Se WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1919 ndcessary to restore himself to the ranks of the "doers." There is little gue it to the disabled man who feels that he has given enough to his country, that he has earned sustenance and consideration for the rest of his life. But, fortunately, there are not very many of him. Everything seems to be possible in 'the way of restoration of the powers . of normal condition to the man who mers--- 1 VOLLMAN' 796 Elm Street SEE THAT THEY GET THE VERY PEST MEATS OBTAINABLE. S MARKET Winnetka, Illinois 7 7 Winnetka Weekly Talk mnetka Weekly la EE | has lost limb or vision or hearin {il S g. eee HI ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK Resourcefulness and ingenuity, with Parent-Teacher Activities Hi! E . H 1 X : by | the remarkable things that science | -- i 2 The Lake Shore Publishi : | has develop Sitve . | my eg -- L200 a ishing Company | has developed to serve in the place Mr. Gerald H. Thayer gave his it- | a | a | of the lost sense or member, reduce | lustrated lecture, "Camouflage and] Business Telephone... Wilmette 1021 | the inconvenience and difficulties to Conceaiing Coloration fat tae Wor | ! Bditorial Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1920! the minimum. Most of the mechani- |: | 3 Suay, foarca «of, oral TY3d 3 3 : ! 2 in the afternoon and evening. The |i|| € ofier Ior a limited time 1n order to nt d wi 1 'e 3 ' A . ¢ v 5 IR 14} ro uce - nnetka Office Telephone. . Winn. 388 cal properties of the lost members | afternoon lecture was exclusively for | ||! d x . . SUBSCRIPTION. ..... 91.00 A year are restored. And with them that the Shiidren from the third to thel|[ll} OUI brand of Titan tires: Strictly in advance self respect that comes from ability seventh grades who were brought to |} . : h ! the club directly from the schools. | 30x3 $13.75 30x3% 1 EE Teen Tt Fon hom BY directly schools. | x3 ....$13. x35... $17.50 32x3Y;....$20. EC cc. oI communications io thel (0/107) OnesELL] the many little The evening lecture was for.the older /2 /2 $20.40 Winnetka Weekly Talk, Wilmette, Ill. | services that are likely to grow irk- children and adults. Pd 3Twd = 022.2000 32x40. 27.80 34x4 29.80 Shonymicuy Communications bel some. if demanded of another: | Immediately before the lecture the |||| 35x41/ 41.35 1 od : ! applies to rejected manuscript unless It is hard now for the returning Social committee of the Jarent- RAR ? 30xdis. 12.20 - return postage is enclosed. Articles! A i sibel Teacher association gave a Camou- |||} ] for publication should reach this office | men to be kept from their homes and flace supper to th teachers and the | by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear-| jo. gy : wage -supper to the teachers ane the Hi i po | dhce 1m. cutrent. issue | families until they are as fully re- members of the Parent-Teachers (I : i | i stored to normal health as their con- board. More than fifty attended this Written gua- We recom: | Resolutions of condolence, cards of | diti RE ; ; novel entertainment. The guests Co | _~ thanks, obituary poetry, notices of | Sition makes possible. But in the were camouflaged with the head- rantee, 4,000 mend them. ' 3 entertainments or other affairs where | future, when the homesick pangs are ' dresses of birds, flowers and vegetal miles, with Goodyear and { an admittance charge will be made or Sop we ; ot gresses of birds, towers ant vegetah- h tir Michelin also i a collection taken, will be charged for | over, the men will realize how much les. At the close of thegrand march each tire. in stock at regular advertising rates. | they owe to those determined men | Sach couple received one of the : barho insist Upon applicat Ca clever "stop and shop" supper bas- HIT 4, Enteren in the postoffice at Winnetka, | = 181st. upon application to the. kets, and the supper was a jolly af- | filinois, as pall mattel of ihe Feo task of getting well and of equipp- fair, with comic songs and jokes and ng themselves with some weapon toasts. The party was arranged by Ni . | fer to a world: orow OR Mrs. S. J. Eisendrath, chairman of . i FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1919 fro afer {oa Sor grown weary of 'he a ennai The ri - A 2? -- {listening to the tale of service a the Social committee. Zhe ( mes tt -- ES wy eame : kt Stale Of Service nd | were provided by Mrs. B. T. McGiv- es en Ladies First sacrifice. Then they will rise up!ern, chairman of the costume com- and call blessed the workers in the | mittee, who also acted as toast- a { reconstruction hospitals 1 ape HAStrEss. d £ Wh . : Sa 2A pits who are ( : A I Y When a speaker in the German as- | bringing