« Matz, ynesday evening it WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918 3 HROUGH Dr. ocial Happenings| 22 North Shore by Ruth Risley = THE COURTESY of a Winnetka physician two hundred pound boxes of delicious and fresh candy has been purchased to be sold at the Gift Shop, for the benefit of the Alice Barlow-Brown fund. here, is the new slogan adopted by the shop this week.: New articles of all sorts are coming in continually, _ opportunity for some lovely Christmas gifts. Buy your Christmas candy and naturally this makes an HERE T Congress Hotel, December 5 Hotel. members. WILL. BE, A MEETING of the American for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality to 7. 13, the Illinois State Association of Graduate Nurses meets with the : National Organization of Public Nurses The nurses are very anxious to have the interest of lay It is hoped that the members of the Winnetka branch of the Infant Welfare society will avail themselves of the opportuni- ty of attending these meetings if possible. Association held at the On Friday evening, December at 8 o'clock, at the Sherman Different groups of Winnetka wom- en are attending the three days con- ference of the Woman's Board of Missions «of the Interior, being held in Oak Park this week. Interesting speakers from all over the country are included on the program. On "Wednesday evening the Missionary Pageant, "Daybreak", by Eleanor E. Perkins of Evanston, was presented at Orchestra Hall, and the following were in attendance from Winnetka, Mrs. Carrie 'B. Prouty,: Mrs: Alired G. Freeman, Miss Martha Gemmil, Mrs. Lewis C. Norton, Mrs James Clipper, Mrs." "George "Gordon, Mrs. A. M. Scharf, Mrs. Herbert Anning, Mrs. J. R. Dickinson, Miss Ruth M. Miss Louise" Otis. Miss Edna Harry, Mrs. M. I. Lieber. and Mrs. JW. Davies. > « oJ i Fuller, mother of 441 Willow street, le, trorR Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Dean, [ The st Elm Street. circle met Tuesday oon with Mrs. Robert Walpole, 320 Provident avenue. "Chicago Commons Day" proved to be a most interesting day at ithe' "Woman's society of the Congtégas tnoial church Wednesday. Dr Gras ham Taylor was the speaker of the afternoon. Accompanying him, was his daughter, Miss Leah Taylor, and Miss Fannie Blynd, one of the resis «dent workers. -- : The North Shore Catholic Wom- :an's league auxiliary are busily en- :gaged in the furnishing of two K. of 'C. huts for the Sixteenth and Seven- 'teenth regiments at Camp Luce. The scommittee in charge of the work in- «cludes Mrs. Robert. Mehren. of Hub- 'bard Woods, advisor; Miss Margaret Hayes, chairman; Miss Bernice Hu- besch and Miss Helen Williams of "Winnetka; Miss Mary Anderson of "Wilmette; Miss Kathleen Kreger and 'Miss Bessie Dopfer of Glencoe: Miss «Gertrude O'Brien, and Miss Ella Kre- .ger, of Highland Park, and Miss Jewel Gordon of Highwood. Tr Automobiles andi chauffeurs. by the "hundreds are heeded bythe Amer- 'ican Red Cross, which issued a call yesterday fer more volunteers to' 'transport convalescent soldiers 'and sailors: from depots, hospitals and: railroad yards. Anyone willing to do this service for the boys is asked to register with the motor corps at 66 FEast Washington street, Chicago, giving :the capacity of his or her car, name, :address, telephone . number . of the owner, and hours when the car: and: (driver will Be available. mls Miss Elizabeth 'worth sailed Saturday for overseas work . with the: sFutiior:! Ledgue 'unit. "Miss Harriet Stuart BcempREied her sister to New York. : ih? SE 2 Mr. Mrs. Figeh dnd WwW $1 ithere for the winter and 'will be at 'the Shore Crest 'hotel for the next few months. ANT ali ! "The Philathiea ¢lisi met "Faesday'}' evening of last week at the hone of Mrs. B, E. Marsh, ave- 466 Chestnut nue, Winnetka." * : Bent rT : E. B. Taylor is confined to His home swith influenza, this week. Mrs. Fred Cain of Hubbard Woods, Tormerly of Wilmette, left Sunday, ito spent six months: in California, swith her mother, Mrs. [Farrester. BE The Fortnightly Bridge club was entertained on Tuesday. at the home «of Mrs. Charles' E. Lord, in FEdge- water. a 'Mrs. Charles Sanford Blake, will Tbe hostess to the Friday Luncheon :and Bridge club 'this week at 'her 'home 526 Washington avenue. NL" FV The Men's pdiny evening with Wr. Richard Jar- tan, 630 Central avenue. . Sthiartilof Kenil-| "Whist club met Wednes-' of . "Kenilworth have ¢ldded their? home anston 'hotel. The Economy Shop solicits every article you do not want, whether it be old or new. This is to be a per- manent enterprise for the benefit of