Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 7 Feb 1919, p. 4

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insertion in three papers. 10c per line cago and on the north shore. He was BANK 4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1919 | ER | : WORLD PEACE PLANS , BROTH AND SISTER a Irwin Death . her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Dal- CLASSIFIED ADS : | DIE WITHIN 3 WEEKS | Mrs. Emma H. Irwin a resident of | rymple, 6036 Kenwood avenue, Chi- Wilmette for many years, died on|cago. Funeral services were held on uP FOR DISCUSSION . Thursday, January 30, at the home of Saturday afternoon at Oakwood | The death of Waldo B. Cronk at Rates for classified advertising in | Toronto, Canada, on Monday, Jan- | ARS TAT wie . ; THE Lane SHORE NEWS I'S. 3. Duncan-Clark, War Analyst, to | vary 27. marks the passing 5 Wo : im nn I nn wn AREER EERE EEE EERE TE ET I i ane NN TRA Tell Sunday Club Audience of [members in one family within a [§ 10c per line first insertion in any paper Peace Conference Activities | perind o > Weeks: Ms. NOE a 8 i i chs ivoceding INSCrEIOR | the brother of Mrs. O. .- Russell, E LR ER oh tion { vo oC formerly of 1009 Elmwood avenue, iE papers. 7 1-2¢ per line for each suc- | VISITED BATTLE FRONTS who on January 6. E ceeding insertion. 20c per line first Mr. Cronk was well known in Chi- g#= { q = for each succeeding insertion. Mini- mum charge on ane time Ad 30c. Count! five average words to a line. ) Advertisements for the Lake Shore | News must be at our office by Wednes- | day noon; for the Winnetka Weekly | Talk and Glencoe News by Thursday | noon. | FOR SALE | FOR SALE--SLIGHTLY USED ELEC- | tric washing machines; $125 Thor | for $75; $150 Thor, $85; also one at $65. Be sure to see us before buy- ing as we carry the best only--Easy payments. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman avenue, Evanston. Phone 654 Evans > LTG13-tfe FOR SALE--A . AMERICAN | radiator hot Phone | __Win. 657-J T47-1tc | HOUS CHOL D GOODS ' FOR SALE--USED UPRIGHT PIANOS | taken in trade on our players; Whee- SMALL water heater. lock, $55; Vose, $80; Emerson, $120; Adam Schaff, $135. 800 player pianos $295, $900; parlor 'grand, $375. All bargains: easy payments... Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman avenue, Evans- ton. Phone 654. LTG13-tfe FOR SALE--GENUINE ANTIQUE MA- hogany desk and bookcase; also large mahogany library table. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk B-78. 47 -1tp WANTED TO RENT WANTED--MORE HOUSES TO RENT and sell: we are having more in-| quiries than ever before. Phone | afternoons Win. 672 or evenings 522-M. McGuire & Orr, Real Estate. T46-4tc WANTED TO RENT--ON OR BEFORE May 1, modern §-room house in Win- netka, Hubbard Woods or Highland Park: family 3 adults; will be per- manent tenants; state location and | price. P. O. Box 210, Evanston, Ill ! T46-4tp WANTED _HOUSES TO RENT; FURN- ished and unfurnished. McGuire & Orr, Glencoe office, Glencoe 13. G2-4tc | WANTED TO RENT--MODERN 7 OR 8 room furnished house for summer, from May or June 1. Write or phone Carl Hess, 5025 S. Wabash avenue, Chicago. Drexel 3160. T47- ste | REAL ESTATE nie FOR SALE FULLY EQUIPPED 700 acre river farm in best wheat raising district of Alberta; 400 acres ready for crop: joins town; good buildings; possession any time; easy terms. Ad- dress Farm, Winnetka Talk. T1-tfc | FOR RENT FOR RENT---FOUR ROOM COTTAMGE, bath and kitchen; reasonable. Phone Win. 494. Ih T36- afe | BIGHT ROOM HOUSE, LARGE FRONT | yard with trees, new heating plant. 08 Prospect avenue. Tle. Owner Win. 1528. T19-tfe FOR RENT---ROOMS. 905 WEST ELM | street, Phone Win. 415. T47-tfe | FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM | Phone Win. 513-W. T47-tfe FOR RENT--5-ROOM FLAT; $40; SUB- lease until May. 556 Railroad avenue Phone Win. 822 or 1413. T47-1tc | FOR RENT--GENTLEMAN CAN OB- | tain clean, light, modest, homelike | room. Apply Weekly Talk B-407. H Io) LP WANTED 'WANTED. BOY TO DELIVER AT TER school hours; must be 16 years old. Phone Wilmette So or call at Paris- ian Dye House, Carlton building. T46-tfe WANTED--CAPABLE WOMAN FOR housework and care of highest wages. 