WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1919 LLL dds tid A LL CLL lL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL lL Za 2d Cri iv. Us 2 ed ddl dl lids idiies RZ 2 Ea Zr Zr, ATTENTION TAXPAYERS The following appeal was issued this week by the under- signed chairmen of school boards and Village Presidents in New Trier township who join in asking all taxpayers in the township to attend to the matter of payment of taxes, N N N N N N N N A N N RN N N N N N N promptly and to Collector Hoyt N N N NY N N N NS N N N N King at the First National Bank of Wilmette. "To the Taxpayers of New Trier Township: The undersigned taxing bo- dies and beneficiaries of taxes N now due in New Trier township, N both personal and real estate, N appeal to you individually for N immediate payment of such N taxes to Mr. Hoyt King, Town- N ship Collector, in his office, N First National Bank of Wil- N mette. N By early performance of this N public duty, you save a possible N township levy because the in- N N terest on the money and a N percentage of receipts apply to N\ N N ¥ N N hy N \ N N N N N NY IN township expenses. Again, you help your Village, your schools and your local bodies to pay indebtedness and save interest. Signed Ruth B. Porter, President, High School Board. Frederick N. Penfield, Village President, Glencoe. Edward S. Fechheimer, Chairman, Winnetka School Board. William D. McKenzie, Village President, Winnetka. W. W. Wheelock, N N Village President, Kenilworth N N William F. Babcock, N N Chairman Wilmette Scheol § N Board. N N Edward Zipf, N N Village President, Wilmette. § N Edward Zeutschel, | N Village President, Gross N Point." \! Nozze pi LE ey ST pt gy Lg gig SUBSCRIBE NOW. | | NE Te tpg | FOR SALE--SLIGHTLY USED ELEC- tric washing machines; $125 Thor for $75; $150 Thor, $85; also one at $65. Be sure to see us before buy- ing as we carry the best only--Easy | payments. Patterson Bros. 1522] Sherman avenue, Evanston. Phone | 654 Evanston, LTG13-tfe | we pay the best prizes. Papers, rags, "Save the Pieces" HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--USED UPRIGHT PIANOS taken in trade on our players; Whee- lock, $55; Vose, $80; Emerson, $120; Adam Schaff, $135. 800 player pianos $295, $900; parlor grand, $375.: All bargains; easy payments. Patterson Bros.,, 1522 Sherman avenue, Evans- ton. Fhone 654. LTG13-tfe WANTED TO RENT WANTED---MORE HOUSES TO RENT and sell; we are having more in- guiries than ever before. Phone afternoons Win. 672 or evenings 522-M. McGuire & Orr, Real Estate. T46-4tc WANTED TO RENT---ON OR BEFORE May 1, modern 8-room house in Win- netka, Hubbard Woods or Highland Park; family 3 adults; will be per- manent tenants; state location and price. P. O. Box 210, Evanston, Ill. T46-4tp WANTED--HOUSES TO RENT; FURN- ished and unfurnished. McGuire & Orr, Glencoe office, Glencoe 13. G2-4te WANTED TO RENT--MODERN 7 OR 8 room furnished house for summer, from May or June 1. Write or phone Carl Hess, 5025 8. Wabash avenue, Chicago. Drexel 3160. T47-3tc WANTED TO RENT---MODERN 7 OR § room tion to buy; accessible to "IL". J. W. | Frankel, 64 E. Van Buren street, Chicago, Phone Wabash 9018. T48-1tc | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ULLY EQUIPPED 700 farm in best wheat raising acre rive district of Alberta; 400 acres ready for crop; joins town; good buildings; possession any tirae Vv terms. Ad- dress Farm, Winnetka Talk. T1-tfe ogee F OR RENT FOR RENT--ROOMS. 905 WEST ELM street. Phone Win. 415. T47-tfe FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM | Phone W in. S513-W. T47-tfc SITUATION WANTED GIVE ME A CHANCE TO FIGURE that new porch, roof, garage and those screens, ete.; drawings and estimates work guaranteed. furrished cheerfully; Julius F. Salmen, phone Wil. 945-W. Gen'l Jobbing, Re- | LT13-tfe | modeling and Building. CLASSIFIED ADS | LET MISS CARLSTEN DO dressmaking and alterations. Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. YOUR Phone T29-tfe mn HELP WANTED Rates for classified advertising in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENCOE NEWS WANTED---HAND SEWERS ON LA- dies' dresses, also girls experienced on power machines and girls to learn. Frank Kaplan & Bros, 1051 Benson avenue, Evanston. LTG 14-4tc 10¢ Beper line for eachsucceeding insertion : 16c papers. ceeding ins for mum charge on one time Ad 30c. Count five average words to a line, per line first insertion in any paper. per line first insertion in any two 7 1-2¢ per line for each suc- insertion. . 20c per line first ertion in three papers. 10c per line each succeeding insertion. Mini- Advertisements News must day noon; Talk and Glencoe noon. for the Lake ye at our office by Wednes- for the Winnetka Weekly News by Thursday FOR SALE $74.00 TAKIS MY NEW $250.00 SIZE Shore | WANTED-- prepare dinner; private family; 5 to § P. M. every day; 30c an hour. Phone -W Winnetka. WANTED--COMPETENT general housework; no washing. Apply Matthews, 892 Vernon coe. Phone 519 Glencoe ~ MAID family of four; Mrs. F. L. avenue, Glen- MISCH B L .LANEOUS WANTED clothes. Phone TO BUY---SECOND 4676 Evanston. Drop postal. DEALER IN SECOND- HAND FURNIT- ure and clothes. 