back with infinite patience Iie Er Pg Sixth Seadetol 00 or at 118 our sembly began his address, *Herrenline normal functionine of , ie Mot ers Of he Sixtn grage > a " a ae, n g of their the Horace Mann school visited the Pocketbook und Damen," he was taking note of maimed 'hodies. classes Thursday afternoon. After a revolutionary change in the politi- I the: children were dismissed Miss . s of is coun- + aie | Keenan gave a very interesting talk Mr. Automobilist, this i t 1 ealistatus of the wonien of Bis cor Our Claim Against Germany | on her methods of teaching arithme- something, so much it i i itat SPP] ro yout try. Never before Tad. there bes tic, and the mothers had a cup of Spend | = f io ob tire rik of de n° ne Jege. ; : "= tic, ¢ e others ha E pend less for automobile tires and your car will ride just as women to be addressed. But it w as | The claim of the United States tea: Mrs. William Noble, the grade, far, just as comfortably and just as dependably. characteristic of the domestic Iqeals | against Germany is to be set at one | rey, acted as hostess. You spend from $25 to $80 for a new tire and sell the old in Germany that the salutation should | billion doMars. a figure which cotmnts' Skokie Sehool Notes one to the junk man for a few cents a pound. z o S }s sz . : : : 22 'owe . 3 ' 1%] have been first to the men, then to ahout $25000 for each life spent ini An important board meeting of the Next time, don't de it! the women. : the war. Parent-Teacher association .will be Forget the new tire, shut the gate on the junk man, and In the United States it would have In view of the fac wi T held at the Woman's club on Monday send the old tire to us. We'll reconstruct it, 'make it new been different. Our sense of chivalry | has expressed fees that Radian morning, March 31, at 9:30 o'clock. aga ig? 2 DRI KURED: Live-Rubber tread .and it'll cost c RE 'ry | has expressed a determination to de- HH you from $10.50 to $30 instead of from $25 to $80--a saving of 3 lr " 1 Q . . . . always makes us say "Ladies and | mand forty billions, the whole cost here was a mother's meeting at one-half to two-thirds. Gentlemen," but, on the other hand, of the war, and France is inclined to] the Skokie school last Monday. The You who live in Wilmeite, Winnetka and Glencoe, telephone our gentlemen, at least enough of | include both the cost of the present mothers met in eich grade Foon a to us and we'll send for your worn tires, or drop in at our ol J : . "! . - . - nee 4 9» them to defeat the suffrage amend-| war and the indemnity dem: 2:30 o'clock, and at 3:15 all assem ic plant on your way to Chicago and we'll show you how to t are not sufficiently chivalrous || 3 I nnity demanded of | in the Assembly room. A new feat- buy the cheapest tire mileage that motordom ever dreamed of. ment ,are 1 ; s | her after the Franco-Prussian war, |ure was introduced in the form of a Ww . : A : i i ; e $814 ar, wa : uh J Li e guarantee every retreaded tire for 3500 miles. There to admit the ladies to the gov ern with interest compounded for the question De Bach nother , Rs are considerably more than 1000 of our retreaded tires now in mental organization. They give, half century elapsing, the claim of as eg rp ne I WA Jue us on the Nc-th Shore and they're averaging around 5000 = chiva r nN 0 heir ac- TTR: " gry 101 hci she wisae ave answ T miles. i: : chivalry to the women ' ft eir 1 | the United States is moderate to the | ed. These questions were all brought quaintance, without justice. Tt is a | point of being almost inconsiderable. up for discussion. All agreed that - matter of taste whether women; But it is more in accordance with it was a very successful meeting. i , prefer the "Gentlemen and Ladies" | our position of moral dictator of the ! " R ADING C0 style of the German, with admission | world than a higher claim and en- Toi Asjestos Ropes? set Ia d| . . . . « : : ; ; | o lessen the amo al used | to the legislative halls, of the Ladies tirely consistent with our general in fire escapes a Hungarian living in | OPPOSITE CITY HALL » and Gentlemen" of the American, | disregard of figures in matters hay- {Canada has patented one, the chief with the exclusion therefrom. There |ing to do with th ; features of which is a basket to be . ; & ¢ e business of the! * : leat fags. Phone Evanston 65317. 