y/ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1918 -- HELP WOMEN FARM | HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED THIS month, your player needs overhaul- ing. Tuning Wilmette $2.00, Win- netka and Glencoe $2.50. Best work. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sherman Ave. Evanston. 22-123-1te By Mrs. E. W. Wortley The Illinois branch of the Woman's Land Army of America is already started. A farm of 200 acres near Libertyville has been procured for a training station. About 80 women have enrolled for this work, and ap- plications are coming in all the time. About forty will be accepted. The course is six months, and longer if students will take it. The woman superior is a graduate of Cornell Agricultural College. There will be lectures by experts in agricultural work. All the tuition on this farm is given free. The farm is ideal, because it is so general in its scope, embracing many branches of farm work. Besides the crops it offers dairying, poultry-raising, etc., and there is a large fruit orchard. The women are to live on the farm and to have training in all branches of the work so that they will know not only how to do it themselves but will be fitted to give instructions to others in the future. Plan "Farm Shower" In order to help furnish and equip the buildings on this farm, 'the Illinois Branch of the Woman's Land Army is planning to have a "Farm Shower" in each town on the north shore within a few days. Prepara- tory to this Winnetka housewives! are asked to look through their attics now, and prepare to send, to Community House on the appointed day, anything that they have that will help fill the list of things needed, as shown by the fol-| lowing list. Further notice of the | exact day when these things are to be sent will be posted on the War Emergency bulletin boards later, and will be announced through the papers and at meetings, so watch for 1t. | | | | | The following is the list of things | asked for: 1 chiffonier for linen, 1| chest for linen, 1 filing case, 1, ton | truck, women's rubber boots, bed! linen, table linen, living-rom chairs. | living-room davenport, living-room rugs, small tables, straight chairs, preserving jars, mirrors, porch chairs, kitchen chairs, wash-stands, | mimeograph, 1 small desk, victrola, ! kitchen china, kitchen utensils, farm | books, magazines, carpenter's tools, garden tools, butter and creamery ~ equipment, knives, forks and spoons, shower- 1 equipment, typewriter, sa §ers or drawers, clothes hamper, horses, pigs, harness, wag-| ons, hens, chickens, sheep eggs for | setting tents. All articles of furnit- | ure etc. collected, are to be sent di- | rect by van to the farm. Further | notice as to when these things are to be collected will be given very soon. Parents- Teachers To Meet At High School A highly important and interesting session of the Parents' and Teachers' | association of New Trier high school will be held in the school Mess hall on Wednesday evening, April 17, be- ginning at 7:30 o'clock. The activities of the evening will begin with abusiness meetingmarked by a vote on the revision of the by- laws of the organization, the annual election of officers, and the annual reports of chairmen of committees. At 8 o'clock a patriotic program will be presented with instructive ad- dresses by, Mrs. James F. Porter, President of the Board of Education on, "History of the War Interpreted for our High School Students", Prin- cipal Henry E. Brown, who will speak of "The housing and main- tenance at New Trier high school of 100 of Uncle Sam's mechanicians, for the army", and W. A. Snyder, Direc- tor of Agriculture at the school, on "Our Boys on the Farm". Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE--USED AUTOMOBILES, good values, overhauled and beauti- fully refinished. Overlands, 5 Pas- senger, $300-$700. Roadster, $450. Maxwell, 5 passenger, $250, Chalmers 5 passenger, $450. "King 8", 5 pas- senger, $600. Reo, 5 passenger, $450. Vim, panel delivery, $300. Winnetka Motor Company. Telephone Winnetka 166. 21-123-tfe NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SEWING machines sold by door-to-door agents. Our prices are lower. Get our free repairing guarantee. Pat- 1522 Sherman Avenue, Evanston. 22-123-4tc FOR SALE-- SEWING MACHINES, used. Singer $7.00. Domestic $5.00. Slondaro Drophead $13.00. Free, al- most new $18.00. New style White $16.00 to $22.00. New standard Caleme $25.00. Bargain in new style Singer, 66. Easy payments. Pat- terson Bros, 1522 Sherman Avenue, Evanston. 