Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 21 Feb 1919, p. 4

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1919 CLASSIFIED AD'S | in Rates for classified advertising THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENCOE NEWS 10c per line first insertion in any paper. Beper line for eachsucceeding insertion 15¢ per line first insertion in any two papers. 7 1-2c¢ per line for each suc- ceeding insertion. 20c per line first insertion in three papers. 10c per line for each succeeding insertion. Mini- mum charge on one time Ad 30c. Count five average words to a line. Advertisements for the Lake 'Shore News must be at our office by Wednes- day noon; for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News by Thursday noon. FOR SALE $74.00 TAKES MY NEW $250.00 SIZE Tyrolia phonograph, including $8.50 worth of records, $3 worth jewel needles; still crated; will ship C. O. D. on approval; act quick. Mrs. Waverly Brown, 317 Greenleaf ave- nue, Wilmette, Ill LTG14-8tc HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--SLIGHTLY USED ELEC- tric washing machines; $1256 Thor for $75; $150 Thor, $85; also one at $65. Be sure to see us before buy- ing as we carry the best only--Easy payments. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sherman avenue, Evanston. Phone 654 Evanston. LTG13-tfe FOR SALBE--FINE MAHOGANY DIN- ing room set and serving table; Steinway upright grand piano; 7 small oriental rugs. W. M. Wright, 545 Vernon avenue, Glencoe. Phone 192. Can be seen 2 P. M. to 6 PA M. Sundays. GbHh-1te | FOR SALE USED UPRIGHT PIANOS | taken in trade on our players; Whee- | . lock, $565; Vose, $80; Emerson, $120; Adam Schaff, $135. 800 player pianos $295, $900; parlor grand, $375. All bargains: easy payments. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman avenue, Evans- ton. Phone 654. LTG13-tfc FOR SALE--ONE BIRDSEYE MAVYLE | bedroom set; also two crib beds, with drop sides. Phone Win. 673. | T49-2tc FOR SALE--AN ATTRACTIVE QUAR- | ter sawed oak dining table; six | chairs, $15.00. Phone Win. 690. T49-1tc WANTED TO BUY TO BUY--GOOD baby carriage, preferably | dark Rlue finish. Phone | Glencoe 2. LTG15-1tc WANTED TO BUY OR RENT--ON OR | before May 1, modern 8-room house in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, or Highland Park; family 3 adults; will be permanent tenants; state location and price. P. O. Box 210, E 1ston, 11. T49-3tp WANTED TOOKING | strong black WANTED TO RENT WANTED--HOUSES TO RENT; FURN- ished and unfurnished. McGuire & Orr, Glencoe office, Glencoe 13. G2-4tc WANTED TO RENT--MODERN 7 OR | 8 room furnished house for summer, | from May or June 1. Write or phone | Carl Hess, 5025 S. Wabash avenue, | Chicago. Drexel 3160. T47-3tc | WANTED--MORE HOUSES TO RENT | and sell; we are having more in-| quiries than ever before Phone afternoons Win. 672 or evenings | 522-M. McGuire & Orr, Real Estate. | T46-4tc FOR SALE Gay) FOR RENT--ROOMS. 905 WEST ELM | street. Phone Win. 415. T47-tfe FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM Phone Win. 513:-W. T47-tfc FOR RENT--ROOM. 942 SPRUCE ST. Phone Win. 1455. T49-1tc | FOR HENT_FURNISHED _ ROOM, | sleeping quarters or light housekeep- ing .Call Win. 1238. T49-1te HELP WANTED WANTED--HAND SEWERS ON LA- dies' dresses, also girls experienced | on power machines and girls to learn. Frank Kaplan & Bros, 1051 | Benson avenue, Evanston. | LTG 14-4te 'G WOMAN TO HELP WANTED--YOU | prepare dinner; private family; b to] 8 P. M. every day; 30c an hour. Phone | 506-W Winnetka. TGAS-3tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL | housework: small house: no laundry; | $12.00 a week; phone Win. 680. H T49-1tc | SIFUATION WANTED LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR | dressmaking and alterations. Phone | Winnetka 911 before § a. m. T29-tfc | CARPENTER AND JOBBER, PROMPT | - service: first class work guaranteed. | A. M. Olsen. Phone Win, 513-R. | T49-4tp | FOR FIRST CLASS MAIDS AND FIRST | class positions call Winnetka Employ- | ment Agency 545 Provident avenue Mrs. O. Spegel, Winnetka 1475. | T49-tfc | FAMILY WASHING TAKEN HOME, also rough dry work done; first class | cooking and serving. Phone Glencoe 343-R. TG49-1tp WANTED_POSITION AS GARDNER or chauffeur. Phone Win. 1455. | a LOST AND FOUND a 1.OST----BUNCH OF KEYS ON RING.! heturn to Winnetka Trust and Sav- ings Bank; reward. T49-1te fOST--A SMALL PEKINESE DOG, white and buff with black nose, from 601 Ash street! Odea. Phone T49-1tc named Tin-ti, reward. Mrs. M. L. H. Win. 367. fb "MISCELLANEOUS clothes. Horsman, LTG34-tfe DEALEE IN SECOND-HAND FURNIT- ure and clothes. 