WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1919 Winnetka's Victory Loan Workers Complete list of District Captains and Block Captains; also District Boundaries DISTRICT NO. 1 . Elm street, Willow street, Railroad Tracks, Sheridan road. Captain--MRS. ARTHUR DEAN Block Captains Mrs. Norman K. Anderson, 565 Wil- low street. Mrs. E. W. Beach, 5332 Oak street. Mrs. james Clipper, 556 Cherry street. Mrs." EF." V. LL. street. Mrs. Frank T. Crawford, 511 Cedar street. Mrs. John L. Hamilton, 412 Walnut Street. Mrs. B. J. Kellum, 429 Maple street. Brown, 529 Cedar Mrs. Robert S. Laird, 50 Elm street. Mrs. L. C. Norton, 370 Walnut street. Miss Theresa O'Brien, 748 Elm street. Mrs. W. A. Otis, 644 Oak street. Mrs. Wilson A. Reid, 361 Cherry street. Mrs. Raynor F. street. Mrs. E- E. Stultz, 463 Willow street. Miss Susan Windes, 530 Cherry street. Starr, 630 Ash DISTRICT NO. 2 Willow street, Winnetka avenue, Sheridan Road, Railroad Tracks. Captain--MRS. MARC NEWMAN Block Captains Mrs. Thomas M. Brooks, 590 Wil- low street. Mrs. W. R. English, 375 Hawthorne Lane. Mrs. A. D. Fassett, 471 Hill road. Mrs. Dudley K. French, 503 Haw- thorne Lane: Mrs. Chancey B. Hill, 220 Myrtle street. Mrs. Royal A. Hoagland, 428 Wil- low street. " Mrs. John E. Lutz, 460 Hawthorne Lane. Miss Dorothy street. Mrs. H. B. McKenzie, 402 Haw- thorne Lane. Mrs. Sherman B. Orwig, 553 Elder Lane. Mrs. Fred F. thorue Lane. Mrs. Sylvan Hirschberg, 402 Wil- low street. Mrs. Leonard H. Roach, 292 Sher- idan road, Mrs. B. 'K. Smith, 547 Fir street. Mrs. Robert Smith, 310 Fairview avenue. Mrs. Ernest Von Ammon, 420 Elder Lane. Mrs. George D. Wolf, 625 Willow street. Madsen, 548 Fir Parsons, 518 Haw- DISTRICT NO. 3 Railroad Tracks, Skokie Hill Road, Winnetka avenue. Captain--MRS. CHARLES R. WIL. SON. Valley, DISTRICT NO. 4 Hill Road, Willow street, Railroad Tracks, Skokie Valley. Captain--MRS. ROGERS SHERMAN Block Captains Mrs. Francis Cooke, Forest ave- nue. Mrs. Stephen A. Foster, Ridge ave- nue. Miss L. O. Kolb, 224 Ridge avenue- Mrs. James C. Linn, 286 Ridge ave- nue. Mrs. James G. Weart, Ridge ave- nue. x : " Mrs. Walter Wallace, Mt. Pleasant Road. : DISTRICT NO. 5 Elm street, Willow street, Railroad Tracks, Provident avenue. Captain--MRS. EUGENE SAX Block Captains Mrs. W. S. Bell, 840 Ash street Miss Kate Dwyer, 858 Elm street. Mrs. S. FEisendrath, 843 Cherry street. Mrs. M- L.: Hirsch, Birch street. Mrs. S. B. Rogers, 467 Linden street. Mrs. L- J. Schwabacher, 815 Ash street. Mrs. H- L. Street, 390 Linden street. Mrs. William T- Wehrstedt, 906 Cherry street. Mrs. Joseph E. Winterbotham, 899 Oak street. b DISTRICT NO. 6 Elm street," Willow street, Provi- dent avenue, Skokie Valley. Captain--MRS. LEON LONGINI > Block Captains Mrs. John Borino, 859 Elm street. Miss Margaret Casey, 988 Elm street. } Mrs. Charles J. Eastman, 978 Cherry street. Mrs. Harry N. Gottlieb, 982 Cherry street. Miss Edna Harry, 988 Elm street. Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 988 Elm street. Mrs. D. W. Poff, 972 Elm street. Mrs. Albert E. Tilroe, 978 Oak . street. ; | road. Mr. Robert H. Wallace, 1083 Cherry street. Mrs. William E. Seatree, Arbor Vitae road. Miss Ida Williams, 603 Elm street. DISTRICT NO. ; Railroad Tracks, Elm street, Pine street, Skokie Valley- Captain--MRS. CHARLES D. ALT- SCHUL. Block Captains Mrs. Gus Haas, 946 Oak street. Mrs. Russell Heller, 559 Provident avenue. ; Mrs. Walter Hirsch, 473 Provident avenue. ; Mrs. Fred Hubsch, 1072 Spruce street. ; J : Mrs. Julian Roe, Pine and Provi- dent. ii Mrs. William Jenkins, 1047 Elm street. : 2 Mrs. Charles Sincere, 921 Pine street : i : Mrs. EC Weissenberg, 817 Elm | street. Mrs. Theodore Friedlander, 558 Ar- bor Vitae Road. DISTRICT NO. 8 Railroad Tracks, Skokie Pine street, Fig street. Captain--MRS. FREDERICK B. THOMAS. Block Captains Mrs. Luther Barber, Fir street. Mrs. Harry Barnum, 735 Walden Valley, Miss M. Mead, 975 Pine street. Mrs. Edwin P. Price, 699 Walden road. Mrs. Henry stone road. DISTRICT NO. 9 Fig street, North avenue, Railroad Tracks, Skokie Valley. Captain--MRS. ERNEST BALLARD Black- Stanton, 633 Block Captains Mrs. Jerome N. Frank, 1158 Hae tondale road. ; x Mus. Austin D- Jenkins, 780 Rose- rood avenue. ; " Mrs. Frederick Fischer. 1002 Chat- field road. 5 | is 1 John Frank, 1152 igi road. Mrs. Victor Harding, 789 Burr ave- nue. Tas : Mrs: Julian Nolan, 1185 Chatfield | road. ! Mrs. Max Stein, 830 Linden avenue. | Mrs. Victor Whitlock, North ave- nue. DISTRICT NO. 10 Railroad Tracks, Skokie Valley, North avenue, Scott avenue. Captain--MRS. ALFRED N. BURN- HAM- | | Block Captains Mrs. Sherman Aldrich, 1160 Oakley | avenue. Sih Mrs. Laird Bell, 1274 North avenue. | Mrs. Clarence E. Cook, 1300 Asbury | avenue. 2 Rev. F. J. Haarth, 905 Burr avenue: | Mrs. Harold H. Hayes, 1422 Prairie | avenue. : | Mrs. Maurice H. Scott avenue. : i { Mrs. Eleanor M. Thon, 1290 Scott | avenue. Fo El Mrs. Richard W. Walsh, 1170 Scott | avenue. DISTRICT NO. 11 Railroad Tracks, Sheridan North avenue, Scott avenue. Captain--MRS. JOHN M. OLM- STED. Needham, 1235 Road, Block Captains Mrs. J. R. Fletcher, 948 Hubbard street. 5 Mrs. Gerald Mahoney, Green Bay road. ah : Mrs. James S. Pole, 1134 Sheridan road. : : L. Harrison Mettler, 1119 Sheridan road. DISTRICT NO. 12 Railroad Tracks, Prospect avenue, North avenue, Pine street. Captain--MISS ELIZABETH GEM- MELL. Block Captains ; Mrs. E. J. Allesbrooke, 747 Lincoln avenue. : gE Mrs. John E. Bunker, 636 Lincoln avenue. : Mrs. Forbes Cadenhead, 848 Lin- coln avenue. Mrs. Victor L. lincoln avenue. Mrs. William 8. Dillon, 814 Pros- pect avenue. ; Mrs. Alfred G. Freeman, 651 Lin- coin avenue. Mrs. Frank O, Foxdale avenue. Mrs. Leon H. Winne, 778 Foxdale avenue. DISTRICT NO. 13 Pine street, Elm street, Railroad Cunnyngham, 682 Neubacher, 844 Tracks, Sheridan Road. Captain--MRS. H. A. DE WINDT Block Captains Mrs. W. S. Miller, 647 Spruce street. Mrs. Charles D. Nicholls, 780 Pine street: Mrs. Howard C. Phillips, 695 Pros- pect avenue. Mrs. John Ritchie, 365 Arbor:Vitae road. DISTRICT NO. 14 Elm street, North avenue, Sheridan Road, Prospect avenue. 'Captain--MRS. STEIN. Block Captains Mrs. Arthur Bentley, avenue. 