Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 28 Feb 1919, p. 3

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1919 ) 3 oc] Happenings o North Shore | by Ruth Risley | [SS KATHLEEN 'AIR of the Columbia School of Music will | present a few of her pupils in a recital on Saturday afternoon, | Parent-Teacher Activities A meeting of the Parent-Teacher association was held in the Skokie school hall on Tuesday evening, March 25. Mrs. Frederick Schoff of Philadelphia, president of the Na- tional Congress of Mothers and Par- ent-Teacher associations was a guest of honor and made a brief address in which she spoke of the late Theo- dore Roosevelt's deep interest and The Cemetery Beautiful LANTED amidst nature's own beauty, man has created a beautiful park ceme- 4 tery. The sunken gardens, the winding paths, and the imposing chapel makes this spot a vision of beauty. It is indeed a fit- ting final resting place for our beloved ones. M March 15, at 3:30 o'clock, to which the public is cordially in- | support of the Parent-Teachers' ~ vited. Among the pupils taking part are the following: Virginia | VOI ; 2 : MEMORIAL PAR K Wallace, Elizabeth Boyden, Susan Burlingham, Charlotte Picher, | The speake: of the evening was 4 . ain . i Miss Alice H. Thompson, secretary athrv y. . : tle - ~F we ar 21- ~ - 1172 3 Saree Riera A . 3 I Ais 21, Kathryn Adams, Eleanor McEwen, Marion Blatchford, Elizabeth | of the Chicago Advisory Commission McEwen, Pauline Thompson, Betty Craig and Helen Hamilton. The | on Community Centers. Miss Thomp- CEMETERY and ANNEX pupils will be assisted by Miss Louise Donoho, soprano, of Chicago, | S08 fo of the community centers Gross Point Road and Harrison St., V5 Mils West of Evanston and Mr. Robert McDonald, pianist, late of the United States navy. | Which are being established in the > We want you to visit this cemetery. You will find it interesting and attractive. You should reserve for yourself a family lot--all lots in Memorial Park are sold with full perpetual care guaranteed. Suitable easy payments--no interest. Don't miss this opportunity. i schools throughout Chicago on a large and systematic scale. Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Gertrude | Lacey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lacey of New York City . to Howard A. Gray of Evanston. Miss Lacey is a sister of Mrs. | IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. Charles E. Pynchon of Hubbard Woods. YO U ARE INVITED Mrs. Luther Laflin Mills, 569 Cherry street, announces the en- | It is Far Better to to call or write to the main office, 703 Mar +uette Bldg. gagement of her daughter, Caroline Bigelow, to Alexander Couper | B and make appointment to have one of our representa- uy a Proudfit of New York City. tives call for you in an automobile to take you to and from the cemetery. No obligation. Investigate NOW 1 Than to "wish" you had L 4 of the Woman's Society of the Con- gregational church on Wednesday, ! 0 March 5. Following is the order of | ing gathering. The Woman's Com- | the program: Business meeting at 11 | mittees, Council of National Defense,| a. m.; luncheon at 12; program at | Illinois Division, after two years of {1:30 p. m., in charge of the Philan-| strenuous war work, is calling a|thropic committee. Address by Dr. state<wide conference of its 2,136| Joseph At 10 o'clock on the morning of March 4, the Morrison hotel, Chica- iS go, will be the scene of an interest- Central Cemetery Company 703 Marquette Building, Dept. 8612] Chicago Our perpetual care funds are on deposit with the Trust Department of the Central Trust of Illinois. EH unit chairmen and its 200,000 mem- bers, to which have also been invited the men who have served as chair- To prove it Ask a large car owner or see ing-in-hospital. - tf and Mrs. 3. de Lee of the Chicago Ly- | 4 ir | Lieutenant Philip T. | f= | g>=0E =OLIACKE IOLJOL 100K 10530 men of the County Executive Son Swift will leave the last of the week Hi} 5 : mittees of the State Council of De-| for an extended sojourn in the south. | : H fense, the Woman's Committee state | Upon their return to town they will | R. D. CUNNINGHAM 1 COL MBIA SCHOOL. OF MUSIC chairmen, from all the other states|take a house at Winnetka for the | Exclusive Daaler | CLARE OSBORNE REED, Director in the union, the twenty-five district | season. | | } presidents of the Illinois Federation 2 £1 Fete) = 810 CHURCH STREET { CHIC AG 0 i of Women's clubs, and the members There will be an all-day meeting ' of all organizations affiliated with Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Lum and Prone 4834 EVANSTON | WINNETKA BRANCH re) the Woman's Committee. daughter, Dorothy, have recently re- © KATHLEEN AIR, PRINCIPAL NEW BANK BUILDING One of the objects of the meeting | turned from a three week's trip to a PHONE WINNETKA 974 LINCOLN AND ELM STS. is to consider how to turn to ac-| Boston and New York. rr rrr | @ ' count for the best good of the com- tlie | 1 SCHOOL NOW IN SESSION munity the wonderful network or Mrs. Charles Hubbard of Winnetka vi : ; Sul : organization created by the Wom-| has returned from Pass Christian, Private and class Instruction mn Piano, Harmony, Ear-training, Sight ° an's Committee and the State Coun-| Miss.,, where she was the guest of Reading and Rhythm. Practice teachers to go to the homes. " cil of Defense. Mrs. C. C. Clarke. 