1644 Maple avenue, house and garage, with op- | YOUNG WOMAN TO HELP | TG48-3tc | FOR | LTG34-tfc | | Broken Lenses Replaced Frames Repaired N.J. FELLOWS Optician Room 3 Prouty Bldg. Phone Winnetka 85 WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, AND i LILLIA SESSILIS IIL ILS IANS LS FA SIAL SIA ASA SASS SAS SAAN BUY THE BEST ALMETAL Electric Vacuum Washer Sterilizes 'Washes, Boils, and Keeps Water Hot Easy Payments | We Carry the THOR See our Vacuum Cleaners Patterson Brod, 1950 Irving Park Blvd. all | 1522 Sherman Ave. Telephone Wilmette 526 Telephone Evanston 654 {| Open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Evenings | | FOR FIRST CLASS MAIDS AND FIRST class positions call Winnetka Em- ployment Agency. Win. 1479. Ad- dress 545 Provident avenue. Mrs. O. Spiegel. iron, bottles and all kinds of junk. J. Golinsky, 1705 Forest ave. Wil- mette. Telephone 1150 Wilmette. | Junk collecting for the Red Cross. LTG10-tfe | A Square Deal for All We believe that customers who carry their packages home should not be expected to pay for delivery. Customers who have their purchases delivered should pay for that delivery. Beginning Monday, Feb. 17, we will charge 10c for each Sefeiny. We are members of the Merchants' Central Delivery. Vollman's Market, 796 Elm Street Lr 7 7 2 rrr rrr rr LS TLSSSTSST LIS LLL III SSSI SAIS SSS SSIS TSS ILIS TI SII SVS V VST 7 Aspegren & Company TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 OLIVE OIL--Red Lion, quart $1.65; Ehman's, 15 gallon $3.15; McNally's, quart $1.89, 15 gallon $3.50; Centorbi and Avant], quart $1.79; Antonini, 15 pint 58c, quart $1.99, 15 gallon $3.80, gallon $7.50. A few bottles still on hand. MAPLE SYRUP--Log Cabin, small 29¢, large size 99c. COCOANUT--Dunham's--14's 12¢, 15's 22, lb. 42¢; Dromedary 14's 12¢, 15's 22c. OG CEDAR OIL--Bottle, small 23c, large 45c, quart 93c, $1.41, gallon $2.39. CHOW CHOW --Imported, Holbrook's, only a few on hand; large jar 50c; Cross & Blackwell's new price is $1.00 for the same size jar AMMO--3 cans 26c, dozen 99c. NAVY BEANS--S5 Ibs. 59c. COFFEE "Monarch, 3 lbs. $1.03, 5 Ib. carton $1.70. Thrift (very fine quality) bulk, Ib. 32c. JELLY POWDER--Monarch, pkg. 10c. BROMANGELON--pkg. 10c. POLLY PRIM POLISH--25c bottle 22c, 6 (25c bottles) $1.22. PREMIER SALAD DRESSING--Bottle 35c. RYZON BAKING POWDER--1 Ib. 19c, Ib. 33c. REAL EGG NOODLES--(cackle) 14's 19c, % dozen $1.05 SOAP--White Flake, 10 bars 59c, Swift's Pride, 10 bars 55c, 100 bars $5.25; Ivory Flakes, pkg. 9c; Crystal Soap Flakes, pkg. 915c; Crystal Soap Chips, pkg. 15c. 15gallon G4-1te | IC BY greoND FD | GENUINE WAUKEGAN OVEN COKE | | | is THE FUEL Tyrolia phonograph, including $8.50 Evanston, telephone Evanston 103 | worth of records, §3 worth jewel and 5512. LTG13-1Tte | needles; still crated; will ship C. O. | Gp AT B. COLLINS OF THE NEWS * D. on approval; act quick. Mrs. Agency has the Glencoe News at his 'Waverly Brown, 317 Greenleaf ave- stands and is also the agent for | nue, Wilmette, IIL LTG14-8tc gubscriptions. D.-H.-tt; [0 -- fe) ed QE OL J0KICL IOIOK JOO | 2] 2 COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC CLARE O3BORNE REED. Director CHICAGO WINNETKA BRANCH KATHLEEN AiR, PRINCIPAL PHONE WINNETKA 974 SCHOOL NOW IN SESSION Private and class instruction in Piano, Harmony, Ear-training, Sight Reading and Rhythm. Practice teachers to go to the homes. NEW BANK BUILDING LINCOLN AND ELM STS. HAQOEICE IORIOES x -- CFO =TorzorrmT0 = The Parisian Dye House and Cleaners INCORPORATED which is now under new management of B. Nazarian Bros., would like to announce to all the community of the North Shore that we are ready to serve them and fill their demands for cleaning and pressing of their wearing apparel. Ten years of experience in French Dry Cleaning, our high-grade work and our incomparable service is your: theta benefit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Just try us with your next order. Our Phones are Wilmette 803 and Winnetka 150 'B. NAZARIAN BROS. ' DveHouse Proprietors 4 CARLTON BLDG.,, WINNETKA : J you should NOW | - to MIX COAL BECAUSE MAKE THE (l SOFT COAL SMOKELESS and help you get rid of it economically! | WITH THAT | in vour fuel bin 1 by mixing them in the fire box-- putting the coke ! on top of the coal -- IT WILL HELP CALL, PHONE OR WRITE North Shore Gas Co. WINNETKA COAL-LUMBER CO. Telephone Winnetka 734 BUY WAUKEGAN COKE NOW! : Cut down the fire risk of soft coal soot. Help reduce the smoke nuisance of soft coal. Get more heat from your soft coal. We furnish instructions and send a man to show you how FREE. USE SOFT BRANDL BROS. Telephone Winnetka 128 T48-tfo