22-123-5te terson Bros, FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO §60.00. also five slightly used Mahogany pianos $115-$140. Payment $5.00 per month. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sher- man Ave. Evanston. 22-123-3tc REPAIRING ON PIANOS, PLAYER pianos, talking machines, electric washing machines, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines, violins, all musical merchandise. Try: us. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman Ave., Evanston. 22-123-2te FOR SALE--$150.00 GRAFANOLA, mahogany, used 6 months, $85.00. 918 Linden Ave. Wilmette. 22-123-2tc FOR SALE--SETTING EGSS. R. IL Reds, Plymouth Rocks, Wyandotes, Anconas, also three cocks. Telephone Wilmette 195. 18-123-9-t-c MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS FOR sale. We also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tel. 1128. 603 Demp- ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. 31-12-52te FOR SALE--LATE MODEL PAIGE, six cylinder, seven passenger with glass sides; in perfect running con- dition. Will demonstrate. Call Wil- mette 118. 14-123-tfc FOR SALE--$15 BUYS NEW ELEC- tric sewing Machine Motors for all makes of sewing machines. Tell us the style of your machine, we can furnish you with the best fitting motor. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sher- man avenue, Evanston. Telephone Wilmette 526 19-123-4tc FOR SALE--FIRST CLASS SADDLE horse, 4 years old. On view at the North Shore Livery. 21-123-4te FOR SALE--5-PASS. AUTO, $200.00. Good condition; bargain; must sell. Phone Wil. 702-J. G Harper. g22-12 1b FOR SALE--TWO FINE BARRED Plvmouth Rock cockerels, two Rhode Island Red cockerels. Five dollars each. Indian Hill Gelf Club 3-2te | FOR SALE--DAVENPORT, SIDE- board, dining-room table, ice box, sewing machine. 722 Elm St, 3rd floor. ih 4-1tp FOR SALE-- WEACHERED OAK dining-room set $40.00, consisting of 54-inch table, 55-inch sideboard. 4 chairs. 1205 Scott Ave. Phone Win. 1341. 4-1te FOR SALE--GAS STOVE, LAUNDRY stove and refrigerator: before April 16. 528 Elder Lane. Tel. 1338. i 4-1tc FOR SALE--FIVE FOOT FOUR INCH oak dining-table, couch and mahog- any small table. Call Winnetka 357, ear r after 6. p. m. 4-1tp FOR SJ BOX-COUCH, MAHOG- anv tables, cabinet, beds, chairs. ete, this week. 1239 Scott Ave., Phone Win. 1038. FOR SALE scales, Phone Winnetka FOR SALE---WEBER PTANO, PARLOR unright, mahogany case, $175. 5 Oak St, Winnetka. Phone 1101 AT Win, 4-1te FOR SALE UPHOLSTERED GRASS green rattan porch swing, splendid condition; also green crex rug 9x12 ft. Phone Win. 836. 4-1te FOR SALW--GAS-STOVE, A BARGAIN Phone Winnetka 657-7J. 4-1-te FOR SAT.E-- CHEAP, GAS-RANGE. 1 gas water-heater. Phone Win. hi =~11cC [FoR SAR TWO BEMPERIAT, INCIT- bators. size 120 eggs. at $12 each. Also one model coal brodoer at $12. 897 Spruce St. Telephgne Winnetka 502-7. 4-2tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Mrs, B. Maver, 182 Maple Hill Road. Telephone Glencoe 58. 12-1te REAL ESTATE | | FOR RENT--5-ROOM COZY TAT. hot water heated. bath. electric lights, fire place: one block from Indian Hill Golf Cluh, Fred Corvinus, 752 Sunset road near Ridge. T47-tfe FOR RENT--FIVE ROOMS FIRST floor flat. 989 Ash street. Winnetka, for twenty dollars a month. Phone 3203-R, Evanston. = 1-tfe FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM ATPART- ment, sleeping porch. 545 Lincoln avenue, Avres Boal, 122 S. Michigan avenue, Telephone Harrison 1043, 2-4te FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM COZY FLAT hot water heated, bath, electric lights fire-nlace: one hlock from In- dian Hill Golf Club. Phone Winnet- ka 638-R. 2-tfe FOR RENT---FOUR SPLENDID FTR- rooms. with housekeeping nrivilege, Call un Delebeque 747 Elm street. Winnetka. 2-tfe WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED house with four or five bedrooms, garage and good size ground for summer months. Winnetka or vicini- tv preferred. Good tenant. Give complete details. Address Lake Shore News B-6. 2-2-te FOR RENT--NEW 11-ROOM_ FURN. nished house, overlooking Indian Hill Golf course. 11 rooms. 3 baths, steam heated house and garage. Telephone Winnetka 1422. 4-1te RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS. Spruce St. Tel. Winnetka - 898. 4-1tc FOR RENT--THREE LARGE ROOMS sleeping norch and bath, light and heat furnished. Price $16. Telenhone Glencoe 91, near Hubbard Wonds, 4-23-2tp SPLENDID FUR- housekeeping FOR 1027 RENT--TWO nished rooms with nrivilege. (all at Delebeque, 747 Elm St, Winnetka. 2-tfe FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM WITH cultured family for single sntleman ¢lase in, modern convenieces, $10 ner month. Phone Win. 415. 