WINNETKA -- ocial Happenings "North Shore or | by Ruth Risley I' INTEREST on the north shore is the wedding of Miss Rose Carolyn Dennis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 12 IN Mulford Dennis of Glencoe, to Harry Tyler Booth, which is to be solemnized on New Year's Night at the Glencoe Union church. A reception at the home of the bride's parents will follow the ceremony. Miss Dennis has lived in Glencoe all her life, having graduated from the public school, New Trier High school, and later from the University of Illinois, and consequently has many friends along the north shore. She is a member of the Chi Omega sorority. Mr. Booth is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and Gamma Alpha fraternities, and a graduate of the University of Illinois. He is a great grandson of President Tyler. This wedding marks the twenty-eighth anniversary of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dennis, and the forty-eighth an- niversary of Mrs. Joseph Daggett, an aunt of the bride. The young couple will be at home after March 1, at Stearns Park, Roosevelt, Long Island, New York. OCIAL ACTIVITIES in the north shore for the young folk S returning from various colleges, have been practically abandon- ed this season owing to the strict quarantine on all dancing parties in the Village. A few of the fraternity and sorority formal parties are being held out of town, but aside from these, very few affairs are being given. Mrs. T. Philip Swift, daughter of Mrs. Sheridan road, is president of the Service club, which took over Thursday evening's performance of "Going Up" at Cohan's Grand Opera House, the receipts of which amounted to $5,000. Among the north shore residents who were seen in the audience were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McIlvaine, Lieutenant Wilberforce Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Alan Wardwell and her sister, Miss Dorothy Magie. Miss Harriet Stuart of Kenilworth with a group of young women assisted in the sale of souvenir programs. Phelps B. Hoyt, 180 » On Friday afternoon, December 27, from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock, college undergraduates, home for the holi- The all-day meeting of the Wom- an's society of the Congregational church, which falls on New Year's Hall, 1008 Greenleaf avenue, and last AN am Mahon and her son, Lieutenant William Mahon, left on Monday for their home in Ann Ar- bor, Mich. Mrs. Mahon had been the, guest for several days of Mrs. Lorin Sunday her son arrived from Fort Sill, Okla., en route to his home on a leave of absence. -- - Sidney A. Huguenin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huguenin, 506 Lake ave- nue, recently received his commis- sion as an ensign. He has seen serv- ice on a submarine chaser in the Adriatic Sea. Philip Huguenin, an- other son, is stationed in Paris with | the American Red Cross. | TE i Prentiss Couffer, now stationed at | Municipal Pier, is spending a ten day | furlough with his parents, Mr. and | Mrs. John D. Couffer, 903 Lake ave- | nus. On his return to the Pier he | | expects to go to Pelham Bay, L. IL JRE TL THE MONEYED MAN seldom has much money; that is ready cash in hand. He pre- fers to pay all accounts with checks and thus have indisput- able records of payment. Be- sides a man turns down many a small purchase if he has to make a check for it, when if he had the cash he would spend it. An account here is a security, a convenience and an economy. CAPITAL $35,000.00 Formerly WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK BANK OF M. K. MEYER Established 1894 diz WLLL dad ddd dda ddd ar aaa water Beach hotel this evening for the benefit of its war and charity fund. _ . Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Bradstreet, 902 Spruce street, are spending a few days this week at Mudlavia, Ind. I li \} Mrs. B. E. Marsh will entertain 10 old school friends informally to- morrow afternoon at her home, 466 Chestnut avenue. ---- Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Richter, 1211 Hill street, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bunte, 508 Central avenue, were guests at a theater party given by Chicago friends on Christmas Eve. The Richter family spent Christmas Day in Chicago with relatives. ee Af ee Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford and daughter, Betty, 835 Elmwood avenue, are spending the Christmas holidays in Indianapolis, Ind. with Mrs. Mulford's sister, Mrs. Harold E. Mogg. A ms Mrs. H. E. Rohrer, 1008 Greenleaf avenue, is spending the holidays with relatives in Marshalltown, Ia. The Winnetka Pharmacy WILL OPEN Thursday, January 2, 1919 with a new stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines. Stationery Cigars, Candies and Sundries This store will be enlarged and refitted throughout with new fixtures as soon as they can be installed, and Winnetka will have an up-to-date Pharmacy which will be complete in every detail. We Solicit Your Patronage and in return will give you Quality Merchandise and Prompt Service E. A. KREBS, R. P. N. Phones 33 and 684 WINNETKA Prouty Building YOU CAN EXPECT days, will be the guests of the Chi- Day, has been postponed to the fol-' A permanent wave at a moderate - Or ER a ) cago College club, Stevens building. lowing Wednesday, January 8. There price by Delebeque. We have the | | The dramatic circle will present the | will he the usual luncheon served |most perfect apparatus which will | | Christmas play, "Dolls" by Mrs. Har-| and the program of the afternoon not injure your hair. We also give | ry W. Armstrong, head of the dram-| will be in the intersts of the Foreign |g, beautiful long permanent curl to ||| atic circle of the College club, and a department. little girls. | former resident of Evanston. This rr