414 Isabella Phone Wil. 1158. T47-1te MAID. T47-1tc general children; street, Wilmette. WANTED RELIABLE NURSE Phone W in. 15:8 38. § PUA A "TON WW ANTED LET $ XL STEN DO dressmaking and alterations. Ww inne tka 911 before 8 a. m. GIVE ME A CHANCE TO that . new porch, roof, garage those screens, ete.; drawings estimates furnished cheerfully; work guaranteed. Julius F. Salmen, phone Wil. 945-W. Gen"l Jobbing, modeling and Building. LOST AND FOUND LOST--LARGE last Thursday from 834 Lincoln ave- nue, Winnetka; reward for return or information regarding it. "YOUR Phone T29-tfe MIS and 484 T47--te | 5 "WANTED TO BUY WANTED --BABY RUGGY IN GOOD | Phone Win. 640. condition MISC EL LANEOUS TO BU Y-- SECOND Horsman, 524 Davis 4676 Branstan. Drop HAND street ToBI 11 34-tfe WANTED _ clothes. Phone MR. A Agency has the Glencoe News at his stands and is also the agent for subscriptions. D.-H.-tf WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK. we pay the best prizes. Papers, rags iron. bottles and all kinds of junk. | J. Golinsky. 1705 Forest ave. Wil- | mette. Telephone 1150 Wilmette. Junk collecting for the Red Cross. LTG10-tfe DEALER IN SECOND-HAND FURNIT- ure and clothes, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston, telephone Evanston 103 and 5512. Caribou Those Alaska caribou. so numerous that they make river navigation diffi- cult, are reminder of the days in the West when one couldn't see the sun] for the flichts or wild pigeons that obscured the sky. Those were the o-0d old davs. --Oregonian. Shall the great nations go on build- | Rock Island and Pacific, |ing their huge armaments? §ne Ohio, Canadian Pacific, Grand Tr k >: "af ~ " Nati Z 4 - c= | Can the crowded nations with small | [runk Pacific and National Trans- | | at the peace conference. | which 1s up to the minute on current |g vcarc. | events may be expected to be il-| "The hurial service was read by luminating. | Father Bassctt-Jones of St. Augus- Plan Proves Successful tine's church at the home on Tues- The services will be in accordance | 4qav morning at 11 o'clock with in- | with the plan of the committee in| terment at Waukegan. | charge of the Sunday programs to | = ---- | interpret world events of vital sig-| 3 3 | nificance from the moral and | Cleanliness Next to Godliness religious view points. pou T47-1te | FIGURE | and | all | Re- | LT13-tfe | BLACK ANGORA CAT, | Phone Win. | 47-1 tc) _ B. COLLINS OF THE NEWS { AND | LTG13-17te | Has First Hand Knowledge of Con- "Prob- lems of the Peace Conference" Vice-president of the Caraquet, Gulf Shore and Kent Northern Railways | of Canada at the time of his death. Mr. Cronk had been in the railroad ditions in Europe; Topic, 4 3 . | business all his life. He was born | Will the peace conference at Paris| in Footville, Wisconsin. His first! result in a league of nations? position was with the Chicago and] Will the Monroe Doctrine be al Norsin ssn ralimay As ght 3 < . : | tion oftered he joined at interva 2 help or a hindrance in the settle- Phe staffs: of a8 Sti Pagl: Minne ment' { polis and Omaha road, The Chicago, | i continental. | Jaltimore | | | space | Cronk's mother, Mrs. A. E.| has been staying in Wilmette territories find a breathing Mr on other coun- Cronk, . | since the death of her daughter, without encrcaching tries? Mrs. | Discuss Peace Congress 0. W. Russell. He is survived also | These. and many other similar by his widow and 3 sons. The eldest, | i : : = ©" | Charles C. Cronk, is a highway en-| questions will be discussed Sunday | sineer in the employ of the " Sas- | evening at the joint service of the |katchewan Provincial government; Wilmette Sunday Evening club and | E. P. Cronk of Toronto is with the | Canadian National railways, and the | youngest, Harold W. Cronk, is a student at Cornell Ura i the Wilmette Church union. The speaker will be S. J. Duncan-Clark, | war analyst of the Chicago Evening Post whose subject will be "Prob- | lems of the Peace Conference." Perhaps there has been no greater EEE EE EE CT Te MRS. HANNAH A. PECK | BURIED AT WAUKEGAN | CAPITAL - - SURPLUS - - $25,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Do Your Banking Business in Winnetka Officers and Directors JOHN R. LEONARD, - - - President. LOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER, Vice-President HENRY R. HALE, 2 r= wots iCashier SANBORN HALE, - - Assistant Cashier HENRY P. CROWELL VICTOR ELTING CARLTON PROUTY W. G. WALLING LE EE Ey Er Tr Cr CL EC EE EE Ce EE EE EE TT TAT success among publicists: of the day | than that achieved by Mr. Duncan- - | Clark the war period. ven | Mrs. Hannah A. Peck, widow of | berore invited to France as| paniel P. Peck. mother of Blanche | a guest of the British government to | peck Wanner of Wilmette and Ash- | see at first hand