Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Apr 1919, p. 4

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Ar ee 5 3 § | # ® £ : b ¥ .. on Subject of pained comment; it never can be popular with the lazy and the selfish. missed. the mothers had a tea party. with Mrs. Harshaw and Mrs. C. H. Coffin, acting as hostesses. 3 2 a er 722 Elm Street, Winnetka Telephones 51 and 52 4 TY : TIN oA Tai ERR Se aE, - 7 -- Cd WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1919 ti a > | (-- Winnetka Weekly Talk | CHARLES L, BLODGETT Daily Thought y VILLAGE GOLF | ~~ FUNERAL cuicaco = | ¥ 5 ) --_-- Chance is a word void of sense:! Assure Raw EACH WEEK REGULATIONS | Funeral services for Charles L.| nothing can exist without a cause : y { Blodgett, father of Mrs. Orval Simp-| Voltaire. The Lites Juke Publishing Company | son, 932 North avenue, were held this | entra. ve., nm e, . . . a co1 'hi y, 5 T1113 = 5 oF ad > Registration, guest and caddy fees. | week in Chicago. Reverend William Thrift has three qualities : : Based on recommendations of 'hel Macaffee officiated. Mr. Blodgett Frugality or carefulness. Business Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1921 rs . 4A . A Te had been a membh } Firs Te 20 6 AN Beith Winnetka Playfield association, the | Pminert.of the rst Liconomy or good management. Rditorial Telephone. ..... Wilmette 192 a icperh A bg y | Methodist church in Chicago during lovemie: aaah SCION Park. Dis A 2 ond ist church 1n 11cago uring Judgement or wise decisior Winnetka Office Telephone. . Winn. 3xs| | 27K- District commissioners passed | his residence in Chivas ng Judg se decision. y | the following golf course regulations | tote < wh Altago: yi Was a 431% INTEREST SUBSCRIPTION... ...... $1.00 A YEAR | at their meeting of April 17: Pao fps Been ol Jae 3 os Strictly in advance 1. Children, fifteen years or under, | Aoiih Doan 2 the yme of. his unless accompanied by parent, shall! an! ens ant superintendent and A : not be permitted to use the golf gh : p a WhoIress SE Eu ieations 10 Fi course after 12 o'clock noon on Sa-! Ms Blodgett died at the Wesley : Anonymous communications will be|turday or at any time on Sundays or 1©5Pital, Sunday, April 20. He was Passed one wave hagiel Na AGile tHolidavs . - a man otf outstanding personality | Of all kinds in large and small cans ° if cled manuscript unless wa, : . . . ! ore: 1 arity an Ove , return postage is enclosed. articies| 2. An annual registration fee of 2nd great popularity and loved by | WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING or publication should reach this office | seventy-five cents: shall be charged! ° 10; cHow: am, Floor Finishing a Specialt by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear- | . ¥ Sr Fr oe He had been a teacher in the b- g Speen ; WY at all residents of this Village, fifteen | CEN a rocacher mi the pub ' r A ance in current Issue. Years of 'age or over. and a fee of | lic schools of Chicago for 30 years RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE | =r 4 py 1 ace of 'he ats RET ray ; 4 ! Resolutions of condolence, cards or! fifty cents to all residents fifteen | Ut on account of ill 'health retired | FREE PAINT INFORMATION FREE | thanks, obituary poetry, notices of|years of age or under, who desire to | |25t September. He was a graduate de . ~ entertainments or other affairs where use the golf course. FEacl such: OF Upsilanti State Normal school and | an admittance charge will be made or | '5€ gC Course... ach suchy hv. University of Michioar a collection taken, will be charged for | resident shall sign a registration | !