Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 28 Mar 1919, p. 8

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1919 The Best Lunch in Winnetka for 40 Cents CLASSIFIED ADS | | THE VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN io ra ; ; | Just Open--Everything the Best ICTORY TER TYRANNY WAS THE GIFT OF GOD IN 1918. { VICTORY OVER SELFISHNESS AND APATHY SHOULD |! "Winne:ka Delicatessen & Lunch Room, ERATE BE THE GLORIOUS BLESSING OF THE PRESENT WAR. | FAITH IN GOD, IN' AMERICA, IN OUR OWN POWERS! SELF-CONTROL IN EVERYDAY LIFE! LET'S WORK FOR THE || " : GREATER VICTORY! . -- wo a -- THE VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN OF 1919 WILL BE OFFER- ED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN APRIL. 1 Good Meats and Good Health Ea THIS LOAN WILL YIELD THE FUNDS THAT ARE NEEDED | TO COMPLETE THE WAR TASK OF THE NATION 1 THE HONOR OF THE GOVERNMENT IS AT STAKE. THE HER | | Rates for classified advertising in | THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENCOE NEWS 10c per line first insertion in any paper. Scper line for eachsucceeding insertion 15c per line first insertion in any two papers. 17 1-2c¢ per line for each suc- | ceeding insertion. 20c per line first] insertion in three papers. 10c per line | for each succeeding insertion. Mini- | mum charge on one time Ad 30c. Count five average words to a line. Advertisements for the Lake Shore | News must be at our office by Wednes- | § ican Ee Te -- Good food is the basis of Good health and Good Meats are the basis of good foods. You cannot have good health without good meats--you get GRATITUDE OF THE NATION TO ITS HEROIC DEFENDERS day noon; for the Winnetka Weekly | | ; Li . i: Talk 'snd Glencoe News by Thursday ||| MUST BE MAGNIFICENTLY AFIRMED, WE MUST SHOW THE |} | oly the bert i ae I BRL IVERY 3 : : UT | WHOLE WORLD THAT WE ARE LOYAL TO THE PLEDGED || REE AND PROMPT DELIVERY : FOR SALE--USED UPRIGHT PIANOS, overhauled and guaranteed: Swick & Sons, $40; Wheelock, $45; Kimball, WORD OF THE AMERICAN NATION. 1H THE VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN WILL BE THE BEST IN- | WINNETKA MARKET VESTMENT EVER OFFERED BY ANY GOVERNMENT. IT 95; Price & Steeples, $140; Busch & |} Rid . 3 Geria, $125; Sock & Sons. $140; yooh |}. WILL HAVE LESS RISK, PAY BETTER INTEREST, AND HAVE ||} A. PETERS, Proprietor OL Cn Docker rang, 3375: other [tl MORE ADVANTAGES, THAN ANY SECURITY OBTAINABLE. IL 734 Elm Street Telephone Winnetka 926--921 bargains; easy terms. Patterson Bros. Cee me -- ne BAe Tie a Sere Ys) 1522 Sherman avenue, Evanston. : LTG18-tfc FOR SALE--FINE PAISLEY SHAWL. Phone Glencoe 433. ps TG2-1tp FOR SALE --PEDIGREED AIRDALE puppy; 10 months old. Phone Wil. sod. 2 T2-1tp FOR SALE--MANDOLIN, MAHOGANY rocker, kitchen cabinet, refrigerator, capacity 50 lbs. Call Saturday. 561 Hawthorn Lane. _ T2-1tc, | BUY YOUR SHARE! PERSHING a lad of sixteen, should not become | . an imperial sailor, but should go to America to establish the Pershing FROM FIGHTING name. ; "Under the Hearthstone Frederick | A | STOCK OF 1700 Pershing, Sr.. had secreted a bag-of Spe ren ompany 3 gold coin," the letter received here 2 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALD BARGAIN_MILBURN LIGHT ELEC- ; by Dr. Pershing says: "This i t : General' John J. Pershing comesic rl io ort money. mv his i 2 tric; new batteries and paint; thor-| cr. ~ohting stock. Reverend Dr.