1613-1615 Sher Ave. / 1 is the choice of chivalry of the lips war. {lowered by Fohes from a bracket fas-| man Ave., Evanston . . . . Po | tene : Wine r frame. { .and chivalry of principle, and it is} Thy LL | tened to a win owt AME "rather a sad commentary upon the|PLAY SMALL TOWN PRANKS: Timely Warning men of the United States of America. | PAIR LANDS IN BRIDEWELL -- : _-- rr-- the greatest democracy in the world | Sprinkling the sidewalk with gaso-! A sturdy tramp went into a subur- v hich isn't saying a great deal) wh ,| fine and creatine disturbance in ¢en-{ ban garden where the lady of the | j& a GGL nck 150 saying'a grea decal) Wid eral were the charges placed against ' hovse was occupied in attencin? to _4 'will permit even the German man to Cla Olson. 1106 Florence ave. 1 her: Bowers: tHe tock no cice of | putdo him in the extension of equali- pe. irvanston, and Joseph Miller, | her refusal to give him some cop- |i \ J a wi 029 Ashland avenue, Evans , i pers. but continued to annoy her un-| ; ty to the women of the nation. 5 d avenue, Evanston, both | pers, but ¢ J : 1 4 4 3 years old, when they appeared|til a large dog appeared, barking | a STORAGE ast Thursday before Justice of the loudly. 'The lady seized 1is collar | Making Men Out Of Wrecks | Peace D. M. Mickey in the Village | and held it, calling out : You had | BATTERY : Hall. The two Evanston youths were better go; it may bite." "You aint |g TH cjected from the Jones dance hall |got no right to keep a savage dorg," |g Never has the greater opportunity for disorderly conduct whereat they | replied the tramp. "Perhaps I have |B } offered through the development of | continued their festivities in the not." she answered cooly. 'If you | a: 3 7 gob ; oe <.7tha | street in front of the dance hall. [ think so, I won't keep him. Til let science been more conspicuous than | Ohon was Baca S10 aud coste End: him gol in the reconstruction work that 1s| Miller $5 and costs by Justice Mickey | a 0A Phescarrie | 4 going on with the disabled men of | Both men were sent to the bridewell | Move to New York | O 'the fighting forces. Those who gave | to work out their fines. | = . Copyright registered, 1919 hei ability ki fonds ; oe. i Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bourne and | their a J iy to work mm norma ways tis never easy oa Lye" | family leit this week to live in New | in our Civil war had no choice but to} to God, but it is least in al York City. The family home was at €¢ 99 . ¢ " . at | 5 Tx d | live on for the rest of their lives, the large city. { 218 Ninth street. t as beneficiaries of the government pen-/ ® ® sion, contributing nothing to the life | : a : | day you may be saying that about your of the half century or so left to them. | FOR SALE A E me y,V y ying about yo - Today how different it is! The dis-| S --WINNETKA HOMES battery. abled man need not become a burden | Attractive 4 Bedroom, stucco Bungalow with 2 baths, hot Of course you'll believe it. 1 E's i i water he: garage Sire ality 5 a a i to himself and an object of pity to the, vat 2 oe it, garage, desirable locality, $1500 cash, balance Yet your battery may have been getting nearer fest cf the world. He has every op-| monthly, $8000. ; and nearer to the failing point every day on account fhortunity extended to him to be fitted Alinost new stucco home, 3 bedroom and big glazed sleeping of trouble that you could have headed off weeks ago to be an independent member of so- porch, hot water heat, in excellent condition, price $6200. if you had only known. ciety. He need not feel that his $500 {433 ! a 3 You may have let the water get low. : i is life Kiv only 500 cash and $35 per month will buy a cozy 5 room stucc work iis.done, his life lived, and only ) Hast "i x 4500 - K tgcco You may have used more current than has been resignation to a hard fate left for ome East, see this at $ . replaced him in the future. . . The. Title wagaeine, "Carry OR i SEE You may have let a connection work loose. which is issued from the Surgeon But whatever you did, the weakness would have i General's office, bears material ex- been uncovered by aninspection and a simple hydrom- Ea } rh: ei eter test. plaining the advantages given in the Mn : 3 : Reconstruction hospitals, the change North Shore Specialists 1: you have ta hydtomaer and have never in- which many men are accepting glad- WINNETKA WILMETTE ue attery or made a test, come in and let ly, to be restored to usefulness and! 524 Linden Street 404 Linden Avenue pam. = prepared to lead an interesting life. | Phone Winnetka 1544 Phone Wilmette 1644 F t B tt S . : There is discouragement only for the Lvansion a ery tation 3 man who is inclined to rest on his Telephone Evanston 4445 1648-1650 MAPLE AVE., Cor. Church St. laurels as a disabled soldier, the man | ZZ 2 EE Oe who is ready to be a "veteran" while ' | : hé is yet under thirty, the man who | What we always do for our custo- w does not wish to make the effort : ECHARGED EPAIRED ENTED ENEWED