¢ University of Michigan. | at regular advertising rates. card as follows: y Mesmoria] Services are .to. be held | N J FELLOW | : | in the near future at the Firs S TT Lr li pp nes Se Rafer No J. | nois, as mail matter of the second | saadress cid fy Raf | elass. under the act of March 3, 1879. Winnetka, Illinois hereby agree to | 4%% INTEREST REGISTERED wa & FRID conform with such rules and regula- | D ch B. Rot ! 0 T 'RIDAY, APRIL 25 1919 tions for the conduct of the Skokie | £5Patc earer Returns | | < y b iS uc - | Fon . Play field as from time to time may Fofrest' M ck vad "hi | P ICIAN |B oS { be established by the Commissioners |, f'Orrest Meyers has received his : 2 i The Playfield Association | of the Winnetka Park district, 1, honorable discharge. He has been in|] Eyes Tested. Frames Fitted || | r Strict. [th . | A : \ -- understand that my permit may be | tne Motor Transport service as De 4 Lenses Duplicated The new Winnetka Playfield asso- | suspended or withdrawn for viola- paten pegrer swith ithe British Es | Frames Repaired Reh ) | . iy oe Ae. ats 3 | beartionary forces. ciation should prove most useful, and | 10? Of such rules and regulations. |! 1ar) 5 | ® ; . 3 NEL | Annual registration fee, adult, 75 ST -- i beneficial. Membersh it is S15 : Thrif ivi {iti ; ficial ership 'in it is| cents, child 15 and under 50 cents. | Thrift-- A thriving condition ; pros- | Phone Room 3 { nominal, so far as expense is con-| Received 1919. | perity, success and good tortune.-- Winnetka 85 Prouty Bldg. || cerned. It carries with it the privilege | Permit tag No. | Ww ebster- - and responsibility of making the i Permits hay be Suspended or with-, -- : 3 if the Villice volf cource far | @rawn and the numbered tag FO | nto dood ode of or ob of of obo oe oe of ob oe of oe Ha of iid Vie golf Ya So fcaimed upon violation of the rules 13 Mr tilrrnanrtsrrebtiittar reg : fe general beneht, as well as of the| and regulations established by the! AJ . ® land regu stablis 2 * * other means of recreation, the tennis | Commissioners of the Winnetka! & arnishes and Enamels * : atic distrie | ob | 8 courts, ball diamonds, etc. | Park district. >ratt & Lambert are the laroes Satie : ysl pls | 8 T Ses it | 3. A fee of 50 cents will be charg- : rio Lambert are the largest manufacturers of varnishes in the i G he association can arrange con-| .q to persons playing on 'the golf | # vorid--we carry their full line. ES t B tt Ee { S ErouUns 3 oS y 7 TIT Q \ tests, encourage courtesy and fair-| course, whose residence is outside > el FLOOR VARNISH ES, SPAR VARNISHES H € a € er ness in the use of the course and | the corporate limits of the Village | a ST SRrcro. ENAMEL, VITRALITE i playgrounds, perhaps contribute a| for each day or part of a day on} 2 Now is ti ihe t NAMEL, Oi. STAINS, & 2 H Understand- bunker or some oth reeded in | which they use the course; except yg NOW IS the time to give your auto a coat of AUTO EFFECTO & Some otner needed M-fihat on Saturdays, Sundays and on | # * provement which cannot be provided | Holidays, during the months of June, | ¥ E B j A Y LOR & CO 5 3: f t at public expense; and will be useful July and August, a charge of 1:dollar | : . . a ng 0 e at all times in making suggestions to | ond " cents a Ty will be made- x p HARDWARE il he Cotes inners. ns beta Tor] . util further notice a non-| ¥ H - t e commissioners, as spokesmen for resident guest of a resident 'of thes ONE WINNETKA 999 WINNETKA & the residents of the Village. Eve =n ied 1 hi2 *i 3 s s 1 Htlage. Livery | Village, when accompanied by such! Bode of ode ob od oe of of oe ob ob oe ; : ge, : oko odode of Bok g one who enjoys the use of the park | resident, may play on the course a hibit thd tL LILLIE YY - . : ¢ y 3 EF 25) areas should consider membership | upon payment of a guest fee of 25 | ° Ig the association wo orivilege: of > Leents for cach day of fraction there NE 2 rE i SOC14d 4. privilege andi * N . Ol. N N duty. Join now! I rhe che 34 coddv service S N ? > fone 3. 