|.. = sum of money, my son, but per- oughly overhauled. G. H. Morris, 5218 | irom Sn 5 cousin - of the haps it will aid you to reach the Broadway, Chicago. ~~ LTG20-1te Juss Ne Ale am %% Ts has come! American colonies and perhaps you | FOR SALE--1918 BUICK ROADSTER; ; general, OF reensburg an tas! be | OF Your forebears will be able to come 3000 miles; perfect condition. Phone into posession Of a letter, written by poh, Cond redee he fair I: sof | win. 165. LTG20-1te | audios of the Pershing Jack and redeem the fair lands of : fone oi tae ANCESIOrS > =! Alsace-Lorraine from oppression," | | | TEL. WILMETTE 420 : EVANSTON 466 FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL . WILLYS | family i erica which sheds added | 3 Knight touring car; A-1 condition. family hi ee hs ? | the father told the lad as he bade Address Lake Shore News A-50. justre to the H'ersailly ivy him farewell and Godspeed. LTG20-1te Back in 1744, in the village of Kehe, tn ee -- in Alsace-Lorraine, the Pershing an- due time the youth reached | HOUSEHOLD GOODS cestry fought under Emperor Charles America, and his letters back home | PURITY CROSS PRODUCTS--Creamed Chicken a la king, FOR SALE--MARCH 31 AND APRIL L | "co 1 Magyars, and it was found resulted in his father and several Creamed Salmon, Codfish, Lobster a la Newburg, Complete furniture for 6 room house. | "5 Nag By brothers, with their families, emigrat- Graced Spaghetti, Welsh Rarebit, Finnan Haddie. | These are especially popular during Lenten season. Mahogany and willow chairs, cough, that all able-bodied men between tables, jictures, small victrola, la-| gixteen ai iftv must join the land- "2% 4 : d ee ET ll cr oor] [fees and Aity mst 50 5 'rederick Pershing, Jr. married a x , wehr to help keep their country Iromj y oo yyy. in Balt ; ; lamp, portieres, mahogany dining| ving pillaged by the Austrians Miss Wyant, in Baltimore, and sev- table, § chairs, mahogany dresser, helig p Th Br or Emperor eral of his ons setied in Derry MACCARONI, SPAGHETTI, Noodles, Vermicelli, Alphabet. hiff oT, | s ) a was A township, estmorelanc county chair; twin and double brass beds, (haries - . roa . Fred- X elan Yi Charles in that country and, Fre where General Pershing's grandpar- Favorite combination coal and gas : 5 . " 5 iia i ; loor .- | erick Pe r. Sr., whose eldest son : ; range, Wicks opal-lined refrigerator; erick I ershing. Sr., w bose : ents and where his cousin, Dr. Persh- kitchen table, chairs, utensils, car-| gave his life defending his emperor |. °C 2. OT. pet sweeper, boiler, laundry 8as|aoqinst the Magyars, was determined ing to America in 1749. DOG BISCUIT, PUPPY BISCUIT--I15¢, 35c and 65c. i x 2 : Pershing family history shows SWEDISH MILK WAFERS--pkg. 26c; doz. $3.00 plate, ringer, etc., rugs 9x12, 6x1z,| ral k 0 The Pershing family 1 y shows Pkg. ; Zz. $9.UU. also small sewing machine, glass- that his youngest son, Frederick, Jr, that one or more Pershing names are ware, china, garden swing, child's Br A A : oa eta Ye Tr. A ma : : slide. furnace scoop, rotary ash |SITUATION WANTED-- A-1 EXP. nserined in SyerY war In wach this ACME POP CORN--The kind that pops--pkg. 20c; ¥ dozen sifter. 627 Green Bay, Glencoe. chauffeur, married, careful driver, | country figured, from the Forbes $1.15. T2-1tp good mechanic, do housework, best' campaign for the relief of Fort Pitt TRADE IN YOUR OLD PIANO IF NOT references. 