law. Why Wait to, Be Arrested Unless the motorist equips his car with lenses or dim- mers his arrest may come at any moment and this spring will find the autho- rities very active to dr with the glar Nimmers arg tive as¥ 1eY Passes Every Legal Requirement The Newlite Lens has passed every test to which it has been subjected, including the test under the Missouri State Law, which is the most stringent in the United States. It has been endorsed by public officials, motor clubs and the motoring public everywhere Produces Artificial Daylight An exckisive feature found in this lens is its refractive This is obtained by the multitude » horizontal mitre cuts and the fine-ground perpen- and diffusive action. refracting grooves located in the center. remove the glare, but at the same time project , white light straight ahead, securing the longest range. ches, fences, etc., are produced by the horizontal its. d as to intensely whiten all the rays, producing daylight. NEWLITE LENS "THE 100 PER CENT LENS" The rays which light the side of the PY " . . | "Caractacus". May 28, will be artists' | night. There will be no concert on | Crops fall off The Australian wheat crop for the Wednesday but Thursday night the | season 'of 1917-18 is estimated at attraction will be "The Rhapsody of | 114,020,000 bushels, compared with St. Bernard." Saturday afternoon, |last year's yield of 152,365,000. The June 1, the children's concert will be |25 per cent decrease is a result of given and the ' evening will be, | reduced acreage and unfavorable operatic night. | conditions. YOU or any one in your family sings Tian any musical instrument, you will find that the swing of new pieces or to accompany you duets there is wonderful satisfaction in having a THE INSTRUMENT OF QUALITY oNoy, CLEAR AS A BELL The Highest Class Talks Machine in the Worl Its tone is of erystal clearness; and rare fullness, and beauty. It is graceful in appearance and has many portant exclusive features. Hear the Sonora Before a 2 -- wr GA Sh oka A t-- SAID GS Ee Be Sure to TR You Decide! gg £4 LATTERSON BROS,, Piano House 1522 SHERMAN STREET Open Tus Thur, aad Sat Evgs. go SH prep ie A ~---- Te eR LEGAL EVERYWHERE LIGHT RESTRICTIONS There is no light restriction with the Newlite Lens. It re- fracts and diffuses a strong white light and has no equal for night driving. Every de- tail of the road, ditches and contiguous territory is sharply defined. The motor- ist finds a new pleasure in night driving. , His" entire range of vision is lighted, in- stead of the roadbed only. The oncoming motorist gets no glare from Newlite Lenses. CLASSY EQUIPMENT The Newlite Lens in addi- tion to its performance forms a most attractive part of the cars equipment. The diffusive mitre cuts and the refractive ground grooves, together with the etched portions of the Lens, com- These The white etched portion of the lens are bine to produce a silvery shimmer over the entire surface and is exceedingly attractive. .L LINE OF OILS, GREASES AND ACCESSORIES GOODYEAR AND FISK TIRES IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES LUTE TT nm EE THT mn eT RTH SHORE GARA WILMETTE, ILLINOIS ailroad Avenue Telephone Wilmette 628 { J. M. HILL 20% AD 7 7. 222227 2222272227 VA aE io i