1e charge of caddy service |N ure ou r N : shall be 25 cents per round of 9 holes. | N e ntereste \ * Build and End Your Troubles | Caddies girtyiug double re tpiited \ Chat your painted walls can be washed, but you know N to an additiona J cents ior! 101es5 ' N - res a paint +h silo i v N -- atonal I! Ray | N = requires a paint that will stand soap and water an! scrub- N : 'The present moving season has | wratoities to caddies Mis prohibited. | mg. Such a paint is N ann: many things, paTHEmA to| No Rode Wi ve prelude to work \ HOCKADAY'S INTERIO \ i those unfortunates wh 1ave not! on sundays berore - Al. g unr I ad . X W { ! nates 0 e not YS N Your walls painted with Interio bv first-class mechanics N | 3 been able durifig the allotted time to | 4%:% N means B { ) ili 7 ili nc 3 5 5 8 Teed | BREIL IN means beauty, Durability and W ashability. N < And suitable quarters in which to] TIN Fo- Further Information and De trati Il \ : live: Many people have had their | T "1 A awe N monstration, ca y N tented homes sold and are obliged Parent- eacher Activities N HECHMAN & HANSEN Interior D t & Pai N i 1 i | \ erior rators & Pg i to seek other shelter, when there is | N Ph Wi { SHR 2 ors & Painters N } 5, Aone wh dvel N one Winnetka €5 ; r ieet . N none to be found. Many who have | Nir: John Olmsted and Mrs. Sei N etka Co Winnetka, Iilinois N| ! ine i ses have had to dniv leaders, John A SN ZZ : been renting houses have had to buy | Eisendrath were the Winnetka . in order to keep a roof over their | jelegates at the Council meeting of | te - heads. More and more are making | the Parent-Teacher association for R ili up their minds to build homes for | ¢ hicago Bi vicinity, Nuh Das hed! esl iency, . ; | in the Ar 5 te on luesday, April hemselves t 5 anot | in the Art nstitute 3 | tien Selves n order that ho her | 22.. The meeting was very well at-| FOR SALE---WINNETKA BARGAIN moving day will not find them a Prey | tended and Superintendent Chadsey, | ase 0 on- to all the anxiety and discomfort | of the Chicago schools, in his address 8 R 3 " ; | of th icagu. st 04's, : | oom solid br B : as that accompanies househunting and | of greeting emphasized the import- | ond bath 3 ain home, modsa and in fine condition, 4 bedrooms ro : 5 | Ne i Puretit-Teache ork in | ath on 2n oor, 1 r toi : 3 lance of Parent-Teacher work in| ) edroom, lavatory and toilet on 1st fl t moving. ; : C st -toor, ¥ epal. i ste c 1ational move- hot water heat ; b In Clitcago it is estimated by 1. I. | on al, state and nat ) 1 = e L large sun porch, 64 foot lot, East and convenient x Ce A timated by L. l.| ments. The annual meeting of the to 'transportation. The price is $10500, but : : : : : Barth, president of the Chicago Re- | [llinois Parent-Teacher associatio and wants offer for hj 2 M y but owner iis leaving city conomnmiica Jub 3 : we SRE Tpke : al YE i ¥ 8 is equity, i ; tail Lumber Dealers' association, that | will be held in Peoria May 32 18, { ty ortgage is $4000.00 y A hotles Darents teache 20,000 new homes will be erected in| Winnetka parent and ge 3 | are planning to attend these ses our neighboring city this year. "Now are : 3 nan nied = hit SEE on as an ; . . t-have beet IK to $ mit that the ordinary man is studying the | names to Mrs Eisendrath. . situation," says Mr. Barth, "he finds | te T r 5 i | " ee vo and Mrs. that for only a few hundred dollars| Mrs. S.J. Fisendrath and Mrs. C. 1 €s cash he can oil house built | S. Buell were the Winnetka guests at CRS i. he can pus hp a house bin Yo / an educational luncheon given by | . . 'his own specifications, and be inde-| {he Tilinois board of the Parent- | WINNETKA WILMETTE Nake it the best pendent for life." | Teacher association to Superintend- | 524 Linden Street i : * North Shore villages have many | ent Chadsey and the Advisory Coun=| Phone Wi tka 15 354 Linden Sven X ges hi Yi m sdov- Apriln2d sgt ha e mn 1 b: h k unimproved lots upon which homes | oil Jon Thursday, April 24, a dis netka 1544 Phone Wilmette 1644 ay on t € mar et ; ne : .