6208 yyintarep aaenus "in 1775. to the present time. in use on a talking machine, sewing | Phone Edgewater 239s. i The Western Pennsylvania Persh- MATCHES--Safe Home, pkg. 3lc; 2 pkgs. 59. Blue Tip (six machine, vacuum cleaner or cash. | SITUATION WANTED TO TAKE CARE ines plan to hold a big famil kK We give the best allowance. Patter-| of lawns, etc, and general work by gs I 4 2sbig family re: 7 cent boxes) pkg. 38c; 2 pkgs. 73c. son Bros. 1522 Sherman avenue, Bv-| the hour, month or contract. have | union on the Pershing homestead, in ' anston. LTG17-tfc had years of experience. Rhgne Derry Township, and have the com- BEBFORE BUYING AN BLECTRIC Glencoe 329-W. _T2-1p | iander of the American forces in EO LLL LLL LL CC ET EC CTT CTE vacuum cleaner see the three best HELP WANTED the world war as their guest of honor. vacuum cleaners made--Hoover, | __--------------r--------0--= -- na . ; RR vitry all: WANTED GIRL FOR GENL. HOUSE- ' : 3 : He 100 Pe work; small house; 3 in pI Dense Philippine Forests Consumers have found co-operation to bring splendid re- . . , 2 oy i - : : nw . = man avenue. Evanston. LTG18-tfe Phone Wil. 1373. L ° -- sults in supplying household needs. Merchants specialize in ¥ FOR SALE--OAK DINING ROOM HAVE GQOD BO Nl You may cut an entrance into a set; 8 pieces; $40; will store to May | S08 Maybe" Phone Win. 165. Win- Philippine lowland forest and so| 1. Phone Win. 1172, eh, T2-1te netka Motor Company. LTG20-1tc | dense and high is the overgrowth FOR SALE--ROYCROFT ROCKING | giimigp --GIRLS AND WOMEN TO that you feel as though you might chair; solid oak; real leather seat; A hand and machine sewing and | pa in a vast cathedral with only good as new; $9. Phone Glencoe 168. draping on ladies dresses. We pay ve in a vast cathedral with only sub- Fa Ln 5 T2-1tp | vou while you learn. We pay ex- dued ravs of light entering here and FOR SALE--MAHOGANY PIANO, $50; perienced workers from $13.00 to there through window panes of Incubator, $4; also dining room, bed | $30.00 per week. Apply to Frank! heavily stained glass. The sun is room furniture, davenport, book case, Kaplan and Bros. 1851 Benson ave- devising plans to satisfy consumers--thus building business. What need can we fill for you, | fi a le -- chairs and many household articles. nue, Evanston, Ill. LTG19-4te completely obscured and it is 'im- 749 Grove street. Phone Glencoe 433. ------=--------==| possible to tell the points of the TG2-1tp PERSONAL __| compass. A twilight gloom pervades FOR SALE--1 LARGE ANTON STICK- | CAN HBLP YOU FIND A PROFIT- | everything and it is useless to even ley settee and living room table; 2 able home business if you send me! ~~ the tite of div book cases; baby's bed. drop sides; your name and address on a post ¢ss the time ot day. odd chairs and set of blue and white aD Zhis is A. ruth oo gei-vieh RTE he Gn i y h\ Tl |e Becker, 1229 quick schemes. ou lose if you don ! ' Qin Hubbard Woods. reply today. A. M. Schaefer. Wil- Hardy Chinese Ponies d T2-1te mette, Ill LTG19-.fah FOR SALE--A SOLID MAHOGANY | =~ wr dresser, 2 chair Kimball piano and VE BUY ALL KINI innetka Coal-Lumber Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS as The Chinese horse is really a pony OF JUNK. A wh somewhat of the type of the west- other furniture; good Longton; we pay the best prizes. Papers. ris= ! ern broncho. It comes from Mon- reasonable. 964 Willow stree alse iron, Dollies ang oll hinas at jams ~olia and is known as the Mongolian FOR THE : A : 10lIiNSKY, 705 Forest ave. l- y En wr . : a FOR SALE--ROLL TOP MAHOGANY | mette. Telephone 1150 Wi'metie | PORY. | be is an siesedioaly Jrardy ; office desk, long table, 3 chairs. 