his way home. A WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1919 FEI a War Emergency Notes J | CLASSIFIED ADS Winnetka. Phone Win. 1325. T50-1te WANTED--LIVE REAL ESTATE salesman with auto to take charge ment Agency Mrs. O. Spegel, 545 Provident avenue Winnetka 1475 Phone 4676 Evanston. Drop postal. T49-tfc Corporal Milton Maack, Ensign N. Hale, Sebastian Hinton and 1st Lt. John Reilly have received honorable discharges from service. Fred Kassner is with the Army of Occupation. Arthur Kassner, who has been with the military police is reported as on Corp. Werner Ebner, who is with the Army of Occupation near Cob- lenz, writes that he is in the best of health and sends his "best regards to the people of dear old Winnetka." Arthur Syme, who has been with Co. A, 331st Inf. overseas has re- ceived his honorable discharge. Earl Dean is now in Co. D, 11th Regt, of U. S. Marines at Ronoran- tin, France. Sergt. Ernest Burkitt, who has been with Batt. D, 72nd Artillery, has received his honorable discharge. Chaplain and 1st Lieutenant FEd-! ward Ashley Gerhard has received | F his honorable discharge from service | | | ] i and returned to Winnetka to take up! his duties as rector of Christ church parish; Chaplain Gerhard entered service last July and for the past few months has been stationed at the Debarkation Hospital No. 5, New | York City. = | Sergt. Wilmarth Ickes | honorably discharged. | First Lieut. Robert C. Meleney is | at Base Hospital No. 99 in Southern | France, where he is recovering from | Typhoid-Pneumonia with which he | was stricken last October. has been Capt. Henry F. Tenney and Capt. J. H. Linn of the 332nd Field Ar- tillery have returned from overseas and are at Camp Grant awaiting their honorable discharges. The War Emergency Union earn- estly ask$ the families and friends of boys returning home from service to notify the office of their return so that the record of the men in service may be complete as soon as possible. Those knowing of Winnetka men who are now in the Army of Occ | pation are also asked to call up the office of the War Emergency Union-- | Winnetka 1000. 9k The Archives committee of the War Emergency: Union, of which Miss Olive Grover is chairman, is busily | engaged in compiling the war records | of the Winnetka men in service. A { picture of every Winnetka man is wanted for the War Album. If the . families of these men have not al- ready sent such a picture to the of- fice of the War Emergency Union, they are asked to do so as promptly as possible. This Album when com- pleted will be placed in the public library as a matter of record and in- terest for the future. WANTED--GOOD DRESSMAKER | WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL FOR SALE 374.00 TAKES MY NEW §250.00 SIZE Tyrolia phonograph, including $8.50 worth of records, $3 worth jewel needles; still crated; will ship C. O. D. on approval; act quick. Mrs. Waverly Brown, 317 Greenleaf ave- nue, Wilmette, Ill LTG14-8te FOR SALE OR TRADE_-VIM COM- mercial delivery; panel body; first class condition. Call at Paint Shop, Winnetka Motor Co., Mr. Trego. TH0-1te FOR SALE CREDIT ON NEW AUTO- mobiles at the Winnetka Motor Co. George F. Gonsalves, Winnetka. FOR SALE--MANDOLIN; GOOD CON- _ dition. Phone Win. 1050. T50-1tp | § HOUSEHOLD GOODS a FOR SALE--SLIGHTLY USED ELEC- tric washing machines; $1256 Thor for $75; $150 Thor, $85; also one at | $65. Be sure to see us before buy- | ing as we carry the best only--Easy | payments. Patterson Bros, 1522] Sherman avenue, Evanston. Phone | 654 Evanston. LTG13-tfe FOR SALE--AN ATTRACTIVE ( QUAR- | ter sawed oak dining table; six | chairs, $15.00. Phone Win. 690. T50-1tc | FOR SALE--USED UPRIGHT PIANOS taken in trade on our players; Whee- lock, $55; Vose, $80; Emerson, $120; Adam Schaff, $135. 800 player pianos $295, $900; parlor grand, $375. All| bargains; easy payments. Patterson | Bros, 1522 Sherman avenue, Evans- | ton. Phone 654. LTG13-tfc | § FOR SALE---BURROUGHS PAR LOR | size billiard and pool table, 42 | in. by 72 in. Phone Win. 673 | . T50-1te | WwW ANTE ED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY OR RENT--ON OR before May 1, modern 8-room house in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, or Highland Park; family 3 adults; will be permanent tenants; state and price. P. O. Box 210, IL Evanston, | T49-3tp | GETTING AN UNUSUAL number of calls for both unfurnished and furnished houses to rent, from high class renters. Want more good houses to add to our list. See Mur- ray & Terry, 40 North Dearborn St. or call Mr. Brown, Wil. 218. LT16-1tc | iD TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE )1 at in Winnetka or Glencoe, not too far from station. Phone Win WE ARE 513-W. -1tp errno L ESTA FOR SAL -FLAT HOUSE IN WIN- netka, L000. 823 Colfox stre OV FOR RENT anst -- --_---- --_ FOR RENT--ROOMS. 