| Union league. will be erected as the difficulties of | a x th . -the renter continue to prevail. There! A group from the board of the | a: € price. is much available space just waiting | Winnetka pagent Teaches CWE rs = a Ss a 5 : - A AE setve 2 > ly Tar on | 222222777 for development by the building of Son will = ne = ne Joly oi wil AAA AI RIAA A AAs ie ; 1d'% : 2H o. | PUNAay, / al. | ~=+~homes. It is in that way that prog | consis of Mrs. John Olmsted, Mrs. | . 'ress lies. There is, for the advantage | R. S. Childs, Mrs. S. J. Eisendrath,| aturda S ecial cof the builder, the attraction that | Mrs. Raymond Dna, Pi y pe =r 1 {unter rs. C. S. Bue Mrs. B. F.} the opportunities of the north shore | Hunter, Mrs. C. 5. Buell, i : Prins es oa pp schools, the churches the | Longworthy, president of te Jats: QUALITY RIB ROAS Coy od, ash od 38 PS iHess Re NIHeS tocilities for | Tar, will meet the Winnetka Boars | pra aly Ph NESTA ry ss C business openings. the Egcilities. tor members there and they expect to] W e like 1t--it's a good business to be in. recreation, and, best of all, the|,. .". interesting afternoon with | ~elling people good things to eat. f blessings of an abundance of fresh the bluejackets and to bring back an | Seeing that our customers get what thev 'want Seen . . . A . J er > 2 . a 5 ole A vic L wh < xX. weemyoe air and sunshine, of a comfortable | interesting report in fegul to that everything 1s done to make them feel at home. t 3 . ras Par B}s Wat ic Vin- Pr <a ( ax 1 a ome, to save summer climate. and the additional| folly Tar work toward which the » and prevent - rin on : : netka has contributed so generously. | ; em time and prevent annoyance. advantage of nearness to the great fo | By doing business this way--by giving real service : city, with easy and frequent trans-| Mrs. S. H. Greeley gave a talk on | feel that We are earning for ourselves a useful place in this | portation to stimulate the erection of | her trip to England to the Sixth] community. N | " ; ; grade of the Horace Mann school on tei eniov Yello vn 5 32 . N horas hers : hs Nodresdur atterroon April 23. Mrs : oD € enjoy telling people about our groceries, too. When N | | 5 § Adie re sScover ne PN ar FOO y ; a ! . te Boren shore oug 1t to-join the Greeley illustrated her talk with ve discover something especially good we want everybody to N p Build Your Home" campaign that models of cathedrals and historic take advantage of it. x \ Lied a ae peta Sa fi ov Fsoacenitsl e eka ; is os ] N i betug S08 11 ang eins. These buildings and i many souvenirs | ris Just. now we want you to try RYZON Baking Powder. \ 1629 0 . ; A : very 5 ae + , every | and photographs. | t's Suen a good baking powder that we know you'll be glad N i ring on Av. advantage to be gained, every reason - 1 we told you about it . : N to make a man determine to become The mothers of the second grads It: &' Lit's av i . J y N | = : of the Horace Mann school visited Logs pure, ats always uniform in quality and strength, it is N' : a property owner as well as a house- the schobl of Thursday. aftirhoss economical and it will .do anything any other powder will do. N! ' " holder, and to do it now. April 24. The children dramatized Priced fairly at 40 cents per pound. \ T l E April 24. The children dramath 5886 3% INTEREST their geography of Eskimo Land and . N el. Vv. represented various animals and ° N s : characteristic life of the Polar Innet a 0- \ The church will continue to be the regions. After the class was dis- 1ve 0. N ; N N N N N N

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