4-2tp WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR man and wife. Not too far from Green Bay Road and Harbor Street. Address, Glencoe News, Wilmette 3-13. 4-1te WANTED-- 2 NICELY FURNISHED rooms in good family in Winnetka or Hubbard Woods, board preferred. Mel. Glencoe 494, 4-1tp FOR HELP WANTED $i SALES- WANTED--AUTOMOBILE man, good proposition for man will- ing to work. - Address L.-21. care Take Shore News. 22-123-3te RAZOR RTADRES--ATT, WINDS OF razor blades sharpened while vou wait. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chandlers. £20 Davis-st., Evanston. ..R-123-tfec WANTED--GIRLS TO SEW. APPLY Servu Shop, 743 Elm St, Winnetka, 111. 4-1te WANTED--COOK, EXPERIENCED, excellent position, best wages. Tel. Winnetka 58. 4-1te i-1te | "FINE ICR-CHEST. ALSO | { | | | | | | WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST housework 2 or 3 hours every ing but Sunday. Tel. Win. WITH morn- 543-W 4-1tc SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED--POSITION AS CHAUF- feur, private family, good references. Telephone Evanston 2592. J. H. Car- ter, 707 Greenleaf street, Evanston. 21-2-tp LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. T29-tfc PRACTICAL NURSE DESIRES POSI- tion by week or day; best references; reasonable. Tel. Winnetka 513-W, T50-tfe WANTED--GARDEN AND LAND- scape work. Estimates on new work furnished. Call after 6o'clock Win- netka 640. Frank Kares, 1066 Spruce street. 3-3te MISS EDWYL REDDING, TEACHER of piano, Knupfer Studios, Boulevard Building, Thursdays. 16-tfc LOST AnD FOUND GOLD WATCH, case, marked with letter "IL", on black ribbon fob, between Bryant Avenue and beach at bottom of Hub- bard Woods hill, Wednesday, 10, between 12 and 12:30 p. m. ward offered. Return to 818 Bryant LOST HUNTING Ave., or phone Win. 750. 4-1te LOST--BLACK VELVET BAG, MON- day, April 8. Return to Mrs. B. Mayer. Telephgne Glencoe 58. Suit- able reward. 12-1tc MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--BICYCLE REPAIR MAN at once. H. E. Chandler & Co. 630 Davis street. Telephone Evanston 123. 20-123-tfe WANTED--APRIL 29, BOARD AND room for two adults, for several The Annex Pleating and Button Shop 25 E. Washington St. Chicago Above "Store for Men" Room 1035 Buttons Most complete styles and sizes Button Holes For all purposes Hemstitching, Pleating Tucking, Shirring, etc. Best Service Convenient Location SI an (UHHH weeks. Apply Winnetka Talk. Phone Wilmette 1921. 2-3te WANTED--SPINET OR DESK FOR living rgom, ivory dressing table, andiron set. Telephone Winnetka 1184, 4-1te | GARDEN PLOTS ON SHARES. I WILL furnish good rich land in large or small plots, with potatpes and seeds of winter vegetables for cultivation on equal shares. Phone Glencoe 173. 12-1te SAVE AND SERVE. NSWERING a telephone call by saying "Hello"' is a custom which is rapidly falling into disuse. It means nothing to the person at the other end of the line and causes needless delay. By giving your name and the name of your firm, you identify yourself at once to the person calling, and the conversation proceeds without loss of time. WSS. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS 155UED BY THE UNITED STATES COVERNMENT CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY 2222022727772: 28¢, (including war Chicago Ticket Office: 135 S. Clark Street Tel. Central 8280 RZ M. very convenient. 22 NORTH SHORE LINE The fast and dependable service maintained from Winnetka to Waukegan, Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee is of great value to towns and cities along the North Shore. Hourly Service Limited trains leave Winnetka every hour from 7:28 A. M. to 10:28 P. M. Running time 1 hour and 44 miuntes. Trains leave Milwaukee from 6:45 A. M. to 8:45 P. M. Fare $1.40. Theater Special Those having business in Milwaukee which detains them to a late hour, will find the train leaving Milwaukee at 11:15 P. This train reaches Winnetka at 12:59 A. M. Parlor and Dining Cars Comfortable parlor cars leave Winnetka at 9:28 A. M. and 2.28 P. M. and leave Milwaukee at 9:45 A. M. and 2:45 P. M. Seats tax). Excellent dining car service at moderate prices on trains leav- ing Winnetka at 12:28 P. M. and 5 Milwaukee at 11:45 A. M. and 5:45 P. M. Express Trains Express trains making one stop in each town leave Winnetka every half hour for Waukegan and Evanston. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad NORTH SHORE :28 P. M. and on trains leaving AL 2 Fast Trains Z N Wizz; pzvuzzz0z2222222277272272777%, 222% % % Milwaukee Ticket Office: 187 Second Street Tel. Grand 1136 722% Z ZZ 7/07 7 N