. i: | RECORD SALE OF CARS BY BRIDGES & GAGE las reported last week by the firm of Bridges & Gage. Franklins. § tel, Franklin Coupe. Touring. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1919 Here 1s a list of eleven cars sold Six of them are Walter Dukes, care Evanston Ho- Nazareth Barsumian, 618 Green- wood boulevard, Evanston, Franklin R. G. Saxer, 1117 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette, Franklin Touring. W. H. Johnson, 1546 Pratt boule- vard, Chicago. Franklin Touring. Mrs. M. B. Boyden, 725 Pine street, Winnetka, Franklin Sedan. EF. M. Chaffee, 245 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, Franklin Club Roadster. Frank G. Calkins, 1913 Wesley ave- nue, Evanston, Studebaker Touring. O. J. Smith, 735 Monroe street, Ev- ~anston, Dodge Sedan. Albert Steffens, 1121 Washington street, Evanston, Stutz 4-passenger, Sport Model. H. Burmister, 452 Oakdale, Glen- coe, Locomotive Touring. H. Burmister, 452 Oakdale, coe, L.ocomobile Touring. Concerning the performance of the Franklin car Bridges & Gage gave out the following interesting in- formation. "In the Long Island Economy Test, under the official supervision of the Long Island Automobile club--the| Franklin won over all contestants at' an operating cost of only 12 cents) per mile. The cost of all other cars | | Glen- averaged 6 cents per mile--five times the Franklin operating cost. In the One Gallon Efficiency Test, ~mder the official supervision of the New York Automobile Trade associa- «tion, the 21 cars entered in competi- tion the Franklin car not only won the prize for the best score in its price class, but also the Willys trophy for the best score irrespective! of price class. | Efficiency Test by Worcester Poly- technic Institute demonstrated that the Franklin delivers 84.4 per cent of its engine power at the rear wheels. north shore distributor. "In the past automobiles have been developed along two widely different lines. One has been toward a cheap, light car. Economy and low first cost have been its chief advantages. The other trend has been toward luxury. comfort and endurance at the expense of high first cost and heavy maintenance expense. The Essex combines the advantage of these two types. "The car was designed by some of the best engineers in America and is built at the Hudson plant in De- troit. It is moderately priced, eco- nomical in operation, has no useless weight, and above all, it is comfort- able. In performance, luxury and fin- ish it is comparable to the highest priced cars on the market. "While the endurance and power of the car are unusual, one of its most notable features is its comfort. Although built for five passengers, careful designing has made it pos- sible to provide more room in the iront and tonneau than is found in most seven-passenger cars. The seats are deep and comfortable. The doors open wide and the levers and pedals are within easy reach. The springs are long enough to assure comiortable riding even on the roughest road. Good Stain Remover Take an ounce of sal-ammoniac and salt of tartar, mix and pour over them a pint of soft water. Dip into it those parts of a white article | | | | Jatlerbon od stained with wine, fruit, or mildew. After the stains have thus been re- moved, wash in the usual manner. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Zi dd ddd dd dad SEWING MACHINES ALL MAKES Notice---We have no door to door agents. Our price is far lower. Over 2,000,000 Singers =i Sold Each Year Singer Electric, $39.00 Used Machines - 5.00 Machines Rented, $3.00 per month 723 Oak Street, Winnetka TELEPHONE WINNETKA (1565 WINNETKA TIRE SHOP Vulcanizing - Repairing Hood, Mason and Firestone Tires Monarch Perfection Red Tubes MILLERAD-ON-A-TREAD PUT ON YOUR OLD CASINGS F. ARENDT LADIES' TAILOR IMPORTER HABIT MAKER 402-3-4 HEYWORTH BLDG., CHICAGO 29 E. MADISON STREET SPRING & SUMMER You are cordially invited to inspect our materials and prices before placing your order elsewhere Now showing the newest and latest