what was happen-|jev P. Peck of Evanston. after an| ing at the front lines he had made an iliness of 4 years, passed away on February 1, at the home of r, 629 Central avenue. Peck was born in Halifax, Scotia, coming to Chicago in| She had lived in Wilmette for | enviable reputation with his war Saturday commentaries. Since his return he! per da has followed as closely the diplomat-| Airs ic negotiations and the developments | Novag His address | 1259. The phrase "Cleanliness is next to godliness" 1s found in John Wesley's Sermon XCII on Dress. The language | of the aphorism, however, is taken from the Beraitha, a translation of The meetings during January were | particularly successful because of the | mild weather. The Congregation: al | church has been filled to capacity | every Sunday evening. The manage- ment urges that regular attendants |the Mishna by Rafael M. de Sola. | : come before 7:15 to get good seats. Bacon in one of his essays says: 'For cleanness of body was over] esteemed to proceed from a due; reverence to God, to society and to | | oursely es.'--Christian Herald. | | New Trier Sport Notes THE BIG GYM SHOES Outwear Any Others AND BOYS MEN Shoes for the Whole Family FOR 804 ELM STREET Telephone Win. 694 Shoe Repairing A Speciaity Winnetka Shoe Store H. LUENSMAN, Proprietor | ZT dd ad dd ZZ rT | New Trier took a fall out of Hyde | bz Park Saturday night on the home| NOTICE--Have our 88-note attach- | Fond = the lightweight game, 21 t0 | nent put on your 65-note}Player. It | 12 he heavyweights surprised | il ol Il the 88 ' : everybody by real spurt in the sec- | WHI Playa e:So-r1obe Imusic, | { ond half at the beginning of which they were 3 points behind. With the | team displaying a new brand of bas- kethall, with Roth shooting difficult | baskets and their followers shouting | on the sidelines, they simply over- { whelmed Hyde Park to the tune of 32 to 14. !. New Trier race for the | burban 'league. lichtwéight team to equal by any team. Patterson Bros. PIANOS the | promises to be in Su] leadership of the hard | are Var- | will be They ney, forward, and Sturgeon, center. | | -- | i The hoys of the school weighed , We only | lin Monday for the featherweight and | carry the lightweight teams. . ! pki | best Pianos New Trier will: 'meet Senn High { | school Saturday evening at 7:45 in and Players {two games. Everybody is welcome. | | { Come rly for the good seats. i New Trier High school swimmers | advanced another notch toward the | | Suburban league championship by de- feating Evanston in both senior and! junior events in the dual meet at | Kenilworth last week. It was the | second , time New Trier won from { Evanston, and = two victories over | Morton, and one over Oak Park are also to the winners' credit. { | The senior meet last week was won { by 531 to 8 The junior meet was clos- er, 29 to 21. | | CARS TO STOP AT LAKE AND CENTRAL AVENUES Fixpress and local trains on the . Chicago. North Shore and Milwaukee | U d P I railw will again make stops, to S€ 1anos receive and discharge passengers, at | $50. 00 Central and Lake avenues, Wilmette. | up Representatives ~ of the electric road appeared before the Village] Board Tuesday. evening at which time | a compromise was effected by which | ocal Tuning $2. 50 and express trains will make p ea The the addigional stops in the Village Easy Payments and limited trains make only the| | stops at Linden and Wilmette ave- | Telephone Wilmette 526 The | nues. Telephone Evanston 654 | . Ye NET: a Q ~ » ng Rass . " + A general protest came as the re { Open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. | sult of the elimination of Central] avenue as a local stop several months | ago when the United States Fuel Ad- | 'Patterbon ministration ordered the skip-stop! system adopted in the Village. | CTC ECT TR The new order becomes te tive immediate ly . i 2 a da Te de Zid. Evenings 1950 Irving Park Bivd. Prices: Nights, 75¢ and $1.00. HOY BURIN evanston ue NOW HERE Soh pr aAyERg Friday and Saturday, February 7 & 8 Nights at 8:15. A Matinee Every Day _ "The Wonder Show of All Time" "Surpassing Even 'The Birth Of A Nation' And Unapproached By Any Other Production." D.W.GRIFFITH'S HEARTS OF THE WORLD' Master Producer's Master Production Eighteen Months In The Making Sweetest Love Story Ever Told The Greatest Spectacle Ever Conceived CREATED ON THE BATTLEFIELDS OF FRANCE Matinees 25¢ and 50¢ ALL SEATS NOW ON SALE ~

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