ie 3 > WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1919 7 DISEASES THAT WILL BE BROUGHT BACK BY SOLDIERS "What contagious diseases will our soldiers bring back from Europe?" This is the question which Dr. W. A. Evans of the medical faculty of Northwestern university answered in his address on "Health Problems Af- fecting the Period of Readjustment," before an assembly of the college of liberal arts and sciences and the Uni- versity of Illinois. "Every war in history has been fol- lowed by epidemics of contagious dis- ese," said Dr. Evans. As illustra- tions of this fact he ponted out the "Black Death" which visited Europe at the close of the wars of the four- teenth century, the epidemic of tvphoid fever spread in the north by returning soldiers at the close of the civil war, the epidemic of "itch" in 1865, and the malarial diseases spread in Illinois and elsewhere at the close of the Spanish-American war of 1898. The devastating epidemic of influenza in 1918, breaking the barriers of its breeding place in western Asia, and traveling to America by way of Italy and Spain, was partly caused by the Furopean war. This Asiatic disease is known to break its bound nearly every eight years. ; "In view of these facts," continued Dr. Evans, "we are likely to conclude that we will be visited by disease as a result of the present war. Buty other considerations lead us to state that our returning soldiers will not bring back any contagious disease, known or unknown from European battle fields. Our armies have been adequately protected against disease. ach man has received instruction in personal hygiene. His health has heen carefully protected, venereal and other contagious diseases have heen so stamped out that the soldier will return freer from social disease that he was in his own home. For the first time in history the death rate from disease has Deen less than the death rate from bullets. Previous- lv disease has killed and incapacitat- ed more men than the enemy. In 1861 four men died of disease to every one that was killed in the field. In 1898 this proportion was twelve to one. Put science has found means to con- trol all of the contagious diseases ex- cept these diseases the germs of which travel through the air, and pio omising experiments are being arried out in this field. "The splendid record obtained by the military authorities in this mat- ter of disease should be a lesson to public officials and administrators. In view of what the army has ac- complished these public officers can no longer find excuses for their negligence of public health condi- tions. "The direct results of the war in the matter of contagious diseases will be, (1) no new form of disease, (2) control of venereal disease, (3) less- ened use of alcohol, (4) lessened amount of insanity, (5) better health administration, and (6) a growth of public sentiment in favor of better health conditions," said Dr. Evans in conclusion. Thrift is good management of the business of living. Xmas B. C. Xmas was celebrated many hun- dred years before Christ was born. It was in honor of Tammus, one of the Babylonian sun gods. They had three, Baal, Ashtaroth and Tammus, and built many temples in their honor. The letter "T" was changed to "X", as this was considered as sign of the holy entrance into the temple of the gods of the sun. Remedy for House Fleas Sprinkle the places where the pests appear with a thick layer of the fol-| Insect powder, lowing preparation: nymous. Good Groceries ar than Cheap Groceries. more, but the ultimate economy. We are Aspegren & Company TEL. 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IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE borax, eight oHuces | To thrive: To win success by in- dustry, economy, and good manage- ment; to increase in goods or estate. --Webster. pri LY SILLS LI LILI LLL LSS S SSIS SLL LL LISS LA 1 SLL L SSIS SA SSL 1 4 ALL LL SS LLSL LLL SSIS LLL S LSS LSSS SSIS SSSI SLL SESS LLL SS ELS SSS IL LSS LSS L ASSESS SSS SALA SSIS SLL SIS IAL LLL LS LL SSSI SIAL ELECTRIC CARS FOR SALE Here is an opportunity to get a good electric car at the right price. We have a number of rebuilt Electrics, completely overhauled, new batteries, tires and repaired. 857 GREENWGCOD AVENUE - - RAUSCH & LANG, for ...... it icine $1,250 DETROIT, forward. drive ........ i. . 00 io 1,250 DETROIT, double drive........ ....... 00005 1.500 CHICAGO, forward drive .............. 800 MILBURN i dr ds vs ye trial in omit Said 1,600 GG. H.. MORRIS Telephones: Glencoe 203--Edgewater 1332 LL Ea i Pa dd de a RZ Tr 727 7777072, - GLENCOE, ILLINOIS YLLLILILLLL Sd ZILLI Lo SL/L 11 SLL 171472 li iiiiiiiiiiiiiizi YOU OWE THE JUNK MAN NOTHING Why make him a present of $30 to $50? That's what you are doing when you junk your old, worn automobile tires: They will be worth that much or more to you if you will turn them over to us to be reconstructed and retreaded by our DRI-KURE, Live-Rubber process. The cost of making them like new again and good for 3500 to 6000 miles of additional wear, is but one-third to one-half of the cost of a new tire of like grade and mileage. We are so sure after we have for 3500 miles. that your tires will be entirely satisfactory retreaded them that we will guarantee then Twelve vour hundred North Shore automobilists, many of them friends and acquaintances, are now saving their tires rom the junk pile and sending them to be retreaded. difference in retreading and in retreaders. Be sure to bear in mind our name and our location. EVANSTON TIRE TREADING CO. OPPOSITE CITY HALL Phone Evanston 6537. 1613-1615 Sherman Ave., Evanston There's a RAS 111 TLS FS LTLLL SLL LI LSS LLS SL LLLS LS STILT TSS SLL ILLS LSS LIS LS LLL SSS SS SIRS LASS SALS LLL SEALIFE SES SASL LL SALSA LIAS SA SASS STIS LSA LIS AAAS SAT SALA SASS SSA SAG TEA SS ALLL SILL LSS LLLLSTLSS LES SS SLL SLTLLLL LSS SS LLL ES SSS SSIS SASSI SSIES SSS LIL LSS LS LESS SL SSS SS SSS SLL SSS SSS S LISA SSL SSIS SSS SS SSSI S SSS SSS SSS SEE New Studebaker Chass IS Marked for Their Strength and Simplicity Delivered Prices Light Four $1220 Light Six $1695 Delivered Prices. Light Four Sedan $1795 Light Six Sedan $2545 - Big Six Narrowed in front to permit short turning radius. Deep channel section, four-cylinder car--414x134x5-32 inches. Light Six--5x134x5-32 inches. I'rames are directly under body sills; \ and strong to carry even the heaviest closed bodies without re- enforcement. Motors are given firm, but flexible support. a Big Six--514x134x5-32 inches. side members are sufficiently stiff Touring $2145 Kick-up in the rear allows ample jounce space. Frame as a whole designed to give great strength and high factor of safety, and this with light weight. Chassis has been designed to make "all parts and units easy to get at-- this in the interest of the owner-driver. Side members at rear set wide so rear springs can be set directly under frame and close to the rear wheels, to minimize side sway. KOON'S GARAGE FLOYD KOON, Proprietor 125 North St. Johns Ave. Higa Park Phone 388 for Demonstration 272 Zr iiiarrirrrzzz a Tra 22 azz.