905 WEST ELM |* street. Phone Win. 415. T47-tfe | FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM | Phone Win. 513-W. T47-tfe FOR RENT---ROOM. 947 PROVIDENT 'WW. innetka. avenue, T50-1te | E HELP WANT I WANTED=HAND Sk RS--ON_.LA~ dies' dresses, also girls experienced | on power machines and girls to] learn. Frank Kaplan & Bros. 1051! Benson avenue, Evanston. i LTG 14-4te | FOR | one week before or about May; elec- trie Singer. Apply 446 Washington avenue, Glencoe, or phone 464 Glen- coe, LT16-1tp STUDENT in each town in New Trier to rep- resent us during spare time. Phone Wilmette 1920. LTG16-tfc WANTED--YOUNG WOMAN TO HELP | prepare dinner; private family; 5 to 8 P. M. every day; 30c an hour. Phone 506-W Winnetka. TG48-3te WANTED--E X PE RI ENCED DRESS | maker, also apprentice girl; good | | wages; steady work. 859 Elm street, Gi Ee 1 : | | Announcement | | My twenty years plan, caring for your place of business as well as | your home--still lingers with me, . I came to Winnetka with fifteen years in cabinet making, chiefly store and office fixtures, am still in touch with reliable down town firms .in that line. As: for my carpentry the "fillinz of the bill" all these years as a journeyman--talks The many. calls "Send Ole over' are encouraging. Hereafter please call me direct N 0. H. BOTHNER Telephone 1169 916 Elm Street Winnetka -- id -- 73 FOR MEN Shoes for the THE BIG GYM SHOES Outwear Any Others AND BOYS Whole Family H. LUENSMAN, Proprietor Winnetka Shoe Store 804 ELM STREET Telephone Win. 694 : Shoe Repairing A Specialty location ( ; | WANTED TO RENT | 8 DEALER IN SECOND-HAND FURNIT- ure and clothes. 1644 Maple avenue, of our Winnetka office; wonderful | \WOMAN WITH 6 YEAR OLD CHILD Evanston, telephone Evanston 108 opportunity. Hill & Stone, 524 Linden wishes position in general house- and 5512. LTG13-17te street, Winnetka. ~~ T50-1tc _work. Phone Win. 1163. T50-1tc | FF BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, AND SITUATION WANTED LOST AND FOUND we pay the best prizes, Papers, rags, ET . re ATE PT rT TE Aa iron, bottles and all kinds of junk. LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR |LOST--POCKETBOOK ON PARK AVE. J. Geolinsky. 1705 Forest ave. Wil- dressmaking and alterations. Phone Glencoe State Bank and Northwest- mette "Telephone 1150 Wilmette Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. T29-tfc ern 10:02 train; contained pension Junk 'collecting for the. Red Cross. CARP] ENTER AND JORDEN, PROMPT] Baper: finder may; have JTalltead| oo - 7 _¥ 30 97 /LOG0-te rvice; first class w ork guaranteed. questions asked. WwW. H. Edwards. OPPORTUNITY SEEKERS ARE YOTr by M. Olsen. Phone Win. 513-R. $15 Bluff street, Glencoe. G6-1te looking for a profitable business? If ' T49-4tp -- Tr so, I might be able to help you. Send FOR FIRST CLASS MAIDS AND FIRST MISCELLANEOUS me 2¢ stamp for big mail explaining class positions call Winnetka Employ- WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND clothes. Horsman, proposition. Don't Schaefer, Wilmette, Ill. delay. A. 524 Davis street. M, LTG16-tfdh DO YOUR BANKING : WITH Innetka State Bank CAPITAL - SURPLUS - $25,000.00 - § 5,000.00 3% Interest Paid on Savings Deposits Deposits Made On or Before Ma:ch 6th, Draw Interest From March 1st. HENRY R. HALE, SANBORN HALE, HENRY P. CROWELL CARLTON PROUTY Officers and JOHN R. LEONARD, LOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER, Vice-President Directors President. Cashier - Assistant Cashier VICTOR ELTING W. G. WALLING - - - - How Those Who Know Light and Moderately Priced with Costly Car Qualities Describe the Essex Those who have seen and ridden in the Hssex understand why everyone is so enthu- siastic over it. There has been a veritable burst of approval for the Essex from motorists who have here- tofore confined their interest to one or the other of the two general types of cars. The user of the light cheap car sees in the Essex a new standard of comfort and endur- ance. He recognizes that at a moderate price he at last can get economical motor car service that is enduring. He sees much in the Essex to admire and be proud of instead of apolo- _ getic, for it has the beauty and refinement that distinguishes many large and costly cars. The In-Between Car The Essex, as everyone recognizes, com- bines many of the wanted qualities of both the cheap light car and also of the large costly car. It is light, yet as comforta- ble and easy riding as the large heavy car. It is small, but it also is capable of performance in the way of acceleration, hill climbing and speed that few larger and costlier cars are ca- pable of showing. The Essex is moderately priced, but it is rich in detail of beauty and finish. It awakens the pride of ownership. Louis TELEPHONE EVANSTON 578 Have You Not Noticed It? We have attempted no description of the Essex. We have said it would speak for itself and so it has. People are talking about it. In their descriptions they make comparisons. They say it is light in weight like such and such a car, referring to cars of similar weight and price. But when they speak of Essex performance or of its appearance, comparisons are made to larger and costlier cars. They say it is speedier than this one, and that it rides as easy as another, and that it pulls the hills like ; and stands up like 5 always mentioning cars that are distinguished in such particulars and which cost a great deal more to buy and to operate. OnlyOne out of Three to get them Present indications point to three buyers for each Essex that will be built this year. Ask those who have seen and ridden in the Essex and you will realize how strongly it is esteemed. Or- ders are being booked faster than cars can be built though factory production grows great- er every day., Maybe you will be one of the fortunate to get an Essex. Delay will place you with the thousands who will not be able to get an Essex this year. The question will be decided by your promptness. J. Sherland Co. 1019 DAVIS STREE, EVANSTON, ILL. Pr