627 Junk collecting for the Red Cross, animal, thrives on ood on which a ' Green Bay, Glencoe. TG2-1tp LTGLO0-tfe | western animal would starve, is able LEHIGH VALLEY COAL SALES CO S "FOR RENT | TANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND | ig carry heavy loads long distances, a MAL -- | ~lothes. Horsman, 524 Davis street bard 1% Very useinl in many ways. As FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM Phone 4676 Evanston. Drop nostal ana 18 very us SE - YS, Ah } 7 J a racing animal it is characterized Phone Win, #13-W 17 are | Prat xfe Cross Creek Lehigh Coal | Evanston, telephone Evanston 103| ponies each year. FOR SALE OR RENT--SEVEN ROOM and 5512. 1.0G13-17te oe i: <) modern house; newly decorated and Cm ee Er TET . AND THE painted; owner leaving city; terms AR. A. B. COLLINS OF THE NEW# | Some men go through life like a reasonabl rent to responsible Agency has the Glencoe News at his, ; Ls at ; PF Tenis en BR AELL aw iy AY Na He ale the agant fo. | aw through a log others like a band DELAWARE, LAC 'KAWANA AND > LTG20-1tp | =<uvscriptions. D.-H -u | iorough the street. FOR RENT--2 NICE FURNISHED 12 : WESTERN single rooms. 329 Park avenue, Glen- coe, Ill. Call Sundays or evenings. FOR RENT FURNISHED NGA: North Shore Contractors and Jobbers Celebrated Scranton Coal low with two Dedroomst Zo2nd March is the month to hu'id Garages. We can build you a first-class _ August. Phone Win, Df Toe SOME, carage, concrete floor. and cve--'hing complete for $280.00 Others For RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOMS. as low as $150.00. Call up and get our estimate on all kinds of - 3 et. T2-1tdh ir Ls Wi, ; 7 y Fo UNGATOW, Lr carpenter work. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL, MAY 1st; $18. Flat, 7 rooms, $16. W. R. Wilson, 1239 Lake Ave., Wilmette. A. JICCHBACHA, Mgr. Phone Wil. 267 phone 1146 Kenilworth. TG2-1tp Large Egg Coal $12 60 i Vie 0U. ] + Small Egg Coal ....... 12.50 : FOR RENT--TWO FURN. ROOMS FOR elderly couple, or two ladies. Phone | " RongeConl'........... 12,10 ! ChestnutCoal ......... 12.05 Win. 74. 552 Lincoln avenue. T2-3tp Ral LZ 2 Ll zzz, PeaCoal ......:...... 11.30 Buckwheat Coal ...... 10.55 7 x Bag Delivery 60c more than above price FOR RENT--ROOM anv boano ur] DEALER IN SECOND-ITAND FULINIT- | by speed and stamina. China ex- Ion 5 : pdulis 588 Hawthorne ure and clothes. 1644 Maple avenue, | ports hétween 1.500 and 2,000 of these Lane. Tinnetka 1 0_Den SITUATION WANTED = ALI, KINDS OF GARDEN WORK; "such as grading, landscaping, ete. Ilighest workmanship; best referenc- es. Call Wilmette 1907 or Winnetka 494, The Wilmette Garden and Home Service, N. Anderson, proprietor, 1211 ' Wilmette avenue. _ LTG20-3tp LET MISS CARLSTEN Do YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winnetka 911 before § a. m. T29-tfe CARPENTER AND JOBBER., PROM PT service; first ¢ Ss WOrk guarantec.. A. M. Olsen. "hone Win. D18-R. WE INVITE ATTENTION BANK REPORT to the latest report of the con- dition of this bank. It will show what ample resources we have and what an able manage- ment. Call for a copy and read it carefully. Its perusal will convince you what a good bank this is at which to have an ac- We recommend to those who have not been our Customers « OUR . L772 2 2227777, TLLLLL SLI L ISS IS SS SSSA S SS IAAI SSS SSIS Tat [9%] FOR FIRST CLASS MAIDS AND FIRST class positions call Winnetka Employ- ment Agency 545 Provident avenue . I 2 count. > Men or Speer, Winnetka 475. DEPENDABLE SERVICE soar wren ots || WINNETKA TRUST capimaL sso UNSURPASSED QUALITY na dare for datos married mi with | § 00 0 SAVINGS BANK Rotteds . Radke £5100. Tish BANK OF M. K. MEYER Tel. 743-735 Earl L. Weinstock, Mgr. WANT TO TAKE WASHING HOME; We close at 12:30 on Saturdays Established 18%4 | first class only. Address Winnetka | Talk B-214. To-Otc | ZI EZ Zee.

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