creations for Repairing on Wilcox & Gibbs and all makes of machines 1522 Sherman Ave. 1950 Irving Park Blvd. EVANSTON Phone Wilmette 526 | eg Open Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. Evenings Phone Evanston 654. \ a Za Zr Tre 22. f¥a Te of I trade with necessities. difficult to obtain. | reduced prices. Tr EE ET TTR TR PI EH LE ELL nn TE TERT TH I HERAT EE DM CH ETAL CULL A | J L CER Sil O tuniti A 4 7 1 erware Jpportunities Owing to war activities in the past year, silverware i | manufacturers have directed sixty per cent of their out- L put to war work. the balance being used to supply the Naturally many patterns we are i { displaying have been discontinued and many more are With this in mind we have decided to dispose of the entire assortment of these particular items at sharply System Do not move the telephone receiver hook up and down violently when trying to get the attention or to recall the oper- ator. When the movement is jerky and hurried the signal light before the operator does not respond and she does not get the signal. pe 2 EON | ORE d are capable of showing. i Ty WE ARE NEAR ENOUGH TO GIVE YOU SERVICE LOUIS J. SHERLAND COMPANY, 1019 Davis St., Evanston car. .It is small, but it is also capable of performance in the way of acceleration, hill climbing and speed that few larger and costlier cars ¢ The ESSEX is moderately priced, but it is rich in detail of beauty and finish. It awakens the pride of the ownership. Hudson Super-Six Gained Its Leadership on the Speedway IT MAINTAINS IT WITH 60,000 USERS THE IN-BETWEEN CAR @ The ESSEX, as everyone recognizes, combines many of the wanted qualities of both the cheap light car and also the large costly car" € It is light, vet as comfortable and easy riding as the large heavy ( Now 60,000 users through every kind of service and neglect are individually confirming what was shown in those tests. ex ship of HUDSON SUPER-SIX in every way that performance and long life can prove. Retest - > : 5 E Taking into consideration the steady "Used Franklin cars are scarce and | £ increase in the value of silver, this is a splendid oppor- . are known as the easiest selling prop- | £ tunity to purchase silverware at a minimum, bi osition among all the used cars. = 4 . . . 4 5 "If vou re 8nd ou wsed Franklin E? Partial List of the Many Pieces Is Shown Here-- To recall the operator move the for sale, vou will pay twenty per 7 Bowls, Baskets, Dishes, Trays. Toilet Articles, Mar- y cent more for it than ror any other ¥ malade Jars, Salt and Pepper Sets, Smoking Accessories, 1 hook slow ly and gently up fine car in proportion to its first cost i Liquor Bottles, Bon Bon Dishes, Bottle Openers, Travel- 4 and down and the use it has had. ES ii ing Cups, Vases, Candle Sticks, Picture Frames, Pitches, 4 . BE g fg Tea Pots, Coffee Pots, Cups. Novelties, Urns, Cream and i ESSEX CAR NOTABLE gE Sugar Sets, Leather Goods. BECAUSE OF COMFORT, £ , DECLARES SHERLAND | - CHARLES E. GRAV ES & CO. : ES Shia 2 Jewelers and Silversmiths : © "The Essex, which has just made its |= 4 CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY - bow to the public, was built to meet fe MADISON AND WABASH : the demand for a light weight, mod. | ls CHICAGO ' erate priced, high quality automobile] = =}¥ d of unusual performance, luxury and LE TE EE EE EEL LE TE TERR LEA MARAE CARA CREE MEER EAL TH A TT TO TE EEE FH ST ELEY stability. says Louis J Sit] | nnn ap RUHR - QE A GOGO OCT IT HUGO OTOUR TL A. TO [QA EOP A I A TUT SESS ISS SY Fravivexiravirex: i} i PH IT LED THEN AND LEADS NOW | ¢ The records Hudsons made in the tests that prove endurance are 5: just as important today as they were when made two and three years ago. That was the only way then in which it could be proved a life car. The abuse which only the speedway and the hardest touring and hill climbing would reveal in_a few hours bad to be used to demonstrate Hudson limits of endurance. They have established the leader- OUOUN! % RENE -- it J ole SF A As p----