642 Maple Mrs. Ayres Boal, 749 Sheridan Road. | Mrs. John R. Leonard, 861 Bryant avenue. DISTRICT NO. 15 East Side Sheridan North avenue to Health Resort. Captain--MRS. LEE. Block Captains Mrs. George B. Massey, 711 Sher- idan road. Mr. "WW. R. road. Thrift is care and prudence in the management of one's affairs. William Carlstrom and family of 1601 Highland avenue. moved last Saturday to Monroe street, South Haven, Michigan, where they will live for an indefinite period. DECORATING It is now time to have your House Cleaning done. If you are going to have PAINTING CALCIMINING OR PAPERING done now or later, we will be pleased to give you an estimate. Wilmette Decorating Co. Phone Wilmette 374 1412 Elmwood Ave. LAWRENCE M. Road, from ROBERT GREEN- Whitaker, 107 Hill | The Cemetery Beautiful LANTED amidst nature's own beauty, man has created a beautiful park ceme- tery. The sunken gardens, the winding paths, and the imposing chapel makes this gi spot a vision of beauty. It is indeed a fit- ting Anal resting place for our beloved ones. MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY and ANNEX @ross Point Road and Harrison St., V5 Mile West of Evanston ! We want you to visit this cemetery. You will find | it interesting and attractive. You should reserve for yourself a family lot--all lots in Memorial Park are sold with full perpetual care guaranteed. Suitable easy ! payments--no interest. Don't miss this opportunity. YOU ARE INVITED to call or write to the main office, 703 Mar ruette Bldg. and make appointment to have one of our representa- tives call for you in an automobile to take you to and from the cemetery. No obligation. Investigate NOW! Central Cemetery Company 703 Marquette Building, Dept. 8614 Chicago Our perpetual care funds are on deposit with the Trust Department of the Central Trust of Illinois. 2] | BARNARD'S 'vy SEEDS | | FOR 33 YEARS ALWAYS RELIABLE | Half the Knack of Success in Gardening Is in Using 'Good Seed | PLANT- NOW Barn times, Fawers. "Cu or Som for Goalog The W. W, Barnard Co., Seedsmen, 231-235 W. Madison St., Chicage | Dp the Way to Northwestern ond Onion Stations; aiso Market St. and Other ""L' Stations. Phooe Frankli ties LAN gga Apartment Buildin ¥/- "on your Vacant Lot / \ 1 -- aR ath % 3 3 > B EAN, W\ Lae ; : Wa § Z fi BY SEE ih 'eo and Youll have a Paying Investment HOUSANDS of people in Chicago have owned a v:cant lot for years that has brought them no returns but loss of interest on money invested and annual taxes. This Spring, with 20,000 to 25,000 families looking for a place to live, they have an unprecedented opportunity to turn that lot into a paying investment by building a two-story or three-story apartmenton it. They can thon sell it or move into it themselves and rent the A Sound Business Proposition Experienced builders will tell you that it takes no more foundation and roof for a two-apartment or three-apartment building than for an ord Your costs are not dou and your tenants help y and taxes. By paying rent to yourself you can apply it clear against your loan. Figure it out and you'll find how easy it is to own a substantial piece of revenue-bringing property in + this way. balance. | Easily Financed : There are Chicago builders who will put up such an apartment for you for a payment down of only 10% or 15%. Building and Loan Associations and Banks will loan approximately 60% of the value of your building. Before you build, take your architect or contractor with you to consult your I.ocal Lumber Dealer. He's an expert in woods, and well qualified to advise you on the most ade ptable lumber for ) your building purposes. inary dwelling. bled or trebled ou pay interest be surprised to- The Retail Lumber Yards of Chicago and Cook County er -------------- A --------