) WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918 ------ ocial Happenin S - North SKore by Rutk Risley HE SUMMER'S WORK is well on, a wonderfully inspiring | program, inclusive of splendid activity in so many directions, | work in such variety it is difficult to know where to begin. Long months of trying and training have made the women of fashionable society, that was, expert and wise, and at the end of Winter a ponderous machinery was set in motion with precision, almost with ease, which now is moving swiftly and surely. All of this is a tribute to the proverbial versatility of Americans, | and"of American women, for this war woman's, and the spirit in it all is divine. Of cheer there is a plenty, but of gaiety none, in these days of tragedy, and the very most we can do and give is little enough. a . M Chase of Chicago, whose engagement to Lieutenant Preston 3oyden, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyden, of 723 Pine street, was announced a short time ago, has chosen Saturday, June 22, for her wedding day. Lieutenant Boyden is stationed at Camp Grant. relief work is essentially i" ISS POLLY CHASE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. -- Prizes in the form of useful garden implements will be awarded to the owners of the three best gardens in Winnetka this summer and honorable mention will be given to the five next best. The terms of contest state that every "garden must be planted and cared for subsequent to the planting by the owner or members of his household without employing anyone to assist. In awarding the prizes the judges will take into consideration, the yield, the appear- ance, the size, the di ficulties s overcome and such other matters as, in their opinion, are determi tors in home vegetable gardens. Saturday afternoon, June the | The West Elm Street Circle held "Willing Workers Club", consisting|a very interesting meeting arid ot six children from the fourth, fifth|lawn party with Mrs. Gus Nelson on and sixth grades of Girton school, | Tuesday of this week. Their guests gave an entertainment 'in the garden | of honor included Mrs. Cornelius of Mrs. Roland Whitman, for the | Lynde of the Chicago Commons, and benefit of the Dr. Alice Barlow-| Mrs. Amarosa and her family, the B fu A little play entitled, | latter family having been cared for | Peace", was giveh r the circle during the past year. hich the characters were a lows: i Thatcher Nelson has just been made Goddess of Liberty...Helen Harden-| first lieutenant of the Fifth Pioneer bergh. Artillery Division at Spartanshurg, War ................ Martha Thomas | South Carolina. Lieutenant Nelson, | Carol Whitman | whose father Murry Nelson of 2lizabeth Boyden | Winnetka and Chicago, is Harvard's I 3 1 poet, but has not et Joyce Whit » to learn whe well : it, was that of | vet a furlough and deliver his clas the children, whe anized 1e clu day poem in Cambridge June 18. to help win the war. After the play 3 -r all the children. consumed _ the Miss- Josenhine -Datuff. daushters balance of the afternoon playing >f Mr. and Mrs. George E. Balluff,| games in the garden. { 385 Ridge avenue, is planning to take Through sales of candy, ice cream | up Child Welfare work during part cones, lemonade, and admission | of the summer vacation. She is a tickets the children raised $28.70. | member of the Graduating class at New Trier high school this week. -- | Miss Agnes Yutey, and Miss Marie | The M acDowell AMusienl club held | its final meeting for the season on | June 3, at the home of the president, | Shuffiebotham. two Winnetka pub- Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer. A buffet!lic school teachers, have enlisted for | luncheon was served, after which a| canteen work with the'Y. M. C. A.| short program devoted to "American in France, and will leave within a| Women in Music" was given. Mrs. | ¢ fortnight for the east, to await Clifford Ewart read a paper and Mrs. ! further sailing orders. Frederick Dickinson gave a reading! ---- of "The Pipes of Pan", set to music', The Chicago Smith College club by Lulu Jones Downing, .the piano ¢ 2 will hold its annual field day on the part played by Miss Mabel Higgins. Skokie on Saturday, June 8, .or sat Miss Kartheryn Greene sang a group the Winnetka Woman's club. in case of songs, with Mrs. Sammons at the of unfavorable weather. There will piano. After a business meeting the club adjourned until the second Mon- day in October. : ed | fe i Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 988 Elm street, | About one hundred jackies were. jl oh Monday morning to attend | entertained at dinner and a dancing | the graduation exercises of the Uni- | party last Saturday evening at Com- | Her munity House, and from all reports, | it is stated that it was the most suc- | {he annual reports and Unit news. Bring your own lunch and a cup. daughter, | | 1 el member of IMlinois. Lieber, of Ruth versity Miss 15 | the graduating class. t | ant | and Mrs. F | Holy Comforter | Misses | lor, | bridesmaids. lat | tioned | EMBROIDERY. cessful affair given in their honor | Lom this season. | Mrs. Douglas Smith entertained | = {the Missionary committee at. a busi- A miscellaneous shower was fre luncheon Wednesday at her | in honor of Mrs. Oscar Hostetter at! home in Hubbard Woods. the home of her cousin, Mrs. Wallace A ith. 462 Cedar street, by the tele- i th Bedar Thurs fay Max | Mrs. Thomas H. Murphy, whose C 23. . . . . prone operators, LHPsaRY: 7 husband is in overseas service, is The house was prettily lecorated in red, white and blue, in honor of Mr. r who is now in the service. Hostetter who i 850 Cherry street. ii wii Mrs. L. Cook of Kenosha, Wis, is spending several weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 988 Elm street. ---- Mrs. Daniel W. Wilson of Evans- ton is spending the week with her ---- Miss M. Lillian