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston, telephone Evanston and 5012. MR. A. B. COLLINS OF THE NEWS! Agency has the Glencoe News at his | stands and is also tke agent for subecriptions. D.-B.-tf WANTED TO BUY_SECOND HAND | 524 Davis street. | Phone 4676 Evanston. Drop postal. | 103 | LTG13-17tc | "ROOSEVELT OF CHINA" SPEAKER HERE SUNDAY Dr. Ng Poon Chew, Chinesé Editor in California and Leader in Missions, Coming to Sunday Evening Club SPEAKS OF MODERN CHINA Will Discuss Problems of Interna- Import Affecting Great Nation of the East tional China's Struggle will be the subject of the address given at 'the joint meeting of the Wilmette Sunday Evening club and Wilmette Church Union on Sunday evening, February 23. The speaker will be Dr. Ng Poon Chew, who has frequently been styled "The Roose- velt of China." Dr. Chew is the editor of the first Chinese daily paper to be published in the United States. He is prominent in the Presbyterian church of California, and is a great believer in the efficacy of missions. Family of Leaders for Democracy" Dr. Chew's wife was the founder yi the first Chinese Y. W. C. A. in the United States. One of his daughters was the first Chinese to teach in the public schools of this country, and another daughter was the first Chinese who, as a music teacher, taught American pupils. Will Ching: cnma Explain Chinese Problems at the moment is prominently ie public eye. Its national neces are being supervised by Chi- bankers. The question of na- ing Chinese and Japanese in rica will probably be a question for discussion not only in this coun- try in the near future but in' the tri- bunals of the new League of Na- tions. In view of these conditions and the part that China has played in the development of democracy, Dr. Chew's address promises to be of great mterest. It is hoped that with him there will be a number of Chinese students who are in this country gaining ideas and being educated with the indem- nity funds which this country re- turned to China after the Boxer up- rising. Returns from Texas Lieutenant Myron T. Harshaw has returned from Houston, Texas, where he received an honorable discharge from the flying corps. He has been in service practically from the begin- ning of the wars Mrs. Harshaw is a member of the teaching force of the Horace Mann school. Receives Discharge Floyd Voltz, 510 Linden avenue, re- | turned to his home this week after having received an honorable dis- charge from the United States Marines with whom he served since last June. WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK. AND we pay the best prizes. Papers, rags, iron. bottles and all kinds of junk. J. Golinsky. 1705 Forest ave. Wil- mette. Telephone 1150 Wilmette. Junk collecting for the Red Cross. LTG10-tfe | i fe rr rT 2 V 2 RN " Your Income Tax | THI PARIS \ | | DEPENDABLE N J . . - . IN -- ee? | in the service of business men N Conferences on the new two-year | as individuals and as firms and N war revenue bill have decided how | corporations. A glance at our N much income you will pay. Under | latest statement of resources. RN their agreement the income tax to| capital stock and surplus plus RN be paid by a married person or head] guy list OF representative di N of a family with no dependents, not | rectors should convince Any. N including exemption for bonds or nan in the business OF Jyotes- taxable dividends, would be as fol- sional world of ours ggshity to N lows for the calendar year 1918 and ea o ih fing sal a N for the year 1919: yosition of a locyl character. H & x " on) We invite a cosfierence with N $ 2500... 00 ne $ 308% 20 | \ ' 'von N 3000.5 vv ens 60 40 --_ \° N 3,500.5. vi Sas 90 60 | \ RN q000.-0 120 2 N WINNETKA TRUST | capfTaL s3s00000 \ 4.500.