es Call for information at Delebec- | play has been given a number of Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty and Mrs. | ques, 747 Elm strect, Winnetka. Tel. | ; times at college affairs recently and | Fhert S. Harold, were appointed | Winnetka 822. --Ady. (|i Bigs Proven quire popular. The PTE€S1-| delegates from the Winnetka Wom- I a (Hl dents of the alumnae associations an's club to "attend the Le rislative Card of Thanks 11 will be on the reception committee. hep bebe held ay ip et 4 TO SELL AND RENT ae Orr ih the Cold toOm of the Con. Noe A B. Wills formerly of 000 | | ST neers a Major Raymond W. Hardenburgh gress hotel. Willow street, Winnetka, wishes to] and Mrs. Hardenburgh have returned | PA thank all her friend for their sympa- ||| : : from Montgomery, Ala., and are the The Zeta Beta Psi sorority will|thy and kindness in her recent be- A, large list of prospective buyers and very guests of Mrs. Hardenburgh's mot=Taive an informal dance at the kdge=]reavement. T4i-1t . : : . . er, Mrs. Lorenzo M. Joimson of" desirable applicants for spring renting Sheridan road. Mrs. Johnson also. 5 "i " has with her her son, Stewart John- | | prompts me to seek more listings. The son and Mrs. Johnson, who arrived 723 Oak Street, Winnetka sellin eason 1s I 2 recently from Costa Rica, where Mr. WINNETKA TIRE SHOP TELEPRGNE hr 1565 - 3 Season iow 'on and the most de Johnson is charge d'affaires, for their ls i. sirable tenants usually locate early first visit since their marriage a year Vulcanizing - Repairing November. . Hood, Mason and Firestone Tires Monarch Perfection Red Tubes All of last year's and this year's MILLERAD-ON-A-TREAD PUT ON YOUR OLD CASINGS debutantes as well as many of the . > boys and girls home from school for : the holidays were in attendance at IO OI O my IO Em O EI 0 ET O EXO the tea given this afternoon by Mrs. | 9210 9 =o °=®i| JUST WEST OF DEPOT WINNETKA William O. Green in Chicago, for her M : daughter, Miss Lucretia Green. Mrs. | 2 COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF USIC L William H. Mitchell, and Mrs. Pres- CLARE OSBORNE REED, Director ton Boyden, recent brides, Lieut. P. CHICAGO -- m-- Boyden, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. © - Boyden, 725 Pine street, is still over- rr Ge ol Sor | WINNETKA BRANCH : Se [ Littena Wile tart Tavlo ho if KATHLEEN AIR, PRINCIPAL NEW BANK?IBUILDING 5% O V & Ul S Jdutenant Wilberforce Taylor, w Pret" JN is spending the holidays with his | 5 PHONE WINNETKA 974 LINCOLN AND ELM STS. : parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor | SCHOOL NOW IN SESSION ' 1 | Jr. in Winnetka, will return to the : ; ; : : RE ; | aviation field at Arcadia, Fla. the end Private and class instruction in Piano, Harmony, Ear-training, Sight \ Oa al V (& of this month. he Reading and Rhythm. Practice teachers to go to the homes. i : Miss Emily Case is spending the | OrE=qo r= = OXNIOK IOEIOKE ={+) ~{~}; ~IOEMCO | 7 | holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Warren Case at 1259 North State street, Chicago, where they are living this winter. Winthrop W. Case, U. S. A. A. C. is reported to' be near Toul. | tf Miss Genevieve Rudolph, who en- listed in the navy early in the fall, and has been stationed at Washing- ton, D. C,, is spending a ten day fur- lough with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rudolph, 851 Spruce street. if ' Mr. and Mrs. Adam Emory Albright of Hubbard Woods have taken a cottage at Ocean Beach, San Diego, for the winter. Their three sons. Lisle, Ivan and Maloin Albright, are Candies as we have this year. Your New Year's Candy Never have we had such a variety and assortment of high quality Chocolates, Bon Bons, Creams, Hard Candies and Home-Made Cream Caramels No matter what your Candy requirements may be we can meet them THE SWEET SHO Telephone 1094. Telephone your order and we will deliver promptly 549 LINCOLN AVENUE { WINNETKA : ILLINOIS in France. PRES 4d The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union will meet Monday after- noon, December 30, at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Dee A. Stoker, Ab- bottsford road, Kenilworth. 2 lig On account of the influenza epi- demic the dance tp have been given last evening at the Winnetka Wom- an's club has been called off. ee Sanborn Hale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hale of 761 Foxdale avenue, has recovered from a serious attack of influenza. ZL, good quality. Sd Mrs. C. C. Wortly is spending the holidays out of town. and Salad Dressing. LLL dad 77777 7 7 7 adi 277 77, NZ ISLS LLSL LSS TIL LISS SSIS SILLS SSIS SASSI IIIS SI SSIS SSS Lo N N Where you are sure of getting the best that can be had at the lowest price, consistent with Full line of Canned goods, Catsup, Olives, Pickles, Sardines Fach Day'! This amount of coal saved each day will total roundly a half a ton a month---certainly economy worth while and when at the close of the heating season you find your coal bills have been lessened three tons or more it will certainly take the sting out of the high price of fuel. This advantage in fuel saving is available in its fullest measure if you will wisely install Te QGINNEARCLIS" HEAT REGULATOR Automatically regulates the drafts and damp- ers at all hours of the day and might, holding the consumption of fuel to just the amount required to obtain the temperature desired. Eliminates heating plant attention and worry. Insures comfort, health and safety, Works perfectly with any kind of heating plant----hot water, hot air, steam, vapor or vacuum, burning coal or gas. : ----: 1h Write for free literature or make an ap- pointment for demonstration by phoning WABASH 2020 Our Chicago Service Branch: 231 Insurance Exchange Building Corner Jackson and Fifth Avenue. Chicago