Wilmette charties, and it needs the co-operation of every home. Early this morning, collectors -were out with horse and wagon, picking up the various arti¢les, which are to be taken to the. Shop and sold, on Fri- | doys and Saturdays of every week. |x This week the Shop is open &very day for receiving goods but hereafter, it | will be open on Thursdays only Send. yvaur old furniture, clothes, iy othér knick-knacks, that are no lon-1 ger of any use to you. They can be converted into money, fo be used for a worthy cause, oh - Anotlier of tie F riday Bridge clubs | will meet with Mrs. F. H. Cornell, 1110 | Ashland avenue, this week J Ferree nittee including Huguenin, Kerr. C.: Mier com- Mesdames Philip fey NT "Morrison? Wallace «Peuchler, and:Herbert | I ha ve "fendered their 'resigna- for service in" the Afmy: and! Navy canteen in 'the Brown building, 'Phey wish to... thank the many each tions |.residents who Paver 2] willingly CO- operated in the: déhation {of food. jeHtes~and cakes, to be served at the ganteen on Saturday and Sunday evenings.-The committee has worked | diligently and with "excellent co- | operation, since the opening of the | station early in the' fall. -- | Friday, December 6, is Red Cross | Day at St. Augustine's parish house, for the members of the Woman's as- sociation." The following week, there. "witt-be-an auxiliary "all-day 'meeting, with a luncheon served at 12:15 o'clock by the hostesses, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. George: Phillips, and Mrs. R. E. Kenyon. iin The Woman's society of the Bap- tist church will meet on Friday, December 6, at the home of Mrs. W. I. Weldon, 1340 Greenwood avenue. The afternoon program will include an address on, "The Americanization | of Our Foreign Women". ---- Mrs, C. Percy Skillen. 714, As shland | avenue, has received word from Mr. | Skillen, from Liverpool. He is eh route to Paris, where he will take up his duties as recreational director | for the Y. M. 5 +The. *H. and Wor club will he en- hh at 'dinner at the home of | | | Mr. and® Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 | Washington.' avenue, next Tuesday ] Syening | + PRET | Next Monday will be Tag Day on | the north shore. and in Chicago, for | "hé benefit '6f the crippled children. Mrs. C. Percy Skillen, 814° As hand hevenue. is ¢luirman of the taggers | for Wilmette. : Et dhs Miss ; Alice 'Shurtleff, who is ed ing at the Riverside high school in Milwaukee this year, spent Thanks- giving and the week-end at her home, | 313 Lake avenue. ---- Captain Henry E. Barroll, who is i stationed with the Ordnance' depart- ment at Washington, D. C., spent Thanksgiving with his family at -389 Ridge avenue. -- Sergeant Howard Shurtleff of Camp Grant, spent Thanksgiving and the week-end at the home of Tis | father, Mr -W. C. Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue. -- af -- Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffman, 1510 Washington avenue, announce the "irth of a son, Wednesday, Décember fe Mrs. George Schrader, formrely of Elmwood avenue, now of Mount Auburn. N. Y., is stopping at the Ev- Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Washington avenue, entertained at dinner on Thanksgiving. 'Day, for Friends front "Chicago. "Christmas | western | the paper will be sent to the 1.200 various | "dall of the medical school. COMMERCIAL ECONOMY ADMINISTRATION ENDS Administrator Stumer Announces All Activities of the Department Ceased on December 1 Louis M. Stumer, head of the Commercial Economy Admniistration of the State Council of Defense, an- nounced that the activities of his de- partment were discontinued on December 1. "This includes the ward, county and community organizations | of the Administration as well as the central office. Under the direction of various | governmental agencies, the Com- | mercial Economy Administration was created to put into effect certain de- finite things with the double purpose of conserving man and motive pow- er and of including thrift throughout the state. Among these were: To restrict Christmas buying useful gifts and bring about early Christmas shopping, To limit deliveries by all mercantile houses--butcher shops, bakeries, de- partment stores, etc.