Smedley, English; instructor in the high school at Lake Geneva, Wis., is spending a part of her vacation with Mrs. M. H. Lie- ber, 988 Elm street. --_---- Miss Florin Hahn of Winnetka ap- peared in a gypsy dance at the en- tertainment given by the pupils of | daughter, Mrs. Walter W. Boerr in the Van Vlissingen dancing school | Winnetka. Saturday afternoon in Power's : , ie 5 theater. Miss Kathryn Thompson 'of the fe Columbia School of Music has re- The engagement is announced of | turned from a two month's visit with Miss Winifred Pardee Allison of|her parents in Houston, Texas. Hazelton, Pa. and Lieutenant , --h-- Thacher Nelson of the Fifth Pioneer Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Morse and Infantry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murry Nelson of Winnetka and Chicago. spending this week at Pelican Lake, ee ! Wisconsin. Another of those delightful danc- | Sr A ing parties was given on Wednesday | Captain Frank W. Blatchford of evening at the Winnetka Woman's' Fort Riley. Kans.. spent last week- club. fend with his family in Winnetka. family of 433 Provident avenue are spending a few weeks with her par-| ents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Williams. Mrs. John C. Williams of 850 Cher- ry street, returned Wednesday from an extended trip through the south- west. Her son, Jack, who accom- panied her, remained in the south. ---- Miss Mary Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr. of Kenil- worth, has chosen next. Saturday evening Frank W. of Gerould, son the service at the Church of | Charmotte | Taylor as maid of honor, and Dorothy and sisters of the bride, will Lieutenant of Evanston, now Camp Grant, will serve and Andrew Taylor, the bride, and Walter Gerould, brother the groom, will act ushers. Lieutenant Gerould is Camp Grant, and is a ten day furlough. stationed as Hypes nan, brother of of as at home on now PLEATING, 10¢ n yard--all colors HEMSTITCHING BUTTONS | best | sta- | BRING YOUI RW Ww Onn LB, Bi be ORE SHOP. | PING, READY WHEN YOU GO HOMF Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention LOUIS J. WROBLE 135 So. State St., corner Adams Over Peacocks FORT DEARBORN Fireproof Storage Company 4615-29 Clifton Avenue Wilson Ave. L Station Phone Ravenswood 100 Have Yeu Decided? To place your household goods Zi and valuables into storage, or possibly to change your loca- tion, if so \ Arrange Now For Packing Moving Shipping An important feature is our private Elevated Switch Track which runs Directly to Ware- house Doors, thus saving extra Handling and Hauling of your belongings Storage For Informaticn as to Rates and Estimate Phone Ravenswood N° _ UNITED STATES , 100 COVERNMENT. Day or Night fen nnnnt¥inl fa Under control of the State Utilities Commission of Illinois Public Lillia ALLEL LLL TT E7777 77777777 77777 | Phone Randolph 6975 & 8 CLL LL LETT LET 700 F700 2d TT Fig 270 Zr 77 | for her wedding to Lieuten- | : Mr. | . W. Gerould of Evanston. | 8 Reverend Herbert W. Gwyn will read | the | at 8:30 o'clock. Miss | Parmelee will serve Miss | 8 the | Margaret Tay- |B act as | : Loomis | i Charm of You, Madam, May Possess the Well-Kept Hands Will you spend three minutes each day to make your hands more attractive? That's all the time it takes to make and keep your hands in pcrfect condition. Thenew Nailoid Products CONSISTING OF Cuticle Solvent Nail Polish Cake Paste Nail Bleach Rose Cuticle Creme Wonderlust Polish Powder The complete sets costs only $1.25, but if you prefer, you may buy each item separately You ought to know how beneficial NAILOID PRODUCTS are -how attractive your hands will become with their use. May we have the pleasure of demonstrating these new toilet accessories to you? Come in today and let us show you how easily the charm of well-kept hands may be acquired and maintained. Renneckar Drug Co. C. E. Renneckar, R. Ph. 2 The Rexall 5 WILMETTE, ILL. Telephones 29 Store and 28 -- y | bf Dvikd pa 4 SRLISEU PARAMOUNT GOLF BALL AMERICAN" wall Papers A live ball from a live rubber house often wins the game. Buy one and v Moin ok out v {stays Phone Franklin 5744 i 308 W. Madison Street Chicago i "ON YOUR WAY OVER" SEES sssmEEREER SAVE AND SERVE. Aroomneed notbezgpensively decorated or lavishly furnished to be attractive. The most "homey" and cheery effects may be obtained by judgment and good taste in se= lecting Wallpapers. Our knowledge of decorating enables us to offer you advice and help. Let us demons strate this to you. KARL PAPE Successor to L. PAPE & SON Wilmette Phone 1773 1622 Forest Ave, WILMETTE, ILL. VE WA. WTA ED. WI WA WENA EC WAR WE FW WIL TER i a 1 ca an i en, TA WC, WHA TE WE WER WGA CHR. SR WHA Wa =| ) 7 0YBUR 615 Davls St., Evanston Matinees 2 and 4 Evenings 7 & 9 " Friday June 7 MAE MARSH In her latest GOLDWYN Production "ALL WOMAN" Burton Holmes Travelogue. Christie Comedy. Saturday only June 8 A Metro Wonderplay VIOLA DANA in "THE ONLY ROAD" Hearst Path News. Judge Brown's Story Coming Soon "TARZAN OF THE APES" NEXT WEEK Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday June 10, 11 and 12 MAETERLINCK'S "The Blue Bird"' An Immortal story, based on things that know no time, nor limitations of age, creed or sex. Thursday June 13 A Paralta Production BESSIE BARRISCALE In Winston Churchill's great Story "Within The Cup" In seven parts Z 7% a & rms %; TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 77% 2 Olive Oil, Syrups, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruits, Jams, Preserves, Soap, and Ammonia, are some items particularly valuable purchases 7% at present. Government regulation has done much to preserve food. Anything we can do to offer Quality food at the lowest price and serve "customers in the most satisfactory way will be done gladly. Welcome to our store. Store Open All Day Thursday. delivery in the afternoon. No WA N22 I 22222277