GRR a Sa a SY I I rE ra py ----" WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL, 11, 1919 a TTT Ridge Avenue Circle Meets yoclal Happenings Bh on y 1ZA ~ . N orth Shore : It is Far Better to by Ruth Risley . Buy a 2 AT $ : . . GROUP OF NORTH SHORE WOMEN are arranging an | FORD C V 1 ct or Twis S C 0. entertainment to be given Saturday evening, May 3, at the | : ; aL Interior Decorators and Furnishers Than to ""wish" you had Winnetka Woman's club for the benefit of the Henry Booth house, a social settlement in West Fourteenth place, in which | | W. H. COLSON Telephone Wabash 6. To prove it Ask a large car owner The Ridge avenue circle 'met on Monday at the home of Mrs. F. S. Krieble, 267 Ridge avenue. Luncheon was served. Personal Property Schedules Skillfully Drawn and Acknowledged CARLTON PROUTY, Prouty Bldg., WINNETKA rd NEW YOKK 14 E, 50th Street CHICAGO 925FineArtsBldg. many well known women are interested. Mrs. M. R. Kultchar is | head resident of the settlement and is on the committee in charge of the entertainment, which will be one of the most important affairs of the post-Lenten season. = Mrs. J. Allen Haines, Mrs. Merritt Starr, Mrs. T. Philip Swift, | or. See Miss Ruth Matz, Miss Augusta Fenger, Mrs. James Porter, Mrs. | (George J. Farnsworth, Mrs. Benjamin Carpenter, and Mrs. William | R. D. CUNNINGHAM O. Green are also on the committee. | Exclusive Dealer The Junior League Players, consisting of Miss Marion Farns- | 810 CHURCH STREET Yosh, Miss Lucretia Green, Miss Mary Rend, Miss Louise Thorne, | Pnone 4531 EVANSTON Liss Florence Folds and Miss Eileen Kelly, will give John Kendirck | Bangs' playlet, "The Worsted Man," and the Henry Booth House { Players will present Yeats' play, "I'he Land of the Heart's Desire." $l It Has Taken Years of honest effort to build the reputation for prompt service and high quality which this market now enjoys, and nothing could tempt us to sacrifice that reputation in any way. WINNETKA MARKET § : Willow Following the two plays there will & 1) be a dance. © The annual meeting of the Winnetka Woman's club, will be | held in the clubhouse, Thursday earlier than the usual meeting hour. and election of officers there will be some good music in charge of | Mrs. Harvey Brewer, and an especially attractive social hour, with ||| a farewell to the retiring officers. afternoon, at 2 o'clock, a little |} In addition to the reports || | | | & Of interest on the north shore is the announcement of the || engagement of Miss Hazel Evelyn Wickum, daughter of Mr. and |{ Mrs. IA Wickum, of Chicago, to Elmer E. Nilles, of Evanston. | Mr. Nilles formerly attended New Trier High school, and had a | wide acquaintance among the younger set. vv The Apollo Musical club, of which Mr. Charles S. Jackson, 1195 Asbury avenue, Hubbard Woods, is president, will sing a memorial service at the Auditorium on Sunday, April 13, at 3:30 o'clock for those who have died during the war. Musical societies throughout the United States are to do the same thing on this day. The work selected to be sung is Vedi's "Requiem." The Chicago Symphony orchestra will accompany, and at the close of the "Requiem" soldiers from the French, English, Italian and Bel- gium armies will bring the colors of their respective ccuntries on the stage. At this time, their various national airs will be sung, the audience being invited to join 'in the' singing. Then will come our own flag and the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner." The consuls of these various coun- tries have accepted invitations to be present. Their boxes will be decorat- ed with their national colors. Gover- Lowden, General Wood, and Captain Bassett will be present also. [t is a surety that this will be not only a splendid musical afternoon «but them *most enthusiastic affair that has ever been given in Chicago. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Tickets may be secured at Lyon and Healy's. | Mr. and Mrs. T. Philip Swift are spending a few days at Hot Springs, Virginia, en route from Florida to Atlantic City, where they will spend Easter with Mrs. Philip Swift's mother, Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt, and her Benjamin grandfather. I - Fo The East Willow street ci will meet with Mrs. J. P. Gailagher, 314 street, on Tuesday of next week, at 2 o'clock. The women will bring furnishings for another suit case for Judge Bartelme's girls. - = ht Mrs. Frank W. Blatchford, 605 Ar- bor Vitae road, received a cablegram early this week stating that Captain Blatchford has received his com- mission as a major. ------ Mr. and Mrs. John T. Boddie and family returned to their home at 848 North avenue, on Wednesday, after an extended sojourn in Miami and Palm Beach, Florida. ef rite Prouty and his son Richard of 744 Flim street, have been spend- ing the week at their cottage, Binkie T adoe, located on the Fox river, near McHenry. nor A 1 \len. rel rcie ' Ra Mr. C. S. Hertel, 196 Myrtle street, left Wednesday evening on a week's business trip to New City. two | i Mrs. Tohn Tuttle Balkam of Du-, luth, Minnesota, has been spending the week as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Stanhope, 610 Ash street. -- The Chi Omega alumnae associa- tion gave a tea last Saturday after- noon at the North Shore hotel. ---- Parker Blair arrived in New York City from overseas on April 4. EN Mrs. Hermon B. Butler will return the first of next week from Cleveland, Ohio. York' The Spring Institute of the Cook | County Woman's Christian Temper- | ance Union will be held in the! Western avenue M. E. church, Wed- nesday, April 23, commencing at 10 o'clock. Mrs Frederick Dow will speak on "Community Council" at 11 o'clock; at 3 o'clock an address will be given by Mr. Rex Cole, who has lately returned from Japan. Mr. Cole gives a vivid picture of that country, its people, its needs and of its rela- tion to China. He will speak also of the need of temperance work in which the W. C. T. U. may help Japan. a Woman's RT luk ad | A regular meeting of the Woman's, club was held April 3, at 2:30 o'clock. | The club wishes to sponsor this year | Victory Gardens under the vision of Mrs. Frederick Fisher, a| government expert, assisted by Mrs. ] Walter F- Wallace and two other women of Winnetka. Mrs. Morris | Greeley spoke! of the Victory loan. It | begins April 21 and lasts until May | 10. Mr. deWindt and Mrs. Alan | Wolfe are in charge of the drive. Mrs. | Prouty asked for financial support | for the Federation. Donations from | 10 cents up will be received by Mrs. | Greeley. The annual meeting of the club | will be held April 17, at 2 o'clock. | [here will be music and refreshments | in keeping with the festive nature of | he last meeting of the year. A large | attendance is hoped for. | The Mid-Biennial Conference of Woman's clubs will be held at Ashe- | ville from May 27 to 30 inclusive. Mrs. Porter reported the morning | Federation | the Tenth neeting. Mrs. Greeley, chairman of the Civics department. Mr. Alton who spoke on the engin- eerine featrre of the Filtration plant. This is to be voted on April 29. Mr. Woolheiser then gave the financial side of the question, cost $90,000. He also spoke of needed improvements in the Water and Light plants and the Utility building and general yard in contemplation just now. CHURCHES TO HAVE UNION HOLY WEEK session of The following program for Union Holy week services at Christ church and the Congregational church is an- | nounced as follows: Monday, April 14, 8 P. M. Mr. | Richards preaches at Christ church on "Joseph of Aramathea." Tuesday, April 15, 8 P. M. Mr. Ger- hard preaches at the Congregational church on "Christ and the Home." Wednesday. April 16. 8 P. M. Mr. Richards preaches at Christ Church on "The Life that is Christ." Thursday, April 17,8 P. M. Mr. Ger- hard at the Congregational church on "Christ and the Church," followed by the Communion service. Good Friday, April 18. Three hour service, twelve to three at Christ church, conducted by Mr. Richards and Mr. Gerhard. Rosewood Avenue Circle Meets The Rosewood avenue circle met to- i l day at the home of Mrs. Carl Ab- Lieutenant and Mrs. J. Allen Haines ' are visiting in the east. | rahamson, 762 Walden road, at .2 o'clock. -- | WINNETKA SHOE STORE ey ) Ready for the Season Different kinds of white, black, tan and patent Also in Oxfords Elk Shoes, Special for Children Arch Supports, Laces, Polish, Etc. Tweedie Boot Top Spats. | | | Shoe Repairing a Specialty. Telephone 694. 804 ELM ST. | 1 TRADE AT HOME--Do You? | super- | introduced | J A. PETERS, Proprietor Telephone Winnetka 920--921 734 Elm Street "3 rR 277 rrr 70, BARGAINS 4 ASSIS SS LLLSS LISS LSS SSIS SASS STIL ALLL LSS LS SS SSA L SLL SS A LSS SASL SSA SAS SSS SASSI SSS AS SAS SS SISA SSSA SS SS SSSA 4 No good grocer fcels satisfied unless he gives his customers thé best groceries and the fullest measure of grocery service. This service means prompt deliveries, efficient telephone service, pleasant, intelligent clerks, accurately kept accounts and a stock of groceries and specialties which we can recommend with every con- fidence that they will make friends for us. One of the best articles we suggest that our customers try is. RYZON Baking Powder. We say this because we know that RYZON is a baking powder which will give entire satisfaction. Priced honestly at 40. cents a pound. Winnetka Co-Operative Co. 722 Elm Street, Winnetka Telephones 51 and 52 77 T7277 7 Zr Zl ddd ad 7 ddd Za 2d dd TEL ddd dddzididediidiiiiiiiiiiis dds Spring and Summer Shoes 777% 7277777777 0 0mm Announcing JHE Women and Children FOR % 2277227, 722% 22200222777 777 S. POOL 1608 CHICAGO AVENUE EVANSTON, ILL. OPPOSITE NORTH SHORE HOTEL 777777 ppv: zz V2 NZ LILIA AIL FAIL IIA LILIES ALIA ILL IA ASIA LAAT SA IAL LAA IAS SA IAAF AA AA IA AAA AAAI, Ls 7s SR IN