--to one a day. To induce all shoppers to carry home, themselves, as many of their to purchases as possible, and especially | small parcels. To abolish special deliveries, To limit the return of goods for exchange or refund three days from date of purchase. To get early closing hours of all to | retail establishments both to relieve ; the people employed, and to conserve | fuel. All these reforms were made effect- 'ive - throughout = the state by Mr. Stumer's organization, but since the signing of the armistice the nation- al government agencies have remov- ed virtually - all restrictions, directly and others by implication. In getting ready to close up shop some | Very | 12 inches, i inches; | Stunier urges - upon the various branches of trade 'throughout the state that in 'behalf of continuing economy: the reforms" which 'have: t been effected should be maintained,| for their ow" "sake, mercial Eeonomy .: Administration i composed of a;sqore or more of Win- i.netka merchants. N. Y, WEEKLY TO GO OVER SEAS! The, edition of the Weekly," "Northwestern issued last week is a special edition for the men in service. Copies students overseas and in training camps throughout the coun- try. : Phe "Weekly" is larger than pre- vious editions, the twelve pages con- taining news not only of the Evans- ton departments and the S. A. T. C.. but also'a column from the law and | dental schools in Chicago. Greetings to the men in service are by trade organ- | izations: - Y A. Philipshori was the' chairman {of the, local branch of: the Com- North- | {| of [ [ | | sent by President Thomas F. Holgate, | Dean U. S. Grant, Mrs, Earl Dean Howard, president of the Univ ersity circle, the Lydians of the school of | commerce, Dean John F. Hayford of | the engineering school, Arthur Ken- Swanson of the school of commerce Arthur IL. | | and "Cy Dennis of the school of} oratory. Another Coal- Digging Record One of the Dest. coal-digging rec-} ords ever reported to the Fuel Ad- ministration was set up recently by | Rudolph Cheney, a Conifer, Pa., min- er, who loaded 18 tons of coal each day for a month. Official ac- knowledgment of the miner's splendid performance and the good example which he set for his fellow workers in "that and other fields was made by officials of the Fuel administra: tion, Figuring Weight of Ice A very close estimate = of the weight of any block of ice may be ascertained by applying the follow- ing method: The volume of the ice in cubic inches is obtained by multi- | plying together the three dimensions, * Divideing the product by 30 gives the weight of the ice .in pounds. For instance, if the block is 10 by 10 by its volume is 1200 cubic divideing this product by 30 gives 40 pounds as the correct weight of the ice. --Popular Science Month- ly. ---- Christ called men to observe seven grudgeless, hateless days each week: | to. forsake the awful luxury of "get- ting even." Studio of Dancing The Gables :. 627 Grove St. . MISS ELIZABETH DWIGHT ~ Telephone Evanston 6075 i Evanston, HL Gan You Wear? A 16, 36 or 38 SIZE COAT, SUIT or ) DRESS Vf so, we can fit you in a wonderful sample garment at wholesale prices Fall and Winter Showing Sample Cloak and Suit Shop Fifth Fleor North American Bldg., 36 So State, Chicage Centtral 1830 GET IT FOR HER (L(G LEANING the home--once your strength or nerves. of every room. us about it-- we riot Orly sweeps task of the home routine, is now easily and quickly accomplish with the help of the OHIO- TUEC-- without dust or strain qn Because of its greater suction and many improvements, the | OHIO-TUEC cleans more thorous'ly and quickly and has by far the widest range of practical cleaning usefulness in any home. It sweeps-- but is more than a sweeper --it cleans, 'With its attachments it sucks every particle of dust and dirt from the nooks and crannies | You can have an OHIO-TUEC delivered at your home today--we will be glad to give you a free demonstration of how much it 4 save you. Telephone but cleans the most tedious and eid Telephone Evanston 2230. F. A. DARBY ELECTRIC SHOP 1106 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON 0YBUR 615 Davis S8t., Evanston Matinees 2 and 4 Evenings 7 & 9 Friday December 6 The Great English Actor Sir J. Forbes-Robertson in "The Passing of the Third Floor Back" Burton Holmes Travelocue Saturday December 7 WALLACE REID in "Too Many Millions" Hearst Pathe News NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday D. W. Griffiths' Latest Picture "THE GREATEST THING IN LIFE" Wednesday and Thursday Hall Caine's Masterpiece "THE MANXMAN" IN SEVEN PARTS A 7 YH SI WU N20 .._ NY, 'Aspegren & Company TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 ZH 7 ZL 7, Za LTT] | Hm Him IIL ed cases? Canned Goods of Quality on hand in emergency: cases are very gratifying. Do you wish some assort- HHL 7 7 77 7 7 RP 2 7, 7 % Groceries, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables 7 ZH