~ 5 150 100 \ Formerly DN A, and A 9 ormerly 3 ga Eo SAVINGS BANK xd oil ever N San igi 3 Ne We close at 12:30 on Saturdays Established 1894 } DAUR. Ls ad ve Vids, / RY RQ 6,500 SR 320 220 IT El 70080... 5... 390 270 7.500. =. 3 ann 460 206 SR TE SE PE REESE S000, vv. 530 370 | || 8500.1 03 123 We Are the Only Rug Cleaners and Repairers 0.000%. von 530) 93000 755 735 of Your Home Town With Their Own Plant. 0,000... 0. 830 59¢ 12,500 RPG aE pS 1235 895 "There are rug cleanfrs who use acid and chemicals for cleaning 15000. .....~.. 1.670 1230} rugs. 20000. - x 50 4 2630 1.9} me : E000. + 3 220 2'380 Our business is different. We want customers who are so-well 20000. 5. 4.930 3200 pleased with our work, that they come again, and again We clean 35000... 7 6.270 5030 rugs by oriental meghods which renews the originalfinish of the 0000... 7730 6.290 rug. We use no chfmicals, acids or machinerysg # 45,000.......... 9,320 7.680 We are expert Armenian rug er is permanent 50.000.......... 11,030 9,190|}| and undetectable. fur prices are ver regsbnalle especially when | 55.000... .... 12.870 10.830 vou consider fhe foi of work done. Fd 60,000. ......... 14,830 12,590 ; : : x i : 70.000... on 19.130 16.490 | ox We wane Fon business ad wae JA Mpg to cJean a small rug for 80.000. ..7. .....- 23930 20.890 you FREE of chiprge and iet you fudge ygurself. 100.000... coke 35.030 31,190 . 150,000.55 .5.50 67030 o61190]] Just a Trial Phone Today-- Wilmette , Winnetka 150 200,000... sos + 101,030 93,190 ) 300,000, .::. 2. . 173,030 161,190 { § 300.000. .. cod 323.030 303.190 5 1.000.000. 5.05... 703,030 663,190 5,000,000. . . 3.783.030 3,583,100 SE "SEVENTEEN" COMING TO VICTORIA THEATER B. NAZARIAN BROS. - - =~ =~ Proprictors Stuart Walker's production of 4 CARLTON BLDG., WINNETKA "Seventeen", the comedy made from | RE Pas ; | Booth Tarkington's popular "Willie Baxter" stories, comes to the Victoria theater for one week beginning with a matinee Sunday, February 23. Gre- gory Kelly, who is famous for his sympathetic characterization of Wil- lie Baxter. Lillian Ross as Jane, the ten-year-old villain, Ruth Gordon, as the fluffy "baby-talk-lady," Judith [Lowry, who brings a new kind of mother to the stage in the much tried Mrs. Baxter, Neil Martin, Louis Bartels, and half a dozen others bring to life the comic-tragic story of the trials and tribulations of .'William Sylvannus," who now that he is seventeen resent being called "Wil- lie" by his family, and "Silly 3111" by his friends. SERVE 2,800 MEN AT DINNER IN 11 MINUTES Another record smashed at the Great Lakes naval training station! In one of the new mess halls recently built in one of the camps, 2800 men were served "chow" in 11 minutes. The men lined up outside the build- ing, marched in company formation to their respective dining rooms. were served cafeteria style and seated at the table eating, all in 1} gesutes Private and { instruction in Piano, Harmony, Ear-training, Sight Reading and Rhythm. Practice teachers to go to the homes. ONO EI OI =o) --{.) -- FOR MEN Shoes for the Whole Family Dufwear Any Others BOYS o\ A H. LUENSMAN, Proprietor Winnetka Shoe Store 804 ELM STREET Telephone Win. 694 Shoe Repairing A Specialty Merchants' Central A Great Step Forward! In order to give our customers a more satis- factory delivery the merchants, whose names appear below, have organized a cen- tral delivery system. The great advantages of such a system are apparent. It simplifies matters for our customers. If ; a person makes a purchase from each of the stores, which belong to the CENTRAL DE- LIVERY, they know that each and every one of the packages will be delivered' at the same time. [43 / { You are anhoye liveries 'which may of each'6ther The cost of delivery is one of/ the large and growing expensés of the retail d it is with the ive and unneces- sary expense, together/ with giving our actory and prompt delivery, that the CENTRAL DELIVERY constantly, ) of Winnetka, idea of reducing this exce customers a more sati has been established. DELIVERIES WILL BE MADE DAILY AS FOLLOWS 9:30 and 11:30 A. M. 2:30 and 4:45 P. M. MEMBERS OF THE CENTRAL DELIVERY Co-Operative Grocery G. L. Zick & Co. Delivery with three of four de- within a féw minutes Vollman's Market Geo. Rudolph E. B. Taylor & Co. tix

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