1 > win -- ge ALL MAKES 4 an's Committee in the State of Illi- Miss Jeffries, teacher of the] oN nois. The results of the baby weig-| seventh and eighth grades at the] . : a i rt ing campaign of 1918, the number of i Horace Mann school was confined |; -- Over 2,000,009 Singers Is what we demand of those from whom we do our buying. Miss Clara Nourse, 1137 Greenwood avenue, is still at her home with tonsilitis. At noon on March 4 at the Hotel Morrison, Chicago, the Elizabeth Mc- Cormick Memorial Fund will give a luncheon to which are invited all child welfare chairmen of the Wom- Teacher is Ill welfare stations which have been es- tablished as a consequence, and the to her home several days this week with illness. OOOO OO EI OI O EI OX 0 0 | RTT | Notice---We have no door to door agents. Our price is far lower. = ¢ Sold Each Year a sd AH Quality----Serbice It's what we demand of ourselves for those to whom we sell. present active Back-to-the-School . . Catpaig. will be among the sub-! Singer Electric, $39.00 jects discussed. It is hoped that a | Used Machines 500 9 large majority of the towns of Illi- | > ~ nois will be represented through their | Machines Rented, $3.00 per month : chairmen at this luncheon and that | eo . ; the exchange of experiences, methods | Repaliig ou Wiles & Sib 796 ELM STREET, WINNETKA 1 lh vil 2iy iy Ei Something | | inh a Machine vy Te ZZ ZT 7 Za dd 2d ad ld ddd ded dda blll lida community. | | : STUN BN Paterson Biod A baby son was born to Mr. and NV 4 i; 5 : = Mrd. Blanchard Randall of Balti- i | ; T C NEW Y O K K more a fortnight since. Mrs. Ran- \ | | 1522 ShermanAve. 1950 Irving Park Blvd. C. V 1 ct or Ww 1 S S 0. 14 E. 30chs Stecet dall, who was Romaine McLlvaine, 3 § | EVANSTON . J , daughter of Me iy M% Wien | Phone Evanston 654. Phone Wilmette 526 Interior Decorators and Furnishers CHICAGO D. Mclivaine of Hubbard Woods, has 5 : : bien fotos 5 the Zant her husband ACY Open Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. Evenings W. H. COLSON Telephone Wabash 619 925 FineArtsBldg. Sifies he went erg SEY . 2 : | TrRIZZZZIZZZZZZ I The dancing party which was to . | have been given at the Winnetka Mirro Tea Kettle | on Woman's club on Tuesday evening, § March 4, has been postponed in- Datachable Handle, definitely. Sars welded Spout, No riv- | On Thursday afternoon, March 6, pvc large rating on ; The Art and [iveryinte commnistes any. to keep. clean. : 4 will give two attractive plays at the Full Ii Foasis eo Jeo oo d Winnetka Woman's club. The cast ing SF A minum resti 1gitation eger emain, of characters will include local talent ' entirely. E B T 1 . . Tf . . a or & Co. H M Mrs. Frederick Schoff of Phila- Tayo ypnotism, esmerisin--- delphia, Pa., was the Janes guest PHONE WINNETKA 999 : Tuesday evening of Mrs. harles 3 s Buell, 331 Linden avenue. could never have played any part in the sale of cars listed by us elsewhere in this paper. Such is not necessary among men of character and honesty, with honest value-giving cars to sell. ! WwW ANTED FOR RENT Prospective purchasers have just begun to appreciate the ES | fact that "There won't be enough automobiles in the world to satisfy | A N D SA LE the demand after the first warm days of the spring." | Ford and Oldsmobile cars need no introduction. Their | friends along the North Shore fairly shout their praises. | WwW INNE | KA | OMI 'S The reputation of the Dealer and Salesmen behind the cars 2 makes the purchaser doubly safe, and demonstrates the "why" of 3 | AH { 22 sales in the past 10 days. Having a big demand from buyers idole! ot pandit] ths ; aE ar : Te) 3 n 1S- and prospective renters of furnished ; ok cars, Bow Sod used, sold only in good condition and sa 1 : | aranteed. and unfurnished homes, please list BOUOR gu | rt CUNNINGHAM | R. D. A ] P. W. BRADSTREET EXCLUSIVE NORTH SHORE DEALER N » i vanston 4884 810 Church Street Evanston JUST WEST OF DEPOT WINNETKA Phone Evens OFFICE TELEPHONE WINNETKA 162 4 RESIDENCE TELEPHONE WINNETKA 827

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